Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015

Die Paladingruppe

Nachkriegskarrieren von Alt-Nazis (hier: als Militaerexperten und -berater)

Die "Paladingruppe" wurde 1970 von dem ehemaligen SS-Offizier Otto Skorzeny und dem ehemaligen Offizier der US Army James Sanders gegruendet.

"The Paladin Group was created in 1970 in Albufera, near Alicante, in the South of Spain by former SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny and former US Colonel James Sanders" ...


Aus Wikipedia
Die Spinne (German for "The Spider") is believed by some to be a secret organization established and led in part by Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's commando chief, as well as Nazi intelligence officer Reinhard Gehlen[1][2] which helped as many as 600 former SS men escape from Germany to Spain, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia and other countries.
Die Spinne was established by Skorzeny using the cover names of Robert Steinbacher and Otto Steinbauer, and supported by either Nazi funds or, according to some sources, Austrian Intelligence. Later, Skorzeny, Gehlen and their network of collaborators had gained significant influence in parts of Europe and Latin America. Skorzeny travelled between Francoist Spain and Argentina, where he acted as an advisor to President Juan Perón and bodyguard of Eva Perón,[3] while fostering an ambition for the "Fourth Reich" centred in Latin America.[4][5][6]
According to Infield, the idea for the Die Spinne network began in 1944 as Hitler's chief intelligence officer Reinhard Gehlen foresaw a possible downfall of the Third Reich [7] due to Nazi military failures in Russia. T.H. Tetens, expert on German geopolitics and member of the US War Crimes Commission in 1946-1947, referred to a group overlapping with die Spinne as the Führungsring "a kind of political Mafia, with headquarters in Madrid... serving various purposes." [8] The Madrid office built up what was referred to as a sort of Fascist International, per Tetens. [9] According to Tetens the German leadership also included Dr. Hans Globke, who had written the official commentary on the Nuremberg Laws. [10] Globke held the important position of Director of the German Chancellery from 1953 until 1963, serving as adviser for Konrad Adenauer. [11]

The "Fascist International" ...

During the period from 1945 to 1950, Die Spinne leader Skorzeny facilitated the escape of Nazi war criminals from war-criminal prisons to Memmingen, Bavaria, through Austria and Switzerland into Italy. [12] Certain US military authorities supposedly knew of the escape, but took no action. [13]
The Central European headquarters of Die Spinne as of 1948 was in Gmunden, Austria. [14]
A coordinating office for international Die Spinne operations in Madrid, Spain, by Otto Skorzeny, under the control of Generalissimo Francisco Franco, [15] whose victory in the Spanish Civil War was guaranteed by economic and military support from Hitler and Mussolini. When a Die Spinne Nazi delegation visited Madrid in 1959, Franco stated, "Please regard Spain as your second Fatherland." [16]
Skorzeny used the resources of Die Spinne to allow Nazi concentration camp doctor Joseph Mengele to escape to Argentina in 1949. [17]
Die Spinne leader Skorzeny requested the assistance of ultra-wealthy German industrialist Alfried Krupp, whose company controlled 138 private concentration camps under the Third Reich, and this was granted in 1951. Skorzeny became Krupp's representative in industrial business ventures in Argentina, [18] a country which harboured a strong pro-Nazi political element throughout World War II and afterwards, [19] regardless of a nominal declaration of loyalty to the Allies as World War II ended.
With the help of Die Spinne leaders in Spain, by the early 1980s Die Spinne had become influential in Argentina, Chile and Paraguay, including ties involving Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner. [20]
War Crimes investigator Simon Wiesenthal claimed that Joseph Mengele had stayed at the notorious Colonia Dignidad Nazi colony in Chile in 1979, [21] and ultimately was harboured in Paraguay until his death.
As of the early 1980s, Die Spinne's Mengele was reported by Infield [22] to have been advising Stroessner's ethnic German Paraguayan police on how to reduce native Paraguayan Indians in the Chaco Region to slave labour. [23]
A wealthy and powerful post-World-War-II underground Nazi political contingent held sway in Argentina as of the late 1960s, which included many ethnic German Nazi immigrants and their descendants. [24]

In popular culture ...

The Die Spinne network in Spain is the focus of the 1966 Nick Carter spy novel Web of Spies.

References ...

Otto Skorzeny, Nazi Commando, Dead". The New York Times. July 8, 1975. 
"Nazis: The Deadly Spider". Newsweek. July 21, 1975. 
"Barbie's Postwar Ties With U.S. Army Detailed". Boston Globe. 14 February 1983.
Glenn Infield. The Secrets of the SS. Stein and Day, New York, 1981
Joseph Wechsberg. The Murderers Among Us. McGraw Hill, New York, 1967. pp. 81, 116
T.H. Tetens. The New Germany and the Old Nazis. Random House/Marzani+Munsel, 1961. p. 31 ...

last modified on 14 June 2015


Aus dem Gedaechtnis
(Quellen heraussuchen):

Der zuegig verurteilte und hingerichtete Terrorist von Oklahoma, US Army Veteran Timothy Mc Veigh, war mit z.T. gleichen Methoden ausgebildet worden wie Angehoerige der SS: Abtrainieren der Toetungshemmung durch Anweisung zum Toeten eines Kaninchens, das zuvor von dem Betreffenden aufgezogen und am Koerper gewaermt und herumgetragen worden war.
- Militaerexperte Grossmann hat die Risiken des Abtrainierens der Toetungshemmung bei Rueckkehr ehemaliger Soldaten in das Zivilleben thematisiert.

Ein Vergleich von "Tornisterschriften" der deutschen Wehrmacht im 2. Weltkrieg und "Field Manuals" der US Army laesst es denkbar erscheinen, dass "Experten" der deutschen Wehrmacht nach dem Ende des 2. Weltkriegs an Strategien der US Army zum "Kampf gegen den Kommunismus" beratend mitgewirkt haben.

Besonders den "Green Berets" wird ein Einfluss von Figuren wie Skorzeny nachgesagt.


Scandinavian Waffen SS recruiting poster, the forerunner to NATO, the fight against communism!:

"Scandinavian Waffen SS recruiting poster, the forerunner to NATO, the fight against communism!"
schrieb Francisco Zañartu, der dieses Poster auf Pinterest einstellte.
Er meint also, die skandinavische Waffen-SS sei ein Vorlaeufer der NATO gewesen, der gemeinsame Nenner sei der "Kampf gegen den Kommunismus".
Dagegen wuerde sich die NATO-Pressestelle sicher heftig verwahren, und mit guten Gruenden. Dennoch, Aufmerksamkeit fuer Kontinuitaeten von Denkmustern aus den 1920er/ 1930er Jahren, als es auch in den USA, Grossbritannien und Westeuropa in einflussreichen Kreisen durchaus Nazi-Sympathien gab, ist sinnvoll.
Stichworte auf diesem Blog (u.a.) Wedemeyer, Condor, Atlantis.

10 Kommentare:

  1. Dr. Simpson, who died on July 21, 1985, was among the most respected forensic pathologists in the world. ...
    ... he was also a political animal, the first forensic pathologist to be recognized by the Home Office, a consultant to corruption-riddled Scotland Yard. ...
    His opinion concerning another mysterious, high-profile death – also with connections to heroin smuggling -- was equally ludicrous: the death-by-hanging of Roberto “God’s Banker” Calvi.
    Calvi, whose murder has been the subject of numerous investigative reports, was the chairman of Banco Abrosiano. The bank’s largest shareholder was the Vatican. The bank had been overrun by the infamous Propaganda Due, or P2, Masonic Lodge, founded by Nazi collaborator Licio Gelli in 1966. In consultation with the CIA, P2 and Operation Gladio, a NATO secret army, waged a war on socialists by committing acts of terror and blaming them on the left.
    Under his tutelage, the bank laundered funds derived largely from the heroin trade. In 1982, after $900 million vanished from the bank, Calvi fled to the UK. in a state of panic. He threatened to tell authorities everything he knew about the money laundering.
    Calvi was found hanging by a length of orange rope twisted into a lover’s knot from London’s Blackfriars Bridge, his pockets filled with bricks. Letters of consolation to offshore banks set up by Calvi were signed by Archbishop Marcinkus, the powerful Chicago-born prelate and Vatican insider implicated in the scandal but never interrogated by the authorities.
    Calvi's mentor was Michele Sindona, poisoned by cyanide-laced coffee while sitting out a life term in prison for the 1986 murder of lawyer Giorgio Ambrosoli.
    Sindona was a Knight of Malta and crony of Richard Nixon.
    Roberto Calvi took to his grave knowledge of payments made by major Italian companies to prominent political parties. ...
    Journalists who have written about P2 have also linked the lodge to not only the Mafia, but the CIA, Knights of Malta, MI5 and a number of neo-Nazi groups.

  2. Nazi Regalia Discovered at House of Jo Cox Killing Suspect
    July 1st, 2016

    Samples of Nazi regalia and far-right literature, including a manual on how to make a homemade pistol, found by police
    Sources say that the suspected killer was lucid when first questioned. A picture is now emerging of a deliberately targeted attack in which Mair lay in wait for the MP as she emerged from her constituency meeting on Thursday. Witnesses have confirmed that he shouted “Britain first” or “Put Britain first” as he attacked Cox, who was 41 and had two children. Britain First is the name of a far-right political party.

    The developments came as David Cameron and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn visited Cox’s her constituency town of Birstall in West Yorkshire. In an emotional tribute, Corbyn said she was killed by a “well of hatred” and announced that parliament would be recalled. ...

    Thomas Mair was also known to have bought books from a US-based neo-Nazi group, including guides on how to build homemade guns and explosives, according to an anti-hate campaign group in the US. Among them was a manual on how to make a homemade pistol. ...

    There were also reports that Mair was named as a subscriber to SA Patriot, a South African magazine published by White Rhino Club, a pro-apartheid group. The club describes the magazine’s editorial stance as being opposed to “multicultural societies” and “expansionist Islam”.

    The National Alliance was founded in 1974 by William Pierce, from an earlier group called the National Youth Alliance, which emerged from the support of the segregationist demagogue, Alabama governor and three-time presidential candidate George Wallace. A book by Pierce, who died in 2002, was an inspiration for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people, according to the bomber, Timothy McVeigh.

    1. Receipted items also included Ich Kämpfe, an illustrated handbook issued to members of the Nazi party in 1942.

  3. ... 10 Jahre nach der bedingungslosen Kapitulation der Wehrmacht war die Remilitarisierung Westdeutschlands durch Gründung der Bundeswehr abgeschlossen. Am 12. November 1955 wurden die ersten 101 Freiwilligen der Bundeswehr vereidigt. Vor allem die Führungsebene bestand überwiegend aus früheren Wehrmachtsoffizieren, unter denen es viele gab, die an den Verbrechen der Wehrmacht aktiv beteiligt gewesen waren.

    Zu den ersten Offizieren der neuen Bundeswehr gehörte auch der Elim-Arzt Dr. Hermann Wulf (1915-1990). Im April 1956 wurde er zum Kommandeur des neu aufgestellten Panzergrenadierbataillons ernannt. Ein Jahr später wurde er Kommandeur an der Heeresoffiziersschule II in Hamburg und 1967 Brigadegeneral der Bundeswehr.

    Für diese Kariere hatte Hermann Wulf sich in der Wehrmacht qualifiziert. Als die Wehrmacht Frankreich eroberte, wurde ihm als Oberstleutnant und Kompanieführer der 9. Kompanie im Alter von 26 Jahren das Ritterkreuz verliehen. Ein halbes Jahr vor der bedingungslosen Kapitulation wurde er Kommandeur des Panzer-Grenadier-Regiments 76 der Wehrmacht und fünf Monate vor dem Ende Kommandeur des Führer-Begleit-Bataillons, das neben der Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler für den Personenschutz Hitlers verantwortlich war.

    Zusammen mit dem von Wulf befehligten Panzergrenadierbataillons der neuen Bundeswehr wurde am Standort Munsterlager (Manövergelände in der Lüneburger Heide) damals auch ein Panzerbataillon aufgestellt. Dessen Kommandeur war Karl-Theodor Molinari (1915-1993), der in der Wehrmacht ebenfalls Kommandeur der Panzertruppe in Frankreich war.

    Soldaten seiner Einheit ( Panzerabteilung 106) erschossen im Sommer 1944 in Gefangenschaft geratene französische Widerstandskämpfer in einem Wald in den Ardennen. 1951 wurde Molinari von einem französisches Militärtribunal dafür in Abwesenheit zum Tode verurteilt.

    Molinari war damals schon CDU-Kreisvorsitzender und Landrat in Schleiden (NRW). Obwohl Molinaris Kriegsverbrechen öffentlich bekannt wurden, ging er bei der Bundeswehr mit dem Titel eines Generalmajors in Rente. Der rechtslastige Bundeswehrverband hat sogar eine Molinari-Stiftung gegründet und betreibt unter diesem Namen sein „Bildungswerk“. ...

  4. BloggerMagga
    #5.1 — 10.05.2017

    " "Mitleid ist nicht am Platze" - So werden noch heute die US-Marines ausgebildet."

    Abtrainieren der Tötungshemmung gehört zur Ausbildung von Soldaten, zumindest bestimmter Einheiten, auch in den USA. Das ist dokumentiert: Über entsprechende Methoden und damit verbundene Risiken für die Gesellschaft hat der US Militärexperte Grossmann ausführlich geschrieben.

    Besonders berüchtigt sind die 'Green Berets'. Die sowjetische Nachrichtenagentur TASS behauptete über sie, an ihrem Ausbildungsplan habe der ehemalige SS-Offizier Otto Skorzeny mitgewirkt, der nach dem Krieg zusammen mit dem ehemaligen US Colonel James Sanders die "Sicherheitsberatungsfirma" 'Paladin Group' gründete (

    Über den seinerzeit zügig verurteilten und hingerichteten Terroristen von Oklahoma, US Army Veteran Timothy Mc Veigh, habe ich gelesen, zu seiner Ausbildung habe das gezielte Abtrainieren der natürlichen Tötungshemmung gehört. Dazu gehöre die Anweisung zum Töten eines Kaninchens, das zuvor von dem Betreffenden aufgezogen und am Körper gewärmt und herumgetragen worden war - eine auch in der SS-Ausbildung eingesetzte Methode. Für die Quellen müsste ich noch einmal googeln, ich hatte sie mir beim Lesen nicht aufgeschrieben.

    Wer meint, das Abtrainieren von Mitleid und natürlicher Tötungshemmung könnte etwas Gutes bewirken, solange die Methode in den richtigen Händen ist und erleichtert, wirklich böse Menschen zu töten, der irrt sich gewaltig.

    Antwort auf #5 von Moogh

  5. Frühe Hitler-Sympathien in den USA

    Academic journal article
    Military Review

    Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

    By Orwell, George

    Article excerpt

    It is a sign of the speed at which events are moving that Hurst and Blackett's unexpurgated edition of Mein Kampf, published only a year ago, is edited from a pro-Hitler angle. The obvious intention of the translator's preface and notes is to tone down the book's ferocity and present Hitler in as kindly a light as possible. For at that date Hitler was still respectable. He had crushed the German labour movement, and for that the property-owning classes were willing to forgive him almost anything. Both Left and Right concurred in the very shallow notion that National Socialism was merely a version of Conservatism.

    Then suddenly it turned out that Hitler was not respectable after all. As one result of this, Hurst and Blackett's edition was reissued in a new jacket explaining that all profits would be devoted to the Red Cross. Nevertheless, simply on the internal evidence of Mein Kampf, it is difficult to believe that any real change has taken place in Hitler's aims and opinions. When one compares his utterances of a year or so ago with those made fifteen years earlier, a thing that strikes one is the rigidity of his mind, the way in which his world-view doesn't develop. It is the fixed vision of a monomaniac and not likely to be much affected by the temporary manoeuvers of power politics. Probably, in Hitler's own mind, the Russo-German Pact represents no more than an alteration of time-table. The plan laid down in Mein Kampf was to smash Russia first, with the implied intention of smashing England afterwards. Now, as it has turned out, England has got to be dealt with first, because Russia was the more easily bribed of the two. But Russia's turn will come when England is out of the picture--that, no doubt, is how Hitler sees it. Whether it will turn out that way is of course a different question.

    Suppose that Hitler's programme could be put into effect. What he envisages, a hundred years hence, is a continuous state of 250 million Germans with plenty of "living room" (i.e., stretching to Afghanistan or thereabouts), a horrible brainless empire in which, essentially, nothing ever happens except the training of young men for war and the endless breeding of fresh cannon-fodder. How was it that he was able to put this monstrous vision across? It is easy to say that at one stage of his career he was financed by the heavy industrialists, who saw in him the man who would smash Socialists and Communists. They would not have backed him, however, if he had not talked a great movement into existence already. Again, the situations in Germany, with its seven million unemployed, was obviously favourable for demagogues. But Hitler could not have succeeded against his many rivals if it had not been for the attraction of his own personality, which one can feel even in the clumsy writing of Mein Kampf, and which is no doubt overwhelming when one hears his speeches....The fact is that there is something deeply appealing about him. One feels it again when one sees his photographs--and I recommend especially the photograph at the beginning of Hurst and Blackett's edition, which shows Hitler in his early Brownshirt days. …

  6. Austauschbare Feindbilder

    "Muslum communist idiot terriost kenyan and skinny ugly he-she"

    (Leserkommentar von "JOANN MCDEVITT" über Obama, unter einem online-Artikel über die Ehe von Donald und Melania Trump)

  7. Aus einer Buchbeschreibung zu
    Appeasement's Child: The Franco Regime in Spain
    Hamilton, Thomas J.
    Published by Gollancz London 1943

    Senor Serrano Suner told the Volkischer Beobachter during his visit to Germany in September 1940, "we contend that the Spanish was was the preliminary phase of the present conflict". Amazing contemporary account of how Britain & the US armed & encouraged their enemies in the pre-war years in a forlorn attempt to disable the USSR and the price paid for their stupidity."

  8. Die Existenz der Konzentrationslager war schon 1936 bekannt:

    "Les camps d'éducation nationale-socialiste"

    Thema in
    HITLER ET ROSENBERG ou Le vrai visage du national-socialisme
    Published by Maison de la Bonne Presse, Paris, 1936

    1. Volle Buchbeschreibung:

      Munie du Nihil Obstat, une dénonciation catholique du caractère anti-religieux du nazisme. Sommaire: Une simple lettre (d'un membre de l'Union Nationale-Socialiste des Etudiants). Les camps d'éducation nationale-socialiste. "Weltanschauung" (conception du monde, idéologie). Alfred Rosenberg. Les païens allemands. Rupture avec le christianisme. Déconfessionnaliser l'enfance. La voix des aïeux. Quand on ose résister. Milieux catholiques. "In odium Christi".

      Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946), adhéra dès 1919 au national-socialisme et en devint le principal théoricien, lui donnant des bases philosophiques et culturelles et une mythologie raciste. Rédacteur en chef du "Völkischer Beobachter" en 1921, il fut député en 1930, chef du service des Affaires étrangères du parti nazi en 1933 et ministre du Reich pour les territoires occupés de l'Est en 1941. Le Tribunal de Nuremberg le condamna à mort et il fut pendu. Allemagne / Nazisme / Troisième Reich / Catholicisme / Antinazisme.
