Im Zeichen des Zaren
Frankfurter Rundschau / 7.3.2014
(Der britische Historiker Orlando Figes in einem Interview mit Michael Hesse)
Es gibt viele Parallelen zwischen dem Krimkrieg von 1853 bis 1856 und dem heutigen Konflikt. Die Schikane des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin gegenüber der Ukraine und seine Forderungen nach einer neuen Regierung erinnern sehr stark an die Politik des russischen Zaren Nikolaus I. (1796-1855) gegenüber dem Osmanischen Reich am Vorabend des Krimkriegs. [...]
Nikolaus I. sah sich auf einer Mission, einem Kreuzzug zur Verteidigung der russischen Christen gegenüber dem Osmanischen Reich. Er wollte es für die russischen Interessen gleich mit der ganzen Welt aufnehmen und überreizte seine Karten. Er setzte alles auf einen Krieg gegen die Türkei, dem Ausgangspunkt des Krimkrieges, und wollte die russischen Interessen im Nahen Osten, insbesondere die orthodoxen Christen vor dem Sultan schützen. Das führte letztlich zur Intervention der verbündeten Mächte Österreich, Frankreich und Großbritannien, die mit ihren Truppen auf der Krim landeten und die Russen besiegten.
Nikolaus I. hat dem Westen die Stirn geboten. Das wird in der russischen Geschichtsschreibung als ein moralischer Sieg angesehen. Die Nationalisten feiern ihn dafür. Dies ist Putin bewusst. Der Zar Nikolaus I. wird von dem Putin-Regime bewundert, weil er gegen den Westen kämpfte, um die russischen Interessen zu verteidigen. Putin sucht gezielt eine Identifizierung mit ihm. [...]
Ähnlich wie am Vorabend des Krimkrieges findet sich in der russischen Rhetorik und Propaganda der Zorn über die westliche Doppelmoral. [...] Russland soll nicht in der Ukraine intervenieren, während der Westen selbst im Irak und Afghanistan militärisch eingefallen ist. Dieser Zorn auf den Westen geht bis in die 1850er Jahre zurück, diese Wut ließ Nikolaus I. im Jahr 1853 den Krieg führen. Und für die Franzosen und die Briten war der Krimkrieg ein Kreuzzug gegen den russischen Tyrannen. Ein Vorläufer des Kalten Krieges, wenn man so will. Auch die liberale Presse vor allem in Großbritannien spielte in den Konflikt mit hinein. Man wollte die westliche Freiheit gegen die östliche Tyrannei verteidigen – nicht unähnlich der heutigen Rhetorik. [...]
Die militärische Aggression der Russen war dadurch bedingt, dass Nikolaus I. die Christen schützen wollte gegen das Osmanische Reich. Zudem gab es russische Interessen im Nahen Osten. Aus westlicher Sicht war es ein politischer Kreuzzug, angeheizt durch die russenfeindliche britische Presse, um die russischen Bestrebungen zurückzuweisen. Sie sollten die Türken verteidigen, um den Russen durch die Briten eine Lektion zu erteilen und natürlich um britische imperiale Interessen zu schützen. Für die Franzosen ging es auch um eine Revanche gegen die Russen, wegen der Niederlage in der Zeit von 1812 und 1815. Die Franzosen und Briten wollten die Freiheit verteidigen und auch schwächere Staaten – so wie auch heute wieder. In diesem Sinne ist der Krimkrieg ein dem heutigen Ringen um die Krim sehr ähnlicher Konflikt, in dem sich vieles von damals wiederholt.
Die Lehre aus dem Krimkrieg bedeutet für den Westen, dass er ohne seine eigenen Prinzipien zu verleugnen, eine politische Lösung für die Ukraine und speziell für die Krim nur finden kann, wenn die Russen Bestandteil dieses Prozess sind. [...],26429068,26490732.html
Noch eine historische Parallele:
Den Teufel mit Beelzebub austreiben, oder
Nazis fuer den Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus aufpeppen
"Ja – man bemerkt sie auf einmal, die rechten Straßenkämpfer, die in Kiew das Parlament “bewachen”. “Swoboda” heißen sie – und auf einmal darf man doch wahrnehmen, das es sich dabei um sehr bedenkliche Gesellen handelt [...]"
Die Begeisterung der NPD für Swoboda ist erklärbar. Denn die Partei definiert die Nation als “Gemeinschaft, die durch Blut und Geist verbunden ist”, und rühmt den Kampf ukrainischer Kollaborateure an der Seite der Hitlertruppen. Die Waffen-SS-Division “Galizien”, rekrutiert aus westukrainischen Nationalisten, habe, so Swoboda, doch “nur an der Front gegen die Bolschewiken gekämpft”.
Von der Webseite des FBI (eingesehen heute)
On November 20,
1941, an editorial entitled "Ignorance of Russia appeared in the Houston
Post. … The editorial stated: -
[…] The White Russian Peter Afanassieff, alias Prince Peter Kushubue, alias Peter Armstrong, arrived in San Francisco in 1922, aided in the American distribution of The Protocols of Zion, and, in collaboration with the former Czarist officer Captain Victor de Kayville, began publishing a pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic propaganda sheet, The American Gentile. In this work, Afanassieff was associated with the Nazi agents Fritz Gissibl and Oscar Pfaus.
Nicolai Rybakoff, a former colonel in the Japanese-controlled White Russian Army of Ataman Grigori Semyonov, arrived in the United States in the early nineteen-twenties and carried on anti-Soviet and anti-Semitic propaganda. In 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany, Rybakoff founded Rossiya, a pro-Nazi Russian newspaper in New York City. … In 1941, after Hitler's attack on Russia, Rybakoff's New York paper described the Nazi Wehrmacht as "a fiery sword of the justly-punishing Providence, the Christian patriotically anti-bolshevik white victorious legions of Hitler." […]
The most important German and Japanese agent among the White Russians in the United States was "Count" Anastase A. Vonsiatsky. On September 25, 1933, the Nazi agent Paul A. von Lilienfeld-Toal wrote in a letter to William Dudley Pelley, chief of the pro-Nazi American Silver Shirts: - This is to give you a report about my contacts with the White Russians... I am in touch with the "General Staff of the Russian Fascists" …
"Count" Vonsiatsky of Thompson, Connecticut, was an ex-Czarist officer who had fought in Denikin's White Army. After Denikin's defeat, Vonsiatsky headed a White terrorist band in the Crimea which kidnaped Russian citizens, held them for ransom, and tortured them to death if the money was not forthcoming. Vonsiatsky came to the United States in the early nineteen-twenties and married Mrs. Marion Buckingham Ream Stephen, an American multimillionairess who was twenty-two years older than himself. Vonsiatsky became an American citizen and settled down on the luxurious Ream estate in Thompson.
With his wife's fortune at his disposal, Vonsiatsky began to entertain grandiose visions of creating an anti-Soviet army which he would personally lead into Moscow. He started traveling extensively in Europe, Asia and South America, meeting with representatives of the Torgprom, the International League against Bolshevism, and other anti-Soviet agencies.
In August 1933, Vonsiatsky founded the "Russian Fascist National Revolutionary Party" in the United States. Its official emblem was the swastika. Its headquarters was at the Ream estate in Thompson, where Vonsiatsky set up a private arsenal of rifles, machine guns and other military equipment and began drilling squads of uniformed, swastika-wearing young men.
In May 1934, Vonsiatsky visited Tokyo, Harbin and other Far Eastern centers, and conferred with members of the Japanese High Command and fascist White Russians, including Ataman Semyonov. From Japan, Vonsiatsky went to Germany where he met with Alfred Rosenberg, Dr. Goebbels and representatives of the German Military Intelligence. … Immediately after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, "Count" Anastase Vonsiatsky was arrested by the FBI. He was tried for violation of the Espionage Act, found guilty of divulging United States military information to the German and Japanese Governments, and sentenced to five years' imprisonment. […]
On August 13, 1931, Herbert Hoover, then President of the United States, stated in an interview with the San Francisco News: -
To tell the truth, the ambition of my life is to stamp out Soviet Russia.
In 1931, at the time Hoover made his statement to the San Francisco News, a "Plan for an International Movement to Combat the Red Menace" was sponsored in the United States by an organization called the National Civic Federation. The founder and head of this organization, which specialized in anti-Communist and anti-labor agitation, was a former Chicago newspaperman, Ralph M. Easley. […]
The membership of Easley's National Civic Federation included Representative Hamilton Fish of New York; Harry Augustus Jung, a former labor spy and anti-Semitic propagandist in Chicago; George Sylvester Viereck, the ex-agent of the Kaiser and future Nazi agent; Matthew Woll, reactionary vice-president of the American Federation of Labor and acting president of the National Civic Federation, who publicly referred to Soviet Russia as "this Red Monster - this Madman"; and a number of other prominent Americans interested in the anti-Bolshevik crusade.
Early in 1933, Easley became chairman of an organization called the American Section of the International Committee to Combat the World Menace of Communism. The international headquarters of this organization was in Europa House, Berlin. Many members of the National Civic Federation joined Easley in the new organization.(4)
The American Section of the International Committee to Combat the World Menace of Communism sponsored the first official Nazi propaganda document to be circulated in the United States. it took the form of an anti-Soviet book, printed in English, and entitled Communism in Germany. The book was published in Germany by the firm of Eckhart-Verlag. Thousands of copies were shipped across the Atlantic for distribution in America.
Through extensive mailings and at "patriotic" rallies in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and other cities, the book was widely circulated free of charge. A nationwide campaign of newspaper articles, lectures, meetings and form letters was arranged to promote the book in the United States.
The book was prefaced by this quotation: -
At the beginning of this year there were weeks when we were within a hair's breadth of Bolshevist chaos!
Chancellor Adolf Hitler, in his proclamation of the 1st September, 1933. […]
Directly underneath this announcement there followed a list of names of leading members of the American Section of the International Committee to Combat the World Menace of Communism: -
Walter C. Cole (chairman, Council of National Defense, Detroit Board of Commerce)
John Ross Delafield (commander-in-chief, Military Order of the World War)
Ralph M. Easley (chairman, National Civic Federation)
Hamilton Fish (United States Congressman)
Elon Huntington Hooker (chairman, American Defense Society)
F. O. Johnson (president, Better America Federation)
Orvel Johnson (Lieutenant-Colonel, R.O.T.C. Association of the United States)
Harry Jung (chief, American Vigilante Intelligence Association)
Samuel McRoberts (banker)
C. G. Norman (chairman, Building Trades Employers' Association)
Ellis Searle (editor, the United Mine Worker)
Walter S. Steele (editor, National Republic)
John B. Trevor (chairman, American Coalition)
Archibald E. Stevenson (former member, United States Military Intelligence) For the American Section of the International Committee to Combat the World Menace of Communism
These are the records of some of the American sponsors of the Nazi propaganda book, Communism in Germany:-
Harry Augustus Jung, former labor spy, headed the anti-democratic Chicago organization called the American Vigilante Intelligence Federation. Its organ the Vigilant was listed as recommended reading by the official Nazi propaganda agency, World Service. Among Jung's early associates in anti-Soviet activities was the White Russian Peter Afanassieff, who supplied Jung with a translated version of the Protocols for distribution in "quantity lots" throughout the United States. Jung was subsequently befriended by Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the isolationist and violently anti-Soviet Chicago Tribune, and set up offices in the Tribune Tower in Chicago.
Walter S. Steele, editor of the National Republic, carried on an incessant anti-Soviet propaganda campaign intended to influence American businessmen. Steele collaborated with Jung in the distribution of The Protocols of Zion.
James B. Trevor was head of the American Coalition, an organization which in 1942 was listed by a Department of Justice indictment as an agency which had been used in a conspiracy to undermine the morale of the United States armed forces. Trevor was intimately associated with anti Soviet White Russians, and his organization constantly spread anti-Soviet propaganda.
Archibald E. Stevenson, a onetime member of the Military Intelligence Division of the United States Army, was one of the leading instigators of anti-Soviet agitation in the United States throughout the period prior to the Second World War. A close associate of Ralph M. Easley, Stevenson subsequently became public relations counsel for the New York State Economic Council, an anti-labor and anti-democratic propaganda agency whose chairman was Merwin K. Hart, a notorious propagandist for the Spanish Fascist dictator, Generalissimo Franco.
Representative Hamilton Fish, of New York, visited Soviet Russia in 1923, when he was head of the firm Hamilton Fish & Company, Exporters and Importers. After his return to the United States he introduced a resolution into Congress calling for the establishment of commercial relations with Soviet Russia. Subsequently, he became one of the most bitter anti-Soviet propagandists in the United States. In the early 1930's, as chairman of a Congressional committee to investigate "American communism," Fish was the chief spokesman of the White Russian anti-Soviet migrants in the United States and other inveterate foes of Soviet Russia. Among the "experts" who supplied Fish's committee with material were the former Okhrana agent, Boris Brasol, and the German propagandist, George Sylvester Viereck. After Hitler came to power in Germany, Fish hailed the Nazi leader as the man who had saved Germany from Communism. As a key exponent of isolationism and appeasement, Fish shared platforms with notorious American pro-Nazis and inserted their propaganda in the Congressional Record. In the fall of 1939 Fish conferred in Nazi Germany with Joachim von Ribbentrop, Nazi Foreign Minister; Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister; and other Axis leaders. Fish toured Europe in a German plane, urging a second Munich and claiming that "Germany's claims" were "just." In February 1942 it was disclosed at the trial of the Nazi agent Viereck that Fish's Washington office had been used as the headquarters of a Nazi propaganda ring and that Fish's secretary, George Hill, was one of the key members of the German propaganda network in the United States.
At the time of America's entry into the Second World War, scores of American fascist organizations describing themselves as "anti-Communist" were active throughout the United States. These organizations had received guidance and, many of them, financial support from Berlin and Tokyo. Paid agents of Nazi Germany had founded a number of the organizations. Some of the organizations, like the German-American Bund and the Kyffhauser Bund, made little attempt to conceal their foreign affiliation; others, like the Silver Shirts, the Christian Front, American Guards, American Nationalist Confederation, and the Crusaders for Americanism masqueraded as patriotic societies which were "saving America" from the "menace of Communism."
By 1939, no less than 750 fascist organizations had been formed in the United States, and were flooding the country with pro-Axis, anti-Semitic and anti-Soviet bulletins, magazines, newsletters and newspapers. In the name of saving America from Communism, these organizations and publications called for the overthrow of the Government of the United States, the establishment of an American fascist regime, and an alliance with the Axis against Soviet Russia.
On November 18, 1936, William Dudley Pelley, chief of the Nazi-inspired Silver Shirts, declared: -
Let us understand thoroughly that if a second civil war comes to this country, it will not be a war to overthrow the American government, but to overthrow the Jew-Communist usurpers who have seized the American government and bethought themselves to make it a branch office of Moscow...
After the Nazi invasion of Soviet Russia, Father Charles E Coughlin, leader of the pro-Nazi Christian Front, declared in the July 7, 1941, issue of his propaganda organ Social Justice. -
Germany's war on Russia is a battle for Christianity... We remember that atheistic Communism was conceived and brought to birth in Russia chiefly through the instrumentality of godless Jews.
The same propaganda was disseminated throughout the United States by Gerald B. Winrod's Defender of Wichita, Kansas; William Kullgren's Beacon Light of Atascadero, California; Court Asher's X-Ray of Munice, Indiana; E. J. Garner's Publicity of Wichita, Kansas; Charles B. Hudson's America in Danger! of Omaha, Nebraska; and many similar pro-Axis, anti-Soviet publications.
After Pearl Harbor, a number of these persons were indicted by the Department of justice on charges of spreading seditious propaganda and plotting with Nazi agents to overthrow the United States Government. Nevertheless, throughout the war, they continued to spread the propaganda that the Axis Powers were waging a "holy war" and that the United States had been tricked into the conflict by the connivance of "Jewish Communist conspirators in Washington, London and Moscow."
This is the story of a very surreptitious meeting of about 100 known right wing extremists held in The Jung Hotel in New Orleans which was known for being a Nazi safe haven and a meeting, eating and drinking safe house for those of their ilk. Both the employees and all meeting attendees were thoroughly screened and they had to be recommended by someone else as being "one of us" before they could even get a job there or be invited to one of the conclaves held there. What happens at The Jung Hotel, stays at The Jung Hotel. The only known attendees, I believe were Guy Bannister, Edwin A. Walker, Leander Perez and maybe 1-2 more including a Senator from the South.
Here is a brief history of Harry Augustus Jung who was like the Dietrich Eckart of the Nazi anti-Communist Philosophy. Both Walter Steele and Major John B. Trevor were classic Wickliffe Draper Nazi sympathizers or even worse:
These are the records of some of the American sponsors of the Nazi propaganda book, Communism in Germany:-
Harry Augustus Jung, former labor spy, headed the anti-democratic Chicago organization called the American Vigilante Intelligence Federation. Its organ the Vigilant was listed as recommended reading by the official Nazi propaganda agency, World Service. Among Jung's early associates in anti-Soviet activities was the White Russian Peter Afanassieff, who supplied Jung with a translated version of the Protocols for distribution in "quantity lots" throughout the United States. Jung was subsequently befriended by Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the isolationist and violently anti-Soviet Chicago Tribune, and set up offices in the Tribune Tower in Chicago.
Walter S. Steele, editor of the National Republic, carried on an incessant anti-Soviet propaganda campaign intended to influence American businessmen. Steele collaborated with Jung in the distribution of The Protocols of Zion.
(Major) John B. Trevor, Sr., OSJ who was head of the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies, started by Wickliffe Draper of The Pioneer Fund, an organization which in 1942 was listed by a Department of Justice indictment as an agency which had been used in a conspiracy to undermine the morale of the United States armed forces. Trevor was intimately associated with anti Soviet White Russians, and his organization constantly spread anti-Soviet propaganda. He and his son were also on the Board of The Pioneer Fund.
Archibald E. Stevenson, a onetime member of the Military Intelligence Division of the United States Army, was one of the leading instigators of anti-Soviet agitation in the United States throughout the period prior to the Second World War. A close associate of Ralph M. Easley, Stevenson subsequently became public relations counsel for the New York State Economic Council, an anti-labor and anti-democratic propaganda agency whose chairman was Merwin K. Hart, a notorious propagandist for the Spanish Fascist dictator, Generalissimo Franco.
Representative Hamilton Fish, II of New York, visited Soviet Russia in 1923, when he was head of the firm Hamilton Fish & Company, Exporters and Importers. After his return to the United States he introduced a resolution into Congress calling for the establishment of commercial relations with Soviet Russia. Subsequently, he became one of the most bitter anti-Soviet propagandists in the United States. In the early 1930's, as chairman of a Congressional committee to investigate "American communism," Fish was the chief spokesman of the White Russian anti-Soviet migrants in the United States and other inveterate foes of Soviet Russia. Among the "experts" who supplied Fish's committee with material were the former Okhrana agent, Boris Brasol, and the German propagandist, George Sylvester Viereck. After Hitler came to power in Germany, Fish hailed the Nazi leader as the man who had saved Germany from Communism. As a key exponent of isolationism and appeasement, Fish shared platforms with notorious American pro-Nazis and inserted their propaganda in the Congressional Record. In the fall of 1939 Fish conferred in Nazi Germany with Joachim von Ribbentrop, Nazi Foreign Minister; Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister; and other Axis leaders. Fish toured Europe in a German plane, urging a second Munich and claiming that "Germany's claims" were "just." In February 1942 it was disclosed at the trial of the Nazi agent Viereck that Fish's Washington office had been used as the headquarters of a Nazi propaganda ring and that Fish's secretary, George Hill, was one of the key members of the German propaganda network in the United States. [..]
Billard-Zimmer im Ream Estate, Thompson, Connectitut, dem Zuhause von Anastase Vonsiatsky nach seiner Heirat mit einer 22 Jahre aelteren amerikanischen Multimillionaerin.
Bild gefunden auf der Webseite der Thompson Historical Society;
Die Webseite der Thompson Historical Society enthaelt bemerkenswerterweise keine Informationen ueber Vonsiatsky und seine Millionaers-Gattin. (Kein Interesse an dieser Art von historischer Heimatforschung, wie wir ja auch auch im Fall der "Murphy Ranch" bei Hollywood, Kalifornien, schon gesehen haben - siehe
Die New York Times vom 1. Februar 1922 berichtete ueber das Paar.
Demnach hatte Voniatsky auch Kontakt mit Cherep Spiridovich (siehe Stichwort "Spiridovich" auf meinem anderen Blog; z.B.
Weitere Quellen zu Vonsiatsky, gefunden auf,2196,II_wojna_swiatowa,Bialogwardyjski_Hitler.html
Andreyew C., Generał Własow i rosyjski ruch wyzwoleńczy, Warszawa 1990
Gdański J., Zapomniani żołnierze Hitlera, Warszawa 2005
Littlejohn D., Foreign Legions of the Third Reich (4) Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, Free India, Estoni, San Jose 1994
Draper (Pioneer Fund) und Vonsiatsky als Comic Strip Figuren in den 1930er Jahren
"Draper and Vonsiatsky were the paradigms for Harold Gray's comic strip of the 1930's Big Daddy Warbucks and Little Orphan Annie."!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/4liTMrds1FM
Zu "Little Orphan Annie" siehe auch meinen neuen Post
"Geopolitischer Schwanzvergleich"
Heute Show, 14.03.14
ab ca. 17:00
Nanu, wo ist denn das Zitat von Swoboda-Mann Parubyi geblieben, das im Google-Cache einer Seite des Atlantic Council vom 3.2.14 noch zu finden ist?
Policy Workshop on NATO in an Era of Global Competition
Feb 3, 2014 - The year 2014 will be pivotal for NATO as it draws down from the mission in ... Parubiy: Russia's Attempts to Subvert Ukraine Are Failing.
Warum erhielt dieser Post das Label "Blowback-Phaenomen"?
Weil das historische Beispiel (Vonsiatsky und Konsorten) zu denken geben sollte. - "Im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus" wurde nicht immer so genau hingesehen, was fuer Kraefte man rief.
"Blowback" ist der Wind, der zurueckweht; beschrieben wird damit das Phaenomen, dass die Kraefte, die man rief, sich im Endeffekt gegen einen selbst richten koennen.
Siehe weitere Posts mit diesem Label; z.B. "Schmusebilder".
Vor 160 Jahren machte sich der britischen
Journalist William
Howard Russell sehr unbeliebt. Russell war nämlich, wenn man so will, der
erste Kriegsberichterstatter. Sein Einsatzgebiet war 1854 die Krim. Bis dahin
war es bei Kriegen in Europa üblich, dass die Geschichte im Nachhinein
geschrieben wurde, während Russell per Telegraf für die Zeitungsleser quasi “in
Echtzeit” schrieb. Da Russel nicht mit Kritik am britischen Militär sparte,
führte dieses 1856 die Militärzensur ein.
Dieser Tage wird auf und über die Krim
wieder allerhand gelogen. Besonders peinlich fiel eine Propagandainszenierung
auf, bei der ein
und dieselbe Schauspielerin in fünf verschiedenen Rollen Ukrainerinnen
darstellte. Wer von der Zuverlässigkeit der Medienwelt in Sachen Krieg geheilt
werden möchte, dem empfehle ich unbedingt Phillipp
Knightleys “The First Casualty”.
Rechtsanwalt Markus Kampa
Noch eine historische Parallele:
Den Teufel mit Beelzebub austreiben, oder
Nazis fuer den Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus aufpeppen
"Ja – man bemerkt sie auf einmal, die rechten Straßenkämpfer, die in Kiew das Parlament “bewachen”. “Swoboda” heißen sie – und auf einmal darf man doch wahrnehmen, das es sich dabei um sehr bedenkliche Gesellen handelt [...]"
Die Begeisterung der NPD für Swoboda ist erklärbar. Denn die Partei definiert die Nation als “Gemeinschaft, die durch Blut und Geist verbunden ist”, und rühmt den Kampf ukrainischer Kollaborateure an der Seite der Hitlertruppen. Die Waffen-SS-Division “Galizien”, rekrutiert aus westukrainischen Nationalisten, habe, so Swoboda, doch “nur an der Front gegen die Bolschewiken gekämpft”.
Von der Krim nach
Der “anti-bolschewistische” Kampf des Anastase Vonsiatsky und seine Zeitschrift "The Fascist"
(siehe auch Stichwort „Vonsiatsky“ auf und Stichwort „Pelley“ auf
Andreievitch Vonsiatsky […] attended military preparatory schools in Warsaw,
St. Petersburg, and Moscow from 1908 and 1916, entering the Emperor Nicholas
Academy in St. Petersburg in the latter year. This Academy has been reported to
be comparable with West Point in the United States. During the Second
Revolution in November 1917, Vonsiatsky and others left the military school and
went to Rostov where they joined in the battle against the Reds. Vonsiatsky
himself obtained the rank of Lieutenant and fought with the White Russians
until March 1920. During his period of service he received a bullet wound […] Leaving
the Crimea in March 1920, Vonsiatsky proceeded to Constantinople where he
received treatment in a British hospital. He remained in Constantinople until
April 1920, and then went to Paris and in May, arrived in London where he
remained for three months as the guest of the wealthy Prince Yuossopoff. In
September, 1920, the young Vonsiatsky returned to Paris and during the
following month journeyed to Constantinople where he came in contact with many
White Russians. […]
It might be noted that Vonsiatsky's revolutionary activities have been the subject of numerous magazine and newspaper stories. It has been stated that he undoubtedly participated in numerous tortures and killings during the Russian Civil War and it had been alleged that failure to disclose his activities in this regard constituted sufficient ground to cancel Vonsiatsky's American citizenship which he received in 1927. Such action, however, was never taken. Some newspaper articles have been published in which Vonsiatsky allegedly admitted the killings but stated "the murders referred to were justified; a civil war was raging and we were defending our country." During 1939, one newspaper carried a story in which he allegedly stated that he would commit the killings again if he had the opportunity. […]
The first political organization Vonsiatsky joined in the United States was known as the Brotherhood of Russian Truth which was founded by three men about the year 1923. This party had as its goal the overthrow of the Communist regime in Russia so that the Russian people could set up a type of government of their own choosing. Members of the party attempted to accomplish its goal by preparing propaganda to be distributed among the Russians. The propaganda was usually in pamphlet form and was smuggled into Russia by workmen who placed the pamphlets in boats sailing for Russian ports. […]
In a speech delivered July 4, 1937, to what was described as the Annual Meeting of Executives of the New England and New York Districts of the Russian National Revolutionary Fascist Party, Vonsiatsky made the following statements among others: […]
"With the existence of Germany and Adolph Hitler, as a fortified base, and directing center for all anti-Communist movements, the beginning of a war by the U.S. S. R. with Germany can change with lightening-like rapidity into the end of International Communism and the victory of the Russian National Revolution." […]
During the FBI's investigation of Vonsiatsky's activities, evidence was obtained that he had had some dealings with William Dudley Pelley's organization. In fact, upon one occasion Vonsiatsky sent several copies of his publication, "The Fascist," to Pelley's organization in Asheville, North Carolina. On one occasion at least, Vonsiatsky ordered a hundred copies of Pelley's publication. During 1936, a representative of the Pelley Publishers wrote Vonsiatsky stating, "Your work for the Cause we are mutually serving, publishing your Russian Fascist, has just come to our attention. From reports given us it seems you are fighting a rather lone battle, and a little camaraderie is not amiss." The letter further stated that Pelley's organization had been in battle "militantly" for over four years and was "determined to block Judah in government and the Jewish bankers by the coming national election." […]
During the course of the FBI's investigation [in 1940], information was received indicating Vonsiatsky once had an audience of thirty-seven minutes with Adolph Hitler in Berlin and had dinner with field Marshal Goering. Vonsiatsky had pictures of Hitler on the walls of the stone building he used as an office and arsenal and reportedly had the highest regard for both Hitler and Mussolini and spoke of them with reverence. It might be noted in this connection that Vonsiatsky has denied meeting with Hitler and other high German officials. […]
Rumors circulating in 1940 indicated that Vonsiatsky was conducting a military camp in which he specialized in teaching youths Nazi principles and military science and tactics. […]
On May 8 and 9, 1942, Vonsiatsky's estate at Thompson, Connecticut was searched by special agents of the FBI under appropriate legal process and vast amounts of material were obtained. Among the articles seized were 17 file cabinets containing three drawers each of Russian correspondence between Vonsiatsky and various Russians from 1929 to date; a complete set of "The Fascist;" hundreds of documents relating to Vonsiatsky's Party; numerous Victrola billies; 18 gas billy cartridges, 1 police billy, 2 gas guns, 57 rifles, two automatic pistols and a quantity of ammunition; 1 large silk banner with swastika emblem; 2 khaki military coats with swastika emblems on the left arm sleeve; and 1 box of swastika arm bands.
Der “anti-bolschewistische” Kampf des Anastase Vonsiatsky und seine Zeitschrift "The Fascist"
(siehe auch Stichwort „Vonsiatsky“ auf und Stichwort „Pelley“ auf
![]() |
Anastase Vonsiatsky Bild gefunden auf File:Anastasy_Vonsyatsky.jpg |
It might be noted that Vonsiatsky's revolutionary activities have been the subject of numerous magazine and newspaper stories. It has been stated that he undoubtedly participated in numerous tortures and killings during the Russian Civil War and it had been alleged that failure to disclose his activities in this regard constituted sufficient ground to cancel Vonsiatsky's American citizenship which he received in 1927. Such action, however, was never taken. Some newspaper articles have been published in which Vonsiatsky allegedly admitted the killings but stated "the murders referred to were justified; a civil war was raging and we were defending our country." During 1939, one newspaper carried a story in which he allegedly stated that he would commit the killings again if he had the opportunity. […]
The first political organization Vonsiatsky joined in the United States was known as the Brotherhood of Russian Truth which was founded by three men about the year 1923. This party had as its goal the overthrow of the Communist regime in Russia so that the Russian people could set up a type of government of their own choosing. Members of the party attempted to accomplish its goal by preparing propaganda to be distributed among the Russians. The propaganda was usually in pamphlet form and was smuggled into Russia by workmen who placed the pamphlets in boats sailing for Russian ports. […]
In a speech delivered July 4, 1937, to what was described as the Annual Meeting of Executives of the New England and New York Districts of the Russian National Revolutionary Fascist Party, Vonsiatsky made the following statements among others: […]
"With the existence of Germany and Adolph Hitler, as a fortified base, and directing center for all anti-Communist movements, the beginning of a war by the U.S. S. R. with Germany can change with lightening-like rapidity into the end of International Communism and the victory of the Russian National Revolution." […]
During the FBI's investigation of Vonsiatsky's activities, evidence was obtained that he had had some dealings with William Dudley Pelley's organization. In fact, upon one occasion Vonsiatsky sent several copies of his publication, "The Fascist," to Pelley's organization in Asheville, North Carolina. On one occasion at least, Vonsiatsky ordered a hundred copies of Pelley's publication. During 1936, a representative of the Pelley Publishers wrote Vonsiatsky stating, "Your work for the Cause we are mutually serving, publishing your Russian Fascist, has just come to our attention. From reports given us it seems you are fighting a rather lone battle, and a little camaraderie is not amiss." The letter further stated that Pelley's organization had been in battle "militantly" for over four years and was "determined to block Judah in government and the Jewish bankers by the coming national election." […]
During the course of the FBI's investigation [in 1940], information was received indicating Vonsiatsky once had an audience of thirty-seven minutes with Adolph Hitler in Berlin and had dinner with field Marshal Goering. Vonsiatsky had pictures of Hitler on the walls of the stone building he used as an office and arsenal and reportedly had the highest regard for both Hitler and Mussolini and spoke of them with reverence. It might be noted in this connection that Vonsiatsky has denied meeting with Hitler and other high German officials. […]
Rumors circulating in 1940 indicated that Vonsiatsky was conducting a military camp in which he specialized in teaching youths Nazi principles and military science and tactics. […]
On May 8 and 9, 1942, Vonsiatsky's estate at Thompson, Connecticut was searched by special agents of the FBI under appropriate legal process and vast amounts of material were obtained. Among the articles seized were 17 file cabinets containing three drawers each of Russian correspondence between Vonsiatsky and various Russians from 1929 to date; a complete set of "The Fascist;" hundreds of documents relating to Vonsiatsky's Party; numerous Victrola billies; 18 gas billy cartridges, 1 police billy, 2 gas guns, 57 rifles, two automatic pistols and a quantity of ammunition; 1 large silk banner with swastika emblem; 2 khaki military coats with swastika emblems on the left arm sleeve; and 1 box of swastika arm bands.
von Anastase ("Annie") Vonsiatsky
und anderen russischen Nazi-Freunden in den USA
und anderen russischen Nazi-Freunden in den USA
Auch Praesident Hoover unterstuetzte die “Internationale
Bewegung zur Bekaempfung der Roten Gefahr”
Bewegung zur Bekaempfung der Roten Gefahr”
[…] The White Russian Peter Afanassieff, alias Prince Peter Kushubue, alias Peter Armstrong, arrived in San Francisco in 1922, aided in the American distribution of The Protocols of Zion, and, in collaboration with the former Czarist officer Captain Victor de Kayville, began publishing a pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic propaganda sheet, The American Gentile. In this work, Afanassieff was associated with the Nazi agents Fritz Gissibl and Oscar Pfaus.
Nicolai Rybakoff, a former colonel in the Japanese-controlled White Russian Army of Ataman Grigori Semyonov, arrived in the United States in the early nineteen-twenties and carried on anti-Soviet and anti-Semitic propaganda. In 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany, Rybakoff founded Rossiya, a pro-Nazi Russian newspaper in New York City. … In 1941, after Hitler's attack on Russia, Rybakoff's New York paper described the Nazi Wehrmacht as "a fiery sword of the justly-punishing Providence, the Christian patriotically anti-bolshevik white victorious legions of Hitler." […]
The most important German and Japanese agent among the White Russians in the United States was "Count" Anastase A. Vonsiatsky. On September 25, 1933, the Nazi agent Paul A. von Lilienfeld-Toal wrote in a letter to William Dudley Pelley, chief of the pro-Nazi American Silver Shirts: - This is to give you a report about my contacts with the White Russians... I am in touch with the "General Staff of the Russian Fascists" …
"Count" Vonsiatsky of Thompson, Connecticut, was an ex-Czarist officer who had fought in Denikin's White Army. After Denikin's defeat, Vonsiatsky headed a White terrorist band in the Crimea which kidnaped Russian citizens, held them for ransom, and tortured them to death if the money was not forthcoming. Vonsiatsky came to the United States in the early nineteen-twenties and married Mrs. Marion Buckingham Ream Stephen, an American multimillionairess who was twenty-two years older than himself. Vonsiatsky became an American citizen and settled down on the luxurious Ream estate in Thompson.
With his wife's fortune at his disposal, Vonsiatsky began to entertain grandiose visions of creating an anti-Soviet army which he would personally lead into Moscow. He started traveling extensively in Europe, Asia and South America, meeting with representatives of the Torgprom, the International League against Bolshevism, and other anti-Soviet agencies.
In August 1933, Vonsiatsky founded the "Russian Fascist National Revolutionary Party" in the United States. Its official emblem was the swastika. Its headquarters was at the Ream estate in Thompson, where Vonsiatsky set up a private arsenal of rifles, machine guns and other military equipment and began drilling squads of uniformed, swastika-wearing young men.
In May 1934, Vonsiatsky visited Tokyo, Harbin and other Far Eastern centers, and conferred with members of the Japanese High Command and fascist White Russians, including Ataman Semyonov. From Japan, Vonsiatsky went to Germany where he met with Alfred Rosenberg, Dr. Goebbels and representatives of the German Military Intelligence. … Immediately after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, "Count" Anastase Vonsiatsky was arrested by the FBI. He was tried for violation of the Espionage Act, found guilty of divulging United States military information to the German and Japanese Governments, and sentenced to five years' imprisonment. […]
On August 13, 1931, Herbert Hoover, then President of the United States, stated in an interview with the San Francisco News: -
To tell the truth, the ambition of my life is to stamp out Soviet Russia.
In 1931, at the time Hoover made his statement to the San Francisco News, a "Plan for an International Movement to Combat the Red Menace" was sponsored in the United States by an organization called the National Civic Federation. The founder and head of this organization, which specialized in anti-Communist and anti-labor agitation, was a former Chicago newspaperman, Ralph M. Easley. […]
The membership of Easley's National Civic Federation included Representative Hamilton Fish of New York; Harry Augustus Jung, a former labor spy and anti-Semitic propagandist in Chicago; George Sylvester Viereck, the ex-agent of the Kaiser and future Nazi agent; Matthew Woll, reactionary vice-president of the American Federation of Labor and acting president of the National Civic Federation, who publicly referred to Soviet Russia as "this Red Monster - this Madman"; and a number of other prominent Americans interested in the anti-Bolshevik crusade.
Early in 1933, Easley became chairman of an organization called the American Section of the International Committee to Combat the World Menace of Communism. The international headquarters of this organization was in Europa House, Berlin. Many members of the National Civic Federation joined Easley in the new organization.(4)
The American Section of the International Committee to Combat the World Menace of Communism sponsored the first official Nazi propaganda document to be circulated in the United States. it took the form of an anti-Soviet book, printed in English, and entitled Communism in Germany. The book was published in Germany by the firm of Eckhart-Verlag. Thousands of copies were shipped across the Atlantic for distribution in America.
Through extensive mailings and at "patriotic" rallies in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and other cities, the book was widely circulated free of charge. A nationwide campaign of newspaper articles, lectures, meetings and form letters was arranged to promote the book in the United States.
The book was prefaced by this quotation: -
At the beginning of this year there were weeks when we were within a hair's breadth of Bolshevist chaos!
Chancellor Adolf Hitler, in his proclamation of the 1st September, 1933. […]
Directly underneath this announcement there followed a list of names of leading members of the American Section of the International Committee to Combat the World Menace of Communism: -
Walter C. Cole (chairman, Council of National Defense, Detroit Board of Commerce)
John Ross Delafield (commander-in-chief, Military Order of the World War)
Ralph M. Easley (chairman, National Civic Federation)
Hamilton Fish (United States Congressman)
Elon Huntington Hooker (chairman, American Defense Society)
F. O. Johnson (president, Better America Federation)
Orvel Johnson (Lieutenant-Colonel, R.O.T.C. Association of the United States)
Harry Jung (chief, American Vigilante Intelligence Association)
Samuel McRoberts (banker)
C. G. Norman (chairman, Building Trades Employers' Association)
Ellis Searle (editor, the United Mine Worker)
Walter S. Steele (editor, National Republic)
John B. Trevor (chairman, American Coalition)
Archibald E. Stevenson (former member, United States Military Intelligence) For the American Section of the International Committee to Combat the World Menace of Communism
These are the records of some of the American sponsors of the Nazi propaganda book, Communism in Germany:-
Harry Augustus Jung, former labor spy, headed the anti-democratic Chicago organization called the American Vigilante Intelligence Federation. Its organ the Vigilant was listed as recommended reading by the official Nazi propaganda agency, World Service. Among Jung's early associates in anti-Soviet activities was the White Russian Peter Afanassieff, who supplied Jung with a translated version of the Protocols for distribution in "quantity lots" throughout the United States. Jung was subsequently befriended by Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the isolationist and violently anti-Soviet Chicago Tribune, and set up offices in the Tribune Tower in Chicago.
Walter S. Steele, editor of the National Republic, carried on an incessant anti-Soviet propaganda campaign intended to influence American businessmen. Steele collaborated with Jung in the distribution of The Protocols of Zion.
James B. Trevor was head of the American Coalition, an organization which in 1942 was listed by a Department of Justice indictment as an agency which had been used in a conspiracy to undermine the morale of the United States armed forces. Trevor was intimately associated with anti Soviet White Russians, and his organization constantly spread anti-Soviet propaganda.
Archibald E. Stevenson, a onetime member of the Military Intelligence Division of the United States Army, was one of the leading instigators of anti-Soviet agitation in the United States throughout the period prior to the Second World War. A close associate of Ralph M. Easley, Stevenson subsequently became public relations counsel for the New York State Economic Council, an anti-labor and anti-democratic propaganda agency whose chairman was Merwin K. Hart, a notorious propagandist for the Spanish Fascist dictator, Generalissimo Franco.
Representative Hamilton Fish, of New York, visited Soviet Russia in 1923, when he was head of the firm Hamilton Fish & Company, Exporters and Importers. After his return to the United States he introduced a resolution into Congress calling for the establishment of commercial relations with Soviet Russia. Subsequently, he became one of the most bitter anti-Soviet propagandists in the United States. In the early 1930's, as chairman of a Congressional committee to investigate "American communism," Fish was the chief spokesman of the White Russian anti-Soviet migrants in the United States and other inveterate foes of Soviet Russia. Among the "experts" who supplied Fish's committee with material were the former Okhrana agent, Boris Brasol, and the German propagandist, George Sylvester Viereck. After Hitler came to power in Germany, Fish hailed the Nazi leader as the man who had saved Germany from Communism. As a key exponent of isolationism and appeasement, Fish shared platforms with notorious American pro-Nazis and inserted their propaganda in the Congressional Record. In the fall of 1939 Fish conferred in Nazi Germany with Joachim von Ribbentrop, Nazi Foreign Minister; Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister; and other Axis leaders. Fish toured Europe in a German plane, urging a second Munich and claiming that "Germany's claims" were "just." In February 1942 it was disclosed at the trial of the Nazi agent Viereck that Fish's Washington office had been used as the headquarters of a Nazi propaganda ring and that Fish's secretary, George Hill, was one of the key members of the German propaganda network in the United States.
At the time of America's entry into the Second World War, scores of American fascist organizations describing themselves as "anti-Communist" were active throughout the United States. These organizations had received guidance and, many of them, financial support from Berlin and Tokyo. Paid agents of Nazi Germany had founded a number of the organizations. Some of the organizations, like the German-American Bund and the Kyffhauser Bund, made little attempt to conceal their foreign affiliation; others, like the Silver Shirts, the Christian Front, American Guards, American Nationalist Confederation, and the Crusaders for Americanism masqueraded as patriotic societies which were "saving America" from the "menace of Communism."
By 1939, no less than 750 fascist organizations had been formed in the United States, and were flooding the country with pro-Axis, anti-Semitic and anti-Soviet bulletins, magazines, newsletters and newspapers. In the name of saving America from Communism, these organizations and publications called for the overthrow of the Government of the United States, the establishment of an American fascist regime, and an alliance with the Axis against Soviet Russia.
On November 18, 1936, William Dudley Pelley, chief of the Nazi-inspired Silver Shirts, declared: -
Let us understand thoroughly that if a second civil war comes to this country, it will not be a war to overthrow the American government, but to overthrow the Jew-Communist usurpers who have seized the American government and bethought themselves to make it a branch office of Moscow...
After the Nazi invasion of Soviet Russia, Father Charles E Coughlin, leader of the pro-Nazi Christian Front, declared in the July 7, 1941, issue of his propaganda organ Social Justice. -
Germany's war on Russia is a battle for Christianity... We remember that atheistic Communism was conceived and brought to birth in Russia chiefly through the instrumentality of godless Jews.
The same propaganda was disseminated throughout the United States by Gerald B. Winrod's Defender of Wichita, Kansas; William Kullgren's Beacon Light of Atascadero, California; Court Asher's X-Ray of Munice, Indiana; E. J. Garner's Publicity of Wichita, Kansas; Charles B. Hudson's America in Danger! of Omaha, Nebraska; and many similar pro-Axis, anti-Soviet publications.
After Pearl Harbor, a number of these persons were indicted by the Department of justice on charges of spreading seditious propaganda and plotting with Nazi agents to overthrow the United States Government. Nevertheless, throughout the war, they continued to spread the propaganda that the Axis Powers were waging a "holy war" and that the United States had been tricked into the conflict by the connivance of "Jewish Communist conspirators in Washington, London and Moscow."
This is the story of a very surreptitious meeting of about 100 known right wing extremists held in The Jung Hotel in New Orleans which was known for being a Nazi safe haven and a meeting, eating and drinking safe house for those of their ilk. Both the employees and all meeting attendees were thoroughly screened and they had to be recommended by someone else as being "one of us" before they could even get a job there or be invited to one of the conclaves held there. What happens at The Jung Hotel, stays at The Jung Hotel. The only known attendees, I believe were Guy Bannister, Edwin A. Walker, Leander Perez and maybe 1-2 more including a Senator from the South.
Here is a brief history of Harry Augustus Jung who was like the Dietrich Eckart of the Nazi anti-Communist Philosophy. Both Walter Steele and Major John B. Trevor were classic Wickliffe Draper Nazi sympathizers or even worse:
These are the records of some of the American sponsors of the Nazi propaganda book, Communism in Germany:-
Harry Augustus Jung, former labor spy, headed the anti-democratic Chicago organization called the American Vigilante Intelligence Federation. Its organ the Vigilant was listed as recommended reading by the official Nazi propaganda agency, World Service. Among Jung's early associates in anti-Soviet activities was the White Russian Peter Afanassieff, who supplied Jung with a translated version of the Protocols for distribution in "quantity lots" throughout the United States. Jung was subsequently befriended by Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the isolationist and violently anti-Soviet Chicago Tribune, and set up offices in the Tribune Tower in Chicago.
Walter S. Steele, editor of the National Republic, carried on an incessant anti-Soviet propaganda campaign intended to influence American businessmen. Steele collaborated with Jung in the distribution of The Protocols of Zion.
(Major) John B. Trevor, Sr., OSJ who was head of the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies, started by Wickliffe Draper of The Pioneer Fund, an organization which in 1942 was listed by a Department of Justice indictment as an agency which had been used in a conspiracy to undermine the morale of the United States armed forces. Trevor was intimately associated with anti Soviet White Russians, and his organization constantly spread anti-Soviet propaganda. He and his son were also on the Board of The Pioneer Fund.
Archibald E. Stevenson, a onetime member of the Military Intelligence Division of the United States Army, was one of the leading instigators of anti-Soviet agitation in the United States throughout the period prior to the Second World War. A close associate of Ralph M. Easley, Stevenson subsequently became public relations counsel for the New York State Economic Council, an anti-labor and anti-democratic propaganda agency whose chairman was Merwin K. Hart, a notorious propagandist for the Spanish Fascist dictator, Generalissimo Franco.
Representative Hamilton Fish, II of New York, visited Soviet Russia in 1923, when he was head of the firm Hamilton Fish & Company, Exporters and Importers. After his return to the United States he introduced a resolution into Congress calling for the establishment of commercial relations with Soviet Russia. Subsequently, he became one of the most bitter anti-Soviet propagandists in the United States. In the early 1930's, as chairman of a Congressional committee to investigate "American communism," Fish was the chief spokesman of the White Russian anti-Soviet migrants in the United States and other inveterate foes of Soviet Russia. Among the "experts" who supplied Fish's committee with material were the former Okhrana agent, Boris Brasol, and the German propagandist, George Sylvester Viereck. After Hitler came to power in Germany, Fish hailed the Nazi leader as the man who had saved Germany from Communism. As a key exponent of isolationism and appeasement, Fish shared platforms with notorious American pro-Nazis and inserted their propaganda in the Congressional Record. In the fall of 1939 Fish conferred in Nazi Germany with Joachim von Ribbentrop, Nazi Foreign Minister; Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister; and other Axis leaders. Fish toured Europe in a German plane, urging a second Munich and claiming that "Germany's claims" were "just." In February 1942 it was disclosed at the trial of the Nazi agent Viereck that Fish's Washington office had been used as the headquarters of a Nazi propaganda ring and that Fish's secretary, George Hill, was one of the key members of the German propaganda network in the United States. [..]
Last edited by
John Bevilaqua; 12-13-2009
Billard-Zimmer im Ream Estate, Thompson, Connectitut, dem Zuhause von Anastase Vonsiatsky nach seiner Heirat mit einer 22 Jahre aelteren amerikanischen Multimillionaerin.
Bild gefunden auf der Webseite der Thompson Historical Society;
Die Webseite der Thompson Historical Society enthaelt bemerkenswerterweise keine Informationen ueber Vonsiatsky und seine Millionaers-Gattin. (Kein Interesse an dieser Art von historischer Heimatforschung, wie wir ja auch auch im Fall der "Murphy Ranch" bei Hollywood, Kalifornien, schon gesehen haben - siehe
Die New York Times vom 1. Februar 1922 berichtete ueber das Paar.
Demnach hatte Voniatsky auch Kontakt mit Cherep Spiridovich (siehe Stichwort "Spiridovich" auf meinem anderen Blog; z.B.
Weitere Quellen zu Vonsiatsky, gefunden auf,2196,II_wojna_swiatowa,Bialogwardyjski_Hitler.html
Andreyew C., Generał Własow i rosyjski ruch wyzwoleńczy, Warszawa 1990
Gdański J., Zapomniani żołnierze Hitlera, Warszawa 2005
Littlejohn D., Foreign Legions of the Third Reich (4) Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, Free India, Estoni, San Jose 1994
Draper (Pioneer Fund) und Vonsiatsky als Comic Strip Figuren in den 1930er Jahren
"Draper and Vonsiatsky were the paradigms for Harold Gray's comic strip of the 1930's Big Daddy Warbucks and Little Orphan Annie."!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/4liTMrds1FM
Zu "Little Orphan Annie" siehe auch meinen neuen Post
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Warum erhielt dieser Post das Label "Blowback-Phaenomen"?
Weil das historische Beispiel (Vonsiatsky und Konsorten) zu denken geben sollte. - "Im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus" wurde nicht immer so genau hingesehen, was fuer Kraefte man rief.
"Blowback" ist der Wind, der zurueckweht; beschrieben wird damit das Phaenomen, dass die Kraefte, die man rief, sich im Endeffekt gegen einen selbst richten koennen.
Siehe weitere Posts mit diesem Label; z.B. "Schmusebilder".
Aus einem Leserkommentar zu
AntwortenLöschenKrim-Krise: Die fatalen Fehler der Kiewer Regierung - SPIEGEL ONLINE
(Link siehe Post)
39. Lw
ctulhu 03.03.2014
"Also ich weis ja nicht, wie sie das Wort "Agrarstaat" definieren würden, aber ein nicht unerheblicher Teil des BIP macht die Landwirtschaft aus. Jetzt raten sie mal, woher der LW Minister kommt? Sie können auch dreimal raten, warum die
Ukraine mal den Beinamen "Kornkammer Europas" hat? Dazu stellen die SVOBODA Leute neu die Ministerpräsidenten der Regionen Lemberg, Ivano Frankiwsk, Ternopil (Westukraine - Rückhalt in der Bervölkerung bei den letzten
Parlamentswahlen über 30%) sowie Poltawa (Nordostukraine mit gerade mal knapp 8%)... Mag sie jetzt nicht gross stören - mich tut es sogar sehr..."
Wickliffe Draper soll Vorbild fuer die Comic Strip Figur "Daddy Warbucks" gewesen sein (siehe Post)
AntwortenLöschenDer reiche und maechtige Industrielle als Beschuetzer einer Waise - einflussreicher politischer Comic Strip in den USA in der Zeit der grossen Depression
"Little Orphan Annie
Created by Harold Gray in 1924, Little Orphan Annie was a comic strip that differed in philosophy from those that came before. The difference involved the use of political ideology. Daddy Warbucks, a powerful and wealthy "captain" of industry, looks after Annie. Daddy Warbucks and Annie share a mysterious connection; he is her protector and provider but not a relation."
" ... I had to find Draper's picture in his Harvard University 50th reunion yearbook from 1963 to see that he looked EXACTLY like "Big Daddy Warbucks" from "Little Orphan Annie" fame."
LöschenJohn Bevilaqua
Der junge (allerdings alles andere als kindliche und unschuldige)Anastase ("Annie") Voniatsky soll die Figur des (weiblichen) Waisenkinds Annie inspiriert haben. Das ist allerdings sehr spekulativ, auch wenn er ein Schuetzling von Wickliffe Draper gewesen sein mag.
Löschen"Vonsiatsky came from the Ream family who started the National Biscuit Company makers of Nabisco Shredded Wheat and Draper came from the Draper and Preston lines who started first Boston Fruit and later United Fruit. The Prestons are one of the biggest defense industry players in England and the Drapers who ended up with $100,000,000 of Rockwell stock were one of the biggest in the USA. And yes our good comrade, "Annie" Vonsiatsky was included by Harold Gray as the personification of "Little Orphan Annie" in the comic strip of the same name. "
... Teenager Annie kann allerdings auch anders als lieb und suess sein, schlaegt schon mal einen kraeftigen Matrosen zusammen, und war urspruenglich wohl als Junge konzipiert (“Little Orphan Otto”).
Moment, ich muss mich im Fall der "Murphy Ranch" bei Hollywood im Punkt "kein Interesse an dieser Art von Heimatforschung" etwas korrigieren: Es war in dem Fall ein Heimatforscher, der die Nazi-Connection ausgegraben hat.
AntwortenLöschenAllerdings beschlossen die Behoerden, dass kein historisches Interesse vorlaege und das wahrscheinliche Nest von Anhaengern des "Silver Shirt" ("SS") Fuehrers und Hitler-Verehrers William Dudley Pelley abgerissen werden sollte. Wahrscheinlich ist das inzwischen auch geschehen.
Einsatzgruppe D
AntwortenLöschenOtto Ohlendorf studierte 1928-31 Jura und Volkswirtschaft in Leipzig und Göttingen. Nach dem 1. juristischen Staatsexamen 1931 machte er sich ein Jahr lang in Italien mit der Organisation des faschistischen Staates vertraut. Die Referendarausbildung brach er ab, um im Okt. 1933 Assistent von →Jens Jessen am Institut für Weltwirtschaft in Kiel zu werden; im April 1935 wurde er Abteilungsleiter am Institut für angewandte Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Handelshochschule Berlin. Seit 1925 war O. Mitglied der NSDAP, seit 1926 der SS und bereits vor 1933 Kreisleiter in Northeim. 1936 trat er als Leiter der Hauptabteilung II/23 in das SD (Sicherheitsdienst)-Hauptamt der SS ein, in der die von den regionalen Dienststellen des Sicherheitsdienstes und ihren V-Leuten eingehenden Berichte über die Lage der Wirtschaft gesammelt und ausgewertet wurden. Schon 1937 wurde er unmittelbar unter dem Amtschef →Reinhard Heydrich Leiter des gesamten Inland-Nachrichtendienstes des SD. Seine regelmäßigen Berichte über die Volksstimmung im allgemeinen und aus den „Lebensgebieten“ Verwaltung und Recht, Kultur und Propaganda, Volkstum und Volksgesundheit sowie Wirtschaft sollten die Machthaber über die Stimmung im Volk informieren. Seit Herbst 1939 – nun Chef des Amtes III im Reichssicherheitshauptamt – legte er diese „Meldungen aus dem Reich“ bis zu zweimal wöchentlich vor, bis er im Sommer 1944 die regelmäßige Berichterstattung einstellen mußte, weil sie als Zeichen von Defaitismus galten.
In den Berichten kam zum Ausdruck, daß O. schon früh ein entschiedener Gegner der durch die Kriegsvorbereitungen bedingten staatlichen Eingriffe in die Wirtschaft war. Er warf der Zentralverwaltungswirtschaft vor, den Menschen der Wirtschaft unterzuordnen, und sah darin einen Widerspruch zur angestrebten Volksgemeinschaft; insbesondere trat er für die Förderung des Mittelstands ein. Das veranlaßte ihn, neben seiner Funktion im SD seit Juni 1938 als Geschäftsführer, seit Nov. 1939 als Hauptgeschäftsführer der Reichsgruppe Handel, der Zwangsvereinigung aller Unternehmen des Groß-, Außen- und Einzelhandels, tätig zu werden. Mit Unterstützung Heinrich Himmlers und Franz Haylers (* 1900) bekämpfte O., seit Nov. 1943 Vertreter des Staatssekretärs, seit Jan. 1944 Ministerialdirektor im Reichswirtschaftsministerium, die von →Albert Speer betriebene Verstärkung der Wirtschaftslenkung, die die Großindustrie begünstigte. Hayler machte O. zu seinem Vertreter und übertrug ihm die Leitung der für allgemeine Wirtschaftspolitik, Bewirtschaftung und Versorgung der Bevölkerung zuständigen Hauptabteilung und zugleich aller Grundsatzreferate der Abteilungen für Außenhandel, Finanzwirtschaft und Bergbau. In dieser Funktion propagierte O. immer wieder „eine freie Wirtschaft“ und plante diese für die Nachkriegszeit, wobei ihm auch Überlegungen von →Ludwig Erhard vorlagen. Gleichzeitig setzte er seine Karriere im SD fort; im Nov. 1944 wurde er SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Polizei. Noch nach dem Zusammenbruch hoffte er, die Arbeit des SD als eine Art Meinungsforschung fortsetzen zu können, wurde jedoch mit der Regierung Dönitz verhaftet.
O. war von Juni 1941 bis Juni 1942 als Führer der Einsatzgruppe D der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD verantwortlich, daß ca. 90 000 Männer, Frauen und Kinder als Juden oder „Kommunisten“ in der Ukraine und auf der Krim ermordet wurden. Am 3.1.1946 berichtete er vor dem Internationalen Militärtribunal in Nürnberg offen und mit Einzelheiten über die Massenmorde seiner Einsatzgruppe durch Erschießungen und in Gaswagen. In dem von Sept. 1947 bis April 1948 vor einem US-Militärgericht in Nürnberg gegen ihn und andere Angehörige von Einsatzgruppen geführten Verfahren berief er sich auf höheren Befehl und militärische Notwendigkeit und betonte zugleich, daß er den „Kulturbolschewismus“ und wirtschaftlichen Kollektivismus der NS-Führung bekämpft habe. Am 10.4.1948 wurde er zum Tode verurteilt und drei Jahre später in Landsberg hingerichtet.
”Weiße Legionen Hitlers”
AntwortenLöschenNicolai Rybakoff, ein ehemaliger Oberst der japanisch gesteuerten Weißen Armee des Atamanen (Kosakenführers) Grigori Semjonow, kam in den frühen zwanziger Jahren in die Vereinigten Staaten und betrieb antisowjetische und antisemitische Propaganda. 1933, als Hitler in Deutschland an die Macht kam, gründete Rybakoff Rossiya, eine Pro-Nazi russische Zeitung in New York City. ... 1941, nach Hitlers Angriff auf Russland, beschrieb Rybakoffs New Yorker Blatt die Nazi-Wehrmacht als "ein feuriges Schwert der gerecht strafenden Vorsehung, die siegreichen christlichen, patriotisch anti-bolschewistischen weißen Legionen Hitlers."
(Eigene Übersetzung des Abschnitts “Nicolai Rybakoff, a former colonel in the Japanese-controlled White Russian Army of Ataman Grigori Semyonov …” aus “Ignorance of Russia” – siehe Text und Quelle im Post)
Russian Newspapers at the Library of Congress
Rossiia (1921-1922) (Kharbin)
Rossiia (1990- ) (Moskva)
Rossiia = Rossiya (1933-1973) (New York)
Rossiia (1927-1928) (Paris)
Rossiia (1899-1902, 1905-1914) (Sankt-Peterburg)
Vonsiatsky, Führer der Gesamtrussischen Faschistischen Partei mit Sitz in den USA - Leutnant der Reserve bei der US Army/ Abteilung Chemische Kriegsführung
(ca. 1935)
Published by
822 Broadway, New York City
A SECRET organization of Russian White Guards calling itself the "All-Russian Fascist Party" operates in the United States with the knowledge of the U. S. authorities.
The main functions of this tsarist band are :
1. To organize terrorist and sabotage activities in and outside of the Soviet Union and to assassinate Soviet leaders.
2. To carry on anti-Soviet, anti-working class and anti-Semitic activities in the United States and other countries, praticularly those bordering on the Soviet Union — Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Esthonia, Manchuria, etc.
3. To organize armed intervention against the Soviet Union in cooperation with the General Staffs of Japan and Germany.
The "All-Russian Fascist Party" was organized in August, 1933, following a conference of White Guards held in Thompson, Connecticut. Its program as formulated at this Thompson conference and as published in the form of a. "military order" in the "Fascist," central organ of the "All-Russian Fascist Party," printed at 480 Canal Street, New York City, but circulated from Putnam, Connecticut, reads as follows:
"Arrange the assassination of Soviet military instructors, military correspondents, political commanders, as well as the most outstanding Communists. . . . Assassinate, first of all, the Party secretaries. . . .
Cause confusion. . . . Sabotage all orders of the red authorities. . . . Hamper communication of the red power.
Hack down telegraph poles, cut wires, interrupt and destroy all telephone communications. . . .
Remember firmly, brother fascists: We have been wrecking, we still wreck and in the future we shall continue to wreck!"
The ''All-Russian Fascist Party" is a secret organization built up along military lines. Its "General Staff" headquarters are located in Thompson, Connecticut, on the estate of Marion B. Ream, the daughter of the late multi- millionaire textile magnate, Norman B. Ream. […]
The Dickstein-McCormack Congressional Committee, supposedly investigating fascist activities in the United States has never even considered it its duty to disclose to the American public the existence and activities of this international gang of White Guard cut-throats operating in the United States.
And yet, the Dickstein-McCormack Committee is quite aware of the existence of the "All-Russian Fascist Party." Indeed, it cannot possibly be ignorant of the fact that the leader of this Party, Anastasi Vonsiatsky, is the present husband of Marion Ream; that Vonsiatsky is a naturalized citizen of the United States and a lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve, Chemical Warfare Service; that he is a licensed holder of a machine gun; that the little house of field stone adjoining the Ream estate—the headquarters of the Party— is a specially-built arsenal in which there are hidden hand grenades, bayonets, helmets and modern army rifles ; that associated with Vonsiatsky are three former tsarist officers and that one of them, Lieutenant Donald Kunle, is chief of the private army of White Guards— supposedly servants— who live on the Ream estate under semi-military discipline.
LöschenBesides being engaged in anti-Soviet propaganda, Vonsiatsky is also engaged in anti-Semitic propaganda; one of his closest collaborators, Boris Brasol, chief of the "United Russian National Organizations in America," with the cooperation of the National Civic Federation, of which Matthew Woli is vice-president, is busily engaged in spreading the fake "Protocols of Zion." Another bird of the same feather, Kolesnikov, who came to the United States as a representative of the short-lived counter-revolutionary Siberian government of Merkulov, is now working in the Brookings Institute.
Is it really possible that the Dickstein-McCormack Committee is not aware of these facts? Of course not. The existence of the "All-Russian Fascist Party" is no secret to anyone, certainly not to the U. S. authorities. […]
Moreover, Vonsiatsky was recently visited by an agent of the United States Department of State, who, as the "Fuhrer" of the Russian Fascists in America himself claims, gave him a clean bill of health as far as his anti-Soviet and anti-working class activities are concerned.
The reason why the Russian White Guard was given a "clean bill of health" is quite obvious. Vonsiatsky, as he stated in his interview with the reporter of the Sunday Herald, believes his propaganda against the Soviet Union is helpful to his 'adopted country ; helpful to Wall Street in its fight against the workers' government of Russia as well as against the workers and farmers in America.
The Department of State at Washington and particularly Robert Kelley, Chief of the Eastern European Division of the Department of State and "expert" on Russian affairs, who, as I shall show later, is chiefly responsible for the break of the Soviet- American debt negotiations, accept him with open arms. […]
Who Is Vonsiatsky?
In one of the issues of the Fascist there is a picture of the degenerate executioner of the German workers, Wilhelm Hermann Goering, with the following caption printed in bold-face type: "Yes, I killed! . . ."
"Yes, I killed . . .", more than anything else, reveals the physiognomy of the "Fuhrer" of the Russian Fascists in America.
Löschen[…] With Marion Ream's money - the money that' represents the sweat and blood of American workers-Anastasi Vonsiatsky is able to support several fascist newspapers in the United States, Manchuria and other countries, as well as a growing group of henchmen.
It is known, for instance [...] that Vonsiatsky supports several newspapers and fascist 'cells" (yathckeikas) in the United States. In charge of the New York branch (located at 480 Canal Street) is a certain Alexander Pyshnov. Working in close collaboration with Pyshnov is the notorious anti-Semite N. P. Rybakoff, editor of the Russian daily Rossiya. In Seattle Vonsiatsky's henchmen publish two mimeographed sheets, Razsvet and Put, distributed from 911 Lakeview Boulevard and 805 32nd Avenue. In charge of the Seattle branch is the very mysterious "Brother" No. 293 whose real name is Prokopi Vassilyev. The "Chief" of the all-California section is Valerian von Meier. (The address is 123 Pierce Street.) Von Meier operates in San Francisco, while his assistant, Feodor Simons, has charge of Los Angeles. The address of the Los Angeles "Yathcheika" is 561 1 Hollywood Boulevard. […]
Vonsiatsky's Ambitions […]
His ambition, he claims, is to "liberate" the "poor suffering" Russian workers and peasants from the clutches of the Reds, "the gang of international bandits". To those to whom it may seem strange that the man who in 1918 shot with machine guns 500 unarmed peasants because they were his enemies, his "prisoners of war", should now be so vitally interested in the liberation of these very peasants, Vonsiatsky replies :
"There is nothing strange in that. In the last 17 years I have learned a great deal. I have learned much from Hitler. I shall beat the Bolsheviks at their own game. In order to achieve the 'Russian National-Socialist Revolution*, we need the support of the Russian workers and peasants. . .
While Vonsiatsky is prepared to kill millions of workers and peasants, whom he still regards as his enemies, he thinks it is the "correct tactics" to call them his "friends" in public. He even added recently a sub-title to the name "All-Russian Fascist Party"— "The Russian National-Revolutionary Workers and Peasants Party". […]
But every once in a while he publishes in the Fascist insinuating letters from "prominent" Russians in which he is called upon to don the crown of the Russian tsar.
In November, 1934, issue of the Fascist there is a letter from "Baroness" Anastasia Vassilyevna von Andresin, in which she writes :
"Dear Editor: "A few days ago someone told me : "Baroness, what are you doing? Whom are you defending? Don't you know that Vonsiatsky is after the crown? . . .
"To which I replied : " 'The ways of God are unknown. If God wills, he will don the crown. . . . Vonsiatsky, in spite of his youth, may be more clever than Napoleon, Hitler and Mussolini . . . God will help him. . . . He will show the path to the Russian Eagle . . . where and how to fly . . . and what to do for the glory of Russia. . . "
Of course the "baroness" and her fellow White Guards expect more from Marion B. Ream with her millions, from William Randolph Hearst and Sir Henri Detering, the British oil magnate, who have long been active in financing counter-revolutionary activities in the Soviet Union than from some mythical "God".
Löschen[...] The "National League of the New Generation" is the most ruthless White Guard terrorist organization operating against the U.S.S.R. The League has set itself the task of organizing the most reckless elements among the younger generation which has grown up in exile. The headquarters of this organization is the Paris Bureau of the notorious Industrial Party "Torgprom" which organized sabotage activities in the Soviet Union some time ago. This organization works in direct collaboration with the French and German fascists. Military questions are dealt with openly at their meetings. A great number of the members are recruited from the Scout associations, of which there are three in Paris alone; the "National Organization of the Russian Boy Scouts", the "Russian Pathfinders" and the "Russian Sokol".
In all these associations which are openly under the patronage of the International Council of the Y.M.C.A., hatred of the Soviet Union is taught systematically. […]
On November 1, 1934, Za Rossiyu, the organ of this "National League of the New Generation", published in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, printed the following editorial:
"Kirov in Leningrad must be removed. We must also do away with Kossior and Postyshev in the South of Russia.
"Brothers, fascists, if you can't get to Stalin, kill Gorki, kill the poet Demiyan Biedni, kill Kaganovich. . .
On December 1, 1934, Sergei Kirov, one of the most energetic leaders in. the Soviet Union, was killed by Leonid Nikolayev, a member of a terrorist organization.
This was the sixth murder of a high Soviet official committed by members of White Guard terrorist bands. […]
In the meantime, while waiting for the day when he will be able to "march shoulder to shoulder" with the Japanese imperialists, he spreads pro-Japanese propaganda in the United States. In this he has the most active cooperation of William Randolph Hearst.
There is a very close kinship between Vonsiatsky and Hearst. […]
Recently Hearst's New York American carried an "authentic" story from a "special correspondent" in which the impression was given that the Soviet Union plots imperialist expansion, particularly in the Far East." A hot scoop! The truth is, however, that the story was merely a reproduction of a crude lie that was published in Vonsiatsky's Fascist.
"The Bolsheviks are preparing to attack Japan!" screams Vonsiatsky in the February, 1935, issue of the Fascist. The Bolsheviks are preparing to attack Japan ! Hearst echoes in the February 2 issue of the New York American. […]
Early in March, 1934, Vonsiatsky and a group of his henchmen held a "conference" in New York City. Present at this conference were Colonel L. Kh. Bek-Mamedov, a White Guard personage reputed to have very intimate connection with the elite of Washington, and Kelly, chief of the New York district of the "Silver Shirts".
It was after this conference that Vonsiatsky decided to make his much trumpeted pilgrimage to the shrines of the Mikado and Hitler.
Löschen[...] The Hitler-Rosenberg scheme for German-Polish invasion of the Soviet Ukraine is the dearest dream of Nazi imperialism. The invasion, to be successful, must coincide with Japan's attack from the East. In the last two years Germany and Japan have taken little trouble to conceal their common interest in attacking Russia. […]
Even six months before Hitler took power it was known that a group of Russian White Guards were on the pay-roll of the Brown House in Munich. The group is headed by Bumanski, a former officer in the Wrangel army with a shady past; Taboritzky, a former tsarist officer who murdered the former Russian emigre Nabokov in Berlin; Talberg, secretary of the terrorist organization, the "Brotherhood of Russian Truth", that has been sending terrorists into Soviet Russia, and Knolin, the White Guard writer.
The Nazi specialist for "Ukrainian matters" is the White Guard, Colonel Poltavetz Ostranitza, who makes regular reports to Nazi headquarters on "Ukrainian affairs".
Recently the White Guards in Berlin have formed a military organization known as the "Rond". At the head of the "Rond" stands the notorious Baltic adventurer, Svetozaroff (Pelchau). Associated with him are the notorious spies, Muratoff (Snadmann), Mile. Runge and Meller-Zakomelsky.
While in Berlin, Vonsiatsky formed close ties with the "Rond". He had several conferences with Rosenberg and Svetozaroff. Participating in these conferences were also Gleb Galetski, the representative of the Ukrainian White Guard organization known as "Soyuz Mladorossov" ; A. A. Averkiev, a member of the council of Russian Fascists in Berlin; N. R. Kastel, "the Chief of the General Staff"; Count Pavel Avalov,*the leader of the Russian Fascists in Berlin; and Count S. Obolenski, representing the Ukrainian terrorists.
While in Europe Vonsiatsky also visited Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Italy and France.
In Hungary he made contacts with A. Rash, the "Fuhrer" of the Hungarian National Socialists. In France he carried on negotiations with the head of the "Soyuz Mladorossov", A. L. Kazem-Bek.
In an interview given to the Tsarski Vestnik (Tsarist News), published in Belgrade, Vonsiatsky described his visit to Berlin thus:
"I am amazed at the spirit of contemporary Germany. ... I saw how on a Sunday, on Reichskanzler Platz, storm-troopers came out to meet the Hitler girls. The girls met the storm-troopers with banners. The storm-troopers sing songs which end with the words 'blue eyes, golden locks, preserve your country for better times. . . / The girls reply : 'Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles !
"This example of patriotism is infecting the Russian exiles. I felt it when I spoke in Berlin before an audience of 3,000 White Russians.” […]
- "For obvious reasons I can't tell you anything about the results of my conferences with various representatives of anti-Communist organizations in Europe. About that I can only speak in my circle of fascists. I am happy to report, however, that the All-Russian Fascist Party, the Russian National-Socialist movement and Germany, and the "Soyuz Mladorossov" are now united and coordinated. ..."
Löschen[…] Rosenberg in turn works in close cooperation with Sir Henri Deterding, the British oil magnate, who supplies much of the cash needed to carry on terrorist activities in the U.S.S.R.
Sir Deterding, who is still mourning the Baku oil fields that the Georgian workers have taken away from him, has long been bending every effort to build a front against the Soviet Union. Germany and Poland are the horses on which he is betting. […]
Some time ago 400 Polish miners lost their jobs in France and were sent back to Poland. The Polish Government immediately retaliated by suing two French directors of the Zyradov textile mill on the ground that they had swindled the stockholders and the state. The "Zyradov affair", as it came to be known, was played up big in Germany in an attempt to estrange Poland from France.
According to the Freie Weltbuhne of Prague, however, the whole business, not only the "Zyradov affair" but also the Polish-German reprochement, is the creation of Sir Henri Deterding, who is working for a German-Polish-Hungarian alliance against the Soviet Union and is receiving cooperation from the British Foreign Office.
Sir Deterding, according to the Prague paper, keeps on his payroll several agents in Poland — among others, Wozniaski and Avaloff, two notorious Russian fascists. […]
Like Germany, Poland, too, has recently effected a close alliance with Japan. At the time of Japan's invasion of Manchuria, Marshall Pilsudski, Poland's aged dictator, was in constant communication with Japan; Japanese missions were dispatched to the Baltic States on unmistakable errands.
Robert Dell, veteran British liberal correspondent, reports in the magazine, Living Age, that the Polish Ukrainian White Guards ( followers of the notorious pogrom instigator, Petlura) whom the Poles have harbored for 1 6 years seem now to be on excellent terms with Pilsudski' s government — and with Mr. Ito, Japanese Ambassador to Poland. These Ukrainians have protested against the admission of Soviet Russia into the League of Nations but they made no protest against the foreign minister, Colonel Beck's repudiation of the national minorities treaties.
"One wonders," says Dell, "what they have been promised. Ukrainian independence? How can they attach any value to the promises of the Polish Government or Mr. Ito? The sinister aspect of the situation is that the aim of these people is war against Russia. If the hopes of Ukrainian independence has been held out, its condition must be a Japanese victory over Russia."
Löschen[...] While it is Vonsiatsky's function to organize terrorist activities in the Soviet Union, to assassinate Soviet leaders, and train soldiers for intervention, the function of the "United Russian National Organizations in America" is to pull strings in Washington and spread propaganda against the Soviet Union. The "United Russian National Organizations in America", whose offices are at 4 Columbus Circle, New York City, is a very influential organization. It has intimate connections with American "society" and the leading circles of Washington.
The head of this organization is the anti-Semitic peddler of the fake "Protocols of Zion", Boris Brasol. Associated actively with him are Professor I. V. Emelianoff, Rev. Alexander Kukulevski, LI. Sikorsky and the darling of American millionaires, Prince Paul Chavchavadze. […]
It is the "United Russian National Organizations of America" that has been carrying on, with the cooperation of Hearst, the Civic Federation, the Elks, the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the American Legion, campaigns against U.S. recognition of Soviet Russia. […]
There are at least a million White Guards all over the world who are plotting to destroy the Soviet Union. In New York alone there are more than 3,000 of them. Like heroes of a Dostoyevski novel, they inhabit a little "empire" around 120th Street and Lenox Avenue. […]
They hold secret conclaves, collect funds, adherents, arms, publish newspapers and journals, finance sabotage and terrorist activities in the U.S.S.R., assassinate Soviel leaders, plot destruction and murder.
What is more important, however, is that they do all this with the knowledge and even blessing of the Roosevelt administration.
In Mexico, Argentine, United States, Germany, Poland, Japan, China, Manchuria — all over the world — the agents of Vonsiatsky and his like are recruiting the army of the counter-revolution. They are preparing a bloody war against the Soviet Union. […]
Certain as the Soviet workers are of being able to defeat their imperialist enemies, they want no war with any nation. They do not want "an inch of foreign soil", nor conquests of backward states for exploitation. They want peace to build Socialism in the Soviet Union. […]
The Friends of the Soviet Union is a non-party, non-sectarian organization of people in countries other than the Soviet Union, who believe that the workers of the Soviet Union should have the right to develop their country and its socialist institutions without interference by the capitalist world. […]
The Friends of the Soviet Union
AntwortenLöschenVonsiatsky, Draper und der Kennedy-Mord
Uploaded on 2 Feb 2009
Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith featured in "Ministers of Hate" and "Demagogues of the Depression" was once called the greatest orator of the 20th Century. But in fact he orchestrated the murders of both Senator Huey Long of Louisiana, his former patron, and President John F. Kennedy, his arch-enemy along with Franklin D. Roosevelt. He used the proceeds of the funds received for the JFK murder from Wickliffe Draper to fund his Christ of the Ozarks shrine in Arkansas. Glen Jeansonne documented Smith's bank balance as of 12/31/1963 at under $5,000 yet Smith spent over $1,000,000 on Christ of the Ozarks in 1964. Smith attended the Richard Giesbrecht Incident in Winnipeg, Canada in the Spring of 1964 along with Anastase Vonsiatsky, discussing the pending payoffs for their parts in the recent JFK assassination. Vonsiatsky was featured in "The Russian Fascists" (Little, Brown 1979) and Wickliffe Draper funded "The Bell Curve" (1994), founded Human Events Magazine (1956) and funded both The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission according to the Wall Street Journal and the International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics and Ethnology in 1964. Draper was Mr. Eugenics during the 20th Century and his newphew Floyd Draper played second fiddle to Jesse Owens and Ralph Metcalf in the 1936 Olympics. Vonsiatsky was "The Manchurian Candidate" according to Richard Condon in the novel and movies with the same title (1961 and 2003).
Ukraine: Aufstaendische als Untermenschen bezeichnet?
AntwortenLöschenMax Uthoff zu vermeintlicher Selbstzensur beim ZDF, zu Ukraine und Russland sowie zu bundesdeutschen “Leitmedien”
Posted on July 13, 2014
Max Uthoff im Exklusivinterview: “Was die ARD Tagesthemen in den letzten Wochen gemacht haben, wird in zehn Jahren in Journalistikseminaren als Propaganda-Beispiel Nummer 1″ gelten. Und weiter: Dass der ukrainische Ministerpräsident Jazenjuk jetzt tatsächlich “offensichtlich Aufständische als Untermenschen bezeichnet hat, das habe ich weder bei ARD, ZDF, noch in der Süddeutschen, noch in irgendeinem anderen Blatt” gesehen. ...
Redaktion NEOPresse
- Am 09. Jul. 2014 - unter Politik
Die Logik der „zivilisierten Welt“ anno 1941 wie heute:
„Der Russe muß sterben, damit wir leben.“
Da war es endlich heraus, das U-Wort. Die Aufständischen in der Ostukraine seien, so wörtlich, „Untermenschen“. Das hatte Jazenjuk, seines Zeichens Premierminister der Kiewer Junta, vor wenigen Wochen gesagt und seine Mitarbeiter hatten es auch prompt weiterverbreitet. Auf der Webseite der Kiewer Botschaft in den USA wurde der Text sogar ins Englische übersetzt, inklusive dem Terminus „subhuman“. Die amerikanischen Freunde der Junta versuchten zwar sofort, einen angeblichen Übersetzungsfehler herbeizureden, doch das war
angesichts der eindeutigen Quellenlage nicht möglich. ...
AntwortenLöschen02. Juni 2015 0:01 Uhr
610. Das ist es was wir gerade erleben
Lord Ponsonby hat es bereits 1928 zusammengefasst
"Zehn Regeln der Kriegs-Propaganda":
1. Wir wollen den Krieg nicht
2. Das gegnerische Lager trägt die alleinige Verantwortung
3. Der Führer des Gegners hat dämonische Züge ("der Teufel vom Dienst")
4. Wir kämpfen für eine gute Sache
5. Der Gegner kämpft mit unerlaubten Waffen
6. Der Gegner begeht mit Absicht Grausamkeiten, bei uns handelt es sich um Versehen
7. Unsere Verluste sind gering, die des Gegners enorm
8. angesehene Persönlichkeiten, Wissenschaftler, Künstler und Intellektuelle unterstützen unsere Sache
9. Unsere Mission ist heilig
10. Wer unsere Berichterstattung in Zweifel zieht, steht auf der Seite des Gegners (Verrat)[1]
June 13, 2014
AntwortenLöschenThe Fateful Triangle
by Israel Shamir
The erotic reliefs of Hindu temples with their gravity-defying and anatomy-challenging positions have found a new modern competitor in the Ukrainian crisis. Each party wants to get the Jews on their side, while claiming that the other side is anti-Jewish and a Jewish puppet at once. This impossible, Kama-Sutraesque position is the result of extremely confusing alliances: the Kiev regime lists devout Jews and fiery antisemites among its mainstays. The leading figures of the regime (including the president-elect) are of Jewish origin; strongman and chief financier Mr. Igor (Benya) Kolomoysky is a prominent Jewish public figure, the builder of many synagogues and a supporter of Israel. The most derring-do and pro-active force of the regime, the ultra-nationalists of the Svoboda party and the Right Sector, admire Hitler and his Ukrainian Quisling, Stepan Bandera, “liberators of Ukraine from the Judeo-Muscovite yoke”. Jews are ambivalent, and the sides are ambivalent about them, and a most entertaining intrigue has been hatched. ...
... the US refused entry to Oleg Tyagnibok and other Svoboda leaders (now members of Kiev government) because of their antisemitism as recently as in 2013. But Russian appeals to Jewish and American sensitivities failed to make an impact. They know when to feign indignation and when to hush. Pro-Hitler commemorations are frequent in Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, and cause no lifting of a censorious brow, for these countries are solidly anti-Russian. In March of this year, the Obama administration’s special envoy on anti-Semitism, Ira Forman, flatly denied everything and said to the Forward that Putin’s assertions of Svoboda’s antisemitism “were not credible”. The US wants to decide who is an antisemite and who is not; like Hermann Goering wanted to decide who is a Jew and who is not in the Luftwaffe. In the Ukrainian crisis, the Jews remain divided, and follow their countries’ preferences. ...
LöschenIsrael is explicitly neutral in the Ukrainian crisis. Israelis walked out and did not vote on the UN GA Crimea resolution at all, annoying its American sponsors. The Israelis had a flimsy excuse: their Foreign Office was on strike. The Americans weren’t satisfied with this explanation. Strike or not, vote you must!
We learned from our Israeli colleagues the details of the Putin-Netanyahu phone conversation, which elaborated the reasons for Israeli neutrality. Israel is worried that as an asymmetric response to the US sanctions, Russia would deliver its potent air defence systems to Iran and Syria. Iran and Russia had signed a weapons supply contract a few years ago, Iran duly paid; then the shipment was suspended. Iran went to court demanding a massive compensation for the breach of contract. Likewise, the Syrians were supposed to get the S-300 surface-to-air missile system, able to protect its skies from Israeli raids. The deliveries commenced; PM Netanyahu beseeched Putin to put it on hold. Initially Putin objected, stressing the defensive nature of the system. Netanyahu told the Russian president that the S-300 would allow the Syrians to cover the whole North of Israel, at least all the way to Haifa and endangering civil aviation as well. Putin agreed to stop the deliveries.
Vladimir Putin is friendly to Israel. He promised he would not allow the destruction of Israel; he promised to save its population if the situation should become truly dangerous. During the recent visit of PM Netanyahu to Moscow, Putin was not carried away by Netanyahu and Liberman’s hints of possible Israeli re-alliance with Moscow instead of Washington. He told the Israelis that their ties with the US are too strong for such a re-alliance being conceivable. Putin said that Russia is satisfied with the present level of friendship and does not demand that Tel Aviv weaken its ties with Washington. Putin visited Israel a few times, he received the Israeli PM in Kremlin. The Israeli ambassador Mme Golender sees Putin more often than do her American or French counterparts. ...
Last week, Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld visited Moscow. In 2003, he famously threatened Europe with nuclear destruction (the “Samson Option”), saying “Israel has the capability to take the world down with us, and that will happen before Israel goes under”. Now he has explained to Russians Israel’s new policy: While the US enters the period of its decline, Israel must diversify and hedge its bets by drawing close to Moscow, Beijing and Delhi, he wrote in Izvestia daily. Perhaps, but without going too far. A flirt – yes, switching sides – not yet.
Deutscher Einmarsch in der Ukraine im Namen der "Befreiung vom Bolschewismus" (1941)
AntwortenLöschenEHRI Online Course in Holocaust Studies
AŻIH, (Archive of the Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw), Ring. I/869
The Holocaust in Ukraine – The Pogroms of 1941
Translation: A02 Stanisław Różycki describes attacks on Jews in Lviv in June and July 1941
Part II Ukraine “liberated” again
Diary of a refugee in Lwów [Lviv], from June 1 to September 15, 1941
... July 1.
Germans are already in Lwów: We’ve been hearing this news for a dozen hours or so. The ominous, sinister, deadly silence is broken by shots here and there, sometimes very close, machine guns, light firearms, cannons, sometimes an exploding grenade or a bomb. For the moment, the worst fears have not materialized. So far, we have avoided a spontaneous pogrom by the Ukrainians. The Germans aren’t here yet, but they have issued their orders long ago: no pogroms, no unorganised impulsive actions, no harm to the Poles. Today at 6 a.m. the first German motorcyclists arrive. An hour later, a swastika is already hanging on the town hall. Two hours later, there are already several hundred Germans and a battalion of Cossacks, Ukrainian legionnaires conscripted into the German army. The tension in the city has eased in every respect. Fist of all, the German entry was a pleasant surprise. It is only the vanguard, just cars and motorcycles, but everyone was impressed by the striking contrast between German and Bolshevik behaviour. The Bolsheviks (I mean the military, which, by the way, included many locals) acted very insecure in the city. They walked the streets scared, kept looking back fearfully over their shoulders, always with a bayoneted rifle in hand, at the ready against any enemy. A single shot would trigger a random, thoughtless,panicky fire in all directions, and innocent victims fell. The Germans came, as they would to friends. Smiling, confident, with rifles on their backs, usually just armed with pistols (holstered too), they did not inspire fear or panic at all. Apparently such is the suggestive power and authority of the German army, for I saw a German soldier with a pistol at his belt, which he didn’t even take out, disarm and escort to a guardroom 12 frightened Red Army men, who resigned themselves to their fate without any resistance. I should add that the Ukrainians greeted them [the Germans – translator’s note] with flowers, green branches, smiles and joy – full of high hopes and delusions, in their Sunday best, they welcomed their saviours and liberators. In the afternoon, Lwów looks completely different: instead of the sickle and hammer, there are the swastika and Ukrainian trident everywhere, as well as blue and yellow flags – sino-zhovti [Ukrainian: blue and yellow; written in the Cyrillic alphabet in the original – translator’s note]. A proclamation by Stepan Bandera, the leader of the OUN, about the creation of a Ukrainian superpower empire was posted in the city. Within an hour, the Germans took down and confiscated the posters, and sent Bandera packing. The Ukrainians haven’t figured out the situation yet and they’re still parading belligerently and victoriously. They beat up whoever speaks Polish, and all Poles and Jews must speak Ukrainian everywhere – no one understands or wants to understand anything. Liberated from the Judeo-Muscovite yoke, Ukraine becomes an independent state allied with and under the patronage of the “Invincible German Army.” Certain terms from 21 months ago reappear: “liberation from under the knout,” “oppressed Ukrainian people,” “national oppression,” “brilliant leader,” “invincible army.” ...
Nazis in der ukrainischen Regierung
AntwortenLöschen"Die Anstalt"
Vom Leserbrief-Blog der ZEIT
AntwortenLöschenLeserbrief zu „Wir doch nicht!“ von Alice Bota
Vielen Dank für solche Fake-News! Wenn Sie schon so rumpoltern, sollte das wenigstens qualifiziert erfolgen! Im Fall Skripal gibt es mehr logische Lücken als in Grimms Märchen. Falls Sie nicht selbst drauf kommen, zähle ich sie Ihnen gerne auf. Bei der Ukraine/Krim werden grundsätzlich die CIA-finanzierten ukrainischen Milizen „vergessen“, die nicht Bestandteil des Minsker Abkommens sind. Ebenso wird die große US-Marinebasis nahe der Krim unterschlagen, die, wäre die Krim nicht an Russland angeschlossen worden, heute in Rufweite der Basis der russischen Schwarzmeerflotte wäre. Kennedy hatte 1962 noch den Finger auf dem roten Knopf bei so was. An dem Spruch „Die Russen wollen Krieg! Seht mal, wie nahe sie ihr Land an unsere Militärbasen geschoben haben!“ ist ziemlich viel dran (die Karte ist ziemlich unvollständig). – Gilbert Brands
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!
AntwortenLöschenGiaonhan247 chuyên dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng đi mỹ cũng như dịch vụ ship hàng mỹ từ dịch vụ nhận mua hộ hàng mỹ từ website nổi tiếng Mỹ là mua hàng amazon về VN uy tín, giá rẻ.