"Handgun type used on Sikhs is mass shooting weapon of choice"
Greg McCune, Reuters, 07 August 2012
"The semiautomatic handgun used in the deadly attack on a Wisconsin Sikh temple is the same type used in other recent U.S. mass shootings, including one at a theater in Colorado, and the attack on a congresswoman in Arizona, gun experts said.
Wisconsin shooter Wade Michael Page used a Springfield 9mm semiautomatic handgun to carry out the attack at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, officials said. As in several other recent mass shootings, the gun had been purchased legally, at a Milwaukee-area gun store called the Shooter Shop. ...
Semiautomatic handguns are the weapon of choice for mass murderers because they are light and easy to conceal, and adaptable to using high-capacity magazines, experts say. This allows the shooter to fire the maximum number of bullets in a short period of time, said Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence
Policy Center, a nonprofit group that advocates to reduce gun violence. ...
Other recent attacks have also used semiautomatic handguns with high-capacity magazines.
James Holmes, the man accused of killing 12 people in a shooting spree last month at a theater in Aurora, Colorado, used one .40-caliber Glock handgun and had another one in his car. The weapons were purchased legally within the previous 60 days.
Jared Loughner, who is accused of killing six people and critically wounding Representative Gabrielle Giffords in a January 2011 attack in Tucson, Arizona, used a Glock 9 mm semiautomatic pistol with a magazine that held more than 30 bullets. He also had legally purchased the gun at a local shop and bought ammunition at Wal-Mart.
Seung-hui Cho, the Virginia Tech University student who killed 32 people and then committed suicide in 2007, also used a Glock semiautomatic handgun.
The common thread binding the mass attacks together is that they all used semiautomatic handguns with high-capacity magazines, Spearman said. ...
The United States had a ban on certain types of assault weapons until 2004, when it was allowed to expire. Since then, U.S. gun laws have become progressively more permissive, especially at the state level. ...
In July 2011, Wisconsin passed a concealed carry law, leaving Illinois the only state without a law allowing citizens to carry a concealed weapon.
Wisconsin has no prohibition on assault weapons or large-capacity ammunition magazines, according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who signed the concealed carry law, was a speaker at the 2012 annual convention of the National Rifle Association, the main group advocating for gun ownership rights.
Since the Colorado shooting, New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg has renewed a push to ban the sale of high-capacity ammunition clips. But the proposal is given little chance of passing Congress in an election year.
"Breivik erwarb die halbautomatische Schnellfeuerwaffe Ruger Mini 14, die die Standardmunition westlicher Streitkräfte verschießt ..."
"Ich besaß eine halbautomatische Schnellfeuerwaffe! Sie funktionierte! Ein Hochgefühl von Stärke und Macht packte mich. Vergessen die vielen Demütigungen ..."Kriegsende im Wendland: Erlebte Geschichte. Eine ... - Google Books-Ergebnisseite
books.google.com/books?isbn=3839192803...Karl-Heinz Schwerdtfeger - 2010
Zur Motivation des Attentäters von Wisconsin
Der örtliche Polizeichef findet, es habe keine Warnsignale für den Amoklauf von Wade Michael Page gegeben. Doch dieser war aktiver Neonazi und bekannte sich offen zu seinem Hass. - Von Dorothea Hahn
WASHINGTON taz | Es habe vorab keine Warnsignale gegeben, erklärt der Chef der Polizei in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, am Montag. Zu dem Zeitpunkt, als Polizeichef John Richards das sagt, laufen die Ermittlungen bereits wegen „inländischem Terror“. 24 Stunden zuvor hat Wade Michael Page sechs Menschen in dem Sikh-Tempel von Oak Creek erschossen und drei weitere verletzt. Dann erschoss ihn ein Polizist.
Wade Michael Page war ein Star in der Neo-Nazi-Musikszene der USA. Er trat bei „Hate-Fests“ auf, wie es sie im Sommer an allen möglichen Orten im Land gibt. Die Bands, in denen er mitmachte, hatten Namen wie „Blue Eyed Devils“ und „Youngland“. Er sang Texte, in denen es darum ging, die „Fahne des weißen Mannes“ zu hissen. Und im Jahr 2007 gründete er seine eigene Band „End Apathy“. Die Namenswahl erklärte er in einem Interview so: „Die Leute reden viel, aber tun nichts. Ich will sie aus ihrer Apathie aufrütteln“.
Sein Plattenverleger in Maryland ist der ebenfalls bekannte Skinhead Clemie Richard Haught. Dessen Musik-Verlag „Label 56“ hat jede Menge – englisch- und deutschsprachige – Skinhead-Gruppen auf seiner Webseite. Darunter „White Kids gonna fight“ und „Out for Blood“.
Liedertitel u.a. "Selbstzerstörung" (Self Destruct) und "Unterwerfung" (Submission).
Erinnert an die Rhetorik von Volkstod/ Selbstmord des Westens und Dhimmitude der Neonazis und "Counterdschihadisten"; siehe z.B. http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/07/eine-karikatur-aus-dem-pamphlet-des.html ; http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/07/muss-man-jede-debatte-fuhren.html und andere Posts mit Suchwort "Volkstod", "Dhimmi", "Counterdschihad" auf dem Blog "Menschenrechte statt Eugenik".
Enge Kontakte zur neonazistischen Musikszene verbindenden den Täter aus Wisconsin und die Täter aus Zwickau/ den "Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund" (NSU); Stichwort "Hammerskins". Siehe z.B. http://oireszene.blogsport.de/category/hammerskins/
Misty Cook, Ex-Freundin des Attentäters, mit "Volksfront" T-Shirt
Stern.de, 07. August 2012
Attentat auf Sikh-Tempel: Frustrierter Nazi träumte von "heiligem Rassenkrieg"; http://www.stern.de/panorama/attentat-auf-sikh-tempel-frustrierter-nazi-traeumte-von-heiligem-rassenkrieg-1873769.html
Rassismus in den USA nimmt wieder zu".... Die Zahl der rassistischen und extremistischen Organisationen ist SPLC zufolge in den USA seit dem Jahr 2000 um 69 Prozent gestiegen. 2011 gab es SPLC zufolge insgesamt 1018 aktive "hasserfüllte" extremistische Gruppen, wobei es sich meist um Gruppen von Weißen handle, es gebe aber auch solche mit schwarzen oder jüdischen Anhängern.
Die Gruppen teilen sich den Angaben zufolge unter anderem in Neonazis, rassistische Skinheads und Homophobe auf und agierten unter Namen wie "Blut und Ehre" oder "Arische Nationen". Die drastische Zunahme erklärt SPLC mit "Wut und der Angst vor einer schlechten Wirtschaftslage, der Zuwanderung nicht-weißer Ausländer und der sinkenden weißen Bevölkerungszahl, was durch die Wahl des ersten schwarzen Präsidenten in den USA symbolisiert" werde. ..."
Aus der "Washington Post"
(Page benutzte oft die Zahlencodes der Nazi-Szene - "88" für HH, "Heil Hitler", und "14" für zwei Sätze mit jeweils 14 Wörtern; übersetzt: " Wir müssen die Existenz unseres Volkes und die Zukunft für weiße Kinder sichern" und "Weil die Schönheit der Weißen Arischen Frauen nicht von der Erde verschwinden darf".)
"... 'the 14 words' — two 14-word-long supremacist mantras. The first mantra is, 'We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.' The second is, 'Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth.' "
Anm.: Zu "14 words" s. auch Stichwort "Redbeard" auf
Aus "The Guardian", London
Sunny Hundal, 6. August 2012http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/aug/06/wisconsin-temple-shooting-sikh-scapegoats?intcmp=239
The Sikh temple attack is only the latest case of bigotry and violence directed at Sikhs since the terrorist atrocity of 2001. A little-known fact: the first victim of retaliatory violence following the 9/11 attacks was a Sikh man. On 15 September 2001, 52-year-old Balbir Singh Sodhi, a gas-station owner in Arizona, was shot five times by Frank Roque. While Sodhi died instantly, Roque went on to shoot at other ethnic minorities before going to a local bar and boasting: "They're investigating the murder of a turban-head down the street." … While the "war on terror" that followed September 2001 badly affected Muslim families in the west, it is sadly less well-known that Sikhs have also faced significant harassment as a consequence. The Sikh Coalition of Washington said yesterday that Sikhs in the US have faced more than 700 such incidents since 9/11; authorities still do not officially collect data on religious hate crimes against them. …”
Über die Debatte zu Bezügen zwischen Hass-Rhetorik und Mordanschlägen am Beispiel des Attentats in Norwegen siehe z.B.
und Suchwort "Hass" auf dem gleichen Blog
11. August 2012
Paul Ryan, der designierte Vizepräsidentschafts-Kandidat des republikanischen Präsidentschafts-Kandidaten Mitt Romney, ist ein politischer Freund des waffenbegeisterten Gouverneurs von Wisconsin, Scott Walker (dieser hatte kürzlich den Zugang zu Handfeuerwaffen erleichtert; s.o. Stichwort "Walker").
Von Ryan ist der Ausspruch überliefert: "Es ist Jagdsaison, lasst mich in Ruhe".
Er setzt sich für die Reduzierung von Sozialleistungen, gegen soziale Krankenversicherung und für die Erhöhung des Militärbudgets ein.
Siehe Einträge "Paul Ryan" in der englisch- und deutschsprachigen Wikipedia; weitere aktuelle Info z.B.
Schusswaffen in Privatbesitz:
An erster bis dritter Stelle liegen USA, Jemen und Finnland.
Zur Motivation des Attentäters von Wisconsin
Der frustrierte Neonazi - taz.de
Amoklauf in Sikh-Tempel in den USAhttp://www.taz.de/Amoklauf-in-Sikh-Tempel/!99039/
Amoklauf in Sikh-Tempel in den USAhttp://www.taz.de/Amoklauf-in-Sikh-Tempel/!99039/
Der örtliche Polizeichef findet, es habe keine Warnsignale für den Amoklauf von Wade Michael Page gegeben. Doch dieser war aktiver Neonazi und bekannte sich offen zu seinem Hass. - Von Dorothea Hahn
WASHINGTON taz | Es habe vorab keine Warnsignale gegeben, erklärt der Chef der Polizei in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, am Montag. Zu dem Zeitpunkt, als Polizeichef John Richards das sagt, laufen die Ermittlungen bereits wegen „inländischem Terror“. 24 Stunden zuvor hat Wade Michael Page sechs Menschen in dem Sikh-Tempel von Oak Creek erschossen und drei weitere verletzt. Dann erschoss ihn ein Polizist.
… Wade Michael Page … war der Polizei lediglich ein paar Mal
durch Trunkenheit am Steuer aufgefallen. Aus demselben Grund hatte ihn auch das
US-Militär, bei dem er sechs Jahre lang als „Experte für psychologische
Operationen“ diente, erst degradiert. Und letztlich heraus geschmissen. … Wade Michael
Page soll nie für das Militär im Ausland gewesen sein. Seine letzte Station im
Jahr 1998 war Fort Bragg in North Carolina.
Doch für die Beobachter der Neonazi-Szene war der zuletzt
40-jährige ein alter Bekannter. Wade Michael Page benutzte das Pseudonym „Jack
Boot“. Die Anspielung auf die hohen Militärstiefel von Hitler war eine seiner
zahlreichen Hommagen an das NS-Regime. Er posierte für Fotos vor Hakenkreuzen.
Er hatte sich ein keltisches Kreuz und die Zahl „14“ auf die Haut tätowieren.
Bei den „White Supremacists“ (Anhänger einer „weißen Vorherrschaft“) steht die
Zahl für einen Satz in 14 Worten, der besagt: „Wir müssen die Existenz unseres
Volkes und die Zukunft für weiße Kinder sicherstellen“.
Er sang und spielte Gitarre in Skinhead-Bands, die das
Morden – unter anderem von Juden und von Schwarzen – preisen. Und er hatte auf
eine in der Neonazi-Szene übliche Art auf den 11. September 2001 reagiert: Er
ließ sich den „Respekt“ für die Opfer der Attentate auf einen Arm tätowieren.
Diesen „Respekt“ verstehen Insider als Hass auf Muslime. Wade Michael Page war ein Star in der Neo-Nazi-Musikszene der USA. Er trat bei „Hate-Fests“ auf, wie es sie im Sommer an allen möglichen Orten im Land gibt. Die Bands, in denen er mitmachte, hatten Namen wie „Blue Eyed Devils“ und „Youngland“. Er sang Texte, in denen es darum ging, die „Fahne des weißen Mannes“ zu hissen. Und im Jahr 2007 gründete er seine eigene Band „End Apathy“. Die Namenswahl erklärte er in einem Interview so: „Die Leute reden viel, aber tun nichts. Ich will sie aus ihrer Apathie aufrütteln“.
Sein Plattenverleger in Maryland ist der ebenfalls bekannte Skinhead Clemie Richard Haught. Dessen Musik-Verlag „Label 56“ hat jede Menge – englisch- und deutschsprachige – Skinhead-Gruppen auf seiner Webseite. Darunter „White Kids gonna fight“ und „Out for Blood“.
Die Werbung für „End Apathy“ und jeden Hinweis auf deren
Texte hat der Musikverleger nach den Morden in Oak Creek von seiner Webseite
genommen. Stattdessen hat Haught geschrieben, „Label 56“ sei „sehr traurig, von
der Tragödie in Wisconsin“ zu hören. Als letzten Satz fügte er hinzu: „Bitte
wertet das, was Wade (angeblich) getan hat, nicht als ehrenhaft oder
respektabel. Und bitte denkt nicht, dass wir alle so sind.“
Das „Southern Poverty Law Center“ (SPLC) in Alabama, das
seit Langem die Szene der „White Supremacists“, Neo Nazis und andere
Hass-Gruppen in den USA beobachtet, führt Wade Michael Page seit zwölf Jahren
in seinen Listen. Es weiss auch, dass Wade Michael Page versucht hat, von der
Nazi Gruppe „National Alliance“ Propagandamaterial zu besorgen. „Er
repräsentiert jene demographische Gruppe, die die Diversität in den USA als
Bedrohung empfindet “, erklärt Heidi Beirich vom SPLC nach den Morden im
Sikh-Tempel gegenüber US-Journalisten: „Wir müssen sie sehr genau beobachten.
Denn seit 2009 hat ihre Gewalt noch zugenommen.“ …
Illegal war nichts von dem, was Wade Michael Page vor den
Morden vom Sonntag getan hat. So lange Neonazis ihre Mordlust gegen
Minderheiten nur verbal erklären, schützt die Verfassung der USA ihre
Meinungsfreiheit. Vermutlich liegt es daran, dass Polizeichef John Richards
keine Zeichen im Vorleben von Wade Michael Page sieht, die „erkennen ließen,
was er vorhatte“.
Zu Wade Michael Pages legalen Utensilien gehört auch die
Flagge der „Confederates“ – der Südstaaten vor der Abschaffung der Sklaverei –
die vor seinem zweiten Wohnsitz in North Carolina weht. Und seine Tatwaffe.
Dank eines neuen Gesetzes aus dem vergangenen Jahr, in dem der republikanische
Governeur von Wisconsin, Scott Walker, den Waffenkauf noch weiter erleichtert
hat, konnte Wade Michael Page seine 9 Millimeter Pistole am 28. Juli kaufen und
zwei Tage später abholen.
Wade Michael Page als Lead Sänger der US Neonazi-Band End Apathy
Quelle: Daily Mail;
Quelle: Daily Mail;
Erinnert an die Rhetorik von Volkstod/ Selbstmord des Westens und Dhimmitude der Neonazis und "Counterdschihadisten"; siehe z.B. http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/07/eine-karikatur-aus-dem-pamphlet-des.html ; http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/07/muss-man-jede-debatte-fuhren.html und andere Posts mit Suchwort "Volkstod", "Dhimmi", "Counterdschihad" auf dem Blog "Menschenrechte statt Eugenik".
Enge Kontakte zur neonazistischen Musikszene verbindenden den Täter aus Wisconsin und die Täter aus Zwickau/ den "Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund" (NSU); Stichwort "Hammerskins". Siehe z.B. http://oireszene.blogsport.de/category/hammerskins/
Misty Cook, Ex-Freundin des Attentäters, mit "Volksfront" T-Shirt
Quelle: Antidefamation League; gefunden auf Daily Mail; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2185411/Wisconsin-Sikh-shooting-Wade-Michael-Pages-ex-girlfriend-Misty-Cook-arrested-police-gun-home.html
Stern.de, 07. August 2012
Attentat auf Sikh-Tempel: Frustrierter Nazi träumte von "heiligem Rassenkrieg"; http://www.stern.de/panorama/attentat-auf-sikh-tempel-frustrierter-nazi-traeumte-von-heiligem-rassenkrieg-1873769.html
Rassismus in den USA nimmt wieder zu".... Die Zahl der rassistischen und extremistischen Organisationen ist SPLC zufolge in den USA seit dem Jahr 2000 um 69 Prozent gestiegen. 2011 gab es SPLC zufolge insgesamt 1018 aktive "hasserfüllte" extremistische Gruppen, wobei es sich meist um Gruppen von Weißen handle, es gebe aber auch solche mit schwarzen oder jüdischen Anhängern.
Die Gruppen teilen sich den Angaben zufolge unter anderem in Neonazis, rassistische Skinheads und Homophobe auf und agierten unter Namen wie "Blut und Ehre" oder "Arische Nationen". Die drastische Zunahme erklärt SPLC mit "Wut und der Angst vor einer schlechten Wirtschaftslage, der Zuwanderung nicht-weißer Ausländer und der sinkenden weißen Bevölkerungszahl, was durch die Wahl des ersten schwarzen Präsidenten in den USA symbolisiert" werde. ..."
Aus der "Washington Post"
(Page benutzte oft die Zahlencodes der Nazi-Szene - "88" für HH, "Heil Hitler", und "14" für zwei Sätze mit jeweils 14 Wörtern; übersetzt: " Wir müssen die Existenz unseres Volkes und die Zukunft für weiße Kinder sichern" und "Weil die Schönheit der Weißen Arischen Frauen nicht von der Erde verschwinden darf".)
"... 'the 14 words' — two 14-word-long supremacist mantras. The first mantra is, 'We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.' The second is, 'Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth.' "
Anm.: Zu "14 words" s. auch Stichwort "Redbeard" auf
Aus "The Guardian", London
Sunny Hundal, 6. August 2012http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/aug/06/wisconsin-temple-shooting-sikh-scapegoats?intcmp=239
Sikhs sind seit den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 "stille Sündenböcke". Wegen ihrer Turbane werden sie zum Ziel von Hass-Verbrechen.
“Wisconsin temple shooting: Sikhs have been silent
scapegoats since 9/11The Sikh temple attack is only the latest case of bigotry and violence directed at Sikhs since the terrorist atrocity of 2001. A little-known fact: the first victim of retaliatory violence following the 9/11 attacks was a Sikh man. On 15 September 2001, 52-year-old Balbir Singh Sodhi, a gas-station owner in Arizona, was shot five times by Frank Roque. While Sodhi died instantly, Roque went on to shoot at other ethnic minorities before going to a local bar and boasting: "They're investigating the murder of a turban-head down the street." … While the "war on terror" that followed September 2001 badly affected Muslim families in the west, it is sadly less well-known that Sikhs have also faced significant harassment as a consequence. The Sikh Coalition of Washington said yesterday that Sikhs in the US have faced more than 700 such incidents since 9/11; authorities still do not officially collect data on religious hate crimes against them. …”
Über die Debatte zu Bezügen zwischen Hass-Rhetorik und Mordanschlägen am Beispiel des Attentats in Norwegen siehe z.B.
und Suchwort "Hass" auf dem gleichen Blog
11. August 2012
Paul Ryan, der designierte Vizepräsidentschafts-Kandidat des republikanischen Präsidentschafts-Kandidaten Mitt Romney, ist ein politischer Freund des waffenbegeisterten Gouverneurs von Wisconsin, Scott Walker (dieser hatte kürzlich den Zugang zu Handfeuerwaffen erleichtert; s.o. Stichwort "Walker").
Von Ryan ist der Ausspruch überliefert: "Es ist Jagdsaison, lasst mich in Ruhe".
Er setzt sich für die Reduzierung von Sozialleistungen, gegen soziale Krankenversicherung und für die Erhöhung des Militärbudgets ein.
Siehe Einträge "Paul Ryan" in der englisch- und deutschsprachigen Wikipedia; weitere aktuelle Info z.B.
Schusswaffen in Privatbesitz:
An erster bis dritter Stelle liegen USA, Jemen und Finnland.
Finnland: Waffenrecht ist eines der lockersten in Europa - Panorama | STERN.DE 24. September 2008
"Nur in den USA und im Jemen sind mehr Schusswaffen in Privatbesitz: Finnland liegt mit 1,6 Millionen Knarren weltweit an dritter Stelle. Auch das Waffenrecht ist eines der lockersten in Europa. Eine starke Anti-Waffen-Lobby gibt es jedoch nicht - trotz der jüngsten Massaker.
1,6 Millionen Schusswaffen befinden sich in Finnland im Besitz von Privatpersonen. 650.000 Bürger haben einen Waffenschein, das sind etwa 13 Prozent der Bevölkerung. Mit Blick auf die Gesamtzahl der Schusswaffen liegt Finnland Studien zufolge weltweit hinter den USA und Jemen an dritter Stelle. Europaweit haben nur in der Schweiz ähnlich viele Bürger Schusswaffen zu Hause.
Die Altersgrenze für deren Erwerb liegt in Finnland derzeit bei 15 Jahren, damit ist das Waffenrecht eines der lockersten in Europa. Wer zum ersten Mal eine Schusswaffe erwirbt, erhält in der Regel eine Lizenz für eine Pistole Kaliber 22. Nach dem Amoklauf an der Jokela-Schule im vergangenen November wollte die Regierung in Helsinki die Altersgrenze auf 18 Jahre heraufsetzen, ein entsprechendes Gesetz wurde bislang aber nicht verabschiedet. ...
Auch wenn nach dem Blutbad Rufe nach schärferen Regelungen laut wurden, gibt es in Finnland keine besonders starke Anti-Waffen-Lobby. Laut einer Regierungsstudie aus dem Jahr 2002 stehen nur 14 Prozent aller Morde in Finnland mit Schusswaffen in Zusammenhang. In den USA wurden nach Angaben des Statistikbüros im gleichen Jahr fast 67 Prozent aller polizeilich bekannten Morde mit Schusswaffen verübt."
1,6 Millionen Schusswaffen befinden sich in Finnland im Besitz von Privatpersonen. 650.000 Bürger haben einen Waffenschein, das sind etwa 13 Prozent der Bevölkerung. Mit Blick auf die Gesamtzahl der Schusswaffen liegt Finnland Studien zufolge weltweit hinter den USA und Jemen an dritter Stelle. Europaweit haben nur in der Schweiz ähnlich viele Bürger Schusswaffen zu Hause.
Die Altersgrenze für deren Erwerb liegt in Finnland derzeit bei 15 Jahren, damit ist das Waffenrecht eines der lockersten in Europa. Wer zum ersten Mal eine Schusswaffe erwirbt, erhält in der Regel eine Lizenz für eine Pistole Kaliber 22. Nach dem Amoklauf an der Jokela-Schule im vergangenen November wollte die Regierung in Helsinki die Altersgrenze auf 18 Jahre heraufsetzen, ein entsprechendes Gesetz wurde bislang aber nicht verabschiedet. ...
Auch wenn nach dem Blutbad Rufe nach schärferen Regelungen laut wurden, gibt es in Finnland keine besonders starke Anti-Waffen-Lobby. Laut einer Regierungsstudie aus dem Jahr 2002 stehen nur 14 Prozent aller Morde in Finnland mit Schusswaffen in Zusammenhang. In den USA wurden nach Angaben des Statistikbüros im gleichen Jahr fast 67 Prozent aller polizeilich bekannten Morde mit Schusswaffen verübt."
Schulmassaker in Finnland: Polizei verhörte Täter vor Amoklauf - Panorama | STERN.DE
23. September 2008
Ein 22-Jähriger hat an einer Berufsschule im finnischen Kauhajoki zehn Menschen getötet und sich anschließend selbst gerichtet. Am Vortag war der Täter aufgrund von Gewaltvideos im Internet von der Polizei befragt worden. Einen Grund seine Waffe einzuziehen, sahen die Beamten nicht.
© DPA"Fassungslosigkeit in Finnland: Zum zweiten Mal innerhalb eines Jahres ist ein Amokläufer nach einer Ankündigung im Internet in eine Schule gestürmt und hat wahllos Menschen erschossen. In der Kleinstadt Kauhajoki starben am Dienstag zehn Menschen, als ein schwer bewaffneter und maskierter Mitschüler wild um sich feuerte. Der 22 Jahre alte Täter aus Kauhajoki schoss sich nach Angaben der Polizei anschließend selbst in den Kopf. Er wurde schwer verletzt in das Krankenhaus von Tampere gebracht. Erst im vergangenen November hatte ein 18-jähriger Abiturient im finnischen Jokela sechs Mitschüler, die Rektorin und die Schulkrankenschwester erschossen. Anschließend nahm er sich das Leben.
In Kauhajoki, 350 Kilometer nördlich von Helsinki und nahe der Ostseestadt Vaasa, stürmte der Amokläufer gegen 11.00 Uhr Ortszeit in die Berufsschule. ... Kurz vor dem Amoklauf hatte der Schüler in einem Internetforum ausdrücklich ein "Kauhajoki School Massacre" angekündigt. ...
Innenministerin Anne Holmlund musste einräumen, dass die Polizei noch am Vortag keinen Anlass gesehen hatte, gegen den Mann aktiv zu werden, der sich mit gefilmten Schießübungen im Internetportal YouTube präsentiert hatte. Am Montag hatte ihn ein Polizeibeamter zu dem Schusswaffen-Auftritt im Internet befragt und danach keinen Grund gesehen, die Waffe oder den im August ausgestellten Waffenschein einzuziehen. Der 22-Jährige aus Kauhajoki gab in seinem Profil als Hauptinteressen "Computer, Waffen, Sex und Bier" an. Die Seite wurde inzwischen vom Netz genommen. ...
Nach dem ersten Amoklauf im November 2007 hatte es in der finnischen Öffentlichkeit massive Forderungen nach einer Verschärfung der Waffengesetze gegeben. Auch der 18-jährige Amokläufer vom vergangenen November hatte wenige Monate vor dem Attentat völlig legal einen Waffenschein für die Mordwaffe erhalten und seine Tat als "Jokela High School Massacre" angekündigt."
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23. September 2008
Ein 22-Jähriger hat an einer Berufsschule im finnischen Kauhajoki zehn Menschen getötet und sich anschließend selbst gerichtet. Am Vortag war der Täter aufgrund von Gewaltvideos im Internet von der Polizei befragt worden. Einen Grund seine Waffe einzuziehen, sahen die Beamten nicht.
© DPA"Fassungslosigkeit in Finnland: Zum zweiten Mal innerhalb eines Jahres ist ein Amokläufer nach einer Ankündigung im Internet in eine Schule gestürmt und hat wahllos Menschen erschossen. In der Kleinstadt Kauhajoki starben am Dienstag zehn Menschen, als ein schwer bewaffneter und maskierter Mitschüler wild um sich feuerte. Der 22 Jahre alte Täter aus Kauhajoki schoss sich nach Angaben der Polizei anschließend selbst in den Kopf. Er wurde schwer verletzt in das Krankenhaus von Tampere gebracht. Erst im vergangenen November hatte ein 18-jähriger Abiturient im finnischen Jokela sechs Mitschüler, die Rektorin und die Schulkrankenschwester erschossen. Anschließend nahm er sich das Leben.
In Kauhajoki, 350 Kilometer nördlich von Helsinki und nahe der Ostseestadt Vaasa, stürmte der Amokläufer gegen 11.00 Uhr Ortszeit in die Berufsschule. ... Kurz vor dem Amoklauf hatte der Schüler in einem Internetforum ausdrücklich ein "Kauhajoki School Massacre" angekündigt. ...
Innenministerin Anne Holmlund musste einräumen, dass die Polizei noch am Vortag keinen Anlass gesehen hatte, gegen den Mann aktiv zu werden, der sich mit gefilmten Schießübungen im Internetportal YouTube präsentiert hatte. Am Montag hatte ihn ein Polizeibeamter zu dem Schusswaffen-Auftritt im Internet befragt und danach keinen Grund gesehen, die Waffe oder den im August ausgestellten Waffenschein einzuziehen. Der 22-Jährige aus Kauhajoki gab in seinem Profil als Hauptinteressen "Computer, Waffen, Sex und Bier" an. Die Seite wurde inzwischen vom Netz genommen. ...
Nach dem ersten Amoklauf im November 2007 hatte es in der finnischen Öffentlichkeit massive Forderungen nach einer Verschärfung der Waffengesetze gegeben. Auch der 18-jährige Amokläufer vom vergangenen November hatte wenige Monate vor dem Attentat völlig legal einen Waffenschein für die Mordwaffe erhalten und seine Tat als "Jokela High School Massacre" angekündigt."
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Gescheiterte Reform: Die Waffenfanatiker haben sich schuldig gemacht | ZEIT ONLINE (18.04.2013)
AntwortenLöschenDie Ablehnung schärferer Waffengesetze im Senat zeigt: Politiker in Washington beugen sich der Waffenlobby und ignorieren den Volkswillen.
"Man kann und will es nicht verstehen: Amerika ist eine gewaltgeplagte Gesellschaft, aber sie bringt es nicht einmal zustande, die Gewalt zumindest dort einzugrenzen, wo sie sich ein wenig eindämmen ließe. Obwohl es neun von zehn Amerikanern verlangen, hat sich der Kongress erneut geweigert, die Waffengesetze auch nur ein klitzekleines bisschen zu verschärfen.
Gerade hat sich der Terror in den Vereinigten Staaten wieder ins Bewusstsein gebracht. Doch Waffen fordern Tag für Tag weit mehr Opfer: Allein zwischen Montag und Mittwoch starben einige Hundert Frauen, Männern und Kinder an den Folgen einer Schussverletzung. Jedes Jahr kommen auf diese Weise knapp 30.000 Menschen um, ein rundes Drittel in der Folge eines Verbrechens.
Doch am Mittwoch konnten sich die hundert Senatoren in Washington nicht darauf einigen, einer Gesetzesvorlage zuzustimmen, die nicht mehr verlangte als eine umfassendere Überprüfung von Waffenkäufern. Bislang sind diese sogenannten background checks nur für das Geschäft in einem offiziellen Waffenladen vorgeschrieben, nicht aber für den Erwerb von Pistolen oder Gewehren auf einer Waffenmesse oder über das Internet.
Diese Lücke wollte die Mehrheit im Senat schließen. Neun von zehn Amerikanern wollen dies ebenso. Einem republikanischen und einem demokratischen Senator war das seltene Kunststück gelungen, einen Kompromiss auszuhandeln und zur Abstimmung vorzulegen.
Die Eltern jener Kinder, die im vergangenen Dezember bei einem Schulmassaker in Newtown ums Leben gekommen waren, reisten eigens nach Washington, um den beiden Senatoren den Rücken zu stärken. Aus Arizona flog auch die ehemalige Kongressabgeordnete Gabby Giffords ein, die im Januar 2010 bei einer Schießerei schwer verletzt worden war. Bis zur letzten Sekunde beknieten Präsident Obama und sein Vize Joe Biden die Senatoren, diesem überparteilichen Gesetzentwurf zuzustimmen.
Doch alles Werben, alles Leid und alle guten Argumente nutzten nichts. 46 von 100 Senatoren sagten am Mittwoch Nein und blockierten damit vorerst jede weitere Befassung mit dem Gesetz. Eine absurde Besonderheit im Senat verlangt eine Supermehrheit von 60 Ja-Stimmen, um weitermachen zu können. Kein Wunder, dass ein völlig frustrierter Präsident Obama am späten Nachmittag vor die Nation trat und ziemlich unverblümt darum bat, den Nein-Sagern bei der nächsten Wahl einen Denkzettel zu verpassen.
Die Verweigerer scheren sich keinen Deut um den Volkswillen. Sie hören allein auf die Waffenlobby und beugen sich ihrer geballten Macht. Millionen von Dollar warf die National Rifle Association (NRA) in die Meinungsschlacht und drohte ihrerseits Abgeordneten und Senatoren unverhohlen damit, bei der nächsten Wahl ihre vier Millionen Mitglieder in Stellung zu bringen. Fast alle Republikaner und jene Demokraten, die in konservativen Wahlkreisen kandidieren, kuschten. ..."
In US Medien wieder Diskussion um Schusswaffen, nachdem wieder einmal ein junger Mann um sich geschossen und mehrere junge Menschen getoetet hat - um sich an der Welt zu raechen, weil er bei Frauen nicht ankam. Der Vater eines der Opfer erklaerte im Fernsehen, mit dem freien Waffenzugang muesste endlich Schluss sein. Typische Gegenreaktion eines Waffenliebhabers: Wegen der getoeteten Menschen wuerde er sich sein konstitutionelles Recht auf Waffenbesitz nicht wegnehmen lassen. Verantwortlich sei allein der verrueckte Moerder.
AntwortenLöschenSanta Barbara killings: Did misogynist hate groups play a role?
LöschenThe killing spree in Santa Barbara has sparked a debate about the role misogyny might have played, drawing new attention to anti-women hate sites and the world of the 'manosphere.'
By Amanda Paulson | Christian Science Monitor – Wed, 28 May, 2014
It's impossible for anyone to know what ultimately caused Elliot Rodger to launch his "Day of Retribution," beginning by stabbing to death his two roommates and their friend, and ending with him killing three more people and wounding 13 in a shooting spree in Isla Vista, Calif., before he took his own life.
Based on his YouTube postings and 140-page autobiography that he e-mailed to some dozen people before starting his rampage, he was a deeply troubled and lonely young man [...]
But Rodger's killing spree also has sparked an online debate about the role misogyny might have played in his rampage, and has drawn new attention to anti-women hate sites, which he frequented, and the world of the "manosphere." [...]
He used language common in the "Pick-Up Artist" (PUA) online community, saying that after "slaughtering all of you," "you will see that I am in truth ... the true alpha male."
Rodger ranted against the "injustice" of girls giving sex and love to other men but not to him, "the supreme gentleman." "On the day of retribution I am going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB," he boasted, referring to the University of California at Santa Barbara. "And I will slaughter every single spoiled stuck-up blond slut I see inside there."
His rambling autobiography contains even more hatred directed toward women, and an indication that he was increasingly blaming them for his loneliness. "I concluded that women are flawed," he wrote. "Women should not have the right to choose who to mate with. That choice should be made for them by civilized men of intelligence."
A year ago, he wrote, he started visiting the online forums of PUAHate.com – a website started by men who had bought into the "PUA" philosophies, only to find the "techniques" didn't work for them. The site has been pulled down since the killings, but those who followed it say that conversations were largely misogynistic diatribes, pity sessions among men who blamed women for everything.
Rodger described it as a forum "full of men who are starved of sex, just like me," and said "reading the posts on that website only confirmed many of the theories I had about how wicked and degenerate women really are." The website, he adds, "shows just how bleak and cruel the world is due of the evilness of women." [...]
Very often, an individual mass shooting will have some sort of feature to it that will trigger a culture issue for people, says Chris Ferguson, a psychology professor at Stetson University in Florida who has studied mass shootings. But focusing too much on specific issues misses the broader common traits such shooters share that could help more in preventing mass killings. [...]
Clearly, Rodger hated women, Ferguson says. But his autobiography is also filled with scattered racism and hatred of at least some men – particularly men who got the sex he craved, as well as his roommates.
"I think what it comes down to is that, like a lot of mass homicide perpetrators, he just hates," says Ferguson. [...]
LöschenStill, Mr. Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, says the "manosphere" of men's rights groups – most virulently anti-women – has been growing, and that the Internet has made it possible for members of such groups to feel a sense of community, and gain validation for their ideas, that they may not have had otherwise.
Potok says he's watched a similar phenomenon happen with white supremacy groups, where, 25 years ago, "the average white supremacist in America was a very lonely, isolated alienated person, a guy who had been left behind by the larger society and was essentially standing in his living room shaking his fist at the sky."
With the rise of the Internet, says Potok, "they felt they were part of a movement."
The manosphere, he says, is a growing collection of forums and websites that purport to be standing up for men's rights in a world of feminism, but are filled with "pure unvarnished women hatred." Many are devoted to the idea of false rape allegations, and the idea that society has been taken over by women. The PUA community, he says, is solidly a part of that.
And the killing spree that Rodger launched fits, in some ways, into a series of acts of violence directed at women, over issues of feminism, that the SPLC has tracked for some years, says Potok. In 1989, a Canadian named Marc Lépine, whose suicide note blamed feminists for ruining his life, walked into Montreal's École Polytechnique, told the men in the class to leave, and then shot the nine women who remained, killing six. He went on to kill eight more women and four men.
In 2009, George Sodini, a man who also blamed women who wouldn't sleep with him and failed PUA techniques for his misery, launched an attack at an LA Fitness Club in Pennsylvania that resulted in four deaths, including his own, and nine injuries.
Potok cites several other cases in which men active in men's rights forums committed violence, blamed women, and, in many cases, were celebrated by the manosphere community.
While PUAHate.com has been shut down, Josh Glasstetter at the SPLC has sifted through many of his posts, and writes that Rodger considered himself "something of an incel [involuntary celibate] revolutionary."
"Start envisioning a world where WOMEN FEAR YOU," Rodger wrote at one point.
"The manosphere provides moral support and sustenance, a real community of sorts, for people like Elliot Rodger," says Potok. "Elliot Rodger before the Internet might have been a much more alienated individual perhaps less willing to act on his beliefs – but that's impossible to say."
... After killing Police Officers Alyn Beck, 41, and Igor Soldo, 31, and taking their weapons, police said, the Millers fled across the street to a Walmart store, where they shot and killed customer Joseph Wilcox, 31, before apparently taking their own lives in a suicide pact. ...
AntwortenLöschenPhotos on 22-year-old Amanda Miller’s Facebook page shows the couple celebrating Christmas with family two weeks before departing for Nevada. In one photo, she poses with copies of the “Shooter’s Bible” and “Extreme Survival.”
“My new books that my Grandma Paula got me!” she wrote on Facebook. ...
In a July 8, 2013, video he posted to YouTube, he vents about the government making a profit from an ankle monitor he has to pay for and wear while under house arrest. He also rants about the local courthouse and questions why citizens need permits.
“You have to go down to that big stone structure, monument to tyranny, and submit, crawling, groveling on your hands and knees,” he says on the video. “Sounds a little like Nazi Germany to me or maybe communist Russia.” ...
“A new world order under the Joker,” he shouts while belting out an evil laugh.
Jerad Miller’s profile picture on Facebook is of two knives behind a mask and the word “PATRIOT” in stars and stripes. Much of his social activity was centered on Second Amendment gun laws, government spying and drug laws. Six days before Sunday’s rampage, he posted on Facebook that, “to stop this oppression, I fear, can only be accomplished with bloodshed.”
“We can hope for peace. We must, however, prepare for war. We face an enemy that is not only well funded, but who believe they fight for freedom and justice. ... We, cannot with good conscience leave this fight to our children, because the longer we wait, our enemies become better equipped and recruit more mercenaries of death, willing to do a tyrants bidding without question. I know you are fearful, as am I. We certainly stand before a great and powerful enemy. I, however would rather die fighting for freedom, than live on my knees as a slave.”
Investigators with the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center said the Millers' web writings were typical of right-wing, militia-type thinking.
But Heidi Beirich said the SPLC’s intelligence files don’t show the couple to be members of an organized group.
“It’s just the two of them doing this crazy thing that the two of them decided to do,” Beirich, director of the SPLC’s intelligence project, told Yahoo News.
The ADL says in the past five years, there have been 43 separate incidences of violence between domestic extremists and U.S. law enforcement. All but four of the attacks were perpetrated by right-wing extremists, according to the ADL.
“The two police officers who lost their lives are only the latest in a series of casualties in a de facto war being waged against police by right-wing extremists, including both anti-government extremists and white supremacists,” Mark Pitcavage, ADL director of investigative research, said in a written statement. “Some extremists have deliberately targeted police, while others have responded violently when meeting police in unplanned encounters. The killings are not the effort of a concerted campaign, but rather a series of independent attacks and clashes stemming from right-wing ideologies.”
Follow Jason Sickles on Twitter (@jasonsickles).
TROUTDALE, Ore. (AP) — A teen gunman armed with a rifle shot and killed a student Tuesday and injured a teacher at a high school in a quiet Columbia River town in Oregon then likely killed himself, authorities said. ...The Reynolds School District issued a statement mourning "the loss of one of our students."
AntwortenLöschenThe Oregon violence came less than a week after a gunman opened fire on a college campus in neighboring Washington state, killing a 19-year-old man and wounding two others. It follows a string of mass shootings that have disturbed the nation, including one on Sunday in Nevada that left two Las Vegas police officers and a civilian dead.
The Tuesday shooting was the first fatal school shooting in Oregon since May 1998 when 15-yeatr-old Kip Kinkel killed two students and wounded 25 others at Thurston High School in Springfield near Eugene. He killed his parents prior to the attack and is serving a 111-year prison sentence.
Reynolds is the second-largest high school in Oregon, with about 2,800 students. Its students come from several communities.
Revisiting the Gun Debate in America
LöschenAn average of one school shooting happens every week in America, says a recent report from Everytown for Gun Safety. School officials across the country do all they can to protect students. But for one elementary school in northern Virginia, the opening of a nearby gun store has led to protests. ...
The latest mass school shooting happened on October 1 in the state of Oregon. Nine people died and nine others were wounded at Umpqua Community College.
That marked the 45th school shooting in America in 2015.
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AntwortenLöschen"... Pre-orders for the Ghost Gunner started this week at prices ranging from $999 to $1,299, and Cody Wilson's organization, Defense Distributed, sold out its original run of 175 units in just a day. Another 100-unit pre-order allotment sold out the next day. ..."
Families of Newtown victims sue rifle manufacturer
AntwortenLöschenAssociated Press
December 15, 2014 2:42 PM
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — The families of nine people killed in the Newtown school massacre filed a lawsuit against the maker and sellers of the Bushmaster AR-15 rifle used in the shooting, saying the gun should not have been sold for civilian use because of its overwhelming firepower. ...
Family of Toddler Injured by SWAT 'Grenade' Faces $1M in Medical Bills
AntwortenLöschenABC News
2 hours ago
Alecia and Bounkham Phonesavanh never imagined their family would be at the center of a controversy over the militarization of police. But that’s exactly where they found themselves when their toddler was seriously injured by a SWAT team, also leaving them with a $1 million medical bill they have no hope of paying.
“They messed up,” Alecia Phonesavanh told ABC News' "20/20." “They had a faulty search warrant. They raided the wrong house.” ...
Hate crimes and hate speech: Islamophobia's rise in the U.S.
AntwortenLöschenBy Colin Daileda
Feb 18, 2015
Two days after three Muslim students were shot and killed in a possible hate crime in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, a Muslim man was assaulted at a grocery store in Dearborn, Michigan, possibly as part of a rising tide of alleged Islamophobia in the United States.
"We're really seeing a spike in anti-Muslim hate rhetoric since the Charlie Hebdo attack," Ibrahim Hooper, communications director at the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told Mashable, referring to the deadly attack last month against a satirical magazine in Paris. "Personally, I've gotten dozens and dozens of hate emails and calls and even threats that have been turned over to the FBI, and we see this being replicated all over the country."
The FBI has opened a preliminary, parallel investigation into the Chapel Hill shootings. They will look into, among other elements of the case, whether alleged murdered Craig Stephen Hicks killed the students because they were Muslim. Hicks' attorney claimed the attack was the result of a parking dispute, while members of the victims' family say it was a hate crime.
Jehron Muhammad
LöschenPosted: Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 10:30 AM
A double standard is how many Muslims describe media coverage of the recent killing of three American Muslim students in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. When persons of Middle Eastern or North African origin are involved in violent acts, it’s immediately, by the press, labeled a terrorist attack. And suggestions are generally made affiliating the culprit(s) with a wider terrorist network. When “carnage occurs at the hands of white males, ... their acts of mass murder are never classified as ‘terrorism,' ” according to Egypt’s Daily News.
News accounts of the brutal murder of Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, Deah Shaddy Barakat, and Razan Mohammad Abu Salha initially said their deaths were over a parking space dispute. If serious inquiries were made, the media would have discovered that on the day of the shooting, the parking space in question was empty.
The alleged shooter, Craig Stephen Hicks, a neighbor of the murdered victims, obtained unlawful entry into their condominium and shot the husband and two sisters “execution style” in the back of the head. Hicks, according to family members of the victims, always carried a weapon, and often harassed his Muslim neighbors.
The 46-year-old Hicks, a self-described “gun-toting” atheist, on his Facebook page posted hostility toward religion, commenting on Muslims, Christians and Jews. He said in one post: “I wish they would exterminate each other!”
Yousef Salha, the older brother of the two female victims, told the media that there is no doubt that their murder was an “anti-Muslim hate crime.”
Richard Muhammad, editor-in-chief of the Final Call, the largest Muslim-owned weekly publication in the U.S., blames the “biased” coverage on the “warped view of Islam that’s really colored by the continued problem of white supremacy and institutional racism.” [...]
Neighbors Say Suspect in Chapel Hill Shootings Was Threatening
FEB. 12, 2015
[...] Mr. Hicks’s Facebook page suggests that he has a strong interest in atheism and is contemptuous of religion; the page is filled with posts and cartoons mocking the intelligence of people who believe in the Bible. His anger appeared to be aimed primarily at Christians — in fact, in 2010 he decried as hypocritical opposition by Christians to a much-debated proposal for a mosque to be built near ground zero in Manhattan.
He also indicated that he was proud of owning a weapon: Last month, he posted an image of a gun on a scale with the words, “Yes, that is 1 pound 5.1 ounces for my loaded 38 revolver, its holster, and five extra rounds in a speedloader.”
Yusor Abu-Salha and Mr. Barakat had also been accosted by Mr. Hicks before.
“This man had picked on my daughter and her husband a couple of times before, and he talked with them with his gun in his belt,” said the sisters’ father, Dr. Mohammad Abu-Salha. “They were uncomfortable with him, but they did not know he would go this far.”
A friend of Yusor Abu-Salha’s said one of the altercations occurred last fall, after she left the apartment following a dinner and a game of Risk.
“Right after we left, Yusor heard a knock at the door, and it was Hicks," the friend, Amira Ata, told the media company Fusion. Mr. Hicks complained about extra cars in the neighborhood and of noise from the Risk game, she said. “While he was at the door talking to Yusor, he was holding a rifle, she told me later. He didn’t point it at anyone, but he still had it.”
A former roommate of Mr. Barakat’s was also aware of the threatening behavior, generally over use of visitor parking spaces.
“He would come over to the door, knock on the door and then have a gun on his hip, saying, ‘You guys need to not park here,’ ” Imad Ahmad, the former roommate, told The Associated Press. [...]
Mr. Hicks’s behavior as a neighbor has become central to a debate about whether the killings were a hate crime — a possibility still being investigated by the local police. Ms. Hicks insisted that her husband’s political views showed that he was not bigoted: She has emphasized that he supports same-sex marriage, abortion rights and racial equality.
“He often champions, on his Facebook page, for the rights of many individuals,” said Ms. Hicks, who said she had been married to Mr. Hicks for seven years. “That’s just one of the things I know about him, is everyone is equal.”
Cynthia Hurley, who said she was married to Mr. Hicks years ago, said she had been unsettled by his enthusiasm for a 1993 film, “Falling Down,” which depicts a man violently lashing out at society. “That always freaked me out,” Ms. Hurley told The A.P. “He watched it incessantly. He thought it was hilarious. He had no compassion at all.” [...]
Chapel Hill Shooter Divorce: Craig Stephen Hicks' Wife Files For Divorce After Triple Murder
LöschenBy Lora Moftah @LoraMoftah l.moftah@ibtimes.com on February 12 2015 9:43 AM EST
[...] Hicks is accused of murdering Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife, Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19. The three were found shot dead in their apartment in the condominium complex where Hicks also lives. The killings have sparked outrage among people who view it as a possible bias attack based on Hicks’ social media postings expressing anti-religion views.
“When it comes to insults, your religion started this, not me,” Hicks wrote in a post on his Facebook page, according to the Raleigh News and Observer. “If your religion kept its big mouth shut, so would I. But given that it doesn’t, and given the enormous harm that your religion has done in this world, I’d say that I have not only a right, but a duty, to insult it, as does every rational, thinking person on this planet.” The father of the female victims said he believes the students were targeted for their Muslim faith and that his daughters had previously told him that Hicks “hates us for what we are and how we look,” the News and Observer reported. [...]
Löschen“Yes, that is 1 pound 5.1 ounces for my loaded 38 revolver, its holster, and five extra rounds in a speedloader.”
(Craig Hicks, 2015, on Facebook)
"Everywhere I turn--most especially in the northeast section of our country--the snubnose revolver is there in off-duty holsters. [...]
Those many years ago, the snubby I carried was a Smith & Wesson Chief's Special, as shown right. The little gun was one of my favorites for off-duty carry, and I was careful to always carry a speedloader with an extra five rounds."
(FRANK BORELLI, Equipment Reviewer, 2007 on officer.com)
LöschenIn addition to his police and military service, Frank began a writing career in 1999, finalizing (or actually just beginning) his third dream. With several hundred articles now published internationally, eight books and two research papers published (so far), Frank is the Editor In Chief for NewAmericanTruth.com and the Editorial Director for the Cygnus Law Enforcement Media team which runs Officer.com, Law Enforcement Technology magazine and Law Enforcement Product News magazine.
Man Taking Photo of His First Snowfall Shot Dead in Dallas
ABC News
16 hours ago
A man who just recently moved to Dallas from Iraq was shot dead as he was taking photos of the first snowfall he had ever seen, police said.
Authorities are investigating the death of Ahmed Al-Jumaili, 36, who was killed in the parking lot of an apartment complex late Wednesday night.
Al-Jumaili only moved to America three weeks ago, according to a
fundraising page set up by friends.
The Dallas Police Department said that the shooting took place at 11:40 p.m., when Al-Jumaili and his wife were taking photos of the snow. He was transported to a nearby hospital, where he died.
According to ABC affiliate WFAA, witnesses told police that a group of men randomly started firing a gun and some nearby cars were also hit. ...
‘Unbelievable’: City of Cleveland blames 12-year-old Tamir Rice for his own death
AntwortenLöschenOutrage over city’s response to family’s lawsuit
By Dylan Stableford
March 2, 2015
Yahoo News
Supporters of the family of Tamir Rice are outraged over the city of Cleveland’s claim that the 12-year-old boy was responsible for his own shooting death.
“It’s unbelievable,” Walter Madison, one of the Rice family’s attorneys, told the Washington Post on Monday. “There are a number of things that we in society don’t allow 12-year-olds to do. We don’t allow them to vote, we don’t allow them to drink. In court we don’t try them as adults. They don’t have the capacity to understand the consequences of their actions.”
Benjamin Crump, Rice family co-counsel, told CNN that the family was “just in disbelief.”
Tamir Rice was killed on Nov. 22 outside a recreation center by police officers who were responding to a report of a person with a gun. Rice, who was playing with a pellet gun, was shot within seconds after officers arrived at the scene by rookie cop Timothy Loehmann, who reportedly said he had “no choice” but to defend himself.
The family’s lawsuit, filed in December, alleges police used excessive force and failed to immediately provide first aid.
On Friday, the city’s attorneys responded to a lawsuit filed by the family, saying their claims “were directly and proximately caused by their own acts” and that Tamir caused his own death “by the failure ... to exercise due care to avoid injury.”
Not surprisingly, the city’s seemingly cold response has drawn considerable outrage online.
The right to bear arms has a color line
LöschenWhere can we be safe? Where can we be free? Where can we be black?
Solange Knowles
A black day in Charleston
By Jonathan Capehart June 18
As only an artist could, Solange Knowles, the songstress sister of Beyonce, captured the mood of African Americans upon hearing the devastating news of the massacre at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C.
We were already weary. Weary of the near daily barrage of news reports and videos of African Americans being assaulted or killed by police or those playing cop.
We were already heavy-hearted. Worn down by near daily reminders that black children can’t be children. And that neither they nor adults are above suspicion. We can never do things that are believed to be the birthright of every red-blooded American. We can’t go to pool parties. Being in swimsuits doesn’t reduce the perceived threat. We can’t play with toy guns. We can’t pick up a toy gun in a store and continue shopping while walking with it. The right to bear arms has a color line. ...
Attack one church, slay one parishioner and you wound all of us.
No doubt Dylann Roof, the alleged murderer of nine souls in Charleston, knew this. That he allegedly said, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go,” adds to Roof’s racist rap sheet. ...
“Where can we be safe? Where can we be free? Where can we be black?” Nowhere, it seems.
Semion Mogilevitsch
Löschengestern 8:56 Uhr
13. Naja...
Woher sollen die Leute es auch nehmen?
Ihre Regierung macht es ihnen doch vor: "Abu Alaa al-Afri sei bei einem Luftangriff der US-geführten Streitkräfte im Norden des Iraks getötet worden. Al-Afri, der auch als Abdul Rahman Mustafa Mohammed bekannt ist, war zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs in einer Moschee. Mit ihm starben nach offiziellen Angaben Dutzende Extremisten, die sich dort ebenfalls aufhielten." http://www.zeit.de/politi...
4 Leserempfehlungen
Antwort auf "In der Kirche"
Texas teen gets 45 years in prison for killing mom, sister
AntwortenLöschenFort Worth Star-Telegram
Deanna Boyd
April 30, 2015
FORT WORTH, Texas — A teen who fatally shot his mother and 15-year-old sister inside their Parker County home was sentenced to 45 years in prison Thursday in a plea agreement reached with prosecutors.
Jacob Ryan "Jake" Evans, who was 17 at the time of the 2012 slayings, pleaded guilty to two counts of murder. As part of the plea the state waived capital murder charges.
Evans, who turns 20 in May, will have to serve at least half of his sentence.
Evans had been ordered to a state mental hospital in October after he was ruled incompetent to stand trial. On Monday, a competency evaluation was filed in court and Thursday's plea hearing was scheduled.
Evans is a former Aledo High School student but was being home-schooled by his mother at the time of the slayings.
Defense attorneys read a letter at the plea hearing, saying the family supported the 45-year sentence.
On Oct. 4, 2012, he called 911, telling a dispatcher, "Uh, I just killed my mom and my sister."
"I felt like they were just suffocating me, in a way," he told the dispatcher, according to a recording of the 911 call. "Obviously, you know, I'm pretty, I guess, evil."
Responding Parker County deputies found Jami Evans and her daughter, Mallory, dead of multiple gunshot wounds inside the house on River Creek Lane in Annetta South.
Evans was arrested at the scene.
In a written statement, he told investigators that he had devised a plan to kill several family members after watching Rob Zombie's remake of the movie "Halloween," in which a boy murders relatives.
"While watching it I was amazed at how at ease the boy was during the murders and how little remorse he had afterward," Evans wrote in his statement. "I was thinking to myself, it would be the same for me when I kill someone."
Sheriff's officials have said Evans used a gun stolen from his grandfather, a retired Fort Worth officer, to commit the slayings.
Evans told investigators that he had intended to later kill his grandparents and two other sisters.
But after the slayings of his mom and sister, Evans — in a state he described as "very shocked and scared" — instead placed the gun on the kitchen counter and called 911.
"I know now though that I'm done with killing. It's the most dreadful and terrifying thing I will ever experience. And what happened last night will haunt me forever."
USA |Society
AntwortenLöschenMan with rifle scares at airport: How important is civility to open-carry?
csmonitor icon
Now that some states have decided that residents can carry weapons even at the airport, Americans have watched a steady stream of primarily white males testing the boundaries of what is acceptable when it comes to guns in public places.
By Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer June 6, 2015
Atlanta — Jim Cooley says he just wanted to make a point when he brought his AR-15 assault-style rifle out in public. He went bigger than most so-called open-carriers, though, bringing his mean-looking weapon to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, the busiest airfield in the world, to drop off his daughter.
Mr. Cooley was confronted several times by law enforcement, even though the Georgia legislature last year made it legal to carry properly licensed weapons at airports in the state.
Cooley took affront to the attention, citing a common refrain among public-carry advocates: that he doesn’t need to account for other people’s feelings or fears when conducting lawful activity. He’s correct, and he was not arrested. ...
In that way, many open-carry advocates, especially, are attempting to make gun-carry policy politically palatable by changing what Americans think of as normal, à la gay marriage laws and legal marijuana.
In interviews, gun owners who draw attention to themselves with their weaponry often acknowledge they’re making both a personal and political statement. One motivation is protecting family and others in case of an attack. The other motivation is to provide “a little bit of a political push” to make people more comfortable around guns, says a Kalamazoo, Mich., man who last year brought a gun to a grade-school reading hour at a library. ...
Last year, the National Rifle Association apologized for an editorial the association published that called open-carry demonstrations “weird” and “scary." Such actions, the editorial noted, make those who aren’t reflexively opposed to guns “feel uncomfortable and question the motives of pro-gun advocates.” ...
Though courts have extended the Second Amendment to cover the right to own weapons for personal self-defense, the amendment, in essence, is a check on tyranny.
“The idea that we must be more ‘polite,’ lest we frighten [the 46 percent of Americans who are seen as persuadable on gun rights,] ignores the nature of the right we are fighting for,” writes Kurt Hofmann on the website Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. “We must be ‘frightening,’ because the people who would trample our rights will only lose interest in doing so if they perceive a very personal risk to themselves in continuing on that course.”
Still, it’s clear that gun owners ignoring the discomfort of others has become an issue, especially for police, who are fielding calls around the country about armed men and women in public areas. Some of those, including the police shooting of an airsoft gun-toting 12-year-old named Tamir Rice in Cleveland last year, have ended in tragedy.
Writing about an incident last year in Forsyth County, Ga., where a man shut down a Little League game after telling everyone, “Look, I got a gun and there’s nothing you can do about it,” gun rights advocate Nicki Kenyon called for gun owners to remember their manners. ...
Zivilisten duerfen in den USA Waffen tragen, in einigen Staaten jetzt auch in Flughaefen. Manche machen das neuerdings demonstrativ, damit die Buerger sich an diese "Normalitaet" gewoehnen.
LöschenAber in Cleveland erschoss ein Polizist einen 12-jaehrigen Afro-Amerikaner, weil er dessen Spielzeug-Gewehr fuer echt hielt:
Tamir Rice shot 'within two seconds' of police arrival
27 November 2014
Video footage of the fatal shooting of a 12-year-old in Cleveland shows he was shot within two seconds of the police arriving.
Tamir Rice was shot and killed by police because they believed he had a gun, it turned out what he was carrying was a fake.
'Smart' guns may help prevent violence — if they can make it on the U.S. market
AntwortenLöschenLos Angeles Times
Melissa Healy
1 hr ago
LOS ANGELES — German entrepreneur Bernd Dietel had a radical idea about gun safety.
After a 2002 shooting at the Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Erfurt that left 16 people dead, Dietel envisioned guns with coded digital locks, similar to the ones his company installed on buildings.
In eight years, the Armatix iP1 — a pistol that can be fired only if its user is wearing a wireless wristband that broadcasts on a specific frequency — was ready.
But no gun shop in America will sell it. ...
Andy Raymond, co-owner of Engage Armament in Rockville, Md., said he had no inkling of the controversy when he announced last year that he would sell the iP1. He didn’t see the harm in offering customers a new gadget.
“I should have known better,” he said. “I would rather be shot by an i-gun than ever get involved with it again.”
Each year in the U.S., 31,000 people die in gun-related incidents and 73,000 more are injured, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ...
In 2000, rival Smith & Wesson promised to make all of its new guns available with high-tech safety features. The initiative, sparked by a request from the Clinton administration, was dropped after gun rights activists boycotted the company, nearly driving it out of business.
Detached from the politics of gun control in the United States, Dietel poured his fortune into building the iP1.
“The only reason we’re here today is because our founder has his own money — no one could fire him,” said Belinda Padilla, chief executive of Beverly Hills-based Armatix USA Inc.
Dietel drew on the expertise of his other company, SimonsVoss Technologies, when he launched Armatix. And he poached engineer Ernst Mauch from Germany’s leading arms manufacturer to design the gun. ...
there were no working smart guns.
Until the Armatix iP1 arrived.
Raymond, the Maryland gun shop owner, jumped at the chance to sell the weapon. He thought it might appeal to customers who already owned guns, as well as to younger ones drawn to consumer electronics.
But before long, Raymond — who calls himself “a huge Second Amendment guy” — was the focus of threats to burn down his store and kill his bulldog, Brutus.
Enraged gun owners also lashed out against the Oak Tree Gun Club in Newhall, Calif., where the iP1 had been demonstrated and displayed in the pro shop.
Both businesses backed away from the gun. Armatix now distributes the weapon on its website, declining to say how many it has sold. ...
"We don't understand America's need for guns," said Philip Alpers, director of the University of Sydney's GunPolicy.org project that compares gun laws across the world. "It is very puzzling for non-Americans."
AntwortenLöschenA frontier nation like the U.S., Australia had a similar attitude toward firearms prior to a 1996 mass shooting that killed 35. Soon after, tight restrictions on gun ownership were imposed and no such incidents have been reported since.
Alleged Dylann Roof manifesto discovered online
AntwortenLöschenImages found with the screed show suspected Charleston church shooter posing with the Confederate flag and symbols of white supremacy
By Michael Walsh
Yahoo News Today
The white man who faces nine counts of murder for allegedly opening fire in a historically African-American church in South Carolina on Wednesday apparently left a screed of his racist beliefs – and dozens of photos of himself posing with the Confederate flag and symbols tied to white supremacist groups.
In one image, the suspected gunman is posed on the beach wearing the same clothes he is seen wearing on surveillance footage as he entered the church on Wednesday. It is unclear if this image was taken the same day as the shooting, but if so, it would show that Roof took time to visit the beach, inscribe the racist symbol 1488 in the sand and photograph himself before allegedly traveling to Charleston.
The symbol 1488 is a number adopted by white supremacists, according to online sites that have also posted the number. The "88" refers to H, the eighth letter of the alphabet and is a symbol for "Heil Hitler." The "14" refers to this Nazi party mantra: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
On Saturday morning, two Twitter users – Emma Quangel and Henry Krinkle – found what is believed to be the 21-year-old’s website, titled “The Last Rhodesian." The online activists used the Reverse Whois search on domaintools.com to find the site registered under Roof's name.
The trove of images includes photos of a Glock .45-caliber pistol, which has been identified as the same type of gun that was used in the shooting. Roof reportedly purchased the weapon in April with money given to him, his friends say, for his 21st birthday.
Here are some excerpts from the text, which includes sections on blacks, Jews, Hispanics, East Asians and Patriotism:
On African-Americans: "Say you were to witness a dog being beat by a man. You are almost surely going to feel very sorry for that dog. But then say you were to witness a dog biting a man. You will most likely not feel the same pity you felt for the dog for the man. Why? Because dogs are lower than men. This same analogy applies to black and White relations."
On Jews: "Unlike many White naitonalists [sic], I am of the opinion that the majority of American and European jews are White. In my opinion the issues with jews is not their blood, but their identity."
On Hispanics: "Hispanics are obviously a huge problem for Americans. But there are good hispanics and bad hispanics."
On Asians: I have great respent [sic] for the East Asian races. Even if we were to go extinct they could carry something on. They are by nature very racist and could be great allies of the White race.
On the United States: "I hate the sight of the American flag. Modern American patriotism is an absolute joke. People pretending like they have something to be proud while White people are being murdered daily in the streets."
On Charleston: "I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me."
Toddler, 3, shoots himself with grandfather's gun: reports
AntwortenLöschenNew York Daily News
A Texas toddler is in critical condition after shooting himself with his grandfather’s gun on Sunday, according to reports.
The three-year-old boy shot himself in the face around 4 p.m. when his grandparents left him alone in a bedroom for his afternoon nap in Spring, roughly 25 miles north of Houston, officials in the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s office told KTRK-TV.
The gun was in the room where the boy was supposed to be sleeping, either on or inside of the nightstand, Harris County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Ben Beall told the TV station. Local constables responded to the scene on the 19400 block of Puget Lane and later called their counterparts at the county level to conduct the investigation. No charges had been filed in the incident on Sunday night, according to KTRK.
Emergency personnel rushed the boy to Memorial Hermann Hospital in a Life Flight helicopter, the Houston Chronicle reported. Investigators are examining questions like whether the gun had one of the safety locks that area law enforcement agencies have begun distributing after several child gun safety incidents earlier this year, the Chronicle reported Sunday.
Medical officials in Memorial Hermann’s pediatric intensive care unit are now treating the as-yet-unidentified boy, according to the TV station.
“From what we understand, he was shot in the face and there was an exit point,” Precinct 4 Constable Mark Herman told KTRK. “So this three-year-old, for sure, needs our thoughts and prayers.”
The disturbing incident follows four days earlier this year in which three young children in the Houston area suffered accidental gunshot wounds, two of which were fatal, the Chronicle reported.
Four-year-old Codrick McCall Jr. shot and killed himself March 1 when he found a gun at a babysitter’s house, just days after a 3-year-old fatally shot himself with a gun he discovered in a purse. On March 2, a 5-year-old boy in the Harris County town of Sheldon critically injured his 6-year-old brother with a shot to the abdomen.
But the gun-safety accidents haven’t just been playing out around greater Houston. Between 2007 and 2011, 311 children younger than 14 years old died in inadvertent shootings nationwide, according to Centers for Disease Control statistics cited by the Chronicle.
Sunday’s incident in Spring should serve as the latest reminder of the problem, officials in the sheriff’s office told the local paper.
“The importance of gun safety and child locks always becomes magnified with tragedies such as these,” said Harris County Deputy Thomas Gilliland. “We stress the proper storing and locking of weapons away from children and others.”
Boy, 11, accused of killing 8-year-old neighbor with shotgun
LöschenAssociated Press
05 Oct 2015
WHITE PINE, Tenn. — An 11-year-old boy has been charged with murder after he killed his 8-year-old neighbor, police said, and witnesses say it was because the girl wouldn't let him see her puppy.
Deputies were called to the neighborhood in White Pine, about 40 miles east of Knoxville, on Saturday night. The boy shot the girl from inside his home with his father's 12-gauge shotgun, said Jefferson County Sheriff Bud McCoig.
Latasha Dyer told WATE-TV (http://bit.ly/1KWbDPA) her daughter was playing outside when the next-door neighbor asked to see the puppy. McKayla told the boy "no," and he shot her, Dyer said. ...
Florida gun shop owner declares store ‘Muslim-free zone’
AntwortenLöschenFlorida gun shop owner has banned Muslim customers from his store.
Andy Hallinan declared Florida Gun Supply in Inverness a “Muslim-free zone” Saturday in response to a Kuwait-born gunman’s shooting rampage in Chattanooga that killed four Marines and a sailor.
Hallinan announced his shop’s new policy as he sat against a Confederate flag back drop. The video, posted to the store's Facebook account, racked up more than 35,000 views by Tuesday morning.
“I have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the safety of all patriots in my community, and so effective immediately, I’m declaring Florida Gun Supply as a Muslim-free zone,” he said in the Saturday video. “I will not arm and train those who wish to do harm to my fellow patriots.”
Hallinan admitted that the new policy will be hard to enforce, but maintained that the rules are designed to keep his customers — and the country — safe.
“I’m not going to be asking every person who walks in what their religious background is. That’s not my business,” he told WFLA. “But I do have the right to deny firearms and training to anyone I deem as a threat.”
Hallinan said he issued the ban on Muslim customers after gunman Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military recruitment centers in Chattanooga, Tenn., Thursday.
Abdulazeez — who described himself as a “Muslim redneck” and struggled with depression and substance abuse for years — spent seven months in Jordan shortly before the attack, which killed Marines Carson Holmquist, Thomas Sullivan, David Wyatt and Skip Wells and U.S. Navy sailor Randall Smith. ...
Another Theatre Shooter
LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) — The movie theater gunman who stood up about 20 minutes into the showing of "Trainwreck" and began firing into the crowd, killing two people, was described as a drifter from Alabama whose escape plan was thwarted by police officers who arrived almost immediately, authorities said Friday. The gunman killed himself.
Nine people were wounded in the attack Thursday night. The gunman, identified as 59-year-old John Russel Houser, fired 13 times from a handgun, police said. He had parked his car by the theater's exit door and initially tried to escape by blending into the fleeing crowd, but turned back when he saw police heading inside from the parking lot, authorities said. Officers tailing him back into the theater then heard a single gunshot and found him dead inside, police said.
... Many of those who met Houser here in recent weeks have asked themselves whether they could have done anything differently. Volunteers at a church food pantry in Lake Charles instantly recognized Houser, 59, when TV stations flashed his picture. The recollection was immediately accompanied by hurt and regret.
LöschenHouser, a political provocateur turned troubled drifter, had wandered in a week before the shooting on July 16 and broken down in tears, church members said.
“He stayed for a long time, just crying a lot. All our workers and volunteers tried to talk to him,” said Pastor Tony Bourque. “He just kept saying he was severely depressed.” ...
Estranged wife had a protective order against gunman
LöschenMSN (today)
John Russell Houser, the gunman who shot up a theater in Louisiana, had developed a reputation as an oddball. Last year, facing eviction from his home, he booby-trapped the place. In the ‘80s, he was accused of threatening to burn down a law office. When he was convicted in 2001 of selling alcohol to minors at a bar he ran, he hung up a flag with a swastika on the building. And in 2008, his family accused him of domestic violence, the Associated Press reports. His estranged wife removed all firearms from the house, but Houser was still able to buy a gun at a pawn shop. ...
"Ich glaube von ganzem Herzen, dass Feuerwaffen im Zuschauersaal erlaubt sein sollten"
LöschenPerry: It 'makes a lot of sense' to allow guns in theaters
MSN (today)
Rick Perry believes Thursday night's movie theater shooting in Lafayette, La., shows why gun-free zones are "a bad idea," in an interview with CNN's State of the Union and said it "makes a lot of sense" to allow guns in movie theaters. ...
Perry, a former Texas governor and now a Republican presidential contender, said gun laws were in place, but enforcement was the issue, saying that current laws should have prevented Houser, who had a history of mental illness and a criminal record, from obtaining a gun.
But Perry remained steadfast in his belief that had theatergoers had been allowed to carry guns into the movie theater, the tragedy might have been lessened or even prevented. "I believe, with all my heart, that if you have the citizens who are well trained, and particularly in these places that are considered to be gun-free zones, that we can stop that type of activity, or stop it before there's as many people that are impacted as what we saw in Lafayette," he said.
Drive-by Shooting
... "We think it is an absolute tragedy that in Charlotte-Mecklenburg we are seeing this type of violence," Estes said. "We will not rest or not stop until we do everything we can to put a stop to it."
While officers investigated the boy's killing, authorities said they heard shots nearby about three hours later and found a woman dead and a man wounded from what appeared to be a drive-by shooting.
Also over the holiday weekend, a man was found dead from gunshot wounds in east Charlotte on Sunday morning, and police found a man shot to death Saturday morning in northwest Charlotte after a second man was dropped off at the hospital where he died from gunshot wounds.
"It is too early to say if any will be connected or not," Estes said. "I can tell you what connects them is it is a senseless, tragic loss of life."
Lonnie and Sandy Phillips
AntwortenLöschenParents of Aurora victim Jessica Ghawi
We Lost Our Daughter to a Mass Shooter and Now Owe $203,000 to His Ammo Dealer
Posted: 09/25/2015 3:25 pm EDT
We have been getting a lot of questions about our lawsuit against Lucky Gunner, the online company that sold ammunition to the man who murdered our daughter Jessica along with 11 others in an Aurora, Colorado, theater. Especially after the Rachel Maddow Show covered us twice, people ask us about the judge's order that we pay Lucky Gunner's attorneys' fees, since our lawsuit was unsuccessful.
We brought our lawsuit because we thought it was outrageous that companies could sell a dangerous man an arsenal without getting any information about him, and without making any effort to see if he was a dangerous killer -- which he was. When the killer had left a voicemail with a shooting range, the range operator knew that he was bad news and shouldn't be given access to guns. But these companies set up their business so people just like this killer can arm themselves at the click of a mouse. We wanted to change that. And we still do.
Attorneys at Arnold and Porter and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence brought the lawsuit for us, pro bono. We knew the risks of bringing the case. We knew that Colorado and Congress have given special protection of the gun industry, and we knew that under Colorado law we could even be ordered to pay attorneys' fees because of those special protections.
But we thought it was important to take a stand, to fight to prevent other families from suffering as we have. ...
... Everyone else in society has a duty to use reasonable care to not injure others -- except gun and ammunition sellers.
LöschenTo make matters worse, the judge ordered that we pay $203,000. This is an outrageous amount, especially given that this case was decided after one single motion! Lucky Gunner has said that it is going to donate all these fees to "gun rights" groups. The thought is disgusting to us that Lucky Gunner does not even plan to use this money to pay for their attorney's fees.
Lucky Gunner wants to use blood money to fund the NRA and like-minded groups. See for yourself. Check out Lucky Gunner's self-serving description of our case then click on "Head Here" (the green words at the end of Lucky Gunner's last sentence) to find out how the money is to be distributed.
The law says we are responsible for these fees, which we recognize. We do not have the money to pay this amount. The Judge insinuated in his order that Brady should pay since he said they were the instigators. If this was a ploy designed to give the appearance that Brady was responsible and turn us against each other, it did not work.
Brady is still fighting for us pro bono and we see no evidence that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence will not help us raise funds if and when that time comes.
We believe that the judge's decision was wrong, and that it is unconstitutional to financially punish people for bringing a lawsuit, especially a public interest case that did not seek a dime. ...
"Lucky Gunner"
LöschenDie Eltern eines der Opfer des Amokschützen in einem Kino von Aurora, Colorado, verklagten den Online-Waffenladen "Lucky Gunner" ("Der glückliche Gewehrschütze"), in dem der Killer ein ganzes Arsenal an Munition gekauft hatte. Das seltsame Muster dieses Kaufs hätte auffallen müssen, begründeten sie ihre Klage.
Die Klage wurde abgewiesen, und die Kläger wurden zur Zahlung einer heftigen Geldsumme an "Lucky Gunner" verurteilt, die dessen tatsächliche Kosten für die Verteidigung offensichtlich maßlos übersteigt. "Lucky Gunner" brüstete sich sogar noch damit, man wolle die Summe Organisationen spenden, die für umfassendes Recht auf Waffenbesitz und Waffentragen eintreten.
Tennessee police officer charged with murder in infant son’s death: officials
AntwortenLöschenBY Tobias Salinger /
Friday, September 25, 2015, 12:12 AM
A Tennessee police officer is accused of killing his 2-month old son.
Special agents from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation arrested Paris officer Christopher Warren Page on Thursday and charged him with first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse, according to TBI.
Page’s son Gunner suffered life-threatening injuries on Sept. 2 at his Puryear home and died five days later, TBI officials said. Investigators “developed information leading to Page as the individual responsible for his son’s death,” according to TBI.
Gunner Page suffered life-threatening injuries on Sept. 2 at his home and died five days later. ...
Page had been serving with the Paris Police Department. He was incarcerated without bond in the Carroll County Jail on Thursday night.
Der Artikel berichtet über einen Polizisten, der im Verdacht steht, durch Misshandlung den Tod seines Sohnes, des knapp 3 Monate alten Gunner, verursacht zu haben.
LöschenDer Name des Babies deutet darauf hin, dass eine besondere Begeisterung für das Schießen bei der Namensgebung im Spiel war. Gunner ist zwar eine Variation von Gunnar, eines alten skandinavischen Namens, aber im Englischen ist die Bedeutung des Namen, "Schütze", und im modernen Sprachgebrauch "Gewehrschütze" sehr offensichtlich und aktuell.
Wie dem auch sei, der kleine Gunner war einem Vater ausgeliefert, für den Gewalt offenbar Selbstverständlichkeit und Ideal gewesen ist.
Welche Werte in der Ausbildung und im Arbeitsalltag von Polizisten in den USA (und anderswo) vermittelt werden, ist eine Frage, die sich immer wieder stellt.
Father of high school shooter found guilty of gun charges
AntwortenLöschenBy MARTHA BELLISLE, Associated Press
Sept. 29, 2015
SEATTLE (AP) — A federal jury on Tuesday found a Washington state man guilty of illegally owning firearms, including the handgun his son used to kill four of his friends and himself last year in a high school cafeteria.
Raymond Fryberg was convicted of six counts of unlawful possession of a firearm. He was the subject of a 2002 domestic violence protection order that prohibited from having firearms.
The jury rejected Fryberg's claim that he didn't know about the protection order and therefore didn't know he couldn't have guns. Fryberg didn't testify and his lawyers didn't call any witnesses during the three-day trial in U.S. District Court in Seattle.
Fryberg's son, 15-year-old Jaylen Fryberg, killed three 14-year-old girls and a 15-year-old boy who was his cousin after inviting them to lunch. He injured another one of his cousins, a 14-year-old boy, in the Oct. 24 shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School north of Seattle.
Raymond Fryberg's lawyer, John Henry Browne, had told jurors that Fryberg passed at least a dozen background checks and no law enforcement agency ever said he was prohibited from owning guns. ...
Fryberg's son, 15-year-old Jaylen Fryberg, killed three 14-year-old girls and a 15-year-old boy who was his cousin after inviting them to lunch. He injured another one of his cousins, a 14-year-old boy, in the Oct. 24 shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School north of Seattle.
Raymond Fryberg's lawyer, John Henry Browne, had told jurors that Fryberg passed at least a dozen background checks and no law enforcement agency ever said he was prohibited from owning guns.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ye-Ting Woo told the panel Fryberg was served with a notice about a hearing to discuss the protection order sought by his former girlfriend, but he chose to ignore it.
The Tulalip Tribal Court judge granted the order, but authorities said it was never entered into any state or federal databases, so when Fryberg went to a store to buy guns, he passed the background checks. Prosecutors said Fryberg lied on the firearms purchasing forms when asked if he was the subject of a protection order and took the guns home.
Federal agents learned about the guns after the school shooting, but the shooting was not discussed during the trial because Fryberg didn't face charges related to his son's actions. ...
Woman Who Posted a Snapchat of Boyfriend Pointing Gun at Her Was Found Shot Dead Hours Later
AntwortenLöschenBy Debbie Encalada
30 Sept. 2015
One Little Rock, Arkansas woman posted snapchats of her boyfriend pointing a gun at her hours before she was found dead with a gunshot wound.
Stephanie Hernandez, 21, mother of two, posted snaps of herself and her boyfriend, Rafael Gonzalez, at the new house they were in the midst of moving into on Sunday. She snapped a photo of a gun and ammo in addition to a photo of Gonzalez pointing the gun at the back of her head with a “strap chat?” caption and another one where he points the gun at the camera.
Just a few hours later Hernandez was found dead with a gunshot wound, her house “ransacked” with the floor covered in blood, according to police.
Arkansas’ KARK reports that Gonzalez, 20, was arrested on Monday and is being charged with Hernandez’s murder.
AntwortenLöschen1. Oktober 2015
Attentäter erschießt mindestens zehn Menschen an US-College
Im US-Bundesstaat Oregon hat ein Mann mindestens zehn Menschen getötet. Der Täter soll die Opfer zuvor nach ihrer Religion gefragt haben. Die Polizei erschoss ihn.
#36 —
An einem wird jedenfalls nicht gespart: Investitionen für den Waffenlobbyismus. Könnte es gar sein, dass die Gewehrlobby sogar Trolle auf Kommentarseiten einer maßgeblichen deutschen Wochenzeitung schickt?
Wie dem auch sei, die Behauptung der National Rifle Association (NRA), die Existenz von waffenfreien Zonen ("gun-free zones") sei der Grund für die zahlreichen Massenschießereien in den USA, wird auch in einigen Beiträge auf diesem Forum getreulich nachgebetet. Aber Untersuchungen der Massenschießereien der letzten Jahre zeigen: Sie ist falsch.
Darüber berichtete z.B. das Non-Profit-Magazin Mother Jones :
"The argument claims to explain both the motive behind mass shootings and how they play out. The killers deliberately choose sites where firearms are forbidden, gun-rights advocates say, and because there are no weapons, no "good guy with a gun" will be on hand to stop the crime. .. Both its underlying assumptions are contradicted by data. Not only is there zero evidence to support them, our in-depth investigation of America's mass shootings indicates they are just plain wrong."
Mother of Oregon Gunman Wrote of Keeping Firearms
LöschenThe New York Times
05 Oct. 2015
ROSEBURG, Ore. — When a downstairs neighbor of Laurel Harper learned there was a gunman on the loose at Umpqua Community College here, he ran up to tell her, knowing that her son, Christopher Harper-Mercer, was a student there. ...
In a series of online postings over a decade, Ms. Harper, a registered nurse, said she kept numerous firearms in her home and expressed pride in her knowledge about them, as well as in her son’s expertise on the subject.
She also opened up about her difficulties raising a son who used to bang his head against the wall, and said that both she and her son struggled with Asperger’s syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. She tried to counsel others whose children faced similar problems. ...
In an online forum, answering a question about state gun laws several years ago, Ms. Harper took a jab at “lame states” that impose limits on keeping loaded firearms in the home, and noted that she had AR-15 and AK-47 semiautomatic rifles, along with a Glock handgun. She also indicated that her son, who lived with her, was well versed in guns, citing him as her source of information on gun laws, saying he “has much knowledge in this field.”
“I keep two full mags in my Glock case. And the ARs & AKs all have loaded mags,” Ms. Harper wrote. “No one will be ‘dropping’ by my house uninvited without acknowledgement.”
Law enforcement officials have said they recovered 14 firearms and spare ammunition magazines that were purchased legally either by Mr. Harper-Mercer, 26, or an unnamed relative. Mr. Harper-Mercer had six guns with him when he entered a classroom building last Thursday and started firing on a writing class in which he was enrolled; the rest were found in the second-floor apartment he shared with his mother. ...
Ms. Harper and Christopher’s father, Ian Mercer of Tarzana, Calif., divorced in 2006 and were separated years earlier. Mr. Mercer told CNN last week that he thought the nation should change its gun laws, saying the massacre “would not have happened” if his son had not been able to buy so many handguns and rifles.
Neighbors in Southern California have said that Ms. Harper and her son would go to shooting ranges together, something Ms. Harper seemed to confirm in one of her online posts. She talked about the importance of firearms safety and said she learned a lot through target Shooting ...
"You have guns because you like guns"
AntwortenLöschenAustralian comedian perfectly sums up why other countries think US gun laws are crazy
Updated by Amanda Taub on October 1, 2015
... Australian comedian Jim Jefferies was the victim of a home invasion once. He was tied up and beaten, and his girlfriend was threatened with rape. So you might think he'd sympathize with the idea that Americans want guns to protect their families. Quite the opposite — he does an excellent job of summing up why so many foreigners are baffled by America's gun culture:
In Australia, we had the biggest massacre on Earth, and the Australian government went: "That's it! NO MORE GUNS." And we all went, "Yeah, all right then, that seems fair enough, really."
Now in America, you had the Sandy Hook massacre, where little tiny children died. And your government went, "Maybe ... we'll get rid of the big guns?" And 50 percent of you went, "FUCK YOU, DON'T TAKE MY GUNS."
He continues with a blistering smackdown of the idea that Americans seek guns to keep their families safe:
You have guns because you like guns! ...
In December 2012, a gunman walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and killed 20 children, six adults, and himself. Since then, there have been at least 986 mass shootings, with shooters killing at least 1,234 people and wounding 3,565 more, as this map ... shows.
AntwortenLöschenThe counts come from the Mass Shooting Tracker, a crowdsourced database that tracks shootings since 2013. ...
The tracker uses a fairly broad definition of "mass shooting": It includes not just shootings in which four or more people were murdered, but shootings in which four or more people were shot at all. ...
Even under this broad definition, it's worth noting that mass shootings make up a tiny portion of America’s firearm deaths, which totaled more than 32,000 in 2013.
Frau mit verdeckter Waffe schießt auf Ladendieb
AntwortenLöschen‘Worst nightmare': Woman with concealed gun permit shoots at fleeing shoplifter outside Home Depot
By Michael E. Miller October 8
5-year-old abandoned with loaded pistol, told to shoot 'bad guys'
AntwortenLöschenA grandfather in Arizona was accused of abandoning his 5-year-old granddaughter in the desert with a loaded .45-caliber handgun. Paul Armand Rater, 53, was arrested Monday. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office says Rater told them his vehicle broke down and, when the girl said she could not walk anymore, he left her under a tree with the gun and instructions to “shoot any bad guys.” Police say Rater when out for drinks and a cheeseburger. The girl’s mother and an off-duty firefighter found her with the gun four hours after she was reported missing, Reuters reports.
Jamie Gilt, 31, is to be charged with a misdemeanor
LöschenGilt was accidentally shot by her 4-year-old son
She maintained the pro-gun "Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense" Facebook page
Gilt is a well-known and outspoken advocate of guns and has repeatedly made her stance clear on using the weapon as a "right". In one post she wrote: "I can promise though, if someone breaks into my house, or tries to harm me or my family pretty much anywhere, they will be shot and most likely killed."
LöschenGilt claimed: "It's my right to protect my life. Not sit around and wait for someone to come pack up my body or take me to the hospital after I've been beaten and raped."
Got to play with my new toy today! Time to clean it! pic.twitter.com/1lkYo8b3sh
— jamie gilt (@jamiegilt) January 24, 2015
She’s a Ted Cruz supporter. She’s a pro-gun advocate who runs a narcissistically-named pro-gun Facebook page called “Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense,” apparently named thusly to mock firearm safety groups. According to her Facebook likes she is an admirer of the Tea Party, she’s a horse enthusiast, thinks Hillary Clinton belongs in prison, and admirers the terrorist group who engaged in an armed standoff with the federal government at Bundy Ranch.
... statistics show that in America your gun is far more likely to get you shot accidentally by a family member than it is to be used saving some family member from a burglar, mugger, rapist or any of the other imagined demons in that crazy country with the highest firearm ownership in the world. The demon, more often than not, is likely to be a drunken uncle or a curious child. ...
LöschenSo this coming week will undoubtedly see the pro-gun lobby posting stuff online like “IF ONLY THERE HAD BEEN A SENSIBLE FOUR-YEAR-OLD WITH A GUN IN THAT CAR” and “GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE, INFANTS DO”.
40 Armed Gun Advocates Intimidate Mothers Against Gun Violence In A Restaurant Parking Lot
Löschenby Esther Yu-Hsi Lee Nov 10, 2013
On Saturday, nearly 40 armed men, women, and children waited outside a Dallas, Texas area restaurant to protest a membership meeting for the state chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a gun safety advocacy group formed in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
According to a spokeswoman for Moms Demand Action (MDA), the moms were inside the Blue Mesa Grill when members of Open Carry Texas (OCT) — an open carry advocacy group — “pull[ed] up in the parking lot and start[ed] getting guns out of their trunks.” The group then waited in the parking lot for the four MDA members to come out. The spokeswoman said that the restaurant manager did not want to call 911, for fear of “inciting a riot” and waited for the gun advocates to leave. The group moved to a nearby Hooters after approximately two hours.
MDA later released a statement calling OCT “gun bullies” who “disagree[d] with our goal of changing America’s gun laws and policies to protect our children and families.” The statement added that the members and restaurant customers were “terrified by what appeared to be an armed ambush.” A member of OCT responded by tweeting, “I guess I’m a #gunbullies #Comeandtakeit.”
This is not the first time that gun advocates have rallied at MDA events. In March, a group of armed men crashed a MDA gun-control rally in Indianapolis. ...
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDA) remains this country’s most active civilian disarmament organization. ...
LöschenEvery now and then their FB page posts a link to something that freaks them the f out, inspiring the echo chamber’s denizens to howl with sanctimonious outrage. For example, this story from Iowa’s wate.com . . .
An Iowa woman is leading a baby-wearing, gun carrying workshop.
“If you’re a mother, and if you’re an armed mother, they have to. You have no choice,” said Melody Lauer/mother-gun instructor. ...
“If you have baby on one side, it’s best to have gun on the other side,” Lauer said.
Parents of Sandy Hook victim: Sanders is wrong about the point of our lawsuit
by Khorri Atkinson
Mark and Jackie Barden, whose 7-year-old son Daniel was murdered in the Sandy Hook massacre in December 2012, have voiced their opposition to comments Sen. Bernie Sanders made during a Democratic presidential debate on March 6 that gun manufacturers should not be liable if a crime is committed with their product.
In a Washington Post op-ed published online on Friday, the Bardens argued that the Bushmaster AR-15 rifle, which was used to kill their son, 19 other children and six adults in the elementary school shooting, is a highly lethal military weapon that should not be sold to the public. The parents, along with nine other families, filed a lawsuit in December 2014 against Remington Arms, which manufactured the weapon Adam Lanza used to carry out the attack in Newtown, Connecticut.
RELATED: NRA calls Bernie Sanders’ comments on gunmaker liability ‘spot on’
“This case is about a particular weapon, Remington’s Bushmaster AR-15, and its sale to a particular market: civilians. It is not about handguns or hunting rifles, and the success of our lawsuit would not mean the end of firearm manufacturing in this country, as Sanders warned,” the Bardens wrote.
They added, “This case is about the AR-15 because the AR-15 is not an ordinary weapon; it was designed and manufactured for the military to increase casualties in combat. The AR-15 is to guns what a tank is to cars: uniquely deadly and suitable for specialized use only.” ...
The NRA Just Added Guns to Your Favorite Childhood Fairytales to Teach Us About "Safety"
AntwortenLöschenBy Claire Lampen
March 27, 2016
So this is what they mean by "good guys with guns," then — children. In a new series published on NRA Family, author Amelia Hamilton addresses the problem of hyper-violent fairytale narratives by putting firearms in the hands of pint-sized protagonists. In Little Red Riding Hood (Has a Gun) and Hansel and Gretel (Have Guns), we learn that arming the right people (apparently, kids) makes for a lot less bloodshed in daily life.
What an inspiring message for our nation's youth. ...
And certainly, anyone who's read the original Brothers Grimm version of Snow White knows that fairytales don't always make for charming bedtime stories. But the NRA goes a step further.
"Have you ever wondered what those same fairy tales might sound like if the hapless Red Riding Hoods, Hansels and Gretels had been taught about gun safety and how to use firearms?" the note continues.
As it happens, no — probably because of the association between gun-toting kids and accidental shootings. In 2015, at least 265 people were the accidental victims of armed minors. But Hamilton's tales present an entirely different picture of children and firearms. In both stories, the violence we know to expect never materializes. ...
Given those 265 people shot by children last year, we can only hope that these second amendment-friendly fairytales don't inspire the gun lobby to push for arming the nation's kids.
Polizist bei Uebung in einer Busstation erschossen
AntwortenLöschenGreyhound bus station gunman who fatally shot Virginia state trooper identified as Chicago area man with 'anger about police'
Friday, April 1, 2016
The man who shot and killed a state trooper during a training exercise inside Greyhound station in Virginia has been identified as a Chicago-area man with “a lot of anger about the police.”
Police said James Brown III, of Aurora, Ill., was the man who fatally shot state trooper Chad P. Dermyer, 37, in the chest at a Richmond, Va., Greyhound bus station Thursday afternoon after the officer approached him. ...
Virginia Trooper Dies After Greyhound Bus Station Shooting, Suspect Killed
April 1, 2016
Good Morning America
... Dermyer was among approximately a dozen state police troopers participating in a specialized training on criminal interdiction practices. They had completed the classroom instruction and were conducting field practicals at the time the shooting occurred. Dermyer’s encounter with the male subject was part of the training.
Police initially said that two troopers were wounded, but later corrected that statement.
"As you can imagine, the chaos of the moment...it was determined only one state trooper was injured," Geller said. She would not comment on the apparent motive.
Two adult female civilians were also struck by gunfire during the incident and taken to the hospital for non-life-threatening gunshot wounds, Virignia State Police said. Their identities were unknown.
A member of the Binghamton University suffered a non-life threatening injury during the incident, the school said in a release. She was en route to the College of William & Mary University for a track meet. It was unclear if she was shot.
"Dermyer’s encounter with the male subject was part of the training."
LöschenDie Konfrontation mit dem Mann, der ihn erschoss, war Teil des Trainings!
Von dem Zusammenhang mit dem "life" training erfaehrt man in dem bisher offenbar einzigen Bericht in einem deutschen Medium - genau nichts.
Löschen1. April 2016 | USA
Zwei Tote nach Schießerei auf Busbahnhof
Richmond. Ein Bewaffneter hat auf einem Busbahnhof im US-Staat Virginia auf einen Polizisten gefeuert und ihn tödlich verletzt.
schwebten aber nicht in Lebensgefahr. Die Schießerei ereignete sich in einem gut besuchten Busbahnhof in Richmond, der Hauptstadt von Virginia. In der Gegend befinden sich neben einem Baseball-Stadion mehrere Unternehmen und Restaurants.
Nach den Schüssen rückte ein Aufgebot von Polizisten an, Dutzende Streifen- und Krankenwagen fuhren vor. Der 18-jährige Najee Wilson aus Newark schilderte, sein Bus sei gerade in den Bahnhof eingebogen, als er drei Schüsse gehört habe. Leute seien aus dem Gebäude gerannt. "Wir hörten eine Menge Leute schreien", sagte Wilson. "Es war auf jeden Fall eine beängstigende Erfahrung."
Der Zustand des angeschossenen Polizisten war zunächst als ernst beschrieben worden, später erlag der 37-Jährige seinen Verletzungen. Auf ihn seien mehrere Kugeln abgegeben worden, sagte Polizeikommissar Steven Flaherty. Es wurde erwartet, dass die ebenfalls angeschossenen Zivilisten überleben.
Wer denkt sich solche "Felduebungen" aus, bei denen Leute wie der Afro-Amerikaner James Brown III an einer Busstation uebungshalber in ein "Encounter" (ein "Zusammentreffen") mit Polizisten verwickelt werden? Brown, der schon oefter mit der Polizei zu tun gehabt hatte und nach Aussage einer Angehoerigen Polizisten hasste, griff zur Waffe, erschoss einen der an der Uebung beteiligten Polizisten, wurde dann von einem anderen Polizisten selbst erschossen.
LöschenNebenbei bemerkt: Polizeisprecherin Corinne Geller (erwaehnt im Textauszug oben) wird oefter auf "Jihad Watch" zitiert bzw. als Quelle genannt. (https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=%22corinne+geller%22+%22jihad+watch%22)
Bezuege zu der Anti-Muslime-Aktivistin Pamela Geller? (siehe z.B. http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/06/forderung-und-finanzierung-der-eugenik.html)?
Corinne Geller, mehrere Treffer auch in Verbindung mit dem einschlaegigen Blog "Atlas Shrugs" von Pamela Geller; z.B.:
LöschenAtlas Shrugs: Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst
Corinne Geller, a state police spokeswoman, said that a blue SuperShuttle vehicle was heading west when it twice sideswiped the passenger side of a Dodge ...
They want the kids to be able to fight
AntwortenLöschenJaclyn Arad, a former employee of a Memphis, Tennessee gas station, says she was trained on what to do in case of a shooter, and how to prevent it. ...
Arad is now a teacher, and she's received two different trainings.
“Here in Austin they taught us to lock the doors, but we don't hide here. They want the kids to be able to fight if they need to,” Arad says.
Sheriff: Milwaukee 2-year-old fatally shoots mother in back
LöschenApril 28, 2016
By GRETCHEN EHLKE - Associated Press
MILWAUKEE (AP) — A 2-year-old boy fatally shot his mother from the back seat of the car as she drove along a Milwaukee highway, sheriff's officials said Wednesday, less than two months after a Florida mother was shot and wounded in similar circumstances.
The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office said Patrice Price, 26, of Milwaukee, died at the scene Tuesday morning.
The child, who was sitting in the back seat, picked up a gun that slid out from under the driver's seat and fired it through the front seat, striking Price, the department said in a statement, citing witness accounts. A .40-caliber gun was recovered from the floor of the back seat behind the driver, along with a security officer's gun belt belonging to the victim's boyfriend, sheriff's officials said. ...
Morning Mix
AntwortenLöschenTheir 6-year-old was killed with a neighbor’s gun. A court just decided how much his life was worth.
By Peter Holley
May 25
Their 6-year-old was killed with a neighbor’s gun. A court just decided how much his life was worth.
On Monday, May 23, a judge awarded Christine and Ronald Holt $572,588.26 in the wrongful-death suit of their 6-year-old son, Brandon Holt, who was accidentally killed by a gun the hands of a 4-year-old neighbor. (NJ.com)
Anthony Senatore never disputed leaving his rifle under his bed, unsecured and loaded.
The New Jersey father pleaded guilty in 2014 to child endangerment after his 4-year-old son accidentally used the gun to shoot and kill Brandon Holt, a 6-year-old neighbor, at Senatore’s Toms River home, according to NJ.com.
More than three years after the shooting, a judge had to do the unthinkable: Determine how much the child’s death was worth monetarily to the people who loved him most — his parents.
The answer: $572,588.26
That’s how much was awarded Monday to Christine and Ronald Holt in a wrongful-death suit the couple brought against their former neighbors, Anthony and Melissa Senatore, according to NJ.com. ...
What We Know About the Texas Mom Who Fatally Shot Her Two Daughters
AntwortenLöschenUS Weekly, June 27, 2016
By Rachel Paula Abrahamson
The town of Katy, Texas, was left reeling when Christy Sheats shot and killed her daughters on Friday, June 24. “It was a family argument that turned into a shooting,” Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls told the Houston Chronicle. “But we’re still trying to put the pieces together.”...
“This woman loved her children. That was her life purpose. That was her pride. That was her joy,” Christy’s friend Catherine Knowles told Time. “Christy wasn’t crazy. I don’t know what could have made her snap. To do this, it’s insanity. The whole thing.”
Knowles continued: “She loved God. She loved her kids. I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.”
Christy Sheats Was an Advocate for the Second Amendment
“It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away,” the 42-year-old wrote in March on her Facebook page, “but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.” ...
In September, Christy celebrated Daughter’s Day on Facebook. “Happy Daughter’s Day to my two amazing, sweet, kind, beautiful, intelligent girls,” she wrote. “I love and treasure you both more than you could ever possibly know.”
Texas man who killed 2 neighbors wants execution to proceed
AntwortenLöschenNews now The Associated Press — By MICHAEL GRACZYK
HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) — An East Texas man who pleaded guilty to killing a neighbor couple during a shooting rampage 13 years ago appeared headed for an execution Wednesday that he wanted.
Barney Fuller Jr. asked that all his appeals be dropped to expedite carrying out his death sentence. ...
Fuller surrendered peacefully at his home outside Lovelady, about 100 miles north of Houston, after a middle-of-the-night shooting frenzy in May 2003 that left his neighbors, Nathan Copeland, 43, and Copeland's wife, Annette, 39, dead inside their rural home. The couple's 14-year-old son survived two gunshot wounds, and their 10-year-old daughter escaped injury because Fuller couldn't turn the light on in her bedroom. ...
Fuller had irritated neighbors with his frequent gunfire and was summoned to court in 2003 to address a charge that he made a threatening phone call two years earlier after complaints he shot out an electrical transformer providing power to the Copelands' home.
"Happy New Year," he told Annette Copeland in the Jan. 1, 2001, call. "I'm going to kill you."
... HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) — Summoned to court to answer charges that he made a threatening phone call to his neighbor's home in a rural East Texas county more than two years earlier, Barney Fuller Jr.'s anger smoldered as he began drinking.
LöschenTwo nights later, Fuller left his home with a 12-gauge shotgun, a military-style semi-automatic carbine and a .40-caliber pistol and carried the weapons about 200 yards to the home of neighbors Nathan and Annette Copeland. He fired 59 shots into their house, kicked in the back door and walked inside, opening fire again. Nathan Copeland, 43, was killed in his bedroom, shot four times. His wife, 39, was gunned down in a bathroom while calling 911. One of their two children was shot but survived. ...
AntwortenLöschenThe Post's View
Drop the death penalty for Dylann Roof
... Mr. Roof is set to go on trial Nov. 7 on 33 federal charges in connection with the mass shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. ...
Studies show that death-penalty trials make it more difficult for survivors and relatives of victims to heal and recover. ...
“Racially motivated violence such as this is the original domestic terrorism,” Ms. Lynch said in explaining why the death penalty is appropriate. True. But some of the most powerful arguments against Mr. Roof’s execution are from prominent civil rights leaders. Wade Henderson, president and chief executive of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, wrote a Post op-ed recalling the connection between the death penalty and racial discrimination that results in disproportionately more blacks being put to death. A poll by the University of South Carolina found a majority of black South Carolinians favor life without parole — not death — for Mr. Roof. ...
... memorial candles burn on the front porch of the Alano House on East Platte Ave. in Colorado Springs, Colo. The candles burned as a memorial to victims who died there in the Halloween Day shootings in 2015. Noah Harpham killed three people before being shot and killed by Colorado Springs police. ...
AntwortenLöschenAbout an hour and a half before his bloody march, Harpham stopped at a nearby McDonald's to get coffee. Employees there were nervous to see the butt of a gun sticking out of Harpham's chest holster — so much so they called police to report it, but he hadn't committed a crime. Colorado is an open carry state. ...
Miami Herold, Nov. 5, 2016
AntwortenLöschenPolizei fasst weiteren Tatverdächtigen nach Anschlag auf Sikh-Tempel
Nach dem Anschlag auf einen Sikh-Tempel in Essen hat die Polizei den dritten mutmaßlichen Täter gefasst. Er und zwei weitere Männer werden verdächtigt, am Samstag eine Bombe am Eingang des Sikh-Tempels gezündet zu haben.
Nach der Festnahme von zwei 16 Jahre alten mutmaßlichen Salafisten laufen die Ermittlungen im Fall des Bombenanschlags auf ein Gebetshaus der Sikhs in Essen weiter auf Hochtouren. ....
LöschenDie beiden in Deutschland geborenen Jugendlichen sollen am Samstag nach einer indischen Hochzeit im Gebetshaus der Religionsgemeinschaft Sikh in Essen eine Bombe gezündet haben. Drei Menschen wurden verletzt, einer von ihnen schwer. ...
Manhunt for Alleged Road Rage Shooter of 3-Year-Old Boy
AntwortenLöschenABC News Videos
Authorities are searching for a man in Arkansas who allegedly opened fire and killed a 3-year-old boy who was shopping with his grandmother.
Police: White sword killer went to NY to attack black people
AntwortenLöschenCOLLEEN LONG and JENNIFER PELTZ,Associated Press 16 hours ago
NEW YORK (AP) — A white U.S. Army veteran from Baltimore bent on making a racist attack took a bus to New York, the "media capital of the world," randomly picked out a black man who was collecting bottles on the street and killed him with a sword, police said Wednesday.
James Harris Jackson turned himself in at a Times Square police station early Wednesday, about 25 hours after Timothy Caughman staggered into a police precinct bleeding to death. ...
... Jackson left behind a collection of war movies in the apartment, the former neighbor said.
LöschenJackson was in the Army from March 2009 to August 2012 and worked as a military intelligence analyst, the Army said. Deployed in Afghanistan from December 2010 to November 2011, he earned several medals and attained the rank of specialist.
Charlottesville Murder Suspect James Alex Fields May Be A Veteran, But He Was Never A Soldier
AntwortenLöschenBy Jared Keller
on August 13, 2017
... “The Army can confirm that James Alex Fields reported for basic military training in August of 2015,” Army spokesman Lt. Col. Jennifer Johnson told Task & Purpose in a statement. “He was, however, released from active duty due to a failure to meet training standards in December of 2015. As a result, he was never awarded a military occupational skill nor was he assigned to a unit outside of basic training.”
A mass attacker’s military background can often fuel media stereotypes about violent veterans. Wade Michael Page, who killed four people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012, served from 1992 to 1998. Aaron Alexis, who killed 13 people at the Washington Navy Yard in 2013, was an aviation electrician’s mate at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth from 2007 to 2011. And in 2016, Army veteran Micah Johnson shot and killed six police officers in Houston, Texas. More than a third of the 43 worst mass killings in the U.S. since 1984 were carried out by military veterans.
But it’s worth noting that this logic doesn’t necessarily apply to the case of Fields. Though Fields may technically qualify as a veteran for lasting more than 90 days in the armed forces, he was barely even a soldier ...
Dieser Quelle zufolge wurden mehr als ein Drittel der 43 schlimmsten Massentötungen in den USA seit 1948 von Veteranen des Militärs begangen.
LöschenNur etwa 13,4 % der männlichen Bevölkerung in den USA haben im Militär gedient (davon sind mehr als die Hälfte über 60). Demnach sind Veteranen als Täter bei "mass killings" deutlich überproportional vertreten.
"1.4 percent of all female Americans have ever served in the armed services, compared to 13.4 percent of all male Americans.... (we know, based on that VA data, that more than half of all veterans are over 60 right now)."
AntwortenLöschenWoman pulls out gun in Walmart during row over last notebook
The Independent
Sept. 1, 2017
A woman is facing criminal charges after pulling a gun on two other women in a row over a school notebook.
The argument, captured on video filmed by a bystander, broke out between two pairs of women over the last notebook at a 'Back to School' sale at the Walmart in Detroit, Michigan. ...
Father kills self after son's accidental shooting
AntwortenLöschenABC News ABC News 5 hours ago .
Authorities say a South Carolina man took his own life moments after his 2-year-old son found a gun and accidentally shot and killed himself. Richland County Corner Gary Watts says toddler Kyree Myers' mother called 911 after her son found the loaded gun in the family's Columbia home and shot himself. Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook says when officers arrived, 38-year-old Keon Myers had a gun and was threatening to kill himself, firing the fatal shot into his head after refusing to drop the weapon. Police say they are still investigating if the father and son were killed with the same weapon and whether that gun was bought legally. Holbrook says the incident has been "emotionally trying for ...
A Florida man meticulously planned to kill his neighbor and end their long-running dispute in a cold-blooded execution that was captured on camera, according to authorities. Qiu Feng Ke, 60, of Holiday, told deputies in Pasco County that he had been plotting the death of Edward Tudor, 37, for a “long time” and had no regrets. Ke, also known as Joe Ke, even had his will notarized with the intention taking his own life by hanging after carrying out the killing, according to a complaint affidavit obtained by The Post. “The defendant told me he took two loaded handguns and two additional loaded magazines and went to the victim’s residence to kill the victim,” according to the complaint affidavit.
A man who shot and killed four people in a jealous rage and then tried to kill himself posted an eerie comment on one of his victim’s Facebook page before the murders.
AntwortenLöschenWilliam Scott Porterfield, 27, Chelsie Lou Cline, 25, Cortney Sue Snyder, 23, and Seth William Cline, 21, were shot early Sunday morning at a car wash in Pennsylvania. ...
Just four days before she was murdered, Cline posted a seemingly harmless quote on Facebook, not knowing it would lead to her death.
The post read, “This week I rlly (really) need to be taken out…On a date or by a sniper either one is fine w (with) me at this point.”
Smith, who Cline briefly dated but recently broke things off with, became infatuated with her and replied with a creepy comment.
“I can do both,” Smith wrote. He kept true to his word.
At about 3 a.m. Sunday morning Smith showed up to Ed’s Car Wash in body armor and armed with a semi-automatic rifle, a 9mm handgun, and a .308 rifle, District Attorney Rich Bower said. Police did not say if the guns were obtained legally. ...
The alleged shooter, Timothy O’Brien Smith, is not expected to make it after suffering a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
He wrote with one post, “Exactly, I would have stuck with just flectarn but you can find a lot more gear these days that’s also coated in multicam therefore making it really easy to match your equipment with your uniform. The army’s UCP pattern would have been great if they picked a better color scheme, but it just blends in with gravel, until you get some dirt and mud on it, then it’s somewhat efficient.” And another: “So far it works alright without any green foliage. But come summer time, I’m gonna blend like a chameleon.” ...
LöschenThe suspect was heavily armed when he arrived at the car wash ...
Smith’s Facebook page contains a check-in at the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He didn’t list any political affiliations on the page. ...
LöschenThe Democratic Republic of the Congo's government has announced a crackdown on the alleged use of foreign mercenaries by the country's main opposition leader Moise Katumbi.
Justice Minister Alexis Thambwe Mwamba told a news conference on Wednesday that there was "documented proof" that former US soldiers and South Africans were among the foreigners working for Katumbi in Katanga, the province in which he is based. ...
One of the Congolese arrested is the owner of security company, called Pomba 1. The company, which is based in Katanga's provincial capital of Lubumbashi, is accused of inviting the foreign mercenaries and is linked to Katumbi, Wenbi said.
He also quoted Mwamba as saying that the government was investigating why more than 600 US citizens, mostly men, had entered the country since October last year.
Shooter at Kansas bar gets 3 life sentences for targeting men he thought were Iranian
AntwortenLöschenBy Tony Rizzo, The Kansas City Star
August 07, 2018
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Olathe, Kan., man who targeted two men from India in a deadly shooting attack was sentenced Tuesday to three consecutive life prison sentences.
The sentences were handed down in federal court will run consecutively to another life sentence 53-year-old Adam W. Purinton previously received for first-degree murder in Johnson County District Court.
Purinton killed Srinivas Kuchibhotla on Feb. 22, 2017, at Austins Bar & Grill in Olathe.
Kuchibhotla, a citizen of India who worked as an engineer for Garmin, was having an after-work drink with a co-worker who was also from India.
Purinton began verbally harassing them, demanding to know where they were from and yelling at them to "get out of my country."
Other bar patrons stepped forward, told Purinton to leave, and escorted him out of the business.
A short time later, Purinton returned with a handgun. He wrapped a scarf around his face to hide his identity and barged in, firing multiple shots at Kuchibhotla and his friend, Alok Madasani.
As Purinton fled, Ian Grillot, one of the patrons who had intervened earlier, ran after him. Purinton turned and shot Grillot before fleeing from the area. ...
In der Innenstadt von Cincinnati im US-Bundesstaat Ohio sind laut Polizei drei Menschen von einem Angreifer erschossen worden. Auch der Schütze ist tot. Fünf Menschen wurden verletzt.
AntwortenLöschenDer Angreifer war nach Polizeiangaben am Donnerstagmorgen über den Liefereingang in eine Bank eingedrungen und hatte begonnen, um sich zu schießen. Polizisten lieferten sich in der Eingangshalle des Gebäudes einen Schusswechsel mit dem Mann und töteten ihn. ...
Das Stadtratsmitglied Paul George Sittenfeld sprach auf Twitter von einem "furchtbaren Vorfall mit Schüssen im Herzen unserer Stadt". Waffengewalt hinterlasse nur Verlust, schrieb er. In Ohio ist das verdeckte Tragen von Handfeuerwaffen erlaubt, im März 2017 wurde das Gesetz auf Firmengelände, Schulen, Colleges und Universitäten erweitert.
Laut der Organisation Gun Violence Archive sind in den USA in diesem Jahr bereits 9.930 Menschen durch Waffengewalt gestorben, über 19.600 Menschen wurden verletzt. Insgesamt verifizierte die Organisation für dieses Jahr 247 große Schießereien.
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