It has been found engraved on weapons belonging to the Norsemen. It was also engraved on the spindles used by the ancient Greeks in their- weaving at Troy.
In India rice is spread on the ground in the form of the Swastika at the baptism of a baby boy to bring him luck.
The Indians in North America use it as an ornament, and it has been found engraved on ancient pottery in Peru.
This continent was called Atlantis, and joined up Europe with America.
It was supposed to have four vast rivers running from a central mountain in different directions—North, East, South, and West—and the Swastika is merely a map of Atlantis showing those four rivers rising from the same center.
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Scouts salutieren Baden Powell (1933) Bildquelle: |
Ähnlich gestaltet: Das Emblem von "Lotta Svärd", einer finnischen paramilitärischen Frauenorganisation 1920 - 1944 ![]() Bildquelle: |
Bildquelle "Thanks Badge" und Text von Baden Powell zur Erlaeuterung des Swastika-Symbols (1921)
Baden Powell über das Hakenkreuz, 1921; Original in Englisch siehe Post
LöschenUebersetzung von mir (mit Hilfe von Google Translate)
Aber wie ihr durch das Dankesabzeichen mit dem Hakenkreuz, das ich euch in Scouting for Boys gegeben habe, schon wisst, wurde dieses Symbol in alter Zeit in fast jedem Teil der Welt verwendet, und ihm wurden daher verschiedene Bedeutungen zugeschrieben.
Es wurde auf Waffen, die den Nordmännern gehörten, eingraviert gefunden. Es war auch in Spindeln eingraviert, die die alten Griechen in Troja zum Weben verwendeten.
In Indien wird bei der Taufe eines männlichen Babys auf dem Boden Reis in Form des Hakenkreuzes verteilt, um ihm Glück zu bringen.
Die Indianer in Nordamerika verwenden es als Verzierung, und es wurde auf alten Töpferei-Produkten in Peru eingraviert gefunden.
Wie es von einem Land zum anderen gelangte, obwohl diese durch Ozeane getrennt sind, ist schwer zu erraten; aber einige Leute, die sagen dass sie alles über diese Dingen wüssten, bestätigen, dass es einmal einen großen Kontinent gab, wo jetzt der Atlantik ist, aber dass er durch ein Erdbeben im Meer unterging.
Dieser Kontinent wurde Atlantis genannt und verband Europa mit Amerika.
Er soll vier große Flüsse gehabt haben, die von einem zentralen Berg aus in verschiedene Himmelsrichtungen laufen - Nord, Ost, Süd und West -, und das Hakenkreuz ist einfach eine Karte von Atlantis mit einer Abbildung dieser vier Flüsse, die von dem gleichen Zentrum ausgehen.
Mit Sicherheit fand sich diese Story auch in der deutschen Version des 1908 erschienenen Klassikers Scouting for Boys. Es wird viel Bohei darum gemacht, dass die deutsche Version eine voelkisch-nationalistisch angepasste Fassung gewesen sei, und nahe gelegt, erst durch die Uebertragung sei der militaristische Ton herein gekommen (siehe z.B. Stichwort Pfadfinderbewegung, deutschsprachige Wikipedia). Aber schon ein Blick in das auf Wikipedia (englisch) zu findende Inhaltsverzeichnis der Originalversion zeigt, dass Letzteres so nicht stimmen kann.
LöschenNatuerlich musste es eine Anpassung und konnte keine ganz woertliche Uebersetzung sein; der Aufruf, fuer das britische Empire zu kaempfen, wurde dem jeweiligen Landeskontext der Fassungen in anderen Sprachen angepasst.
(Titel und Autor der ersten deutschen Version nochmal raussuchen)
Subject: Swastika
AntwortenLöschenFrom: Sergio Laurenti
7 Jun 1996
"Not to be able to recognize evil in a national ruler is a grievous fault in a prime minister or a foreign secretary, but in the leader of a world wide youth movement dedicated to international friendship it is not a fatal flaw. The most striking example of Baden-Powell's naivety in this regard concerns his continued use of the swastika as his emblem of thanks to individuals who have helped the Movement. As early as 1912, after his engagement to Olave, he had given her a Scout "Thanks Badge" in the form of a swastika with the Scout fleur-de-lys superimposed. In June 1933, only months after Hitler had become German Chancellor, Baden-Powell wrote about his own use of the swastika and how the word meant "good luck" in Sanskrit. He suggested that, if the hooked cross was used with the rectangular projections
pointing clckwise, it was a sign portending good. But if the projections pointed anti-clockwise, it was an ill-omened sign. He did not mention Hitler's use of this ancient sun symbol, but implied that the German swastika was the anti-clockwise version. This was confirmed by Olave, who later described the Scouts' swastika as
"right-handed" and the Nazi sign as "left-handed. In fact the Nazi cross was exactly the same as the Scouts', both being right-handed. (A failure of Baden-Powell's legendary 'powers of observation' seems responsible for this misconception). Although B-P had been at pains to differentiate his swastika from Hitler's very early on -an attitude incompatible with uncritical admiration - he was nevertheless determined not to abandon *his* sign, just because the Germans had adopted it. In February 1935, Baden-Powell obstinately decided to have more swastika "Thanks Cards" printed. Nobody was going to stop him using the symbol he had adopted almost 30 years earlier.
But as might have been predicted, he was soon obliged to change his mind. Reports reached him that several wearers of the "Thanks Badge" had been assulted while travelling in central Europe. He never used the device again after the autumn of 1935."
(illustration of the "Thanks Card" showing BP and Lady BP holding a
banner with the swastika and the words The Sign of Gratitude).
Abstract from "Baden-Powell", Tim Jeal, London 1979
"The German National Socialist party adopted the swastika as early as 1920 but it became the national flag of Germany on 5th September 1935. They used a black, forward-facing Swastika on a white, circular ground as a symbol of the "Vocation to fight for the Victory of the Aryan race". There seems to me to be one important difference between the Scouting symbol and the Nazi emblem that ought to be sufficient for them never to be confused.
AntwortenLöschenThe Nazi symbol has 'legs' that are set on diagonals i.e.'forward facing', whereas the Scout symbol had its legs on a vertical/horizontal axis. This difference was highlighted by the Nazis themselves when they called their symbol "The forward facing wheel of prosperity."
"Johnny Walker" Website
Also ich kann den behaupteten Unterschied zwischen Nazi-Swastika und Scout-Swastika von den Bildern her nicht erkennen.
LöschenJohn Walker, Begruender der Johnny Walker Whisky Dynastie, war mit Joachim von Ribbentrop befreundet.
Aus meinem Kommentar zu dem Artikel "Erziehung für Verdun" von Ulrich Herrmann, DIE ZEIT Nº 06/2014, 9. Februar 2014
AntwortenLöschenDie kriegsbegeisterten jungen Männer, schreibt Ulrich Herrmann, waren Opfer „eines perfiden Systems der mentalen Militarisierung, das besonders in Preußen mit dem Regierungsantritt Wilhelms II. für die männliche Jugend eingeführt worden war“. Und weiter unten: „Hinzu kam die Gründung des Bayerischen Wehrkraftvereins, der zusammen mit dem Deutschen Pfadfinderbund von 1911 das Programm ‚Volkskraft durch Wehrkraft‘ verfolgte. 1914 waren schon 90.000 Jungen bei den Pfadfindern organisiert.“
Mal abgesehen von Feinheiten zum Thema Bayern und Preußen: Was propagierte denn Baden Powell, der Gründer der Pfadfinderbewegung? In seinem 1908 erschienenen Bestseller „Scouting for Boys“ schwärmte er vom Bürgersoldaten (Citizen Soldier), von Navy, Army und Empire. – Siehe z.B.
Auch dort, wo nicht „preußisch-deutsch“ drauf steht, kann Militarismus drin sein. Wenn wir das übersehen, laufen wir Gefahr, dass wir das Gebräu wieder schlucken wie damals unsere Altvorderen.
GERMANY: Swastikas, Man & Boy
AntwortenLöschenTIME Mar. 05, 1934
When last year the Nazis suppressed several German Boy Scout organizations and took their membership into the Hitler Youth organization, the Boy Scouts' Founder, Lieut.-General Lord Baden-Powell, declared, "I am very glad. The German Boy Scouts were not attached to us. They were military. We are unmilitary and non-political—just Boy Scouts and nothing more."
What Lord Baden-Powell did not know was that one set of German scouts, the German Boy Scout Association, was in fact attached to his organization and that the Hitler Youth leader, Baldur von Schirach, had passed it by. Last week von Schirach announced that it, too, "is no longer warranted," dissolved it and forbade its leader. Eberhard Plewe, to conduct further work among boys. The last of the German Scouts laid away their fleur-de-lis Scout badges. Presently they will be issued the swastika emblems of Hitler Youth.,9171,747097,00.html
Auf seiner Deutschland-Reise 1910-11 speiste er sogar mit dem Kaiser (siehe unten). Und da soll Baden Powell mehr als zwanzig Jahre lang nicht mitbekommen haben, dass der 1911 gegründete Deutsche Pfadfinderbund mit seiner Scout-Organisation offiziell assoziiert war?
LöschenBaden Powells Deutschland-Reise 1910-1911
AntwortenLöscheninklusive Speisen an der Tafel des Kaisers und ein bisschen Spionieren
An English wife in Berlin; a private memoir of events, politics, and daily life in Germany throughout the war and the social revolution of 1918 (c1920)
by Evelyn Princess Blücher
Has the word "spy" lost its ancient disagreeable meaning? It almost seems to be an honourable calling now […]
A conversation with a neutral this afternoon has turned my thoughts this way. We were really discussing the different methods of the German and English secret service, and whilst listening to the details he gave me of the enormous sums which both countries had spent on it, I could not refrain from saying that they had neither of them been very effective, considering the utter ignorance and surprise expressed by both at the outbreak of the war.
He admitted that it was not always easy to distinguish between spies, traitors, and secret service agents. […] He told me that the much-abused English Intelligence Department had not been quite so fast asleep as the good lady-informers supposed, and that for three years before the war the names of all the German residents in England had been noted. Their correspondence had been systematically opened and censored during that period, and within twenty-four hours of the declaration of war no less than twenty-five out of twenty-six recognized paid spies had been taken into custody. […]
As to the morality of spying in general, I expressed my doubts about the ethics of men who go round accepting the hospitality of friends, all the time trying to elicit information which is meant to harm their country. He, however, took another view of the case, and expressed his admiration for men who risk their lives and stop at nothing to help their native land, without receiving any kudos. As an example he mentioned Baden-Powell, who, in his book published after his visit to Germany in 1910-11, boasts how he accepted hospitality at the Emperor's table, whilst in between he gained as much useful information as he could, from less exalted personages, by means of bribes.
... "ein bisschen Spaehen" waere noch treffender als "ein bisschen Spionieren", aber ich lasse es jetzt mal so stehen
LöschenEs war Alexander Lion (1870-1962), der in Abstimmung mit Baden Powell und zusammen mit Maximilian Bayer 1909 in Deutschland erstmals das „Pfadfinderbuch“ herausbrachte.
AntwortenLöschenZu Alexander Lion (aus Wikipedia, gekuerzt):
Von 1904 bis 1906 diente er während des Aufstands der Herero und Nama als Stabsarzt in Deutsch-Südwestafrika. 1904 traf er in Südwestafrika erstmals auf seinen späteren Mitstreiter bei der Gründung des deutschen Pfadfindertums.
Während einer einmonatigen Studienreise durch England besuchte er 1909 in London für drei Tage Baden-Powell, der Lion zu diesem Anlass mit dem Überreichen einer Pfadfinderlilie in die Pfadfinderbewegung aufnahm. Im selben Jahr veröffentlichte Lion gemeinsam mit Maximilian Bayer das Pfadfinderbuch, das ab 1911 unter dem Titel Jungdeutschlands Pfadfinderbuch weitere Auflagen erlebte. Mit diesem Buch, einer den deutschen Verhältnissen angepassten Übertragung von Scouting for Boys, prägte Lion den Begriff Pfadfinder als deutsche Übersetzung des englischen Boy Scout. Um die im Deutschen Reich entstandenen Pfadfindergruppen zusammenzufassen wurde 1911 der Deutsche Pfadfinderbund gegründet, zu dessen Gründungsmitgliedern Lion zählte.
1912 ließ General von Jacob eine Schmähschrift drucken, die antisemitisch ausgelegt war und auf Lions jüdische Geburt anspielte.
Zu Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs wurde er Chefarzt des 12. Feldlazaretts im II. Kgl. Bay. Armee-Korps und war stets bei der Bergung der Verwundeten in den vordersten Linien zu finden.
Ende 1915 wurde Lion vom deutschen Stab im Osmanischen Reich angefordert. Dort hatte Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz, ein großer Förderer der deutschen Pfadfinderbewegung und Unterstützer Lions und Bayers kurze Zeit zuvor das Kommando der 6. osmanischen Armee (Mesopotamien) übernommen.
Ab 1939 hielt sich Lion in Kolbermoor (Oberbayern) auf (Gasthof Pullach), wurde aber 1942 von einem parteitreuen Mitbürger anhand einer entstellten Äußerung denunziert, jedoch vom Kolbermoorer Bürgermeister persönlich in Sicherheit gebracht. Dieser hatte als NSDAP-Mitglied in Erfahrung gebracht, dass ein Lynchkommando der SA im Anmarsch war, welches „einen Juden ausheben wolle“.
1944 wurde Lions Bruder Richard und 1945 dessen Frau Beatrice im Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen ermordet.
1946 wurde unter der Ehrenpräsidentschaft Lions in Bayern der Bund Deutscher Pfadfinder gegründet. Im selben Jahr wurde er als „Verfolgter des Nationalsozialistischen Regimes“ anerkannt. Zwischen 1946 und 1948 war er Mitglied der Spruchkammer für Entnazifizierung in Bad Aibling.
1951 verlieh ihm der Bundesfeldmeister des BDP, Kajus Roller, die goldene Rautenlilie.
1961 setzte er sich in zahlreichen Briefen und Diskussionen für eine Vereinigung des BDP mit dem neuen Deutschen Pfadfinderbund ein.
Wie andere prägende deutsche Pfadfinder- und Jugendführer erhielt Alexander Lion einen Gedenkstein auf dem vom Nerother Wandervogel initiierten Ehrenhain der Deutschen Jugendbewegung bei Burg Waldeck.
Baden-Powell bot der Hitlerjugend die Hand der Freundschaft
Daily Telegraph Sydney
Baden-Powell offered Hitler Youth hand of friendship
March 09, 2010
THE founder of the Boy Scouts founder held friendly talks with senior Nazis about forming closer ties with the Hitler Youth and was even invited to meet Adolf Hitler, newly released security files show. Lord Baden-Powell, who started the Scouts in 1907, held talks with German ambassador Joachim von Ribbentrop and Hitler Youth chief of staff Hartmann Lauterbacher on November 19, 1937. Lauterbacher, then 28, was in Britain to foster closer relations with the Boy Scout movement and Ribbentrop invited Baden-Powell to tea with the Hitler Youth leader, declassified MI5 Security Service files revealed.
A letter from Lord Baden-Powell to Ribbentrop the day after the meeting showed how he felt about the talks.
Löschen"I am grateful for the kind conversation you accorded me which opened my eyes to the feeling of your country towards Britain, which I may say reciprocates exactly the feeling which I have for Germany," Lord Baden-Powell wrote.
"I sincerely hope that we shall be able, in the near future, to give expression to it through the youth on both sides, and I will at once consult my headquarters officers and see what suggestions they can put forward."
In a report on the meeting, Baden-Powell described Ribbentrop as "earnest" and "charming".
He wrote: "I had a long talk with the ambassador, who was very insistent that the true peace between the two nations will depend on the youth being brought up on friendly terms together in forgetfulness of past differences."
"He sees in the Scout movement a very powerful agency for helping to bring this about if we can get into closer touch with the Jugend (Youth) movement in Germany.
"To help this he suggested that if possible we should send one or two men to meet their leaders in Germany and talk matters over and, especially, he would like me to go and see Hitler after I am back from Africa."
He went on: "I told him that I was fully in favour of anything that would bring about a better understanding between our nations, and hoped to have further talks with him when I return from Africa."
There is no evidence that Lord Baden-Powell ever met Hitler.
Once the war had been under way for several years, the security services had no doubt about the nature of the Nazi youth wing.
An October 1944 intelligence assessment warned that the organisation should not be taken lightly and could not be compared to the Scouts.
It said: "It is a compulsory Nazi formation, which has consciously sought to breed hate, treachery and cruelty into the mind and soul of every German child.
"It is, in the true sense of the word, 'education for death'."
March 9 2010
LöschenThe Hitler Youth leader Hartmann Lauterbacher’s visit to Eton College in 1937
Sir, One gem overlooked in your reports (Mar 8) of the National Archive releases was the visit of the Hitler Youth leader, Hartmann Lauterbacher, to Eton College on November 20, 1937. Sadly, nothing appears to have been recorded of how the hour-long visit went, but what we do know is that the Nazis were fascinated by Eton.
Baden-Powell fand Hitlers Buch „Mein Kampf“ wunderbar (noch 1939)
Christopher Hitchens on the Mildly Fascist Founder of the Boy Scouts
Jennie Rothenberg Gritz
Jan 30 2013
As Hitchens writes, Baden-Powell was a peculiar character: "He was a racist and an imperialist and a monarchist, all right, but most of the time to a temperate degree. […]" […]
He praised the Japanese code of Bushido, which taught young men to prize their honor above all else, even if it meant death or suicide.
Baden-Powell was equally enthusiastic about the fascism that began spreading through Europe after World War I. He visited Italy in 1933 and wrote admiringly about the "boy-man" Benito Mussolini who had absorbed his country's Boy Scouts into a thriving new nationalist youth movement. The dictator explained that he'd accomplished this feat "simply by moral force" - an explanation Baden-Powell felt "augers well for the future of Italy."
If Baden-Powell had had his way, the Boy Scouts might have formed close ties with the Hitler Youth. In 1937, he told the Scouts' international commissioner that the Nazis were "most anxious that the Scouts should come into closer touch with the youth movement in Germany." Baden-Powell met with the German ambassador in London and was invited to meet the Führer himself, though the war prevented him from visiting the Third Reich. But he continued to admire Hitler's values, writing in a 1939 diary entry that Mein Kampf was "a wonderful book, with good ideas on education, health, propaganda, organisation etc."
Baden-Powell empfahl eine "eiserne Hand in einem Samthandschuh" (der ab und zu ausgezogen werden muesste) im Umgang mit "Eingeborenen"
AntwortenLöschen“They must as a people be ruled with a hand of iron in a velvet glove. And if they writhe under it and don’t understand the force of it, it is no use to add more padding – you must take off the glove for a moment and show them the hand. They will understand and obey,” he wrote later about his approach to controlling “natives”.
Baden-Powell was certainly quick to remove his own glove [...]
LöschenGiven that Britain was not at war with Matabeleland [...] procedure dictated that Uwini should be taken 100 miles to Bulawayo and tried in a civilian court.
But Baden-Powell wanted a more expeditious solution. The day after Uwini was captured he wrote to his senior officer suggesting a court martial. He claimed Uwini had fired on his men, an action punishable by death, although documents contradict this. They include the testimony of a soldier, Gerald H Upton who states that Chief Uwini “… surrendered on being promised his life would be spared”.
Baden-Powell did not wait for a reply. At the trial’s conclusion, he ordered Uwini’s execution. The tribal leader was shot at sundown that night by firing squad in front of his stronghold where all his men could see him die.
Tim Jeal, Baden-Powell’s biographer, calls this the “most shameful episode” in Baden-Powell’s life.
He discovered that he even altered his diary entry to reflect his version of events. “He knew he was going to be in terrible trouble unless Uwini had been captured while fighting,” he says.
“When he arrived at the scene, he would have been told that Uwini had been promised his life. This makes his decision to execute the chief rather worse than it has so far been thought to have been.”
Today there is a high chance that Baden-Powell would be described as a war criminal but in 1896 his actions were covered up and instead he was released without charge following a report that concluded that the native chief’s death was justified because it caused the demoralised rebels to surrender.
Three years later Baden-Powell found himself commanding a garrison in the South African town of Mafeking when it was besieged by the Boers. With highly theatrical military tactics (such as pretending to have landmines when the troops didn’t and letting off fireworks as if they were bombs), he kept the Boers at bay for 217 days. The maverick became a national hero and celebrity and his earlier misdeeds were forgotten.
Surprisingly, Baden-Powell maintained that he had done the right thing in executing Uwini in Matabeleland.
At no point did he appear to show regret or shame. In a letter to his mother, he once wrote: “Well, on looking back at it, I should do exactly the same thing again (though it sounds brutal, doesn’t it)…”
Tellingly, Jeal states in his biography that Baden-Powell had an extraordinary fascination with executions, almost a blood lust for them, and relaxed by painting watercolours of firing squads.
Is it possible that this flawed aspect of his personality explains his receptiveness to the approach from senior Hitler Youth figures two years before the start of the Second World War and 30 years after he set up his first experimental camp for 20 boys in Dorset?
It has long been known that Baden-Powell expressed admiration for Benito Mussolini, whom he described as “charming and humorous”. He even spoke of his admiration for how Mussolini had absorbed the Boy Scouts of Italy “into his general scheme for training the whole of the oncoming generation”. A lthough use of the Swastika on Thirties Boy Scout medals has frequently been explained away as a symbol that had been used to denote life and good luck in many cultures and religions for more than 3,000 years, the new evidence does make one wonder.
Dark lord of the Scouts
By: Jane Warrem
Express (UK)
Tue, March 9, 2010
Ein britischer Lokalhistoriker schreibt ueber einen Besuch deutscher Pfadfinder um 1937 in Lincolnshire (auch ein Bild ist dabei)
Hitler and the Boy Scouts in Lincolnshire
Rod Collins
March 9, 2010
It sounds like an unlikely combination . . . that is until you read released MI5 top secret documents which tell of how Adolf Hitler tried to infiltrate the Lincolnshire Boy Scouts !
Around 1937 some young Germans, later found to be the Hitler Youth, were on a cycling tour in this country when concerns were raised by the British Security Service MI5 about possible spying. Indeed it seems it went deeper than that, they were spies and actually trying to infiltrate the Boy Scout movement.
It seems Lord Baden-Powell was invited to meet Hitler himself in order to discuss closer ties between British boy scouts and the Hitler youth. I may seem unlikely but Lord Baden-Powell did in fact meet Joachim von Ribbentrop - the German ambassador.
Needless to say Nationwide plan was cracked open by the Lincolnshire Police, the Lincs Chief Constable alerted the Intelligence Services and an investigation was launched. […]
Sir Vernon Kell, Director General of MI5, ordered covert surveillance once the plot was uncovered. He sent a letter to Grimsby, now released under the Freedom of Information Act and 30 year Rule but till now classified, and it said . . .
“We have received information that a party of young Germans [are] due to arrive [and] are intending to bicycle to London by easy stages. Should they pass through your area we should be interested in any details you can let us have about the route they follow.”
Subsequently dubbed ’spycyclists’ they were closely monitored as were the efforts to infiltrate the Boy Scouts both on a ground level and via Baden-Powell at leadership level. Whilst cycling around they’d also been advised to memorise routes, remember general layouts and take notes of directions, roads and rivers. [...]
Von der Webseite
LöschenHistorical Boys' Uniforms/ Hitler Youth activities
(enthaelt auch interessante Bilder, die u.a. zeigen, wie fleissig der Gruss mit nach vorn gestrecktem Arm gerade in der HJ praktiziert wurde)
"While Hitler continued to insist that he only wanted peace, the HJ program developed by Schirach was to prepare boys for war, both mentally and physically. Commited trained troops would be needed to use the new arms pouring out of German factories as the country remilitarized. Schirach both prepared a program that could train younger boys and which had a significant military component. The HJ program included both indirect and direct military training. Indirect military traing included both phyical training anf hiking to build strength and stamina as well as Wehrsport (war sports) to develop aggressive fighting spirit. Indirect activities were largely staples of the geberak youth movement and not much different than what one might find in Boy Scout programs. Boxing was a mainstay of the HJ sports program and the only sport Hitler thought important. There was also direct military training. This was an aspect of the Hitler Youth program that was different from that of other German youth movements and the Boy Scout movement. Direct military training included discipline, military drill and marching, skills (building dugouts, gas defence, map reading, range finding, sending and receicing morse code, setting and penetrating barbed wire, stinging communicatioin lines, trench digging, and much more."
"Our information about HJ school activities is very limited at this time. We believe that such activities were limited, in part because the HJ did not fully trust the schools. When the NAZIs seized control (1933), there were many teachers who were not sympthetic to the NAZIs or actually hostile. While open defiance was quickly eliminated, covert resistnce was more of a problem. It took several years to gain full control over the schools and curiculum. Another factor was that a good report from their HJ unit was important to persue one's education."
Löschen"Shooting was a required activity from the time boys entered the HJ at age 10 years. This was an activity most boys would have found to be fun. Virtually any boy would love to shoot a gun, any gun. The younger DJ boys began to hone their markesmanship with air rifles. The HJ grew rapidly after the NAZI take over (1933). Youthleaders were badly needed for the expanding Reich. Schirach decided to open Reichsführer (leadership) schools). A 3 week cram course was developed which included NAZI political and racial indoctrination, the NAZI view of history, leadership training, strenous physical activity, and rifle shooting. As part of the regular training, older HJ boys were introduced to small caliber rifles. We should stress that rifles, unlike in America, were not common in Germany, especially in urban areas. Not only was the shooting popular with the boys, but the culture of the HJ made it even more popular. [Kaufmann, p. 329.] Shooting matches were expanded once the war broke out, authorized by an ordinance (October 15, 1939). Boys who achieved a certain level of competence were awarded markesmanship badges. During the War, hand guns were issued to some older HJ boys. There were incidents of accidents which occurred as a result of the boys playing with these weapons."
LöschenBaden-Powell - der militaerische Hintergrund des Scouting
Baden-Powell took his new profession seriously and excelled in the military. He became a captain at the young age of 26. In 1884 his regiment returned to England for two years. During this time he published a book called Reconnaissance and Scouting. He also worked as a spy, traveling to Germany, Austria, and Russia to learn about their latest technological and military advances. In 1887 Baden-Powell's uncle, General Henry Smyth, was appointed governor and commander-in-chief of South Africa. He asked his nephew to be part of his staff. Baden-Powell participated in several non-combative missions with the Zulu and, in recognition, was promoted to brevet-major. In 1889 General Sir Henry Smyth was sent to Malta as governor and commander-in-chief and he again took his nephew as part of his staff. However, Baden-Powell was anxious for combat and, therefore, resigned from his position as military secretary in Malta in 1893 and rejoined the thirteenth Hussars in Ireland.
In 1895 Baden-Powell was sent to command a campaign against the Ashanti, whose king had broken British treaties. He thought he would have an opportunity for military action, but in the end there was no fighting. Due to his success on this mission he was promoted to brevet-lieutenant-colonel at the age of 39. Despite the honor of the promotion, Baden-Powell was disappointed that he had not yet had any combat experience in the military. He thought this was the key to having his own command in Africa. Based on his experiences with the Ashanti, Baden-Powell published a book called The Downfall of Prempeh in 1896. In 1889 he wrote his next book called Pigsticking or Hog Hunting about boar hunting.
Baden-Powell was next sent to deal with the Matabele Rebellion in the African nation of Rhodesia, as the chief of staff of Major-General Sir Frederick Carrington. Since there was not a corps of scouts available for this mission, Baden-Powell conducted his own scouting trips to learn about the terrain and the people. He would later publish his experiences in a book called The Matabele Campaign. Baden-Powell cited the adventure as a crucial learning experience in the ways of scouting.
After returning home from Africa, Baden-Powell was offered command of the Fifth Dragoon Guards back in India. He dedicated much of his position to training the troops in tracking and surveillance techniques. In 1899 he published Aids to Scouting, which was intended for the military, but had also gained surprising interest among the general public. In the same year, the commander-in-chief of the British army sent Baden-Powell back to South Africa to deal with an expected war between the British and the Boers.
Became a Hero
The Boer War was a bloody struggle between English-speaking and Afrikaans-speaking whites for control of South Africa's mineral wealth - the world's richest gold reefs. While the chief of the British army, Lord Wolseley, wanted to send 10,000 troops to South Africa, the British cabinet disagreed and instead sent 20 special service officers to organize a defense of the frontiers, one of whom was Baden-Powell. He was assigned to raise a small regiment to protect Rhodesia and to deceive the Boers into thinking that more British forces were on the way. The Boers surrounded Baden-Powell and his men in Mafeking, a small town about 175 miles west of Johannesburg. Baden-Powell managed to defend the town against over 7,000 Boers for 217 days. Some viewed this as the first real victory for the British against the Boers and Baden-Powell was considered a hero.
Read more:
Scouts founder Baden-Powell 'was a war criminal who had tribal chief executed illegally'
LöschenBy Daily Mail Reporter
6 December 2009
Read more:
Der Teflon-Nazi:
AntwortenLöschenBaden-Powells Gesprächspartner Lauterbacher sollte nach dem Krieg wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit zur Verantwortung gezogen werden – dazu kam es nie
Aus dem Wikipeda-Eintrag zu H.L.
Hartmann Lauterbacher (1909 - 1988) war Stabsführer und stellvertretender Reichsjugendführer der Hitler-Jugend, NSDAP-Gauleiter des Gaus Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig, Oberpräsident der Provinz Hannover sowie SS-Obergruppenführer.
Lauterbacher stieß bereits als Gymnasiast zu den Nationalsozialisten. 1923, mit 14 Jahren, gründete er in Kufstein die erste Ortsgruppe der Deutschen Jugend in Österreich und veranstaltete eine Gedenkfeier für Albert Leo Schlageter. 1925 übernahm er die Führung der DJ und überführte sie 1927 in die Hitlerjugend (HJ). Nach eigenen Angaben begegnete er am 19. April 1925 als 16-Jähriger in Rosenheim erstmals Adolf Hitler. Nach einer anderen Quelle war er am 20. April 1925 zu Gast bei Hitlers Geburtstagsfeier. 1927 ging Lauterbacher zur Ausbildung an der dortigen Drogistenakademie nach Braunschweig. Dort trat er noch im selben Jahr der NSDAP bei und baute von 1929 an die HJ des Gaus Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig auf, seit 1930 hauptberuflich als HJ-Gauführer. Bis 1932 gründete er in den zehn niedersächsischen HJ-Bezirken 31 Gefolgschaften mit 93 Scharen. Die Zahl der HJ-Mitglieder im Gau wuchs zwischen März 1930 und dem Jahresende 1931 von 98 auf 2500, 1932 waren es schon 4000. Sein Organisationstalent ließ Lauterbacher schnell Karriere machen. 1932 wurde er HJ-Gebietsführer Westfalen-Niederrhein, 1933 Obergebietsführer West und 1934 HJ-Stabsführer und Stellvertreter von Reichsjugendführer Baldur von Schirach. 1935 war Joseph Goebbels sein Trauzeuge. Lauterbacher wurde Vater von drei Kindern.
Lauterbacher unternahm in dieser Zeit zahlreiche Auslandsreisen, u. a. in die Niederlande, nach Belgien, Rumänien, Ungarn, Portugal und Spanien. In Italien traf er sich 1934 mit Funktionären der faschistischen Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB), des Vorbilds der HJ, und lernte auch die Akademie der ONB kennen. Nach ihrem Beispiel entstand kurz darauf in Braunschweig die Akademie für Jugendführung, in der der HJ-Führernachwuchs geschult wurde. 1937 war Lauterbacher Delegationsleiter, als die gesamte HJ-Führung zur Weltausstellung nach Paris reiste. Im selben Jahr besuchte er Großbritannien und besichtigt die Eliteschule in Eton und die Militärakademie in Aldershot. Höhepunkt der Reise war ein Treffen mit Robert Baden-Powell, dem Gründer der Pfadfinder-Bewegung. Nachdem er aus England zurückgekehrt war, war Lauterbacher an der Gründung des BDM-Werks „Glaube und Schönheit“ für die 17- bis 21-jährigen Mädchen beteiligt.
In den folgenden Jahren vereinigte Lauterbacher in seiner Person zahlreiche Ämter, Titel und Funktionen.
Im September 1941 ordnete der Gauleiter die Ghettoisierung der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Hannover an. Rund 1.200 Juden wurden aus ihren Wohnungen vertrieben und unter katastrophalen Lebensumständen in 15 sogenannten „Judenhäusern“ untergebracht. Diese „Aktion Lauterbacher“ war die Vorstufe zu der im Dezember 1941 beginnenden Deportation der hannoverschen Juden in die Vernichtungslager.
Während des Krieges tat sich Lauterbacher als fanatischer Nationalsozialist hervor. Noch am 4. April 1945, wenige Tage bevor alliierte Truppen Hannover erreichten, verkündete er über Rundfunk und Zeitungen Durchhalteparaolen. Unter der Überschrift „Lieber tot als Sklav“ hieß es u. a.: „… wer weiße Fahnen hißt und sich kampflos ergibt, ist des Todes.“
Nach dem Krieg leitete die Justiz insgesamt acht Verfahren gegen Lauterbacher ein, unter anderem wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Zur Rechenschaft wurde er jedoch nicht gezogen. Anfang Juli 1946 sprach ihn das Obere Britische Militärgericht in Hannover von der Anklage frei, Anfang April 1945 die Ermordung deutscher und alliierter Häftlinge des Gefängnisses von Hameln angeordnet zu haben. Im August 1947 begann im Internierungslager Dachau ein weiteres Verfahren gegen Lauterbacher. Dieses Mal ging es um einen Befehl aus dem September 1944, wonach Lauterbacher die Erschießung von zwölf amerikanischen Fliegern, die über Goslar abgeschossen worden waren, befohlen haben sollte. Im Oktober 1947 endete auch dieser Prozess mit einem Freispruch. Die deutsche Justiz, die durch die Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover bereits 1947 ein Verfahren eröffnet hatte, dem weitere Ermittlungsverfahren in München und Hannover folgten, begnügte sich damit, die Ermittlungen wegen Verjährung einzustellen; das Verfahren aus dem Jahre 1947 wurde nach „gründlicher Prüfung“ erst zwölf Jahre später eingestellt. In den Nürnberger Prozessen trat der ehemalige stellvertretende Reichsjugendführer als Entlastungszeuge für seinen einstigen Chef Baldur von Schirach auf.
LöschenLauterbacher, der seit Kriegsende im Lager Sandbostel bei Bremervörde interniert war, konnte am 25. Februar 1948 unter bis heute ungeklärten Umständen fliehen. Die Braunschweiger Zeitung berichtet von amerikanischen Geheimdienst-unterlagen, nach denen angeblich die Antikommunistische Front hinter der Aktion stehen sollte, eine Organisation hoher Wehrmachts- und SS-Offiziere. Angeblich hatte Lauterbacher in dieser Zeit bereits Verbindungen zum US-Geheimdienst CIC. In Ungarn soll er mit Unterstützung der Amerikaner die NAESZ gegründet haben, eine „internationale anti-bolschewistische Organisation“. Später tauchte er in Rom unter dem Namen „Bauer“ unter. Er verkehrte – offenbar im Auftrag von alliierten Geheimdiensten – in einem Kreis von Schleusern, die belastete Personen entlang sogenannter Rattenlinien, etwa der sogenannten „Vatikan-Route“, aus ehemaligen faschistischen Staaten nach Südamerika oder in den Nahen Osten brachten.
Lauterbacher nutzte in diesen und den späteren Jahren seine zahlreichen Auslandskontakte, die er vor dem Krieg als HJ-Funktionär geknüpft hatte. Im April 1950 wurde er von den Italienern verhaftet und als „lästiger Ausländer“ in das Lager La Frachette bei Rom gebracht; von wo Lauterbacher nach wenigen Monaten im Dezember 1950 nach Argentinien fliehen konnte.
Lauterbachers Familie lebte in Salem (Schleswig-Holstein). Er kehrte nach Deutschland zurück und arbeitete in München für die Firma „Labora“ seines Bruders, einen Vertrieb von Industrie-Erzeugnissen im Ausland. Als intensivere Nachforschungen angestellt wurden, tauchte Lauterbacher erneut unter. 1960 berichtete Der Spiegel, Lauterbacher sei Inhaber von Labora und habe sich zum Experten für Nahost-Geschäfte entwickelt. Unter anderem verkaufe er an europäische Firmen Werbeflächen, die entlang des Suezkanals aufgestellt würden. Nach Darstellung des Magazins arbeitete Lauterbacher in den 1950er Jahren als Kontaktmann für den Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND). Im Auftrag von BND-Chef Reinhard Gehlen soll er im Nahen Osten ehemalige SS-Führer für den Dienst angeworben haben, die für arabische Geheimdienste arbeiteten. Bei der CIA gab es Bedenken gegen Lauterbacher. In einem Bericht der Amerikaner heißt es, Lauterbacher arbeite für einen östlichen Geheimdienst, sei homosexuell und damit erpressbar. 1965 beendete der BND die Zusammenarbeit. 1965 beriet Lauterbacher die Regierung in Ghana, später arbeitete er für verschiedene arabische und afrikanische Staaten. Bis Mitte der 1970er Jahre soll er dann für eine Werbeagentur in Dortmund gearbeitet haben. Zwischen 1977 und 1979 war der ehemalige Gauleiter offizieller Berater des Sultans von Oman, Qabus ibn Said, in Jugendfragen. Anschließend lebte er in Marokko und nahm 1981 seinen Wohnsitz in Österreich.
1984 veröffentlichte Lauterbacher seine Lebensbeschreibung unter dem Titel „Erlebt und mitgestaltet“, ein typisches Beispiel für Rechtfertigungsliteratur der Nazi-Chargen der mittleren Ebene. Seine Biografie zeigt, dass es ihm nie gelungen ist, sich nach dem Krieg von seiner Rolle im Nationalsozialismus zu lösen. Er verteidigte die Verbrechen an den Juden. 1947 erklärte er: „Ich stehe auf dem Standpunkt, dass uns das Judentum den Krieg erklärt hat (…).“
LöschenSein Leben nach 1945 war geprägt von Seilschaften und undurchsichtigen Geheimdienstverbindungen mit wechselnden Loyalitäten. Die letzten Jahre seines Lebens verbrachte er sehr zurückgezogen in Deutschland; nur sein Totenschein belegt, dass er in Seebruck am Chiemsee verstorben ist.
Lauterbachers Nahost-Geschäfte passten in die "doppelgleisige Nahostpolitik" der jungen Bundesrepublik Deutschland
LöschenSiehe z.B.
Der Nationalsozialismus, die zweite Geschichte: ...
Peter Reichel, Harald Schmid, Peter Steinbach - 2009 - Collective memory
Bonn komplizierte die Lage durch seine doppelgleisige Nahostpolitik - geheime Waffenlieferungen an Israel, deutsche Raketenexperten in Ägypten - ...
Auch die Sueddeutsche schrieb ueber den HJ-Besuch bei Baden Powell und versicherte ihren Lesern, dass kurze Hosen, Tücher um den Hals und Zeltlager in abgelegener Bergwelt aber auch wirklich die einzigen Übereinstimmungen zwischen der britischen Pfadfinderbewegung und der Hitlerjugend waren. Und der greise Baden Powell sei auf seine alten Tage Opfer einer Charme-Offensive geworden.
AntwortenLöschen8. März 2010
Hitlerjugend in England
"Spyclists" - Spione auf Fahrrädern
Neu veröffentlichte Akten des britischen Geheimdiensts enthüllen, wie die Hitlerjugend versucht hat, britische Pfadfinder zu unterwandern.
Von Wolfgang Koydl
Beide Organisationen steckten ihre Mitglieder in kurze Hosen und schlangen ihnen Tücher um den Hals. Außerdem erfreuten sich Zeltlager in abgelegener Bergwelt bei beiden großer Beliebtheit. Doch damit erschöpften sich bereits die Übereinstimmungen zwischen der britischen Pfadfinderbewegung auf der einen und der nazistischen Hitlerjugend auf der anderen Seite. ...
Dennoch versuchte das nationalsozialistische Deutschland eine Zeitlang, organisatorische und freundschaftliche Bande zu den Wandervögeln auf den britischen Inseln zu knüpfen.
Wie aus vertraulichen Akten des Inlandsgeheimdienstes MI5 hervorgeht, die nun erstmals veröffentlicht wurden, ordnete Berlin eine regelrechte Charme-Offensive an, mit der Robert Baden-Powell, der greise Gründer der Boy Scouts, für das Projekt gewonnen werden sollte.
Demnach versprach der damalige deutsche Botschafter in London und spätere Reichsaußenminister Joachim von Ribbentrop Baden-Powell am Rande eines Empfanges in London im November 1937 ein persönliches Treffen mit Adolf Hitler. Zuvor hatte Hartmann Lauterbacher, der sogenannte Obergebietsführer der HJ, England besucht.
Der Pfadfinder-Führer fühlte sich offenbar geschmeichelt. Höflich bedankte er sich für die "freundliche Unterredung, die meine Augen geöffnet hat für das Gefühl, das Ihr Land Großbritannien entgegenbringt und das sich genau deckt mit dem Gefühl, das ich für Deutschland habe".
In einem Rundschreiben an die Führer seiner Organisation schwärmte Baden-Powell von dem deutschen Botschafter als einem "charmanten Mann, der viele Verwandte in England" habe. "In Indien habe ich seinen Onkel gekannt", fügte der alte Herr hinzu, als ob damit alle Zweifel an Ribbentrop und seinen Avancen ausgeräumt wären.
Zu einer Zusammenarbeit kam es dann jedoch nicht, weil die britische Regierung dies strikt ablehnte. "Die Hitlerjugend ist keine Pfadfinderorganisation", hieß es in einem vertraulichen Dokument der beiden Geheimdienste MI5 und MI6. "Es ist eine Zwangsformation der Nazis, die ganz bewusst Hass, Verrat und Grausamkeit in Geist und Seele eines jeden deutschen Kindes zu säen versucht. Dies ist, im Wortsinne, eine "Erziehung für den Tod".
Vor allem aber hatte der Geheimdienst nach einem angeblich in der Zeitschrift Der deutsche Radfahrer veröffentlichten Artikel Verdacht geschöpft. Darin waren junge Deutsche, die Radtouren auf den Inseln unternahmen, aufgefordert worden, Augen und Ohren offen zu halten, weil die so gewonnenen Kenntnisse "einmal zum Nutzen des Vaterlandes" verwendet werden könnten. [...]
Wie an anderer Stelle gezeigt, war 1935 noch ein Schmusejahr zwischen Nazi-Deutschland und Persönlichkeiten im Vereinigten Königreich und in den USA gewesen, die der Ideologie der Eugenik und einem antisemitischen Antibolschewismus nahe standen. Davon gab es 1937 (und später) noch Reste, aber das Blatt begann sich deutlich zu wenden.
LöschenEs war Standard der nationalen Organisationen der internationalen Pfadfinderbewegung, dass die Pfadfinder Augen und Ohren offen halten sollten, weil die so gewonnenen Kenntnisse "einmal zum Nutzen des Vaterlandes" verwendet werden könnten. Das Spähen gehörte zum Konzept der Pfadfinderbewegung. Der national-kriegerisch geprägte Internationalismus der Pfadfinderbewegung hatte von Anfang an etwas Paradoxes.
Es liegt nahe, dass Baden-Powells Rolle im Vorfeld des Besuchs der spähenden deutschen Jugendlichen 1937 als die eines naiven Greises dargestellt wird, der sich vereinnahmen ließ. Aber ganz so einfach ist es nicht.
Nur Opfer gewesen
LöschenBemerkenswert, wie man mit ein bisschen “Spin” die Art und Weise, wie Fakten eingeordnet werden, beeinflussen kann.
Von der Webseite der Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs:
Die Pfadfinderbewegung als Opfer des Naziregimes
von Philipp Pertl am 29.03.2010
Am 8. März überreichte der Britische Sicherheitsdienst dem Nationalarchiv drei Bündel freigegebener Dokumente, die den Zeitraum von 1937 bis 1944 umfassen. Das Weltbüro der Pfadfinder erwarb diese Dokumente um sie zu begutachten. […]
Schwierigkeiten mit der "sozialistischen Presse" wegen Pfadfindern in Uniform bei faschistischen Demonstrationen - aber das "Embargo" sei jetzt aufgehoben
Lord Baden Powell invited to meet Hitler, MI5 files show
By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent
The Telegraph (London)
07 Mar 2010
[...] Baden Powell met the German Ambassador, Joachim von Ribbentrop, who went on to become Hitler’s Foreign Minister, in London in November 1937. [...]
“I told him that I was fully in favour of anything that would bring better understanding between our nations and hoped to have further talks with him when I return from Africa,” he added.
His comments came at a time that a disenchanted Ribbentrop was abandoning his attempts to woo Britain into joining a pact against the Russians, instead telling Hitler “England is our most dangerous enemy.”
Baden Powell went on to become increasingly sympathetic to Hitler, writing in his diary of 1939: “Lay up all day. Read Mein Kampf.
"A wonderful book, with good ideas on education, health, propaganda, organisation etc.”
Details of the meeting held two years before the outbreak of the Second World War, come from a memo written by Baden Powell and included in the MI5 file.
In the document, released to the National Archives, Lord Baden Powell told the Scouts’ International Commissioner, Hubert Martin, that the Germans were “most anxious that the Scouts should come into closer touch with the youth movement in Germany.” [...]
Baden Powell added: “He sees in the Scout Movement a very powerful agency to bring this about if we can get into close touch with the Jugend Movement [Hitler Youth] in Germany. [...]
He added that he had had a “long talk with the Ambassador who was very insistent that the true peace between the two nations will depend on the youth being brought up on friendly terms together in forgetfulness of past differences.” [...]
Baden Powell talked of his difficulties with the “socialist press when our boys had appeared in uniform at a Fascist Demonstration in Germany” adding: “this had necessitated our forbidding the boys to go in uniform,” but that the “embargo had now been withdrawn.”
Baden Powell also wrote to Ribentropp offering his “grateful thanks for your kindness in receiving me yesterday” and adding: “More especially I am grateful for the kind of conversation you accorded me which opened my eyes to the feeling of your country towards Britain which I may say recipricates exactly the feeling which I have for Germany. [...]
MI5 reports of the visit of Hartman Lauterbacher, Chief of Staff Hitler Youth, to Britain, showed that as well as meeting Baden Powell, he had also visited Eton College and the Army Gymnastic School at Aldershot, adding; “He seemed properly impressed by both these institutions.”
A report on the visit to the Army concluded: “I noted that their party smoked and drank double whiskies and I wondered whether they did this when with the Hitler Youth!”
Alfred Toepfer half Hartmann Lauterbacher – Stiftung pflegte Kontakte zu NS-Sympathisanten in GB und Ungarn
AntwortenLöschenGreywashed 2010/05/07
OXFORD/HAMBURG (Own report) - 65 years after Europe's liberation from Nazi fascism, the debate around one of the influential supporters of German expansion still continues: the businessman from Hamburg, Alfred Toepfer who died in 1993 and the foundation he created, the Alfred Toepfer Foundation FVS. In the 1930s, this foundation sought to enhance Nazi Germany's influence with cultural policy throughout Europe. […] Oxford University is discussing whether […] the Toepfer sponsored scholarships for British students going to Germany, should continue to be accepted. According to new research by the historian Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, in the aftermath of World War II, Toepfer had supported Nazi war criminals to a much larger extent than had been previously known. […]
Pinto-Duschinsky also describes how, already back in the 1930s, Toepfer began awarding prizes and scholarships to recipients in Great Britain - with the objective of reinforcing the influence of those who were cooperative with the Nazi Reich. […]
Pinto-Duschinsky especially provides new information concerning Toepfer's post-war support for Nazi criminals. According to his research Toepfer's intervention on behalf of the former assistant of Edmund Veesenmayer, who had also organized with Adolf Eichmann, the deportation of Hungarian Jews, was much more engaged than had been previously known. In his enterprise, alongside Veesenmayers earlier advisor, Kurt Haller, who had helped the Arrow Cross Party come to power in Hungary, Toepfer had also employed Veesenmayer's former secretary, Barbara Hacke. Hacke was also involved when, in 1951, Toepfer's daughter, Gerda, sought to establish contact for a British historian, known to be an open anti-Semite, to Veesenmayer, who at the time was in prison. […]
Toepfer also aided the former SS officer, Hartmann Lauterbacher, to flee to South America.
Toepfer, Alfred, d 1993. A member of the W. German establishment, postwar.
LöschenAlfred Toepfer was a “sponsoring member” of the SS who was enormously helpful to Hitler. He channelled money via his foundations to influence public opinion in Britain and elsewhere in Europe in favour of the Third Reich and played an important role in Nazi subversion in Austria, the Czech Sudetenland, Alsace-Lorraine and elsewhere. During the war, his company supplied slaked lime to the German ghetto administration in the Polish city of Lodz.
In reality, his closest henchmen were unrepentant Nazis who had been key figures in murdering hundreds of thousands of Jews and in starving to death countless numbers of Russian prisoners of war.
Einer der Sargtraeger bei der Beerdigung von Baden-Powell im Januar 1941 in Nyeri, Kenia, war Lord Erroll.
AntwortenLöschenBerichtet wurde dies z.B. in einem Artikel im Sydney Morning Herald im Maerz 1941, in dem es um den Mord an Lord Erroll ging.
E. Trzebinski schrieb in ihrem Buch “The Life and Death of Lord Erroll” (2000) über den 1941 in Kenia ermordeten 22nd Earl of Erroll, Josslyn Hay:
“A week before his thirty-third birthday, on 3 May 1934, Joss paid his first visit to the Black House, on the King’s Road in Chelsea, to sign up as member of the British Union of Fascists. [...]"
Lord Erroll, ein führender britischer Kolonist in Kenia, war 1934 Sir Oswald Mosley’s “British Union of Fascists” (BUF) beigetreten.
Siehe Blog-Post
"Liebe ist das Größte" (aber nur, wenn genetisch korrekt) - Marie Stopes an Adolf Hitler
Too Long in the Business: Tim Topps
Löschen"Shots are fired: one by the CIA, the other by - he still can't believe - the killer of Lord Erroll in Kenya, 1941, very likely linked to Baden Powell."
Lieblingssport “Menschenjagd” – ein anderer Blick auf Baden Powell
The truth about Baden-Powell and the Boy Scouts
Brian Morris
the freethinker (editor: Barry Duke)
1 Nov 10
Brian Gardner’s study of Mafeking (1966) had already damaged his [(Baden Powell’s)] reputation as a hero; more recent studies depict him in even more sinister light. For in order to save the garrison B-P commandeered all the food for the white population, giving Africans the choice of starvation in the town or dispersal on the veldt – where around a thousand died through lack of food, mainly women and children. Starving Africans were flogged or shot for stealing food during the siege, while caviar was being served in the Mafeking hotel. […]
What did B-P consider the greatest “sport” in the world? Apparently espionage and soldiering, or “man-hunting” as he described it. Nothing gave him more excitement and enjoyment than active war service, which is why he found his Matabele experiences so rewarding. Looking back over his life he records, in his autobiographical Lessons for the Varsity of Life (1933), the exhilaration and emotional satisfaction, the glorious feelings, he got from military service. But more than this, he advocated the army as the training ground for the virtues he admired, and these of course are all the military virtues – loyalty, courage, patriotism, self-discipline, obedience and sense of duty; not, we may note, knowledge, self-expression, humility, human wellbeing, reciprocity and love.
Is it to be wondered then that he quotes from Kaiser Wilhelm II – a genial man, “full of wise sayings” – and Machiavelli in his autobiography, and relates stories about his old friend “Maori” Brown, whose only claim to fame was that he went around killing the “natives” and liked to be photographed standing over one of them with a bayonet. When in later years B-P suggested friendly interchanges between the Scouts and the Hitler Youth, this was consonant with the kind of philosophy he espoused. […]
“A Scout obeys orders without question”, is one of the Scout laws. B-P was generally sceptical of individual self-expression or any freedom of thought. For him the State always took priority over the individual. It is hardly surprising, then, that the Scout movement is a very undemocratic institution; its council, constituted by Royal Charter, has autocratic control, and there are no procedures or electoral system through which the rank and file can channel their views. At the troop level, too, the mode of organisation, as B-P intended, is basically authoritarian, the scoutmaster being a kind of benevolent dictator ruling through his patrol leaders. A stress on hierarchy is naturally associated with the cultivation of the military virtues, and by discipline B-P meant “patient obedience to authority”. […]
In summary, B-P’s political and moral philosophy can be described as militarist, imperialist and authoritarian – almost fascist.
Although Baden-Powell was indeed a cagey opportunist, if it had not been for the Mafeking episode he would probably have ended his days as a retired and relatively obscure army officer. As it was, he suddenly found himself a national hero at the age of 43. […]
LöschenSeton had sent B-P a copy of his handbook, and at their meeting had told him all about his youth organisation. B-P realised that here was an idea of great potential. He sent Seton a copy of his own booklet, Aids to Scouting, and in an accompanying letter, remarked that “our principles seem practically identical”. In fact they weren’t; but the important point is, that whereas Seton in 1906 had already had a carefully worked-out plan for an outdoor movement for children, B-P had formed nothing substantial, having merely a vague idea of introducing the scouting programme he had used in the army as a supplementary aid to existing boys’ organisations.
Anyway, the two men agreed informally to cooperate and share ideas: the launching of a new outdoor movement for boys was seemingly to be a joint enterprise.
The birth of the Boy Scout movement is well known. After holding an experimental camp on Brownsea Island in the summer of 1907 – an event celebrated this year – B-P brought out the following year Scouting for Boys in six fort-nightly parts. It received an electric response throughout Britain. By September 1908, 100,000 boys had enrolled as Scouts.
The product of an era rather than a man, the rapidly growing organisation was finally controlled by B-P, and the shape it eventually assumed was largely moulded by the outlook and philosophy of this one man. It differed radically from the type of nature movement that Seton had envisaged and founded.
The difference was that Baden-Powell, unlike Seton, was an able administrator, and he quickly gained the support of many influential men and of the Establishment generally. Particularly important was the support of the promoter of the Boy Scout scheme. A staunch imperialist like B-P, Pearson guaranteed the movement financially for a year, and gave the organisation maximum publicity through his newspapers. Taken together, Pearson’s financial support, B-P’s organising ability and guile, his charismatic presence as the hero of Mafeking, and Seton’s woodcraft programme guaranteed the success of the new movement.
Wimbledon: Dort schrieb Baden Powell “Scouting for Boys”
Heritage: Lord Robert Baden-Powell - Always prepared.
By The Wimbledon Society
22nd February 2013
Among his admirers was the Honourable Mrs Maria Fetherstonhaugh, a soldier’s wife and novelist. She and her husband had met him while on holiday in Malta.
The Fetherstonhaughs had a somewhat troubled marriage and in 1905 she had bought the Mill House, behind Wimbledon Windmill […] as a retreat where she could keep her unusual menagerie including monkeys and penguins.
She took the house over on the death of the previous owner, Colonel Tully, commandant of the 4th Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment who had organised tournaments nearby on the Common. So the place had a military background and seemed highly appropriate to offer Baden-Powell as a quiet getaway where he could write his new book.
He was quite a catch. Mrs Fetherstonhaugh visited him every day but neither this nor the presumably noisy menagerie seem to have put him off his stride and the book was duly published in six fortnightly parts. It was a huge immediate success both in Britain and overseas, eventually being translated into no fewer than 35 languages.
Scouting for Boys inspired a fashion for the formation of Scout Troops and in September 1908 Baden-Powell established an office to handle the flood of enquiries following his book’s publication.
Two years later King Edward VII advised him to leave the Army and concentrate on the emerging new Scout Movement. He did so and henceforth travelled the world, encouraging the formation of Boy Scout and Girl Guide Troops everywhere as a healthy way of life for the next generation as they grew up.
In 1920, at the first ever international Scout Jamboree at Olympia in London, Baden-Powell became Chief Scout of the World. His much younger wife Olave would later become the World Chief Guide. In due course he became Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, the name of the training centre he had established for scouts. He would go on to write no fewer than 32 books in all.
Although Baden-Powell himself did not live in Wimbledon after writing his famous book, his elder brother Frank did. He was resident at No 32 Parkside for some 11 years until his death in 1933, renaming the place Milden House after the Baden-Powell family home at Mildenhall, Suffolk. A big game hunter, he kept a stuffed giraffe there. The family link also continued until recently. Frank’s son Robert Harold later lived in a flat in Worple Road until his death in 1998.
Lord and Lady Baden-Powell moved to Kenya in 1938 where he died on 8 January 1941.
Wimbledon: Dort war der NS Blut-und-Boden Ideologe Walther Darré 1911 als Austauschstudent
LöschenAus der englischsprachigen Wikipedia (der deutsche Eintrag ist etwas weniger ausfuehrlich):.
"Darré was born [...] in Argentina to Richard Oscar Darré, a German with Huguenot ancestry [...] and the half-Swedish/half-German Emilia Berta Eleonore, née Lagergren [...]. His father moved to Argentina in 1888 as a partner of the German international import/export wholesaler Engelbert Hardt & Co. [...] Darré's parents sent him to Germany at age nine to attend school in Heidelberg; in 1911 he attended as an exchange pupil King's College School in Wimbledon. [...]
As a young man in Germany, Darré initially joined the Artaman League, a Völkisch youth-group committed to the back-to-the-land movement. In this context he began to develop the idea of the linkage between the future of the Nordic race and the soil: the tendency which became known as "Blut und Boden". [...] Darré's work also glorified "peasant virtues" – as found in the remnants of the Nordics who lived in the country – and disparaged city living. "In his two major works, he defined the German peasantry as a homogeneous racial group of Nordic antecedents, who formed the cultural and racial core of the German nation. [..] Since the Nordic birth-rate was lower than that of other races, the Nordic race was under a long-term threat of extinction." [...]
Darré accused Christianity, with its "teaching of the equality of men before God," of having "deprived the Teutonic nobility of its moral foundations", the "innate sense of superiority over the nomadic tribes". [...] "
Siehe auch Stichwort Darré auf dem Blog Menschenrechte statt Eugenik
"The original Scout Law, written by Baden-Powell, appeared in 1908. The Baden-Powell Scouts' Association uses his 1911 version."
Ganz sicher waren Baden Powell und sein Scout Law 1911 in Wimbledon "talk of the town", das Mill House duerfte fuer die Studenten dort eine Art Pilgerziel gewesen sein.
Was Darré wohl aus Wimbledon mitgenommen hat an Ideen und Kontakten?
Bemerkenswert ist auch noch, dass Darré dafuer eintrat, dass Nazi-Deutschland keine Ansprueche auf verlorene Kolonien in Afrika erheben und statt dessen eine Kolonialherrschaft in Osteuropa errichten sollte. Diese Idee duerfte britischen Kolonisten in Afrika gut gefallen haben.
LöschenDarré gehoerte bei den Nuernberger Prozessen zu den Angeklagten, die verhaeltnismaessig gut wegkamen.
Löschen"Darré was sentenced to seven years at Landsberg Prison. He nevertheless was released in 1950 and spent his final years in Bad Harzburg."
Seine beiden Hauptwerke waren auch in englischer Sprache veroeffentlicht worden,.
"His two main writings were Das Bauerntum als Lebensquell der nordischen Rasse (1928) and Neuadel aus Blut und Boden (1934), translated into English as "The Peasantry as Life Source of the Nordic Race" and "A New Nobility of Blood and Soil" respectively."
Zitate aus Wikipedia
Zusammen mit Alfred Rosenberg war Walther Darré einer der ruehrigsten Proponenten der Idee vom „Lebensraum im Osten“. Dabei stuetzte man sich auf Ideen von Friedrich Ratzel, aenderte sie aber dahingehend, dass nicht mehr Afrika, sondern Osteuropa fuer Deutschland Ziel der Expansion sein sollte.
LöschenInhaltlich zusammengefasst nach:
Jens-Uwe Guettel: German Expansionism, Imperial Liberalism and the United States, 1776-1945. Cambridge University Press, 2012; Seiten 191-192
(auf Google Books)
Der Hungerplan
LöschenDer berüchtigte “Hungerplan”, wonach deutsche Soldaten und Zivilisten auf Kosten der Bewohner der besetzten Territorien im Osten ernährt werden sollten, ist mit Darré's Nachfolger als Reichsernährungs-minister, Herbert Backe, assoziiert.
Aus Wikipedia (englisch):
“The Hunger Plan (German der Hungerplan, also der Backe-Plan) was an economic management scheme created by Nazi Germany during World War II, that was put in place to ensure that Germans were given priority in food supplies at the expense of the inhabitants of the German-occupied Soviet territories. This plan was developed during the planning phase for the Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces) invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 (Operation Barbarossa). Germany itself was running low on food supplies, and the same problem faced the various territories occupied by Germany. The fundamental premise behind the Hunger Plan was that Germany was not self-sufficient in food supplies during the war, and to sustain the war it needed to obtain the food from conquered lands at any cost. It was an engineered famine, planned and implemented as a rational act of policy for the benefit of the German nation above all others. The plan as a means of mass murder was outlined in several documents, including one that became known as Göring's Green Folder.”
Die einheimische Bevölkerung hungern zu lassen, ihr Verhungern in Kauf zu nehmen, war Teil von Baden Powells Strategie in Mafeking, Südafrika (s.o. Stichwort „starvation“). Hat Backe - über Darré - davon „gelernt“?
AntwortenLöschenAtlantis - Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft - nordischer Gedanke - Nordatlantikpakt (NATO)
Anlässlich des Jubiläums zum 60. Jahrestag der NATO und dem 10. Jahrestag des Beitritts Ungarns in den Nordatlantikpakt laden Sie die Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft und die Botschaft der Republik Ungarn zu einem Podiumsgespräch und anschließendem Empfang ein.
Löschen60 Jahre NATO – 10 Jahre Ungarn im Nordatlantikpakt
Donnerstag, 26. November 2009
Zsolt Bóta
Gesandter der Republik Ungarn
Christian Schmidt MdB
Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär beim
Bundesminister der Verteidigung
Präsident der Deutschen Atlantischen Gesellschaft
General a.D. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Naumann
Vizepräsident der Deutschen Atlantischen Gesellschaft
Prof. Dr. György Nógrádi
Universitätsprofessor und Leiter des Lehrstuhls Verteidigungswirtschaft
an der Corvinus Universität zu Budapest
Prof. Dr. Johannes Varwick
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Fuer das Fach Wehrwirtschaft hatte schon der US Offizier Wedemeyer waehrend seines Aufenthalts 1936 an der Berliner Kriegsakademie geschwaermt (s. Wedemeyer auf diesem Blog). Heute gibt es Lehrstuehle fuer Verteidigungswirtschaft.
LöschenWarum ich den Auszug hier eingestellt habe? - Es war der erste Fund einer kurzen Suche zu "Atlantis" (Google schlug dann "Atlantische Gesellschaft" vor) und "Nordatlantikpakt".
Die Fragestellung ist, ob die Legende von Atlantis, auf die laut B.-P. das Hakenkreuz-Symbol zurueckgeht, plus der "nordische Gedanke" in die Vision vom Nordatlantikpakt und Umsetzung in Form der NATO auf die eine oder andere Weise eingegangen sein koennten.
Scout Snipers
AntwortenLöschenAus Wikipedia (en)
In February 2012, U.S. media reported that Marine scout snipers had been using the double Sig rune (ϟϟ, "SS") in its "Armanen" form (Runic "ᛋᛋ") to symbolize their function since at least the 1980s. The same stylized double rune was the symbol of the SS, Hitler's shock troops Nazi organization that was instrumental in conducting the Holocaust. Strong media criticism of this practice ensued. The Commandant of the Marine Corps gave orders to stop it, issued an apology, and ordered an investigation into the prevalence of this practice.
A Marine official was quoted as saying that their leadership believed that the Marines did not understand the logo's significance. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which had helped circulate an image of snipers posing with a blue "SS" flag, questioned this assumption, writing that the flag was sold by a website dedicated to German World War II and Nazi memorabilia.
Scout Snipers (die mit der SS-Fahne) urinierten auf getötete Taliban – Kontroverse um ruinierte Karrieren
MarineCorps Times
Exclusive: Controversial Marine sniper fires back at critics
Oct. 29, 2013
RICHLANDS, N.C. — Joseph Chamblin was such a highly respected staff sergeant in 2011 that the leaders of 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines, out of Camp Lejeune, N.C., selected him as a scout sniper platoon commander for the unit’s upcoming deployment to Afghanistan — a position typically reserved for an officer.
Once in Helmand province, the scout snipers performed so well against the enemy that they earned the personal congratulations of the commandant and sergeant major of the Marine Corps.
By January 2012, Chamblin was up for promotion to gunnery sergeant and set to re-deploy to Afghanistan. Within weeks, however, his career was in ruins after a video surfaced, showing him and three other scout snipers urinating on Taliban corpses during a patrol in Helmand’s Musa Qala district on July 27, 2011. […]
After pleading guilty at a special court-martial to his role in the urination incident and related improprieties, Chamblin lost a rank. He left the Marine Corps as a sergeant on Oct. 6.
Chamblin was one of eight Marines to face discipline related to the incident. The last of those Marines, Capt. James Clement, went before a board of inquiry Oct. 15-17. The panel of officers recommended that Clement be separated from service with an honorable discharge.
After Chamblin’s court-martial, allegations of interference from senior Marine Corps leaders — including Commandant Gen. Jim Amos and his top legal advisers — were raised. Maj. James Weirick, an attorney assigned to the command that punished Chamblin, filed complaints with the Navy and Defense Department inspectors general, alleging undue command influence and other violations of the legal process. Weirick has since been removed from his job. [...]
LöschenMarine Corps Times met with Chamblin […]. Excerpts of that interview:
The more insurgents we killed, the more they loved us. Then all the generals started to love us and then the commandant loved us. They all came to visit and told us how great we were. […]
The platoon eliminated a lot of enemy combatants, including high value individuals. When they left, they had 223 kills and another 100 maybes. They were able to integrate tanks into missions and did a lot that was different than normal doctrine. Normally the snipers support, but we actually got to the point where we were the main effort simply because we could get in and get the enemy the way it needed to be done. […]
I’m sure if the video hadn’t been released, we would’ve had a larger positive impact. Hopefully, someone can look past that 30 second video and pull out the good tactics. I think it could’ve changed the perception of what a sniper team could accomplish and how it could be integrated into other operations. The video overshadowed stuff and kept a lot of that from coming out. […]
The commandant and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Mike Barrett] specifically requested to sit down with my platoon. I had never heard of that happening before. […] They shook everyone’s hand, gave them a coin and told them they had done a great job. It meant a lot to the guys for all the hard work they had put in. […]
By doctrine, snipers don’t collect the bodies. I recommended that we not do it, and then it ended up being an order [the day the video was filmed]. […] I really didn’t know it was getting filmed at the time until it was done. […] Once we got them, it was like, “This is horrible. Why did we have to go get them?” Someone said, “Piss on these guys,” […]
I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I would do it again. It wasn’t like we had some random Afghans laying there. They were insurgents, they had weapons and they were trying to kill us. The same guys were making IEDs and trying to kill Marines. If they could get over here, they would cut off the heads of everybody in this room right now. That’s how they are. And you know what? I won that day. They didn’t. […]
If your idea of a Marine is a real fancy-looking guy in uniform that does snap and pop with a rifle and looks real pretty, then yeah, it probably hurt [the Marine Corps’ reputation]. But if your idea of what a Marine should be is the enemy’s worst f---ing nightmare, then I don’t think it did. But you can’t have both. […]
I think a lot of very senior Marines decided to use some of the junior or mid-level Marines as scapegoats. Like Capt. James Clement, the guy didn’t do anything wrong. And Lt. Col. Christopher Dixon totally got screwed. He’s a good man and good leader. And now his career has been put on hold over something he had no control over. […]
[… After the video came out] the higher command treated us like we had the plague. They didn’t want anything to do with me because they didn’t know how this was going to play out or how it would affect their careers. We pretty much were outcasts, the entire platoon. […]
I think they should’ve acted like men […] Instead, they had a knee-jerk reaction or kissed Hamid Karzai’s ass or worried about their career. In the Marine Corps, you should pick up rank to take care of your Marines and accomplish your mission. Not because you want to look good. […]
I’m almost done writing a book. The main focus is going to be the 3/2 deployment because I think the guys did such a phenomenal job. And I hate that anything anyone will ever remember about them is a 30 second video. […] The main thing is getting the story out about what those guys did and what they’re all about. That deserves to be told.
[...] The motto of the Marine Scout Sniper is "one shot, one kill."
LöschenThe term "Scout Sniper" is only used officially by the Marine Corps but it does not imply a differing mission from the U.S. Army Sniper. An Army Sniper's primary mission is to support combat operations by delivering precise long-range fire on selected targets. By this, the sniper creates casualties among enemy troops, slows enemy movement, frightens enemy soldiers, lowers morale, and adds confusion to their operations. The sniper's secondary mission is collecting and reporting battlefield information […]
The Marine Corps is unique in its consolidation of reconnaissance and sniper duties for a single Marine. Most other conventional armed forces, including the U.S. Army, separate the reconnaissance soldier or scout from the sniper.
In 2010, a new curriculum was introduced, with shooting as the course's primary focus and stalking a secondary focus. […]
Stalking involves moving from a distance between 1200 and 800 yards to within 200 yards of an observation post und etected. After doing this, the student must set up a Final Firing Position (FFP) and fire two shots without being found by the OP within a time period of 3–4 hours. […]
There are currently four different school houses in the Marine Corps that offer the Scout Sniper Basic Course.
Camp Pendleton Sniper SchoolSchool of Infantry (West), Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia (This is considered to be the most difficult and challenging school.)
Marine Corps Base Hawaii
After graduating the basic course, Marines are given the opportunity to obtain a variety of other courses to further refine their skills.
Urban Snipers
High Angle (Mountain) Snipers
Scout Snipers Team leader course (Formerly the advanced course)
Foreign Forces Snipers
Schools British Royal Marine Snipers School
Israeli Foreign Forces Snipers School
External links […]
U.S.M.C Scout Sniper website
United States Marine Corps Scout/Sniper Association
Leider enthält der Wikipedia-Artikel über die Scout Snipers nichts Historisches.
LöschenEs stellt sich die Frage nach länderübergreifenden historischen Wurzeln des militärischen Scout-Sniping, u.a. nach militärischen Symbolen, die von den betreffenden Einheiten verwendet wurden. Hat die Nazi SS nicht nur Scout Sniper Einheiten von heute inspiriert, sondern möglicherweise sogar von ihren Vorgängern selbst etwas abgeguckt? Es gab ja immerhin um 1936 ein militärisches Austauschprogramm (s. Stichwort Wedemeyer auf diesem Blog.)
Die Marine Corps Base Quantico ist von den angegebenen Ausbildungsstätten diejenige, die historisch am weitesten zurück reicht; sie wurde 1917 gegründet (und es gab Vorläufer).
Aus Wikipedia (en)
The name "Quantico" is credited to come from a Native American term, and has been translated to mean "by the large stream”. […]The first military presence at Quantico came during the American Revolutionary War […] During the American Civil War […] the Confederates picked the Quantico Creek area on the Potomac to set up their gun batteries. Following the war, railroads became a more integral part of transportation. […] The village came to be called "Quantico" and was built by the Quantico Company. This was the start of a thriving tourist and fishing town that would later be encompassed by Marine Corps Base Quantico. […]
By 1916, the Quantico Company began advertising Quantico as "The New Industrial City," and pushed for industry to come to the area. At the same time, the Quantico Shipyards were established […] With growing tensions of war in Europe, the construction of U.S. Navy ships was a major money-maker for the Quantico Shipyards. […]
Around the same time, Major General George Barnett, then Commandant of the Marine Corps, sent a board to find possible sites for a new Marine Corps base in the Washington, D.C., vicinity. […]
In 1917, Marine Barracks, Quantico was established on the land currently occupied by today's base. […] Thousands of Marines were trained here during World War I. The Commanding General's Quarters was built in 1920 and added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2009. By 1920, the Marine Corps schools were founded, as Colonel Smedley Butler put it, "to make this post and the whole Marine Corps a great university."
These schools eventually developed into today's Marine Corps University. Virtually all Marine officers receive their basic training here, as well as enlisted technicians from many different disciplines.
Der oben genannte Colonel Smedley Butler ist auch eine interessante Gestalt. Er gehörte zu den sogenannten „Isolationisten“, also denjenigen, die die USA aus einem Krieg mit Nazi-Deutschland heraus halten wollten. Der Begriff insinuiert, dass „Isolationisten“ sich in Europa nicht einmischen wollten, aber es ist wohl eher so, dass sie einen Stellvertreterkrieg Nazi-Deutschlands gegen die Sowjetunion für wünschenswert hielten.
LöschenAber nun erst einmal zu George Barnett, auf den die Gründung der Marine Corps Base Quantico zurückgeht.
Aus Wikipedia (en); gekürzt
George Barnett (1859 – 1930) was the 12th Commandant of the United States Marine Corps. He was the U.S. Marine Commandant during American involvement in World War I. […]
After completing the second of several tours of sea duty he […] was then attached to a U.S. Marine guard at the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. […]
During the Spanish-American War, he participated in several bombardments of the forts at Santiago, Cuba. […] In 1898, Barnett became a Veteran Companion of the Pennsylvania Commandery of the Military Order of Foreign Wars.
During the following year he was […] sent for duty on the Isthmus of Panama, where they protected American interests and guarded the railway transit of the Isthmus. […]
In December 1902, he was placed in command of another battalion of Marines being transferred less than a month later to join the first Brigade of Marines in the Philippine Islands. […]
In 1906 he was again placed in command of an expeditionary battalion which […] became part of the Army of Cuban Pacification.
After commanding the U.S. Marine Barracks in Washington for a period of one year, Barnett was transferred to the U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters and was shortly afterwards ordered to command the Marine Detachment, American Legation, Peking, China. […]
During the next three years [from 1910] he was sent to Cuba, each year in command of the First Regiment of Marines, which was repeatedly sent to that troublesome island on account of serious domestic disturbances, which the United States was obligated to control under provisions of the Platt Amendment. While this serious undertaking was being conducted, the First Advanced Base Brigade of Marines was organized at Philadelphia, under the command of Barnett. He led that organization on extensive maneuvers with the Atlantic Fleet to Puerto Rico […].
Barnett was appointed Major General Commandant of the Marine Corps on 25 February 1914 for a period of four years. […]
The first important military event of his administration as Commandant was the sending of a reinforced brigade of Marines to take part in the operations which occurred at Vera Cruz, Mexico, during 1914. […]
World War I activities of the Marine Corps were carried out under the general direction of Commandant Barnett as well. […] In addition to maintaining the occupation of Haiti and the Dominican Republic and reinforcing the regular stations of the Marine Corps, two brigades of Marines were deployed to France, while other Marine units occupied parts of Cuba, and another Marine brigade was held in reserve in Galveston, Texas. Large training centers were also maintained at Quantico, Virginia, and Parris Island, South Carolina. Barnett also saw the Marine Corps through the difficult period of demobilization and reorganization at the close of the war. For his outstanding service, he was honored by the French Government by being made a commander of the Legion of Honor, and he was awarded the Navy Distinguished Service Medal by the Secretary of the Navy. […]
He spent the remaining years of his active service as Commanding General of the Department of the Pacific […] and retired on 9 December 1923. […]
General Barnett's wife, Lelia (Montague) Gordon, was the first cousin of Alice (Montague) Warfield, the mother of Bessie Wallis Warfield, later Wallis, Duchess of Windsor [...]
AntwortenLöschen"There is no evidence that Lord Baden-Powell ever met Hitler" (s.o.) - Es gibt keinen Beweis, dass Baden-Powell Hitler jemals getroffen hat. Eine etwas schwache Aussage. B.-P. zeigte durchaus Neigung, die Einladung anzunehmen; nur kam es wahrscheinlich nicht mehr dazu. Wahrscheinlich hat er aber außer Lauterbacher und Ribbentrop schon früher auch andere Nazi-Funktionäre getroffen. Er war sich wohl kaum im Unklaren darüber, dass Baldur von Schirach ein ehemaliger Pfadfinder war, und Walther von Darrés Aufenthalt als Jugendlicher 1911 in Wimbledon, ganz in seiner Nähe, wird ihm auch nicht unbekannt gewesen sein.
Gut möglich ist, dass B.-P. durch seine Schriften und seine Begegnungen während seiner Deutschlandreise noch vor dem 1. Weltkrieg dazu beigetragen hat, ein neu definiertes militärisches Berufsbild des „Meldegängers“ zu schaffen, für das sich dann auch ein gewisser Adolf Hitler begeisterte.
Es ist mir nicht gelungen, mit einem der gängigen Uebersetzungsprogramme eine Übersetzung von „Meldegänger“ ins Englische zu finden – wäre es zu heikel, wenn „military scout“ als Übersetzung erscheinen würde?
Wikipedia (de) schwärmt: „Durch geschickte Manöver gelang es Baden-Powell, Mafeking 217 Tage lang mit seiner Truppe zu halten. Hierbei wurden die Jungen der Stadt als Meldegänger eingesetzt, und Baden-Powell war von ihrem Mut und ihrer Selbstständigkeit alsbald beeindruckt.
Ähnliches findet sich auf der Webseite des Zentralarchivs und Museums der Pfadibewegung Schweiz: „Damit die Soldaten für den Ernstfall immer bereit waren, überließ er den Jungen aus der Stadt leichtere militärische Aufgaben. Sie konnten als Sanitäter, als Meldegänger und als Späher eingesetzt werden. Dabei stellte Baden-Powell zu seiner Verblüffung fest, dass auch die Jungen Verantwortung übernehmen konnten, wenn man ihnen nur das nötige Vertrauen entgegenbrachte.“
Einsatz von Minderjährigen für militärische Aufgaben - Nachahmung hat diese Idee zweifellos gefunden.
8. August 1974 - Baldur von Schirach stirbt
Keine Erwähnung des Pfadfinder-Hintergrunds des "Reichsjugendführers" Baldur von Schirach; allenfalls indirekt in dem Satz "Aus der Pfadfinderromantik wird Drill und Wehrertüchtigung" (als sei es in der Pfadfinderbewegung nur um "Pfadfinderromantik" gegangen):
... Baldur von Schirach stammt aus einer angesehenen Weimarer Familie. Er wird am 9. Mai 1907 geboren. Nach einer persönlichen Begegnung mit Hitler tritt er als Gymnasiast in die NSDAP ein. Bereits mit 26 Jahren wird er zum "Jugendführer des Deutschen Reichs" ernannt. Kurz zuvor hat er Henriette Hoffmann, die Tochter von Hitlers Leibfotografen, geheiratet. 1936 wird Schirach Staatssekretär. Er schaltet alle anderen Jugendorganisationen aus.
Vom "Wandervogel" oder der "Bündischen Jugend" bleiben nur Traditionen: Fahnen, Uniformen, Wanderungen, Lagerfeuer. Aus der Pfadfinderromantik wird Drill und Wehrertüchtigung. Für die Lieder sorgt Schirach selbst. Er schreibt auch den Text für das Fahnenlied der HJ: "Wir marschieren für Hitler durch Nacht und Not, mit der Fahne der Jugend für Freiheit und Brot." ...
Kurz vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg tragen über acht Millionen Kinder und Jugendliche die HJ-Uniform. Als der Krieg bereits verloren ist, werden die "Hitlerjungen" noch an die Front geschickt. Nach dem Krieg stellt sich Schirach den Alliierten. Er wird zu 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt, weil er als Gauleiter in Wien 60.000 Juden deportieren ließ. Sein Wirken als "Reichsjugendführer" kann aus juristischen Gründen nicht bestraft werden. ...
Die exil-russische "Nationale Liga der Neuen Generation":
AntwortenLöschenFreiwillige fuer Sabotage in der Sowjetunion aus Pfadfinder-Verbaenden rekrutiert?
Aus einem Papier der „Friends of the Soviet Union“, ca. 1935:
The "National League of the New Generation" […] has set itself the task of organizing the most reckless elements among the younger generation which has grown up in exile. The headquarters of this organization is the Paris Bureau of the notorious Industrial Party "Torgprom" which organized sabotage activities in the Soviet Union some time ago. This organization works in direct collaboration with the French and German fascists. Military questions are dealt with openly at their meetings. A great number of the members are recruited from the Scout associations, of which there are three in Paris alone; the "National Organization of the Russian Boy Scouts", the "Russian Pathfinders" and the "Russian Sokol".
Baden-Powell traf Zar Nikolaus (wie auch Kaiser Wilhelm, s.o.) persoenlich. Nach der Revolution kaempften die meisten russischen Pfadfinderfuehrer und viele Pfadfinder gegen die Rote Armee; viele wurden verfolgt und mussten fliehen. Ein Verband russischer Pfadfinder im Exil war von 1928 bis 1945 Mitglied im internationalen Pfadfinderbund.
Scouting in Russia
Wikipedia (en)
In 1908, Baden-Powell's book Scouting for Boys came out in Russia by the order of Tsar Nicholas II. It was called Young Scout (Юный Разведчик, Yuny Razvedchik). On April 30 [O.S. April 17] 1909, a young officer, Colonel Oleg Pantyukhov, organized the first Russian Scout troop Beaver (Бобр, Bobr) in Pavlovsk, a town near Tsarskoye Selo. In 1910, Baden-Powell visited Nicholas II in Tsarskoye Selo and they had a very pleasant conversation, as the Tsar remembered it. In 1914, Pantyukhov established a society called Russian Scout (Русский Скаут, Russkiy Skaut). [...]
With the advent of communism after the October Revolution of 1917, and during the Russian Civil War from 1917 to 1922, most of the Scoutmasters and many Scouts fought in the ranks of the White Army and interventionists against the Red Army.
In Soviet Russia the Scouting system started to be replaced by ideologically-altered Scoutlike organizations, such as "ЮК" ("Юные Коммунисты", or young communists; pronounced as yuk), that were created since 1918. There was a purge of the Scout leaders, many of whom perished under the Bolsheviks. Those Scouts who did not wish to accept the new Soviet system either left Russia for good, like Pantyukhov and others, or went underground. However, clandestine Scouting did not last long. On May 19, 1922 all of those newly created organizations were united into the Young Pioneer organization of the Soviet Union [...]
The organization Русский Скаут then went into exile, and continued in many countries where fleeing White Russian émigrés settled, establishing groups in France, Serbia, Bulgaria, Argentina, Chile, and Paraguay. A much larger mass of thousands of Russian Scouts moved through Vladivostok to the east into Manchuria and south into China.
Colonel Pantyukhov, Chief Scout of Russia, first resided in France and then moved to the United States, where large troops of Russian Scouts were established in cities such as San Francisco, Burlingame, California, Los Angeles, etc. He returned to Nice, France where he died.
Russian Scouting was recognized as a Member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, in exile, from 1928 to 1945.
"large troops of Russian Scouts" - also nicht nur Gruppen, sondern "Truppen" von Pfadfindern. Interesante Wortwahl.
LöschenRing mit Hakenkreuz kam aus einem Spielzeug-Automaten in Oklahoma
AntwortenLöschen"An Oklahoma mother says when her 4-year-old son put a quarter in a toy vending machine at their local Family Dollar store, out came a gold-colored ring with a Nazi symbol clearly on the front. [..]
The news station visited the same location where Kelley was shopping and found another 10 to 15 of the same Nazi-themed rings still in the vending machine.
Any vending machines located inside their stores are operated by a third-party, a spokeswoman for Family Dollar told ABC News.
“Please know that once we were alerted to this incident, we immediately contacted the vending supply company. They are currently investigating this matter,” spokeswoman Bryn Winburn told ABC News by email.
Charlotte, North Carolina-based Family Dollar declined to name the company, and the vending machine only has a phone number listed, not a company name, according to KOKI. [...]"
ABC News 13.12.2014
Aus Wikipedia
AntwortenLöschenVon 1925 bis 2010 führte die autonome Republik Guna Yala in Panama eine Nationalflagge mit einem nach links gewinkelten Hakenkreuz in der Mitte. Als Urheber wird der US-Amerikaner Richard Marsh vermutet, der von europäischer völkischer und rassistischer Literatur beeinflusst war und Panama einem Marionettenregime der USA unterwerfen wollte.
Andere deuten diese Swastika als Symbol für den Oktopus, der in der Mythologie der Kuna die Welt erschuf
Aus Wikipedia
AntwortenLöschenDer Schriftsteller Rudyard Kipling ließ die Swastika in frühen Ausgaben seiner Werke als Schmuckzeichen abdrucken.[33] Er soll darauf seit der nationalsozialistischen Verwendung des Symbols verzichtet haben.[34]
Seit etwa 1890 verwendeten verschiedene Firmen, Militärverbände und Orden in Europa und den USA das Hakenkreuz als Emblem. Dies stand zum Teil im Zusammenhang mit nationalen und antimonarchistischen Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen, seit 1918 auch mit dem Aufschwung faschistischer Strömungen in der Zwischenkriegszeit.[1] In den USA führte die Bahngesellschaft St. Louis, Rocky Mountain and Pacific Railroad Company als Firmensymbol bis in die späten 1920er Jahre ein nach rechts gerichtetes, um 45 Grad verdrehtes Hakenkreuz.
Die durch die Februarrevolution 1917 in Russland zur Macht gelangte provisorische Regierung unter Alexander Fjodorowitsch Kerenski druckte ein Hakenkreuz als Unabhängigkeitszeichen auf ihre Banknoten.[35] In der Republik Polen benutzten die Luftgestützte Kampfgas-Verteidigungs-Liga und das 1. bis 6. Gebirgsjägerregiment (Podhale-Schützen, vgl. Goralen) von 1918 bis 1939 ein Hakenkreuz als Abzeichen. Der Bärentöterorden zeigte von 1920 bis 1928 das aus der Volksornamentik Lettlands stammende Feuerkreuz, das bereits im 19. Jahrhundert den Umschlag der Volksliedsammlung (Dainas) schmückte. In Finnland war ein aufrecht stehendes blaues Hakenkreuz von 1918 bis 1945 Hoheitszeichen der Panzerwaffe und der Luftstreitkräfte. Der Finnische Orden der Weißen Rose ließ die Hakenkreuze der Collane 1963 entfernen; der Finnische Orden des Freiheitskreuzes verwendet sie weiterhin. Auch in der heutigen Flagge des finnischen Präsidenten ist ein Hakenkreuz enthalten.
Die Coca-Cola-Company warb 1925 mit einem Schlüsselanhänger in Hakenkreuzform. Die dänische Brauerei Carlsberg, die schwedische Firma ASEA und die norwegische A/S Per Kure – Norsk Motor- og Dynamofabrik hatten Hakenkreuze in ihren Markenzeichen. Das Emblem der Isländischen Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft war ein Hakenkreuz.
Die 1912 gegründete Wäscherei Swastika Laundry in Dublin nutzte das Hakenkreuz als Firmenlogo. Heinrich Böll beschrieb, dass er in den 1950er Jahren fast von einem entsprechend lackierten, elektrisch betriebenen Lieferwagen dieser Wäscherei überfahren worden sei.[36]
"Auch in der heutigen Flagge des finnischen Präsidenten ist ein Hakenkreuz enthalten."
LöschenFinnland hat teilweise einen erstaunlich unbekümmerten Umgang mit der Vergangenheit.
Siehe auch auf meinem anderen Blog:
Eine der größten Straßen in Finnlands Hauptstadt Helsinki ist nach Marschall Mannerheim benannt, einem Volkshelden und "Kämpfer gegen den Bolschwismus" - und Verbündeten der Armeeführer Hitlers und Mussolinis.
Das Hakenkreuz bei der Automobilshow in Seattle 1921
AntwortenLöschenGefunden ueber AbeBooks
Automobile Show [April 4-9, 1921 at the Seattle Arena and Hippodrome. A sensational photo album with 30 linen-backed silver gelatin images vividly portraying the Oriental theme with Moorish-inspired entrance, stunning exhibits of Jazz Age automobile advertising, and the 150 autos displayed at the Third Annual show in Seattle, and by far its most successful].
Published by William Jennings Coyle, Motor Car Dealers' Association of Seattle, 1921]., [Seattle, WA: (1921)
From: Zephyr Used & Rare Books (Vancouver, WA, U.S.A.)
Price: US$ 5,750.00
Item Description: William Jennings Coyle, Motor Car Dealers' Association of Seattle, 1921]., [Seattle, WA:, 1921. ...
This outstanding photo album provides irreplaceable historical documentation of one of the most successful Automobile Shows held after World War I in Seattle, Washington. Coyle and the other show organizers intended it to provide the backdrop for forming the Washington Automotive Trades Association, and this exhibition saw the new factory offerings from Sheridan Motor Car Company of California managed by Eddie Rickenbacker, as well as the 1921 Briscoe, the Paige 6-66 Larchmont, the Nash Four Coupe, Oldsmobile Roadster, and of special note the Auburn Roadster. The venue was filed with Ottoman inspired motifs, palm trees and Persian rugs served as backgrounds, massive wrought-iron Oriental Lambs, designed by Charles W. Goodman (show decorator), as well as specially outfitted Oasis seating areas. The first two images in the album show the outside marquee, neon signage, the massive Ottoman-inspired tent erected between the Hippodrome and the Arena, and even the Paige 6-66 setting on the street. This 1921 Automobile Show vastly expanded the number of accessory displays and manufacturers, and the photos reveal the advertising booths for Gill Piston Rings, Hassler Shock Absorbers, Standard Oil Company, Angelus Tire Covers including those for Stutz, and 1 with swastika motif;
Wire and solid wheels display for Hayes, Disteel, Rudge Whitworth, and Pasco Wire Wheel companies; Alemite Lubricating systems display with large photo showing Fatty Arbuckle setting on his front bumper servicing his own car; Stewart meters, gauges, windshields, and lights; the Suess Glass Co.; Exide batteries; and others. The 1921 automobile models exhibited included those from Liberty, Lexington, Studebaker, Ford, Cadillac, Buick, Premier, Franklin, Hudson, Cole, Reo, Chevrolet, Dort, Willys Overland, Dodge Brothers, Allen Motor Co., Roamer, and many others. Special mention should be made of the wonderful booths for the Seattle Taxicabs built by Yellow Cab Manufacturing of Chicago, IL, with cutout bellhop, and special Ohmer Printing Taximeter, along with the Pacific Airways Co. booth with massive banner poster portraying the seaplane flight from Seattle to Vancouver, B.C. by air in 90 minutes. Coyle (1888-1977) was best remembered in Seattle as quarterback and captain of the University of Washington Football team under legendary coach Gil Dobie, who from 1908-1911 was the only quarterback in the history of football to play four years without losing a game. He later practiced law in Spokane at Gonzaga University, received the Distinguished Service Cross for action as a Captain in the A.E.F. in World War I with the 363rd Infantry Regiment, 91st Division, later owned the L.M. Cline Motor Company Ford Sales & Service Agency beginning in 1921, also served as Washington State Lieutenant Governor from 1921 to 1925, and went onto manage Seattle's Civic Auditorium from 1928-1953
Das Hakenkreuz und Indianer-Romantik in den USA (um 1930)
AntwortenLöschenGefunden auf AbeBooks
Pima baskets
CURTIS, Edward Sheriff (1868-1952)
Published by John Andrew & Son, [Boston] (1930)
From: Donald A. Heald Rare Books (ABAA) (New York, NY, U.S.A.)
Price: US$ 4,800.00
Item Description: John Andrew & Son, [Boston], 1930. Photogravure after Edward Curtis ... An evocative image from "The North American Indian", the grandest illustrated work ever produced in the United States, the most important illustrated work on Native Americans, and the single greatest book in Western Americana. ...
".Because of the singular combination of qualities with which he has been blessed, and because of his extraordinary success in making and using his opportunities. (Curtis) has been able to do what no other man has ever done; what, as far as we can see, no other man could do. He is an artist who works out of doors and not in a closet. He is a close observer, whose qualities of mind and body fit him to make his observations out in the field, surrounded by the wild life he commemorates. He has lived on intimate terms with many different tribes of the mountains and the plains. He knows them as they hunt, as they travel, as they go about their various avocations on the march and in camp. He knows their medicine men and their sorcerers, their chiefs and warriors, their young men and maidens. He has not only seen their vigorous outward existence, but has caught glimpses, such as few white men ever catch, into that strange spiritual and mental life of theirs; from whose inner most recesses all white men are forever barred." (Theodore Roosevelt, Foreword to Volume I)
'The baskets made by the Pima, Papago, and Qahatika, as well as by their Maricopa neighbors, are practically identical in form and design, but the Maricopa basketry is of somewhat superior workmanship. The four-armed cross, a form of the swastika, appears as the central feature in the decoration of a majority of the Piman and Maricopa baskets of to-day, and while the true signification here is not known with certainty, it is not impossible that it was designed originally to represent the winds of the four cardinal directions.' (Curtis). ...
In 1896, Curtis began to take photographs of the Native American tribes (by 1930 he had taken over 40,000 negatives of eighty tribes) and evolve his hugely ambitious plan for a comprehensive work which would illustrate his romantic vision of Native American life before the disastrous impact of European contact. With the enthusiastic support of President Theodore Roosevelt (who wrote the foreword to the present work) and the financial backing of J. Pierpont Morgan (Curtis was introduced to him by Roosevelt), the publishing project finally got under way in 1906. Pierpont Morgan died in 1913 just before the completion of the ninth volume, but his son agreed to continue underwriting the project; between them, they eventually contributed about a third of the $1,500,000 cost. What had originally been projected to take five or six years eventually stretched to twenty-three, finally reaching a conclusion in 1930 but leaving Curtis a broken and bankrupt man. Nonetheless, his grand design was completed, and his work remains as his monument. Cf. Naef & Goldschmidt The Truthful Lens 40; cf. Howes C-965.
`Alles ueber das Hankenkreuz` (1912)
AntwortenLöschenGefunden ueber AbeBooks
All about the swastika: Its history, geographical distribution, operative and occult significances (Amer. freemason reprints)
Carr, Thomas
Published by [Freemason Pub. Co (1912)
From: Revival Books Ltd (Rossendale, LANCS, United Kingdom)
Price: US$ 746.32
Item Description: [Freemason Pub. Co, 1912. Unknown Binding. Book Condition: Good. Ex Library Book.
Auch mit Stichwort `Swastika` bei AbeBooks gefunden (obwohl das Stichwort in der Buchbeschreibung nicht vorkommt). Interessant ist der Bezug zur Eugenik.
AntwortenLöschenEVOLUTION, GENETICS AND EUGENICS - Third Edition
Horatio Hackett Newman
Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois (1937)
From: ABC Books (Panama, NY, U.S.A.)
Price: US$ 500.00
Item Description: The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1937. ... Copyright 1921, 1925, and 1932. ...
PO name on ffep, personal library sticker inside front cover, numerous penciled notations and underlining throughout.
AntwortenLöschenArio-Atlantismus nach 1945
Der betont esoterische Ario-Atlantismus
... In den rechtsextremistisch unterwanderten Teilen der neuheidnischen Szene [13] spielt das Atlantis-Motiv nach wie vor eine gewisse, wenn auch keineswegs einheitliche, Rolle. Dazu heißt es etwa bei Friedrich-Paul Heller: "Die religiösen und politischen Neuheiden reden selten und ungern von der arischen Rasse. Sie meinen sie zwar häufig, sie reden gelegentlich auch davon, aber meistens reden sie von Europa. Das ist eine Wendung, die eingetreten ist, nachdem man gemerkt hat, dass das pure Kleben bleiben am Nationalsozialismus einfach in eine historische Sackgasse führt. Man hat einen Europabegriff, der auch davon ausgeht, dass Europa primär ein weißer Kontinent ist, von weißen Menschen bewohnt, Osteuropa und Südeuropa wird dann so als Rand mitakzeptiert, der Herkunftsort dieser Rasse ist manchmal das sagenhafte Atlantis, oder auch Helgoland ... präsent." [14]
Franz Wegener verweist in diesem Zusammenhang auch auf den 'Neuheiden' Harry Radegeis, u.a. Verleger ("Thors förlag") und Herausgeber der Zeitschrift "Heidenspaß": "Er fordert, das Heidentum zur Staatsreligion zu erklären, >Ausländer raus!< und die natürliche Auslese im Daseinskampf. Ihm nahe steht die >Heidnische Gemeinschaft Géza von Neményis< in Berlin, die die >Germanische Schriftenreihe< herausgibt. Neben heidnischen Kultstätten werden in dieser Reihe auch versunkene Welten wie Atlantis und Thule thematisiert." [15]
Auch Hans Günther Fröhlich, vormals 2. Bundesvorsitzender und Bundesorganisationsleiter der 1986 gegründeten Neonazi-Partei „Die Deutschen“ (DD), die 1991 mit der Kölner REP-Abspaltung „Die Bürger“ fusionierte, gehört zu den Vorreitern des explizit 'heidnisch' gewandeten Ario-Atlantismus. Als "Großkomtur" der "Ordensritter" der "Tempelhofgesellschaft" (THG, Organ: "Babilu"), einer extrem konspirativ agierenden Organisation, erklärte Fröhlich: "Der Geist des Ur-Nordens, des alten Atlantis, Thules, des freien Germaniens wird über die dampfenden Schlachtfelder hinziehen und uns die Gnade des Sieges gewähren, die Aufgabe der Neuordnung auferlegen, die Vollendung der Zeiten übertragen" ...
Hans Günther Fröhlich:
LöschenDieser V-Amts-Mitarbeiter löste insbesondere mit einem widerwärtigen antisemitischen "Gesellschaftsspiel" ("Jude ärgere dich nicht"), seine Erfindung, Anfang der 80er-Jahre
Medienaufregung aus.!topic/de.soc.politik.misc/R7uAMAXcw6E
Hitler-Bild im Pfadfinder-Raum
Die Stadt Verviers hat den Mietvertrag mit den Saint-Martin-Pfadfinder von Petit-Rechain mit sofortiger Wirkung aufgelöst. Grund für diese drastische Maßnahme ist die Tatsache, dass städtische Bedienstete im Raum, der den Leitern vorbehalten ist, ein Porträtbild von Adolf Hitler fanden. Außerdem befand sich der Raum in einem total unaufgeräumten Zustand mit zahlreichen leeren Bierflaschen. Bereits vor einigen Monaten hatten sich die Pfadfinder den Ärger der Gemeindeverantwortlichen zugezogen, als ein Bild von König Baudouin mit Hakenkreuz gefunden worden war. Bei der Pfadfindereinheit sprach man von einem schlechten Witz und von mangelnder Reife. Einer der Leiter hätte das Foto von einem kürzlichen Besuch im Londoner Wachsfigurenkabinett mitgebracht. Politische Absichten seien damit nicht verbunden.
Adolf Hitler in einem sehr Scout-ähnlichen Outfit
AntwortenLöscheneingeblendet (in einem anderen Zusammenhang - "Nipster") in Heute Show vom 30.01.2015
bei ca. 18:45
Zu "Lotta Svärd" siehe auch
AntwortenLöschenMagda Trott: Das Deutsche Mädel-Buch
Paul Franke Verlag Berlin o.J. [1935] 1.Auflage u.a. aus dem Inhalt: Gisela Franz - Was ich in Finnland bei den 'Lottas' sah ...
The name was first brought up by Marshal Mannerheim in a speech given on 16 May 1918.
The Finnish Lotta Svärd organisation has inspired similar organisations in other countries and there is still a Lotta Svärd organisation in Sweden (Lottorna); the same model is also used in Denmark and Norway.
LöschenWhen the Continuation War ended, the Soviet Union demanded that all organisations it considered paramilitary, fascist or semi-fascist be banned. Lotta Svärd was one of the groups which was disbanded, on 23 November 1944. However, a new organisation called Suomen Naisten Huoltosäätiö (Support Foundation of Finnish Women) was started which took over much of the old property. This organisation still exists by the name of Lotta Svärd Säätiö (Lotta Svärd Foundation).
Ein Handbuch für Pfadfinderinnen, Altpfadfinderinnen und Führerinnen nach Sir Robert Baden-Powell. Uebers., zusammengest. u. korrig. v. Clementine Schilling-Sarrazin u. Friedi Beisswenger.
Zürich, Polygraph, 1927
Universal Sign Language of the Plains Indians of North America
AntwortenLöschenPublished by William Tomkins, 1929
... States that this material has been adopted by the Boy Scouts of America as part of the First and Second Class Scout requirement, endorsed by Lord Robert Baden Powell, Founder of Scouting. INCLUDES FRENCH AND GERMAN EQUIVALENTS WITH EACH ILLUSTRATION. Please note that a symbol appears on the back cover that some will interpret as a Nazi swastika. Please know that this symbol is very ancient, appearing in the Americas as well as China and represents the four winds, or the four directions. Has nothing whatever to do with the Third Reich.
The Wonder Book of Soldiers for Boys and Girls
AntwortenLöschenEdited By Goulding, Harry
Ward, Lock & Co. Limited, London
... Special article on Boy Scouts and the First World War by General Sir Robert Baden-Powell. No date but inscription dated 1919. Illustrated endpapers.Some browning to edges of pages. Covers wide variety of military topics including trench warfare, the artillery, sieges, heroes of ANZAC, South African and Canadian troops, tanks, and army badges.
via Abebooks
Before Hitler Abased The Swastika, Boys Took On An Ordeal To Wear It
AntwortenLöschenby Jerry Cowle, May 23, 1977
... Up the pole to a place just below the Stars and Stripes went a black flag with a white swastika. ...
The emblem of the Order of the White Swastika was the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor for the scouts who went to Camp Russell in Woodgate, N.Y. A scout had to be somebody special, to do something truly outstanding in the judgment of his leaders and his peers, before he was voted into the order. ...
Then, invariably, he would aim for something even more worthwhile—elevation to Second-Degree White Swastika. Second-degree scouts were a proud breed; they were the doers, the ones we all knew would be leaders in college and in later life. ...
Swastikas in Scouting
I noticed that there was a common reverse of many advertising tokens between the years 1908 and 1935 which I now realize are the same years as the Thanks Badges using the swastika from the UK and the Commonwealth. ...
The Excelsior Shoe Company took advantage of the opportunity to associate their advertising with the new Boy Scout movement that began in 1910. They created a "Boy Scout" shoe, and issued commemorative tokens between July 1910 and January 1914.
After World War One (1914-1918) a new German political party, the National Socialists, popularly known as the Nazis, led by Adolph Hitler took possession of the swastika. It was then that the innocent device was chosen as their Party emblem. Their Black Swastika (as it was known) was made into a symbol of 'The Vocation to fight for the Victory of the Aryan Race' which they considered themselves to be. This became a specific 'Aryan/Nazi' symbol with an anti-Semitic purport.
Swastika Badges in France
LöschenThe Swastika badge was awarded in thanks to adult leaders after many years of service. There were three levels of this badge: bronze, silver and gold. France has several scout organizations and each had its variation of the badge. Examples can be seen at the right. This information was obtained from ...
Estonia Scouts District Swastika Badge 2nd Class Estonia Scout Badge
I did find a early scout badge from Estonia labeled "Estonia Scouts District Swastika Badge 2nd Class," Other than how it was labeled, I do not have any other information.
Las Vegas International Scouting Museum
The Museum is the home of the World Scout Bureau Memorabilia Collection. One of the items they received in 2003 was the plaque below. This plaque was obviously presented to the Bureau in the late 1920's or early 1930's from the British Boy Scout Association.
The Swastika and BSA
National Executive Board Pin 1910-19191913 Scout's Handy Book
BSA did not develop a Thanks Badge and the only use of the swastika as a pin was that worn by the National Executive Board from 1910 to 1919. However, BSA did use the swastika on several books that I have been able to identify. The spine of the The Scout's Handy Book in 1913 and the back cover of the Universal Indian Sign Language produced for the 1929 World Jamboree. As I previously mentioned, the swastika was a widely used Native American symbol but interestingly, there is no reference to the symbol in the World Jamboree book.
But perhaps the most wonderful of all is the sign of the "Swastika," which we Scouts use as our "Badge of Brotherhood."
AntwortenLöschenBaden Powell
Young Knights of the Empire : Their Code, and Further Scout Yarns by Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, Baron, 1857-1941
The Use of the Symbol on the Scouts' Thanks Badge.Kipling Bookspine
AntwortenLöschenThe first Scouting use of the 'swastika' was for the Thanks Badge introduced in 1908 and it continued to be worn in various forms until 1935. Of course, at that time it was not in the least controversial. Rudyard Kipling, a great friend of Baden-Powell, often used the fylfot as a motif on the front cover or preface of his many books as, he said, a good luck sign to the reader. The Kipling page on this site demonstrates the many links between the author and the founder of Scouting and I feel sure that B-P would have been the first to admit that his use of the device was inspired by his friend. They first met in India, where the design was commonplace.
... fylfot functions as a term for swastika bearing less of an association with Nazism.
LöschenHansard for 12 June 1996 reports a House of Commons discussion about the badge of No. 273 Fighter Squadron, Royal Air Force. In this, fylfot is used to describe the ancient symbol, and swastika used as if it refers only to the symbol used by the Nazis.
Odinic Rite (OR), a Germanic pagan organization, use both "swastika" and "fylfot" for what they claim as a "holy symbol of Odinism". The OR fylfot is depicted with curved outer limbs, more like a "sunwheel swastika" than a traditional (square) swastika or heraldic fylfot.
No. 273 Squadron RAF was a Royal Air Force squadron formed as reconnaissance unit in World War I and initially a torpedo bomber and reconnaissance unit in World War II, based out of China Bay, Ceylon (Sri Lanka). In mid 1944 the squadron was re-equipped with Spitfire Mk VIIIs and flew and fought out of airfields in India and Burma. Following the end of the war, the squadron was moved first to Siam (Thailand), and then later, French Indo-China (Vietnam). It was re-equipped with Spitfire Mk XIVs in November 1945. ...
LöschenThe squadron was re-equipped with Spitfire Mk XIVs in November 1945, used them in their only offensive operation on 11 December against Viet Minh in support of a surrounded French unit at Ban Me Thout ...
A squadron badge was designed and submitted to the Air Ministry in November 1944. The design included an ancient Asian fylfot (swastika) and a black widow spider, together with the motto Toujours prêt. Because of the controversial fylfot design, this badge was initially rejected by the RAF, and only accepted, in a modified design, over 50 years later, where it now rests next to No. 1 Squadron in the RAF Chapel at St Clement Danes, London.
Also, eine Einheit der britischen Royal Air Force trägt ein Erkennungszeichen, das eine Swastika enthält. Es wurde 1944 erstmals für diese Einheit entworfen, aus verständlichen Gründen seinerzeit abgelehnt, 50 Jahre später aber doch in modifizierter Form angenommen.
Löschen"Incidentally, I have received a letter from another constituent, Mr. Reg Baldwin, who pointed out that, during the 1914–18 war, the British National War Savings Committee used an emblem very similar to the swastika."
LöschenAus einem Brief des Veteranen Miles Bailey an den Parlaments-Abgeordneten Nigel Waterson, 1996
... The fateful link was made by the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. From 1871 to 1875, Schliemann excavated the site of Homer's Troy on the shores of the Dardanelles. When he found artifacts with swastikas, he quickly associated them with the swastikas he had seen near the Oder River in Germany. As Steven Heller, the art director of The New York Times Book Review, writes in ''The Swastika: Symbol Beyond Redemption,'' ''Schliemann presumed that the swastika was a religious symbol of his German ancestors which linked ancient Teutons, Homeric Greeks and Vedic India.''
AntwortenLöschenPretty soon swastikas were everywhere, rotating both clockwise and counterclockwise. Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, included the swastika in the seal of the society. ''Rudyard Kipling combined a swastika with his signature in a circle as a personal logo,'' Mr. Heller reports. And the swastika was part of the logo of the Bauhaus, under Paul Klee.
The swastika spread to the United States, too. Coca-Cola issued a swastika pendant. Carlsberg beer etched swastikas onto its bottles. During World War I, the American 45th Infantry division wore an orange swastika as a shoulder patch. At least one train line had swastikas on its cars. The Girls' Club published a magazine called The Swastika. And until 1940 the Boy Scouts gave out a swastika badge.
How did the Nazis get hold of it? According to Mr. Heller, the Germanen order, an anti-Semitic group that wore helmets with Wotan horns and plotted ''against Jewish elements in German life,'' used a curved swastika on a cross as its insignia. By 1914, the Wandervogel, a militarist German youth movement, made it a nationalist emblem.
The Nazi party claimed it around 1920. In ''Mein Kampf,'' Hitler, who had artistic aspirations as well as political ones, described ''his quest to find the perfect symbol for the party.'' He toyed with the idea of using swastikas. But it was Friedrich Krohn, a dentist from Starnberg, who designed the flag with a black swastika in its center. ''Hitler's major contribution,'' Mr. Heller writes, ''was to reverse the direction of the swastika'' so that it appears to spin clockwise. ...
THINK TANK; A Symbol of Hatred Pleads Not Guilty
By Sarah Boxer
The New York Times
July 29, 2000
1936 in Baden-Baden:
AntwortenLöschenOffizieller Empfang für eine Gruppe französischer Pfadfinder
Baden-Baden unter dem Hakenkreuz - Page 157 - Google Books Result
Rolf Rößler - 2000
Warum einer Gruppe französischer Pfadfinder die Ehre eines offiziellen Empfangs zuteil wurde, läßt sich nicht ganz nachvollziehen.
Baden Powells Ideen zentral für die muslimischen Pfadfinder
AntwortenLöschenOrte der Zivilisierungsmission: Französische Schulen im ... - Page 356
Esther Möller - 2013 - Preview
In einer Rede vor Eltern und einer breiten Öffentlichkeit sprach der Direktor, selbst Pfadfinder, über die wichtigen Erkenntnisse Robert Baden-Powells, des Gründers der Pfadfinderbewegung. Gerade für die muslimischen Pfadfinder waren die Ideen Baden Powells zentral.
Reproduced courtesy of National Library of Australia
Collins London, manufacturer, 1930s
National Library of Australia number nla.pic-an10910571
TLF resource R2944
This is a 1930s Boy Scout medal, with a green silk ribbon and featuring a swastika with the Scouts' fleur-de-lis insignia superimposed. It measures 8.2 cm x 3.5 cm.
Educational value
•This asset shows part of the regalia associated with the Boy Scout movement, which was established in England in 1908 by Robert Baden Powell (1857-1941) and in Australia soon afterward - the movement developed from the survival and tracking skills that Baden Powell taught young soldiers under his command in 1893.
•It shows an example of a Scout Badge of Friendship which, according to Baden Powell, was a token of gratitude presented to anyone who did a kindness to a Scout.
•It shows the use of a swastika, a symbol that has been used to denote life and good luck in many cultures and religions for more than 3,000 years - the Scouts chose the symbol and used it on their badges until 1940 because it had been used in 14th-century England in the form of the 'fylfot' or 'four-footed' sign; the swastika was also used by Coca-Cola and Carlsberg beer, while the American 45th Infantry wore a swastika shoulder patch; the use of the swastika is now unthinkable because of its associations with Nazi Germany.
•It demonstrates a key tenet of semiotics that the meaning of a symbol is not always conclusive and involves negotiation.
•It shows a fleur-de-lis, chosen as the symbol of scouting by Baden Powell and used by critics as proof of the Scout movement being militaristic because its symbol resembled a spearhead - Baden Powell insisted it represented the north point of a compass pointing in the right direction (upwards) with the stars representing the eyes of a wolf cub, opened through knowledge gained in the movement, and all three points of the fleur-de-lis were a reminder of the three points of the Scout's Promise.
March 13, 2010
In the 1930s, there were many Americans and many Europeans who were secretly fascist and secretly fond of boys.
According to 'The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party' by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams (
In Great Britain, the pro-Nazis formed the Anglo-German Fellowship (AGF).
The AGF was headed by British homosexuals Guy Burgess and Captain John Robert Macnamara.
British Historian John Costello relates how Burgess, Macnamara, Tom Wylie a War Office official, and J.H. Sharp the Church of England's Arch- deacon for Southern Europe, took a bunch of schoolboys on a trip to Germany to attend a Hitler Youth camp. ...
The trip was sponsored by the Foreign Relations Council of the Church of England ('Mask of Treachery: Spies, Lies, Buggery and Betrayal', by John Costello)
In 1930s France, the pro-Nazi faction was represented by politicians such as Edouard Pfeiffer. ...
As an officer of the French Boy-Scout movement, his private life was devoted to the seduction of youth.
According to a biography of Guy Burgess(
Burgess was a BBC broadcaster, an agent in MI6, and secretary to Deputy Foreign Minister Hector McNeil, the British Foreign Secretary.
He was also an agent of the KGB.
"Burgess seemed to know everyone, the Rothchilds, Churchill, Muggeridge, Auden, Spender, Neville Chamberlain and more. " ...
Baden Powell told the Scouts’ International Commissioner, Hubert Martin, that the Germans were "most anxious that the Scouts should come into closer touch with the youth movement in Germany."
Baden Powell talked of his problems with the "socialist press when our boys had appeared in uniform at a Fascist Demonstration in Germany." ...
Two modern biographers of Baden-Powell consider him to have been a repressed homosexual, Michael Rosenthal of Columbia University and Tim Jeal. (Baden-Powell and boy scouts)
Jeal mentions an episode in 1919.
While on a visit to Charterhouse, his old public school, he stayed with an old friend, A. H. Tod, a bachelor teacher and housemaster who had taken large numbers of nude photographs of his pupils as part of a photographic record of public school life.
Baden-Powell's diary entry about his stay reads: "Stayed with Tod. Tod's photos of naked boys and trees. Excellent."
In a subsequent communication to Tod regarding starting up a Scout troop at the school, Baden-Powell mentions his impending return visit and adds: "Possibly I might get a further look at those wonderful photographs of yours." ...
Sefton Delmer
AntwortenLöschenAccompanied Hitler during his election campaign 1932/33; headed British "black propaganda" during the war
Whispers of War – The British World War II rumour campaign
By Lee Richards
... During a speech to the German Reichstag on 19 July 1940, Hitler gave Britain one last chance to make peace. Sefton Delmer, the future head and mastermind of British black propaganda, was just about to make his debut broadcast to Germany on the BBC when he heard the Führer's "last appeal to reason". Spontaneously, without governmental approval, Delmer tersely rejected any notion of a compromise peace. "Herr Hitler," Delmer announced, "you have on occasion in the past consulted me as to the mood of the British public. So permit me to render your Excellency this little service once again tonight. Let me tell you what we here in Britain think of this appeal of yours to what you are pleased to call our reason and common sense. Herr Führer and Reichskanzler, we hurl it right back at you, right in your evil smelling teeth…"[1] The unofficial rejection upset a few Members of Parliament but Delmer's attitude was indicative of the new mindset in the country. ...
In the summer of 1940, as the remnants of the BEF regrouped in England and began intensive construction of anti-invasion defences, Department EH established the Underground Propaganda Committee (UPC) to formulate, under the tightest secrecy, an anti-invasion whispering campaign.[2] The rumours they generated were codenamed "Sibs" – taken from the Latin word sibilare, meaning to hiss – partly for security reasons and partly for amusement.[3]
Before Dunkirk only a few sibs had been developed and on an entirely ad-hoc basis. The first rumour devised suggested that U-boat losses were much larger than the German government was prepared to admit with only two out of every three boats returning. The rumour was passed by Electra House to Colonel Vivian at Bletchley Park, aka Station X, for dissemination by undisclosed means on 10 December 1939. This was followed up in the following February with the story that there had been serious mishaps to U-boats undergoing trials at Wilhelmshaven, owing to sabotage in the Deschimag shipyard. The U-boat service would be a major recurrent target for British black propaganda throughout the rest of the war. ...
A number of the rumours were actually true, others contained a lie wrapped within the truth, and the rest were downright fabrications. ...
By the end of the war the UPC had concocted almost 8,000 different rumours, not including those formulated for a short time in New York and others in Cairo. Its work was always controversial and some of the myths it perpetrated persist to this very day, which shows they must have been successful to a certain extent.
From August 1941 to the end of the Second World War, propaganda was controlled by the secret ‘Political Warfare Executive’ (PWE). Milton Bryan Studio (known as MB) was one of two studios used for broadcasting ‘Black’ (clandestine) propaganda but the only one to be purpose built; the other was a country house, Wavendon Tower, about six miles to the north. Black propaganda was a new concept in psychological warfare developed by Denis Sefton Delmer (1904 -1979). Before the outbreak of war Delmer had been a journalist with the Daily Express, and head of the paper’s bureau in Berlin during the rise of the Nazi party. In May 1941 he joined a predecessor of PWE, Department Electra House, spending the next two years developing his ideas on alternative forms of propaganda
Dark arts and self-delusions
LöschenChurchill's plans to trick Germany were a magnet for frauds and fantasists. By Piers Brendon
4 October 2008
The use of deception in warfare is at least as old as the Trojan horse. According to Nicholas Rankin, however, the British developed a rare gift for it during the two world wars. ...
... Churchill ... lived up to his famous declaration that in wartime the truth should be protected by "a bodyguard of lies". ...
[During the Second World War] ... Lord Beaverbrook's star reporter Sefton Delmer (known as Seldom Defter) disseminated "black" propaganda from a powerful radio transmitter nicknamed the "Dreadnought of the Ether". Pretending to be a rogue German station, and assisted with detailed information gleaned from POWs, it could dupe its listeners in ways that "white" (ie official) British propaganda could not. ...
A shocked Sir Stafford Cripps said that if this sort of filth was "needed to win the war, I'd rather lose it". ...
... this world was (and is) a magnet for frauds and fantasists, from Robert Baden-Powell and Sidney Reilly, via Richard Meinertzhagen and TE Lawrence, to Guy Burgess and Peter Wright. ...
Rankin evidently thinks that, before the Bush/Blair Iraq war, official deception was intended to fool the enemy and not "our own people". This is a mistake. Atrocity stories fabricated by British intelligence, such as the 1917 report about the German factory for turning corpses into soap, were designed to whip up hatred for the Hun here. The exposure of this lie made it hard to tell, or to believe, the truth about Nazi concentration camps. Mendacity blurred reality. If the British lacked a genius for deception, perhaps they possessed a talent for muddle.
Sefton Delmer hatte allen Grund, sich 1940 öffentlich als entschiedener Hitler-Gegner zu profilieren. Er hätte sonst in Verdacht kommen können, ein früher Kollaborateur der Nazi-Partei gewesen zu sein. Ernst Hanfstaengl, seinerzeit Auslands-Pressechef, widmete ihm - neben Rudolf Hess - in dem 1933 erschienenen Propaganda-Buch "Tat gegen Tinte" einen ausdrücklichen Dank für seine Unterstützung bei der Erstellung des Buches.
LöschenSelektiv und verharmlosend:
AntwortenLöschenFähnlein Unverzagt
Von Markus Wolff
9. August 2007
ZEIT online
"Es ist der ewige, diffuse Verdacht, der den Pfadfindern anhängt: Könnte es nicht doch eine rechtsextreme Organisation sein? Selten wird die Vermutung ausgesprochen, eher wabert sie beim Anblick junger Menschen in Kluft und Lederhosen im Kopf umher. Ein Affekt, der sich nicht aus programmatischen Inhalten ableitet, sondern aus der irgendwie verstörenden Tatsache, dass diese Jugendlichen eben diese Kluft tragen – also eine Art von Uniform.
Belege für solche Mutmaßungen finden sich allerdings weder in der Gegenwart noch in der Vergangenheit. Bereits 1933 wurden die Pfadfinderverbände in Deutschland verboten, den Nationalsozialisten missfiel vor allem die internationale Ausrichtung. Wer weiterhin eine Gruppe führte, kam ins Zuchthaus oder Konzentrationslager, das waren nicht wenige. Nur die Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft St. Georg (DPSG) rettete zunächst ein Staatsvertrag zwischen Deutschem Reich und Vatikan, 1938 musste auch sie ihre Arbeit einstellen."
Das gesamte Vereins- und Verbandswesen in Deutschland wurde 1933 "gleichgeschaltet"; das betraf natürlich auch die Pfadfinder. Dies steht aber keineswegs im Widerspruch zu ihrer Rolle als Einfluss und Vorbild.
... Dies steht aber keineswegs im Widerspruch zu ihrer Rolle als Einfluss und Vorbild für NS Jugendorganisationen.
Löschen"... der ewige, diffuse Verdacht, der den Pfadfindern anhängt: Könnte es nicht doch eine rechtsextreme Organisation sein? Selten wird die Vermutung ausgesprochen, eher wabert sie beim Anblick junger Menschen in Kluft und Lederhosen im Kopf umher."
Löschen"Diffus herumwabernd" ist der Rechtsextremismus-Verdacht nur deshalb, weil die politisch gut verbundenen Scout-Organisationen kein Interesse daran haben, dass ihre Geschichte systematisch aufgearbeitet wird. Die Presse kommt ihnen bei der Abwehr von Aufarbeitung in der Regel entgegen; das gilt auch für den zitieren ZEIT-Artikel.
US parents are pulling their children out of Boy Scouts over Donald Trump's 'drunk stepdad' speech
AntwortenLöschenChris Baynes
The IndependentJuly 26, 2017
... One Twitter user said her family was withdrawing 14 boys from the Scouts "after what was basically [a] Hitler Youth rally".