Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Samstag, 12. Mai 2012

McKiernan und andere SS-Fans in den USA

Der "politischen Korrektheit" sei ein Zitat des US-Generals und Oberkommandierenden in Afghanistan, David D. McKiernan, zum Opfer gefallen, beklagte im November 2009 ein Schreiber auf dem rechtsextremistischen "Altermedia" Forum:

"Im engen Netz politisch korrekter Meinungs und Sprachpolizisten, haben sich schon manche verfangen. Aber auch Ausländer werden manchmal geradezu zensiert. So etwa der US-General David D. McKiernan, der Oberkommandierende in Afghanistan. Wie die Süddeutsche Zeitung meldete, habe er kürzlich......"mehr Truppen mit  besseren Fähigkeiten" von den Deutschen gewünscht. Wie die Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung exklusiv aus Militärkreisen erfuhr, hat der Viersternegeneral aber tatsächlich folgendes gesagt, wir zitieren hier wörtlich übersetzt: 'Wenn ihr Deutschen mir ein Regiment der Waffen-SS schicken würdet, die in der Normandie so grossartig gegen uns gekämpft haben, hätte ich die Taliban in einer Woche weggefegt!' "

Auf derselben Webseite ist auch ein Gemälde von Eduard Thöny abgebildet, das einen Waffen-SS Mann darstellt und der Beschreibung nach in der Kriegsakademie West Point hängt.

Ich hatte keine Gelegenheit, in West Point nachzuschauen, aber das mit dem Gemälde kann durchaus stimmen.

Der US Offizier Albert Coady Wedemeyer, von 1936 von 1938 Teilnehmer des Offizierskurses an der damals gerade wieder eröffneten Kriegsakademie in Berlin, war Absolvent von West Point.
Siehe :

Man kann sich durchaus fragen, welches Erbe aus dieser Zeit in Stätten militärischer Aus- und Fortbildung noch an einigen Wänden und in einigen Köpfen hängen mag.

McKiernan bei seiner Verabschiedung in den Ruhestand im Juli 2009; US Verteidigungsminister Gates heftet ihm eine Ehrenmedaille an. Die Verabschiedung kam früher als erwartet. Während McKiernan's Kommando in Afghanistan war die Zahl der zivilen Opfer gestiegen. Die Obama-Administration wollte eine andere Strategie und ersetzte David McKiernan mt Stanley Chrystal, der knapp ein Jahr später wiederum durch General Petraeus ersetzt wurde.

Zahl der (vom US Central Command als solche anerkannten) zivilen Todesopfer pro Monat durch kriegerische Gewalteinwirkung, 2007 - 2010 (McKiernan war von Oktober 2008 bis Juli 2009 eingesetzt)

Siehe auch Stichwort "Mc Kiernan" in dem Abschnitt "Allzu artige Journalisten?"


Schwache Aufarbeitungskultur in den USA ?

Auch General Patton war ein Anhaenger der Eugenik und Bewunderer der SS. Die Wochenzeitung Juedische Allgemeine berichtete. In dem Artikel ist von einer “schwachen Aufarbeitungskultur” im Umgang mit der Geschichte des Nazi-Sympathisantentums in den USA die Rede.  Diesen Begriff verwendete der Kriminologe Anthony Platt.  Zusammen mit der Historikerin Cecilia O’Leary war er der Frage nachgegangen, warum Patton in Eichstaett sichergestellte Dokumente ueber die “Nuernberger Gesetze” nicht als Beweismaterial fuer die Kriegsverbrecherprozesse uebergab, sondern in der von einem Bekannten gegruendeten Huntington-Bibliothek in Kalifornien unter Verschluss halten liess.

Wie zur Bestaetigung des Fehlens von “Aufarbeitungskultur” wurde in diesem Jahr bekannt, dass die “Murphy Ranch” in der Naehe von Hollywood, die bis zum Kriegseintritt der USA Nazi-Sympathisanten um den Stueckeschreiber und Gruender der “Silver Legion”, William Dudley Pelley, als Wohnstaette mit Bunker diente, diskret abgerissen soll. (Die Mitglieder der "Silver Legion" nannten sich "Silver Shirts", abgekuerzt SS.) Eine Dokumentation der Geschichte dieses skurrilen Ortes gab es nie.  Eine Kommission verkuendete nun offiziell, es gebe an dem Ort kein historisches Interesse; er wurde als “unhistorical” bezeichnet.
Siehe z.B.:

Berghof-Atmosphäre: Der Eingangsbereich der Murphy Ranch.

Die ursprünglichen Zeichnungen soll dieser und anderen Internet-Quellen zufolge (die sich wiederum auf den in der Umgebung der Ranch aufgewachsenen Heimatforscher Randy Young berufen) der prominente Hollywood-Architekt Welton Becket erstellt haben.

Hollywood war der Erscheinungsort der englischsprachigen Version der Hetzschrift “Totengraeber Russlands”/ “Gravediggers of Russia”, die fast gleichzeitig mit der deutschen Version (um 1921) herauskam. In diesem Pamphlet des Trios Eckart, Rosenberg und von Kursell vermischten sich Eugenik, Antisemitismus und Antibolschewismus zu einer Ideologie geballten Hasses. Die Hollywood-Ausgabe erschien kurz nach dem antisemitischen,  im Orginal in Englisch erschienenen Pamphlet “The Hidden Hand” des russischen “Grafen” Cherep Spiridovich im gleichen Verlag.
Der Ursprung dieser Pamphlete und daraus etwa abzuleitende Verbindungen zwischen William Dudley Pelley, Hitlers Ideengeber Dietrich Eckart und ihren jeweiligen Netzwerken sind nicht Gegenstand historischer Forschung.

Naeheres zu Verbindungen, die sich mit Internet-gestuetzer Suche und anhand von Original-Publikationen nachvollziehen lassen (Suche innerhalb der Posts mit Stichwort "Eckart"):


Seltsamer Unterrichtsstoff

Wenigstens ein Jahr lang unterrichtete der Offizier Matthew A. Dooley am Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, einen Kurs, der Truppen darauf vorbereiten sollte, einen „totalen Krieg“ gegen den Islam mit „Taktiken im Hiroshima-Stil“ zu führen. Inzwischen wurde er von seinen Lehraufgaben entbunden, fand aber anderweitig weiterhin Verwendung als Offizier.

Quellen deutsch z.B.!93220/ (Auszug s. unten)

Quellen englisch z.B.

Es fehlt auch nicht an Stimmen, die Präsident Obama als Weichei und Islamistenknecht verdammen und verkünden, was Dooley lehrt, sei genau das, was Amerika und die westliche Welt brauchen; er hätte befördert werden sollen.
Beispiel: „Lt.Col. Matthew Dooley is 100% Right But The Govenment Will Not Have It – Refuses The Truth ..“

TAZ, 11.05.2012
“Islamophobie im US-Militär - Mekka und Medina zerstören”
(Link s. oben)

“US-Offiziere lernten in einem Ausbildungskurs, wie Krieg gegen den Islam geführt werden sollte – inklusive Atombombe. Erst jetzt meldete sich ein Teilnehmer mit Bedenken.
von Frauke Böger
Der Islam sei keine Religion sondern eine Ideologie, lernten US-Offiziere. 

BERLIN taz | Ein neuer Skandal um islamophobe Ausbildungsinhalte erschüttert die US-Armee. „Was also können wir tun?“, fragte ein Kurs für Offiziere des US-Militärs am Norfolk Virginia College. Die Antwort war „ein Modell für einen Gegendschihad“ von Oberstleutnant Matthew A. Dooley, dessen Unterrichtsmaterialien jetzt von der Onlineausgabe des US-amerikanischen Magazin Wired veröffentlicht wurden.
In fünf Phasen wird ein Krieg gegen den Islam geplant, wobei die erste Phase der „Abschreckung“ als gescheitert betrachtet und deswegen nicht weiter erläutert wird. Die verbleibenden vier Phasen gehen von einer UN-Resolution, die erklärt, was „der Islam wirklich ist“ bis zu einer militärischen Vernichtung des Islam als Weltreligion. Von der Auslöschung ganzer Städte ist die Rede, Angriffe auf die Zivilbevölkerung werden immer „wenn nötig“ erwogen. Als Beispiele dienen die Angriffe auf Hiroshima oder Dresden.

Feind der USA sei nicht nur al-Qaida, sondern die islamische Welt insgesamt. Und der Islam sei keine Religion, sondern eine Ideologie, heißt es in den Unterrichtsmaterialien. Phase drei des Modells beinhaltet Entscheidungen, die zu einer Hungersnot in Saudi-Arabien führen würden, die die Zerstörung von Mekka und Medina anordnen und die schließlich dafür sorgen sollen, dass der Islam auf eine „Sekte“ reduziert wird.
„Einige dieser Handlungen werden von vielen als ’politisch inkorrekt‘ eingestuft werden“, warnt das Unterrichtsmaterial vorsorglich. Aber die Antwort für diese Leute wird gleich mit angeboten: „Political Correctness bringt uns um.“

Der Kurs erklärt die Unterschiede zwischen „moderaten“ und „Mainstream-Muslimen“ und gibt „dekonstruktivistischen Philosophien der 1960er Jahre“ die Schuld daran, dass in den USA eine „kulturelle Bereitschaft herrsche, moralische Gleichwertigkeit in allen Angelegenheiten zu akzeptieren“. Damit werde dem Westen untersagt, sich selbst als „besser“ als die islamische Welt zu verstehen.
Gastdozenten erläuterten in Oberstleutnant Dooleys Kurs, dass Barack Obama der beste Kandidat für Osama bin Laden sei, dass al-Qaida am Sturz Mubaraks und Gaddafis beteiligt gewesen sei, dass es al-Qaidas Ziel sei, die Welt zu erobern und dass Juden- und Christenhass feste Bestandteil des Islam seien.”


Schrank der Schande/ Mauer des Schweigens

Beispiel für SS "Partisanenbekämpfung"


Treuelied der Waffen-SS bei einer Bundeswehr-Veranstaltung
"Man will uns die Götter nehmen"

NDR Fernsehen Stand: 14.08.2013 18:46 Uhr

Gorch Fock: Rechtsrock auf Marine-Schulschiff
von Andrej Reisin & Nils Naber

... Auf der ersten großen Ausbildungsreise des Marine-Schulschiffs nach dem Tod
einer Kadettin haben Besatzungsmitglieder offenbar Musik einer einschlägigen
rechtsradikalen Band gehört....

Mit der Gorch Fock von Madeira nach London fuhr ein NDR Reporter - und machte
per Zufall diese Aufnahmen davon, wie Mannschaftsmitglieder die Musik der
Rechtsrock-Band "Kategorie C" hörten.

In dem Songtext heißt es unter anderem:

"Der Wahnsinn nimmt weiter seinen Lauf.
Die Retter Deutschlands setzen einen drauf.
Wenn die Wut einen zum explodieren bringt,
man sich nicht mehr unter Kontrolle kriegt.
Wenn das Blut in den Adern gefriert,
dann ist es meistens schon passiert.
Ja gleich raucht‘s. Nimm dich in acht
ich bin mal wieder unterwegs.
Wo ich bin da willst du nicht sein.
Ich bin wie ein Jäger der sein Wild erlegt.“

"Kategorie C": Einschlägig bekannte Band

Panorama hatte im Juni 2011 über "Kategorie C" berichtet und unter anderem
Bildmaterial von einem Konzert gezeigt, bei dem die Band zusammen mit dem
Publikum das Volkslied "Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen" in einer Variante anstimmt.
Dort heißt es: "Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen, sitz‘ ich beim Führer vorn ... lustig
schmettert das MG" ...


The CIA’s Top Nazi Employees: Gestapo Boss worked in D.C.!

from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
       Volume 2006, Issue No. 67
       June 7, 2006

      Some 27,000 pages of Central Intelligence Agency records regarding
      operational relationships between the CIA and former Nazis following World
      War II were disclosed yesterday at the National Archives. 
      The release was announced by the Interagency Working Group (IWG) on Nazi
      War Crimes, which was created by a 1998 law.  The IWG, which has
      previously overseen the declassification of eight million war
       crimes-related records, is chaired by former Information Security
      Oversight Office Director Steven Garfinkel.
      The latest release almost failed to occur due to CIA recalcitrance.
      "In 2002, the CIA declared that it was no longer going to follow the
      criteria observed since 1999 for all the participating agencies in the IWG
      declassification project [and that] henceforth it would produce files
      relating only to individuals whom we could prove had personally engaged in
      war crimes," recalled IWG member Richard Ben-Veniste. 
      "For 18 months the IWG tried to persuade CIA that its unilateral
      redefinition of its obligation was erroneous and unacceptable," he said.
      This obstacle was eventually overcome thanks to the intervention of the
      sponsors of the original legislation -- Senators Mike DeWine (R-OH) and
      Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)-- and the
       effective support of Porter Goss, who had just become the new CIA
      CIA spokesman Stanley Moskowitz said the Agency was now committed to full
      disclosure regarding the historical record of CIA's connections to Nazis.
      He said that when the declassification process is completed at the end of
      this year, "we will have withheld nothing of substance."
      (Mr. Moskowitz himself was once the object of unwanted disclosure when, to
      the dismay of Agency officials, he was publicly identified as the CIA
      station chief in Tel Aviv.  See "CIA Station Chief in Israel Unmasked,"
      Secrecy & Government Bulletin, Issue 75, November 1998.)
      "The relevance of today's disclosures [on Nazi war crimes] to the issues
      this Nation faces today is striking," suggested IWG member Thomas H. Baer.
      The question the documents raise, he said, is: "To what extent, and under
      what circumstances, can our Government rely upon intelligence supplied by
      mass murderers and those complicit in their crimes?"
      Initial assessments of the new disclosures were prepared by four
      historians for the Interagency Working Group, each of which includes
      several of the newly declassified documents.  See:
      "New Information on Cold War CIA Stay-Behind Operations in Germany and on
      the Adolf Eichmann Case" by Timothy Naftali, University of Virginia:  
      "Gustav Hilger: From Hitler's Foreign Office to CIA Consultant" by Robert
      Wolfe, former archivist at the U.S. National Archives: 
      "Tscherim Soobzokov" by Richard Breitman, American University:
      "CIA Files Relating to Heinz Felfe, SS Officer and KGB Spy" by Norman J.W.
      Goda, Ohio University: 
      For more information on the Interagency Working Group on Nazi War Crimes
      The recent release of formerly secret CIA files is revealing the names of
      top Nazi intelligence and counterintelligence personnel who worked for
      both the CIA and U.S. Army Intelligence after the end of the Second World
      The CIA- controlled ‘Gehlen Organization,’ which later became the German
      BND, was run by Colonel James Critchfield of the CIA until 1955 and this
      organization is now revealed to have employed hundreds of Nazi officials
      wanted for war crimes.
      The first person on the list was former  SS-Oberführer or Senior Colonel,
      Willi Krichbaum .Krichbaum was an associate of  Heinrich Müller, head of
      the Gestapo and a later CIA agent,  and later the Deputy Chief of the
      Gestapo. Krichbaum was in charge of the deportation of the Hungarian Jews
      in 1944—a deportation that took nearly 300,000 lives. Krichbaum is also
      the man who shot Raoul Wallenberg. The Geheime Feld Polizei or the Secret
      Field Police which Krichbaum had commanded was responsible for all manner
      of atrocities, including the killing of Soviet prisoners of war. Although
       Russia was not a member of the Geneva Convention, Germany was a signatory
      and this Convention forbade the execution of prisoners of war. Krichbaum
      was not only Gehlen’s chief recruiter, mostly of former Gestapo and SD
      people, but also informed Müller of the inner workings of the Gehlen
      organization which was considered a highly secret American intelligence
      resource. Krichbaum continued to work for Gehlen, according to an
      interview with Colonel Critchfield, until at least 1956 when the West
      German government took over control of the group.
      The second name on the list was SS-Standartenführer or Colonel Walter
      Rauff who had a most interesting career. In 1942, Walter Rauff was chief
      of the SD units attached to the AOK Afrika, Rommels’ Afrikakorps. In 
      1943, after the collapse of the DAK, Rauff worked in Italy as the chief of
      the SD in Milan. In this capacity, Rauff was involved with SS General Karl
      Wolff’s negotiations to surrender the German troops in Italy in 1945. This
      was a pet project of Allen Dulles and was called “Operation Sunrise.”
      During the course of the negotiations, Dulles became very friendly with
      Rauff. Consequently, as the new Gehlen organization was formed, Dulles was
      instrumental in acquiring Rauff for an advisory position with them.
      In 1941, Rauff had been involved with the SD anti-partisan activities in
      the captured areas of the Soviet Union. Rauff conceived, constructed and
      personally supervised the use of gas vans. These vans had the exhaust
      pipes vented inside the rear compartments which were then filled with Jews
      who died of carbon monoxide poisoning. While it spared some SD men from
      the guilt associated with murdering large numbers of civilians, it did
      have certain negative aspects—the collection of bodies in the back of the
      van. When the rear door was opened to remove the dead, the stench proved
      to be a serious occupational hazard. An ingenious man, Rauff had a special
      fitting constructed that helped alleviate this unfortunate problem. A
      lengthy file on Rauff’s gas vans is stored at the National Archives.
      At the end of the war, Rauff was imprisoned in Italy. He later emerged in
      Germany, happily working for the Gehlen group. Unfortunately for him, his
      presence became known to the wrong people, and he found it necessary to
      move to Syria where he continued to represent Gehlen’s interests. As the
      stress of discovery there became too much for Gehlen to bear, it was
      decided that Rauff should move to Chile. His friend and later protector,
       Allen Dulles, ordered that he be given new identity papers and funds for
      travel and relocation. While in Chile, the loyal Rauff continued to
      provide intelligence reports to Gehlen and his other protectors.
      Another senior Gehlen aide was former  SS-Oberführer Dr. Franz Six. Six
      was an intellectual academic, Professor of Political Science at Königsberg
      University. Six joined the SS on April 20, 1935 and became a member of the
      SD. In 1941, Six was in command of an Einsatzgruppe and was directly
      responsible for the murder of the Jews in the Russian city of Smolensk.
      Following this military triumph, Six was made the head of Section VII of
      the RSHA. In 1943 he was sent to the Foreign Ministry where he was in
      charge of the Cultural Division. In 1946, Dr. Six was an early member of
      the Gehlen organization but was eventually tracked down and his supporters
      were unable to prevent his standing trial in April of 1948 for his
      actions. He received a sentence of 25 years. However, US authorities
      interceded on his behalf and on September 30, 1952, Six was released and
      at once returned to his duties with Gehlen.
      SS-Sturmbannführer (Major) Alois Brunner was a Gestapo official who worked
      directly under Adolf Eichmann in the deportation department. Ambitious and
      energetic, Brunner was an instigator of the notorious razzia carried out
      in France in 1942 against the Jews of Paris. So outraged was his putative
      chief, Gestapo chief Heinrich Müller, that Brunner was transferred to
      Sofia in Bulgaria. He was sentenced to death by a French court, in
      absentia because Brunner had gone to Damascus, Syria, as Gehlen’s resident
      agent. He used a number of names including “Georg Fischer” and “Waldo
      Munk.” Brunner was later made a part of a CIA-directed program to train
       the security forces of Abdel Nasser and Israeli agents attempted to blow
      him up with a letter bomb but failed. In addition to the French death
      sentence, Brunner was also on the wanted list of the CIC.
      Probably the worst offender of all was  SS-Gruppenführer Odlio Globocnik,
      once the Gauleiter of Vienna until fired by Hitler for theft and pillage.
      Globocnik went on to run the Lublin camps in Poland where he stole
      millions more and was responsible for the gassing of large numbers of Jews
      and Poles. His stolen millions saved him from prosecution. After working
      for a time for the British, he eventually ended up as an American
       resource, also in Damascus. The name of the program that sent him there
      was called “Argos.”
      Like its Biblical counterpart, the 20th century road to Damascus was
      traveled by converts to the new religion of the West.
      There were many more individuals connected with the Gestapo or SD who
      openly worked for Gehlen including SS-Standartenführer Frederich Panziger,
      another old friend of ‘Gestapo Müller’s (also a top CIA employee) who had
      married into his family. Panziger was not responsible for wartime
      atrocities but was a key player in the break-up of the Rote Kapelle, a
      Russian spy ring considered to be of great value to Gehlen.
      If retired Lt. Colonel Hermann Baun had thought to damage his nemesis
      Gehlen, he was in error. His lengthy and detailed report only made Gehlen
      more popular with the US intelligence agency that ran him and, through
      them, with the US-controlled puppet government of West Germany—a
      government that did exactly what it was told and clicked its heels
       together while doing it.
      What did the CIA and those in the more elevated US positions of command
      know about the flawed membership of their prize German possession? Was the
      quickly suppressed Baun report the only indicator that had surfaced
      between 1948 and 1956? If there was any substantive material on this
      subject, it certainly would never be made available to anyone and would,
       undoubtedly, be sequestered in some remote place in Arizona or perhaps
      even somewhere on the grounds of an academic institution closer to hand.
      Correspondence and conversations with colonel James Critchfield, once the
      CIA overseer of the Gehlen organization during its tenure as an American
      agency, has shed considerable light on the subject.
      Critchfield initially acknowledged awareness of the use by the CIA-run
      Gehlen agency of a number of the individuals encountered earlier in this
      chapter. However, the Colonel, now living in comfortable retirement in
      Williamsburg, Virginia, stated that aside from Dr. Six, he had no
      knowledge of any of the allegations of war crimes against his former
      employees, which he termed “outrageous.” He stated finally that Krichbaum,
       whom he had earlier claimed to have played a “very important role in our
       history” was certainly not a member of the SS, not Müller’s Deputy Chief
      of the Gestapo, not involved with the deportation and deaths of the
      Hungarian Jews, and could never have shot Raoul Wallenberg. The membership
      of Krichbaum in the SS, his rank, and his position inside the Gestapo
      organization is absolutely beyond doubt. All of Willi Krichbaum’s official
      history, as that of the others included in this study is presently
      available for public inspection in the US National Archives records in
      Also beyond doubt is the participation of a significant number of unsavory
      individuals in the CIA-controlled Gehlen organization and no question
      whatsoever as to the atrocities they committed while members of the SD and
      From 1945 on, the US had control of the Berlin Document Center, which was
      the repository for all SS, Gestapo and SD personnel files. US
      investigators were required to check the backgrounds of all potential
      German employees against their records. In addition, CROWCASS (Central
      Registry of War Crimes and Security Suspects) files contained the names of
      suspected or wanted war criminals. The CROWCASS information was widely
      circulated to American agencies, including the CIA, which were in a
       position to hire or come into contact with such people. These files,
      which contained a great deal of potentially damaging information on German
      nationals, were turned over to Gehlen in 1948, no doubt to assist his
      recruitment drives.
      When pressed, Colonel Critchfield acknowledged the existence of the
      background and personal history files and dossiers but averred that the
      investigation of his employees had been a matter for the Central Registry
      of the CIC. When asked if he had ever been advised by this agency that
      many of his senior functionaries were on the wanted lists, Critchfield
      gave no response.
      Intelligence agencies have a tendency to place former military personnel
      in positions of responsibility precisely because they are trained to obey,
      without questioning, orders from superiors. 
      A very significant number of the German nationals belonging to the
      CIA-controlled Gehlen Organization have been discovered to have belonged
      to either the Gestapo or the RSHA, the  Reichssicheitshauptamt. This was
      the blanket organization for all German State and Party intelligence and
      counterintelligence agencies.
      The fact that an individual was assigned to the RSHA does not mean that
      they were involved in anything more sinister than clerical work in an
      office. But included in this list are a number of individuals whose
      wartime record indicates their activities were of a criminal nature and
      their inclusion in any U.S. sponsored and controlled agency has no
       justification whatsoever.
      The American members of this group (the Gehlen Organization was entirely
      controlled by the U.S. CIA from 1948 through 1956) will be included in a
      subsequent study. The listing here of some, and it must be emphasized that
      this treatment covers only the most serious offenders, is alphabetical and
      not by rank.
      Many, including Heinrich Müller, head of the Gestapo, initially worked for
      Swiss intelligence as a Soviet expert and was taken over by the CIA’s
      Gehlen organization in 1948 and subsequently sent to Washington where he
      ran a department on Soviet espionage organizations. 
      SS-Sturmbannführer Emil Augsberg, SS No. 307 925. Born May 1, 1905.
      Subject was a member of the RSHA, the adjutant to SS-Gruppen­führer
      Globocnik who was SS and Police Leader in the Polish district of Lublin.
      He was the head of the concentration camps of Treblinka and Belzec.
      Augsburg later was a member of the Wannsee Institute in Berlin where he
      was a specialist in Polish problems. He ended the war on the personal
      staff of Heinrich Himmler.
      SS-Obersturmbannführer Dr. Fritz Baader, SS No. 278 278. Born April 9,
      1909. Dr. Baader was on the staff of the Senior SS and Police Leader in
      SS-Sturmbannführer Otto Barnewald, SS No. 6 469. Born January 10, 1896.
      Subject was on the staff of the Concentration Camp, Buchenwald.
      SS-Sturmbannführer Ernst Biberstein, SS No. 272 692. Born February 15,
      1899. Biberstein was a member of the RSHA. He also commanded
      Einsatzkommando 6 of Einsatzgruppe C. The  Einsatzgruppen were composed of
      RSHA personnel and operated behind the front lines in warfare against
      partisans. The activities of these groups often far exceeded their briefs
      and many of them were responsible for dreadful atrocities against
      partisans, civilians and Jews. Biberstein’s activities were such as to
       secure a death sentence by an Allied court after the war, a sentence that
      was commuted in 1951, permitting him to work for the Gehlen organization. 
      SS-Sturmbannführer Ludwig Boehme, SS No.249 802. Born August 21, 1898.
      Subject was on the staff of the Concentration Camp at Ausch­witz.
      SS-Brigadeführer Christoph Diehm, SS No.28 461. Born March 1, 1892. Diehm
      was chief of staff of the Kaminiski Brigade. This unit was commanded by a
      Russian named Kaminiski and was involved in fighting partisans on the East
      Front. The unit took part in the fighting in Warsaw in 1944 where its
      behavior was so brutal that it was ordered disbanded and its leader shot.
      SS-Sturmbannführer Karl Döring, SS No 67 310. Born February 5, 1903.
      Subject was on the staff of the Concentration Camp at Dachau. He was later
      the postwar West German Ambassador to the Cameroons.
      SS-Sturmbannführer Dr.Max Eberl, SS No. 680 352, Born December 26,1892.
      Dr. Eberl was a member of the RSHA and was involved with euthanasia at
      Treblinka Concentration Camp under Globocnik.
      SS-Standartenführer Hans Eichele, SS No. 21 640. Born May 1, 1901. Eichele
      was Standortkommandat at the Concentration Camp, Dachau
      SS-Gruppenführer  Odilio Globocnik, SS No, 292 776. Born April21, 1904.
      Globocnik was Senior SS and Police Leader of the Adriatic Coastal area and
      previous, the SS and Police Leader, Lublin. He also ran the Lublin
       concentrations camps, Treblinka and Sobribor.
      SS-Sturmbannführer  Walter Huppenkoethen, SS No.126 785. Born December 31,
      1907. Huppenkoethen was a member of the RSHA and Commanding Officer of the
      SD & Police in Lublin and Cracow (Poland). He was tried after the war for
       his activities.
      SS-Obersturmbannführer Dr. Erich Isselhorst, SS No.267 313. Born February
      5, 1906. Subject was Commander of the Police and SD at Strassburg and also
      Inspector of the SD, Stuttgart . He was also Commanding Officer of
      Einsatzkommando 8 of Einsatzgruppe A. 
      SS-Gruppenführerr  Heinrich Müller, SS No. 107 043. Born April 29, 1900.
      Müller was head of the RSHA Amt IV (Gestapo) from 1935-1945. 
      SS-Obersturmbannführer Oswald Poche, SS No. 267 316. Born January 28,
      1908. Poche was commanding officer of the Security Police and SD, Tromsö,
      SS-Obersturmbannführer Albert Rapp, SS No.280 341. Born November 16, 1908.
      Subject was Inspector, Security Police and SD, Braunschwieg and commanding
      officer of Einsatzkommando 7, Einsatzgruppe B.
      SS-Standartenführer Walter Rauff, SS No. 290 947. Born June 19, 1906.
      Rauff was a member of RSHA and with Senior SS and Police Commander, Italy
      (Karl Wolff). Rauff was responsible for the construction of the gas vans
      and eventually had to move to South America to avoid prosecution.
      SS-Oberführer  Dr. Franz Six, SS No.107 480. Born August 12, 1909. Dr. Six
      was a member of RSHA, and Commanding Officer of Einzatzgruppe Vorkommando
      Moscow. Six was an early member of the Gehlen Organization, but was
      finally arrested and tried for his activities in 1948. He was sentenced to
       life in prison, but released in 1951. Six worked for Porsche and Gehlen
      after his release.
      SS-Standartenführer Eugen Steimle, SS No. 272 575. Born December 8, 1909.
      Subject was a member of RSHA and commanding officer of Einsatzgruppen B
      and later C. He was subsequently convicted by an Allied court and
      sentenced to a long term in prison, but released in 1951.
      SS-Sturmbannführer  Alois Thaler, SS No.347 142. Born November 28, 1909.
      Subject was a member of RSHA and was Senior SS & Police Commander, Italy.
      SS-Obersturmbannführer Dr. Ernst Weimann, SS No. 263 985. Born August 5,
      1906. Commanding officer, Security Police & SD, Bergen, Norway
      SS-Sturmbannführer Kurt Weisse, SS. No. 563 159. Born October 11, 1909.
      Subject was a member of SS Regiment Dirlewanger. Oscar Dirlewanger was a
      convicted child molester and friend of Himmler. His unit was made up of
      paroled convicts and used to fight the partisans. Like the Kaminiski unit,
      their record was so appalling that they were withdrawn from combat by
      Hitler’s order. Dirlewanger vanished at the end of the war
      SS-Sturmbannführer  Eugen Wenner, SS No. 200 581. Born November 15, 1912.
      Wenner was a member of RSHA and was with the Senior SS and Police
       Commander, Italy.
      SS-Obersturmbannführer Wilhelm Wiebens, SS No.16 617. Born March 17, 1906.
      Subject was a member of RSHA and Commanding Officer of Einzatzkommando 9
      under Einsatzgruppe B. 
      These names represent only a small percentage (less than 4%) of the names
      found on a listing of all personnel of the Gehlen Organization from 1945
      onwards. These are only the names of higher ranking officers in the SS/SD
      and Police. The names of many lower rank SS/SD and Police members are
      still being verified as of this writing, but the names of thousands of
      Croatians, Slovenes, Balts and Russians are impossible to locate in
       existing files so they are excluded from this study.
      The international uproar attendant upon the discovery that Klaus Barbie
      was gainfully employed by the U.S. CIC after the war, even after it became
      well known that Barbie was wanted for his Gestapo activities in Lyon,
      France, would pale to insignificance when the full impact of the Gehlen
      Organization’s complete list becomes a matter of public record.
      The Gehlen group was controlled completely by the U.S. Army from 1945
      until 1948. It was then taken over and controlled directly by the Central
      Intelligence Agency under the command of Colonel James Critchfield until
      1955-56, when the group was taken over by the Federal Government of
      Germany and renamed the Bundes­nachrichtendienst (BND) or State
      Intelligence Service.
      Reproduced from:
      Revised: July 18, 2010

(Label Kolonialgeschichte hinzugefuegt wegen Nachkriegseinsatz von SS-Sturmbannführer Karl Döring als Botschafter in Kamerun)


Nazi War Criminals, U.S.Intelligence, and the Cold War
Richard Breitman and Norman J.W. Goda
Published by the National Archives

CHAPTER ONE | New Information on Major Nazi Figures
CHAPTER TWO | Nazis and the Middle East
CHAPTER THREE | New Materials on Former Gestapo Officers
CHAPTER FOUR | The CIC and Right-Wing Shadow Politics
CHAPTER FIVE | Collaborators: Allied Intelligence and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists

[…] Under the direction of the National Archives the Interagency Working Group [IWG] opened to research over 8 million of pages of records - including recent 21st century documentation. Of particular importance to this volume are many declassified intelligence records from the Central Intelligence Agency and the Army Intelligence Command, which were not fully processed and available at the time that the IWG issued its Final Report in 2007.
As a consequence, Congress [in HR 110-920] charged the National Archives in 2009 to prepare an additional historical volume as a companion piece to its 2005 volume U. S. Intelligence and the Nazis. Professors Richard Breitman and Norman J. W. Goda note in Hitler’s Shadow that these CIA & Army records produced new “evidence of war crimes and about wartime activities of war criminals; postwar documents on the search for war criminals; documents about the escape of war criminals; documents about the Allied protection or use of war criminals; and documents about the postwar activities of war criminals”.
This volume of essays points to the significant impact that flowed from Congress and the Executive Branch agencies in adopting a broader and fuller release of previously security classified war crimes documentation. Details about records processed by the IWG and released by the National Archives are more fully described on our website .

William Cunliffe, Office of Records Services,
National Archives and Records Administration


Stoff fuer ein bisschen Geschichtsrevisionismus

Aus dem Vorwort zu
Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group
Final Report to the United States Congress
Published April 2007 
"As researchers pore over this extraordinary collection
of important and interesting documents, will they
rewrite the history of World War II, the Holocaust, or
the Cold War? Probably not. But as the IWG historians

have already shown in U.S. Intelligence and the
Nazis, the details of major and lesser-known events
will now be far richer
and as nuances of these events
comes to light, historians will reinterpret and revise
our previously accepted narratives."

Steven Garfinkel

Acting Chair, January 2001–September 2006
Washington, April 2007

(Die Waldheim Akten, zum Beispiel, sollen dem Bericht zufolge aber noch eine Weile unter Verschluss bleiben ....)


Nachkriegskarrieren von Alt-Nazis
(hier: als Militaerexperten und -berater)

Die "Paladingruppe" wurde 1970 von dem ehemaligen SS-Offizier Otto Skorzeny und dem ehemaligen Offizier der US Army James Sanders gegruendet.

"The Paladin Group was created in 1970 in Albufera, near Alicante, in the South of Spain by former SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny and former US Colonel James Sanders"

Aus dem Gedaechtnis (Quellen heraussuchen):

Der zuegig verurteilte und hingerichtete Terrorist von Oklahoma, US Army Veteran Timothy Mc Veigh, war mit z.T. gleichen Methoden ausgebildet worden wie Angehoerige der SS: Abtrainieren der Toetungshemmung durch Anweisung zum Toeten eines Kaninchens, das zuvor von dem Betreffenden aufgezogen und am Koerper gewaermt und herumgetragen worden war.

Grossmann hat die Risiken des Abtrainierens der Toetungshemmung bei Rueckkehr ehemaliger Soldaten in das Zivilleben thematisiert. 

On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society is a book by Lt.Col. Dave Grossman exploring the psychology of the act of killing and the military and law enforcement establishments' attempt to understand and deal with the consequences of killing.


Von der Webseite „Braunzone Bundeswehr???“
(„Informationen ueber rechte Tendenzen in und um die Truppe“)
SS-Traditionsverband trifft sich Anfang November
7. Oktober 2010

Der Informationsdienst „Blick nach Rechts“ berichtet:
Bad Zwischenahn – Das 1967 gegründete „Kameradenwerk Korps Steiner e.V.“, die „Truppenkameradschaft der europäischen Freiwilligen in der Waffen-​SS ‚III. Panzerkorps’“, will vom 4. bis 7. November sein diesjähriges Herbsttreffen durchführen.
Namensgeber des „Kameradenwerks“ ist der SS-​Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-​SS, Felix Steiner. Steiner wurde im März 1943 zum Kommandierenden General des III. germanischen SS-​Panzerkorps ernannt. Deren bekannteste Schlacht zog sich von Beginn 1944 bis zu ihrer Niederlage und dem folgenden Rückzug im Juli 1944 an der estnischen Stadt Narwa hin.
Zuletzt fand im Juli das Jahrestreffen des „Kameradenwerkes“ in der Rhön statt. Zugegen waren auch Kameraden aus Schweden, Finnland, Belgien, Niederlande und Österreich. Am Ende des Jahrestreffens wurde das einstige SS-​Treuelied „Wenn alle untreu werden“ geschmettert.


Belastete Eliten
aus "Zeitgeist online"
Kontroverse Behauptungen. Der Text auf der Webseite  hat z.T. einen tendenzioesen Ton, Inhalte ueberpruefen.
Einsatz von Gehlen und einer ganzen Reihe weiterer Ex-Nazis in US-Diensten ist belegt; ebenso das Wirken der Aktion Paperclip.
ie Sache mit der angeblichen Verlesung der Namen der Verschwoerer des 20. Juli im BBC, noch ehe sie dem Nazi-Regime bekannt waren war mir bisher nicht bekannt, wuerde aber zu oeffentlichen Reaktionen auf das Attentat in der britischen und US amerikanischen Presse passen. Ich werde der Quellenangabe nachgehen.  
Belastete Eliten, für die es keine unmittelbare Verwendung gab, wurden in Nürnberg beseitigt.

Belastete Eliten, deren Wissen man benötigte, wurden an den Nürnberger Prozessen vorbeigeschleust und in entsprechenden Positionen installiert: Bekanntestes Beispiel ist der Wehrmacht-General Reinhard Gehlen, Leiter der Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost (FHO) im deutschen Generalstabs, der die „Organisation Gehlen“, also der Vorläuferorganisation der BND aufbaute, dessen Präsident er später auch wurde. Sein Wissen über Russland war gefragt.

Zu erinnern ist in diesem Zusammenhang auch an die Aktion „Paperclip“, die massenhaft deutsche Patente aber auch deutsche Wissenschaftler (insgesamt 2000 Familien) in die USA verbrachte, ohne Berücksichtigung einer möglichen NS-Verstrickung. (Wernher v. Braun, der Vater des US-Raumfahrtprogramms, der in der Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde für den Einsatz von KZ-Häftlingen verantwortlich war, ist ein weiterer bekannter Fall).

Oppositionelle deutsche Eliten, die gegen Hitler eingestellt waren, wurden keineswegs automatisch geschätzt. Ihre Vorstellung von einer deutschen Zukunft war den alliierten Plänen hinderlich. Diese Zusammenhänge finden sich in der Studie des Münchner Historikers Wolfgang Eggert „Die Welt ist nicht genug, Stauffenbergs Scheitern im Spiegel der angloamerikanischen Geopolitik“. Eggert weist nach, dass eine gegen Hitler gerichtete deutsche „Gegenelite“ nicht den geopolitischen Kriegsinteressen der Angloamerikaner und Briten entsprach, welche ein zu frühes Ende des Kriegs durch einen Putsch in Deutschland fürchteten. Der „Machiavellismus“ ging sogar so weit, die Verschwörer des 20. Juli, die von den Nazis noch nicht aufgedeckt worden waren, in der BBC namentlich verlesen zu lassen, d. h. sie zu denunzieren und damit ihrem Untergang zu weihen.)


Noch zur Murphy Ranch (2014)

Travel Channel's show Off Limits just visited the site and poked around inside the remaining structures (video down below). The LA Times dug into the Murphy Ranch story in 1990 and again in 2005, and the gist is that in the 1930s a wealthy couple named Norman and Winona Stephens--an engineer with silver mining interests and "the daughter of a wealthy industrialist"--were Nazi sympathizers under the sway of a supposedly supernatural German named Herr Schmidt. He convinced them to finance a "command center" in Rustic Canyon, where Nazis in the US could hide out until it was time for them to start running things.
Enough infrastructure for a small town.>>>
The Stephenses spent about $4 million "to build an infrastructure that would be enough for a small town," including concrete staircases, terracing, sprinklers, orchards, a water tank, a fuel tank, and a power station. There were also plans for a four-story mansion, designed first by Welton Becket, and later by Paul R. Williams. Williams' blueprints included 22 bedrooms, five libraries, and multiple dining rooms. Local historian Randy Young, who's been the source for most of the stories about the compound, told Off Limits that the extant wrought iron gate was also designed by Williams, according to the Huffington Post.

Die Sache mit dem mysterioesen "Herrn Schmidt" ist schon etwas seltsam. Es muesste doch moeglich sein, festzustellen, wer dieser angebliche Herr Schmidt gewesen ist. Da scheint das historische Aufklaerungsinteresse nicht sehr gross zu sein.