Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013

Seltsame Heldenverehrung

Ein Opfer seiner “Hilfsbereitschaft” sei er geworden – schreibt sogar die Frankfurter Rundschau ueber den getoeteten “Sniper” Chris Kyle.

Einem Kriegs-Veteranen mit post-traumatischem Belastungssyndrom habe er helfen wollen, indem er ihn mit auf den Schiessplatz nahm, den "Rough Creek Lodge" in Texas. Doch statt dankbar zu sein, erschoss der durchgeknallte Ex-Soldat den hochdekorierten Kriegshelden und dessen Nachbarn, der ebenfalls mitgekommen war.

Die Kondolenz-Webseite der “FITCO CARES Foundation” quillt ueber vor Verehrung des Helden – in Toenen, die, ins Deutsche uebersetzt, 70 Jahre alt klingen.

Aus dem Kontext laesst sich schliessen, dass die “Hilfe” fuer einen Veteranen mit post-traumatischem Belastungssyndrom nicht privater Natur war, sondern Teil des Konzepts der Stiftung; gefoerdert mit Spenden und allem Anschein nach auch mit Regierungsmitteln.

Und der Schiessplatz?
Eine Location fuer Trainingskurse von Kyles “Sicherheits"-Firma “Craft International”.
Fuer einen Zivilisten-Schiesskurs am 1.-3. Maerz 2013, “Rough Creek Shoot Out”, kann man sich fuer 2950 Dollar pro Person noch registrieren. Cache - Diese Seite übersetzenTeilen
Auf Google+ geteilt Beitrag ansehen
Come join Chris Kyle- Former Navy SEAL and author of American Sniper, and the CRAFT ... Chris Kyle American Sniper teaching ... Rough Creek Lodge map ...

Eingang zur "Rough Creek Lodge"

 Ach ja, Kappen, T-Shirts und andere Fanprodukte mit dem Totenkopf-Symbol von Craft International kann man auf der Webseite auch bestellen. Super-Ersatz fuer das SS-Totenkopfsymbol, mit dem sich Neonazis nur Aerger einhandeln. Mit dem Craft International Symbol stehen sie auf der richtigen Seite und koennen am Glanz des Helden teilhaben.

Siehe auch auf diesem Blog "McKiernan und das SS Zitat"

Aus dem Schweizer "Tagesanzeiger"

Der kaputte Killer
Von Thomas Widmer. Aktualisiert am 10.10.2012

"... In der irakischen Stadt Ramadi wimmelt es 2004 von Aufständischen. Chris Kyle, Scharfschütze der US-Elitetruppe Navy Seals, verschanzt sich in einem Hochhaus, richtet sein Gewehr, wartet. Das Gelände vor ihm ist unübersichtlich, der Euphrat gesprenkelt mit baum- und schilfbestandenen Inselchen. Kyle späht durch sein Zielfernrohr.
Am gegenüberliegenden Ufer macht er 16 Bewaffnete in Körperpanzern aus. Tunesische Jihad-Kämpfer, die über den Fluss setzen wollen, um Amerikaner zu töten. Sie haben vier aufblasbare Schwimmbälle dabei. Kyle wartet, bis die Tunesier mitten im Fluss sind. Dann feuert er auf den einen Ball, der platzt. Die Tunesier paddeln verzweifelt, kämpfen um die verbleibenden drei Bälle. Kyle feuert. Noch zwei Bälle. Kyle feuert. Noch ein Ball. Kyle feuert. Er und seine Mitsoldaten weiden sich an der Panik im Wasser. Dann erschiessen sie die Tunesier, die noch nicht ertrunken sind.
Töten als Genuss
«Shaitan Ramadi», Teufel von Ramadi, hiess Kyle bei den Aufständischen im Irak. Amerika hingegen feierte ihn als den Scharfschützen in der US-Militärgeschichte mit den meisten offiziell bestätigten Tötungen. 160 sind es; dazu kommen gut 100 unbeglaubigte. Und all das will Kyle genossen haben: Seine Memoiren, jetzt auf Deutsch greifbar, sind durchtränkt von Sadismus.
Ebenfalls in Ramadi sichtet Kyle zwei junge Männer auf einem Moped. Der hintere nimmt etwas aus dem Rucksack. Eine Bombenfalle. Kyle schreit seinen Leuten zu: «Hey, schaut mal ...!» Er lässt die Männer noch etwas weiterfahren. Dann schiesst er. Die Kugel tötet gleich beide Bombenleger. Kyle frohlockt: «Da hat der Steuerzahler für seinen Dollar einen anständigen Knall gekriegt.» ..."


"Das Opfer seiner Hilfsbereitschaft" - bereitwillig wird die Agenturmeldung uebernommen, und einer schreibt's vom anderen ab ....

Die Google-Suche nach "News" zu der Kombination "Chris Kyle" UND "Hilfsbereitschaft ergibt am 5.2.2013 immerhin 815 Treffer: "Frankfurter Rundschau", "Thueringer Allgemeine", "Blick", "Stern", und und und ....

"chris kyle" hilfsbereitschaft - Google-Suche(function(){
Ungefähr 850 Ergebnisse (0,29 Sekunden)

  News zu "chris kyle" hilfsbereitschaft

    "American Sniper" Chris Kyle     
    Frankfurter Rundschau ‎- vor 1 Tag
    Der vielleicht erfolgreichste US-Scharfschütze wird Opfer seiner
    Hilfsbereitschaft: Chris Kyle wird auf einem Schießstand erschossen ...

  "American Sniper" wohl Opfer seiner Hilfsbereitschaft | Thüringer ...
  vor 2 Tagen – ... den berühmten Scharfschützen der Eliteeinheit Navy Seals,
  Chris Kyle, und dessen ... "American Sniper" wohl Opfer seiner
  Hilfsbereitschaft ...

  Tödlichster US-Scharfschütze erschossen: Sein Kollege wollte nur ...
Chris Kyle (38) war der tödlichste Scharfschütze der Armee.
  Seine Hilfsbereitschaft wurde ihm jetzt zum Verhängnis.

  "American Sniper" wohl Opfer seiner Hilfsbereitschaft | STERN.DE
  vor 2 Tagen – ... den berühmten Scharfschützen der Eliteeinheit Navy Seals,
  Chris Kyle, und dessen. ... "American Sniper" wohl Opfer seiner
  Hilfsbereitschaft ...


Nachkriegskarrieren von Alt-Nazis
(hier: als Militaerexperten und -berater)

Die "Paladingruppe" wurde 1970 von dem ehemaligen SS-Offizier Otto Skorzeny und dem ehemaligen Offizier der US Army James Sanders gegruendet.
 "The Paladin Group was created in 1970 in Albufera, near Alicante, in the South of Spain by former SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny and former US Colonel James Sanders"

Aus dem Gedaechtnis (Quellen heraussuchen):

Der zuegig verurteilte und hingerichtete Terrorist von Oklahoma, US Army Veteran Timothy Mc Veigh, war mit z.T. gleichen Methoden ausgebildet worden wie Angehoerige der SS: Abtrainieren der Toetungshemmung durch Anweisung zum Toeten eines Kaninchens, das zuvor von dem Betreffenden aufgezogen und am Koerper gewaermt und herumgetragen worden war.

Grossmann hat die Risiken des Abtrainierens der Toetungshemmung bei Rueckkehr ehemaliger Soldaten in das Zivilleben thematisiert. 


Unbestaetigten Berichten zufolge, so ist auf der Webseite der US Navy zu lesen, benutzen Mitglieder krimineller Gangs und von Extremistengruppen das Militaer, um dort Kampf- und Waffentraining zu erhalten.


Mit dem Phaenomen, dass immer mehr Mitglieder krimineller Gangs ueber eine militaerische Ausbildung verfuegen wuerden, wirbt auch die von Kyle gegruendete Firma "Craft International" auf ihrer Webseite. Um Gesetzeshueter und Privatleute fuer die Abwehr militaerisch ausgebildeter Gangster auszubilden, braucht man, klar, militaerisch ausgebildete Helfer und Trainer.


Filme ueber das Soldatenleben, teils satirisch
(z.B. "Piefke, der Schrecken der Kompanie" mit Harald Juhnke),desc&start=101


Ernest Hemingway,
fragwürdiger Held der Klassenzimmer im Englischunterricht

Aus einem Leserkommentar in der FAZ vom 29.7.2011

In Ihrer Berichterstattung zum Tod des Schriftstellers Ernest Hemingway vor fünfzig Jahren stellen Sie richtigerweise neben der literarischen Würdigung und Kritik des Autors seine moralische Umstrittenheit heraus (F.A.Z. vom 2. Juli). Weitgehend unbekannt ist dabei aber, dass Hemingway nach allen Regeln des Kriegsvölkerrechts ein Mörder war, der nach eigenen Angaben im Zweiten Weltkrieg "122 Krauts" eigenhändig getötet hat. Und dies, obwohl er 1944 an der Westfront als Reporter für den "War Correspondent" und nicht etwa als Soldat oder Combattant eingesetzt war. Einige dieser Mordtaten an deutschen Kriegsgefangenen schildert er in seinen Briefen ("Selected Letters" 1917-1961, Hrsg. Carlos Baker, Charles Scribner's Sons. New York 1981), deren Veröffentlichung er allerdings testamentarisch streng verboten hatte.
So hatte ihn ein gefangener, waffenloser von ihm bedrohter deutscher Soldat auf die Genfer Konvention hingewiesen; darauf Hemingway: "Was für einen Fehler hast du gemacht, Bruder, sagte ich ihm und schoss ihm dreimal schnell in den Bauch. Dann, als er in die Knie ging, schoss ich ihm in die Birne, so dass das Gehirn aus dem Mund kam oder ich glaube es war die Nase." In einem anderen Brief (Seite 697 ff.): ". . . der Letzte war ein Soldat . . . der auf einem Fahrrad auf der Straße nach Aachen flüchtete. Ich sagte: ,Lass mich den nehmen' und erschoss ihn mit meiner Mpi. Als sie den Deutschen fanden, war es ein Junge, etwa so alt wie mein Sohn Patrick zu der Zeit. Ich hatte ihm durch das Rückgrat geschossen und die Kugel war durch die Leber herausgekommen." Es gibt noch andere Beispiele. […]



Nimbus des Soldatischen
"Meine Ehre heisst Treue" (Wahlspruch der SS)
Geschichte der Menschheit als ein Ablauf von Rassenkaempfen

47 Kommentare:

  1. Über den Hass – eine andere christliche Perspektive: “Wir werden, was wir hassen” (“we become what we hate”)
    Quelle: Priest Helpline (aus Zeitgründen ohne Übersetzung)

    The secular, pagan world’s way of dealing with victimization and the suffering of injustice and mistreatment, is justice, and if it cannot be gotten through legitimate means, illegitimate, vigilante means work just as well. And if we, as Christian healers are not careful and discerning, we, too, can easily become infected with this contagion. The hope for deep levels of healing to the wounded souls of broken hearted and heavy laden people cannot be found in justice or vengeance, no matter how justifiable and understandable, but in forgiveness and reconciliation. This naturally triggers feelings of frustration and protest because it runs counter to the way we naturally think. Walter Wink, in his book entitled ENGAGING THE POWERS, agrees with me here. He wrote –
    “As long as the struggle for justice is our sole concern, ironically, we will be unable to renounce violence, because violence sometimes does prove successful in achieving short-term goals.”
    In Matthew 5:39a Jesus said “Do not return evil for evil” which is better rendered “Do not mirror evil.” Perhaps the reason is simply that we become what we hate. Hatred draws us toward the object we hate. Since hatred is usually a direct response to someone else’s unjust mistreatment of us, we are invariably driven to respond with the same kind of violence toward the perpetrator as was acted out toward us. In other words, we are fighting back on his terms, and without knowing it, we become like the very thing we react to. […]
    Wink goes on to say
    In The Devil’s Share, Denis de Rougemont articulated a penetrating warning even before the Nazis had been defeated. We Americans want to believe, he wrote, that the Nazi’s are animals of an altogether different race from our selves. We run the risk of discovering one day, that after all, they are people just like us. And it is quite true, he says; they are like us in the sense that their sin is also secretly in us.
    This is why we say today to the worthy Democrats: “Look at the Devil who is among us! Stop believing that he can only resemble Hitler or his emulators [Saddam Hussein; Osama Bin Ladin, etc…], for it is yourselves whom he resembles the most! It is in yourselves only that you will catch him in the act. And then only will you be in a position to unmask him in others, and to fight him successfully. For then only will you be cured of your unbelievable naivete …

    International Priest Helpline - Guest Article
    The Impact of Intense Evil and Long Term Mistreatment Upon the Soul of Victims Perpetrators & Healers Pt 1

    By Dr F Peter Bertolero

  2. "Skorzeny hid out at a farm in Bavaria which had been rented by Countess Ilse Lüthje, the niece of Hjalmar Schacht (Hitler's former finance minister), for around 18 months, during which time he was in contact with Reinhard Gehlen, and together with Hartmann Lauterbacher (former deputy head of the Hitler Youth) recruited for the Gehlen Organization."

    1. "Skorzeny was photographed at a café on the Champs Elysées in Paris on 13 February 1950, and the photo appeared in the French press the next day, causing him to retreat to Salzburg, where he met up with German veterans and also filed for divorce so that he could marry Ilse Lüthje. Shortly afterwards, with the help of a Nansen passport issued by the Spanish government, he moved to Madrid, where he set up a small engineering business.
      Skorzeny had also been spending time in Egypt. In 1952 the country had been taken over by General Mohammed Naguib. Skorzeny was sent to Egypt the following year by former General Reinhard Gehlen, who was now working for the CIA, to act as Naguib's military advisor. Skorzeny recruited a staff made up of former SS officers to train the Egyptian army. Among these officers were SS General Wilhelm Farmbacher, Panzer General Oskar Munzel, Leopold Gleim, head of the Gestapo Department for Jewish Affairs in Poland, and Joachim Daemling, former chief of the Gestapo in Düsseldorf joined Skorzeny in Egypt. In addition to training the army, Skorzeny also trained Arab volunteers in commando tactics for possible use against British troops stationed in the Suez Canal zone. Several Palestinian refugees also received commando training, and Skorzeny planned their initial strikes into Israel via the Gaza Strip in 1953-1954. One of these Palestinians was Yasser Arafat.
      Using the cover names of Robert Steinbacher and Otto Steinbauer, and supported by either Nazi funds (or according to some sources Austrian Intelligence), he set up a secret organization named Die Spinne which helped as many as 600 former SS men escape from Germany to Spain, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, and other countries. As the years went by, Skorzeny, Gehlen, and their network of collaborators gained enormous influence in Europe and Latin America, Skorzeny travelling between Franquist Spain and Argentina, where he acted as an advisor to President Juan Perón, his aim to foster the growth of a fascist "Fourth Reich" centered in Latin America.
      Skorzeny also acted as an advisor to the leadership of the Spanish neo-Nazi group CEDADE, which had been established in 1966, and which counted him as one of its founding fathers."

    2. Soldier of Fortune Magazine
      Guide to Super Snipers
      edited by Robert K. Brown, Vann Spencer

      My History
      Books on Google Play

      (Skorzeny is "honored" in this book as one of the super snipers presented there)

    3. For many years Skorzeny lived in Argentina and served as a bodyguard to Eva Peron, wife of the Argentine dictator Juan Peron. ...

      In July 1957 he traveled to Dublin where he was met with a gala reception by members of Parliament and celebrities. Following his warm welcome he purchased Martinstown House, the 160-acre farm estate in The Curragh, County Kildare.

      Kim Bielenberg, a Dublin-based journalist whose own grandfather, Fritz von der Schulenburg, was captured and tortured by Skorzeny due to his involvement in plot to kill Hitler, reflected on his Dublin welcome. He told the BBC, "He was feted by the Dublin social glitterati, including a young politician, Charles Haughey, who was later to become Ireland's most controversial prime minister."

      "According to the Evening Press account, 'the ballroom was packed with representatives of various societies, professional men and, of course, several TDs [parliamentary representatives]'.”

      Bielenberg believes this warm reception prompted the Nazi war criminal to buy the Kildare estate. ...

  3. Jesse Ventura Won't See 'American Sniper'; Says Chris Kyle Is No Hero
    Associated Press

    MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — American Sniper is tops at the box office but don’t expect to see former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura lining up at a theater for it.
    ‎January‎ ‎29‎, ‎2015
    By Steve Karnowsk

    Ventura, a former Navy SEAL, won $1.8 million in a defamation lawsuit last year against the estate of the late Chris Kyle, the SEAL protagonist of the movie, which has sparked debate over whether snipers should be considered heroes. Ventura said Wednesday he won’t see the film partly because Kyle is no hero to him.

    "A hero must be honorable, must have honor. And you can’t have honor if you’re a liar. There is no honor in lying," Ventura told The Associated Press from his winter home in Baja California, Mexico. He also noted that the movie isn’t playing there.

    Ventura, a former Navy SEAL, won $1.8 million in a defamation lawsuit last year against the estate of the late Chris Kyle, the SEAL protagonist of the movie, which has sparked debate over whether snipers should be considered heroes. Ventura said Wednesday he won’t see the film partly because Kyle is no hero to him.

    "A hero must be honorable, must have honor. And you can’t have honor if you’re a liar. There is no honor in lying," Ventura told The Associated Press from his winter home in Baja California, Mexico. He also noted that the movie isn’t playing there.

    Ventura also dismissed the movie as propaganda because it conveys the false idea that Iraq had something to do with the 9/11 attacks. “It’s as authentic as Dirty Harry,” he said, referring to fictional movie series starring Clint Eastwood, the director of American Sniper.

    Ventura testified Kyle fabricated a subchapter in his American Sniper book in which Kyle claimed he punched out a man, whom he later identified as Ventura, at a California bar in 2006 for allegedly saying the SEALs “deserve to lose a few” in Iraq. Ventura said it never happened.

    The jury gave Ventura the legal vindication he craved. Publisher HarperCollins removed the passage from the best-seller, and it gets no mention in the movie. Kyle’s estate has appealed. Ventura’s separate lawsuit against HarperCollins remains pending. ...

  4. American Sniper Chris Kyle's killer Eddie Ray Routh found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison

    David Usborne
    25 February 2015

    After deliberations in a courthouse in Stephenville, Texas, that lasted barely two hours, a jury of ten women and two men found Eddie Ray Routh, a mentally disturbed former US Marine, guilty of capital murder in the death of Chris Kyle, known as the American Sniper, and a friend just over two years ago.

    The unanimous verdict came at the end of a two-week trial that was far from ordinary as jurors heard testimony in a case that has gripped the American imagination because of the both the status of Mr Kyle, to millions of Americans, as a hero for his record as a US Navy Seal sniper during the Iraq War, and the publicity surrounding his autobiography and its subsequent blockbuster film adaptation, American Sniper. [...]

    From the start, the defence was struggling against the extraordinary notoriety of the case and the inevitable influence that that was going to have on members of the jury, however carefully they were vetted and chosen. The book written by Mr Kyle about his four deployments to Iraq where his kill tally topped 160 or more – a record – called American Sniper remains on the best sellers list.

    More pervasive than the book in the public imagination, however, is the film of his story, also called American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Bradley Cooper as Mr Kyle which, since its release in January, has become one of the biggest grossing films of all time and certainly the biggest grossing war film. It won one Oscar last Sunday night.

    1. American Sniper didn't win big at the Oscars and some people can't handle it

      Posted 17 hours ago by Evan Bartlett in ents

      American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Bradley Cooper as US Navy Seal Chris Kyle, has grossed over $300m at the box office.

      While American Sniper won an Oscar for best sound editing, it did not win the Oscar for best film - and for some patriotic ‘Muricans, that just wasn’t enough.

      We’re looking at you, Sean Hannity: [...]

      We’re looking at you, Donald Trump: [...]

      How dare those gosh darn liberals at the Academy choose Birdman instead?! [...]

  5. Army weighs if ex-Green Beret hero should be dismissed.

    Associated Press
    May 16, 2015 10:49 AM

    RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — An Army officer stripped of a medal for heroism under fire and his right to call himself a Green Beret is fighting for his military career after accusations he tracked down and killed a suspected bomb-maker in Afghanistan.

    Though a criminal investigation failed to find remains of his alleged victim and didn't result in charges against Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, he's been targeted for possible dismissal from the Army and the consequent loss of veteran's benefits with a less-than-honorable discharge.

    A Fort Bragg hearing before three, higher-ranked Special Forces officers could meet later this month to weigh arguments from Golsteyn's attorney why he should remain on active duty.

    "My hope is that Golsteyn will receive a fair and impartial hearing. Based on the Army's actions and decisions thus far, I regret to say this won't be the case," one of the soldier's defenders, U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., wrote Wednesday to Army Secretary John McHugh. Army brass have kept Hunter updated on the case.

    Others believe the Army is obligated to act because the Geneva Conventions governing warfare forbid arbitrary killings by troops, said Jeffrey K. Walker, a St. John's University criminal law professor. ...

    1. Army Accused of Persecuting Jewish Officer
      Posted by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on February 5, 2015

      Captain Matthew Goldstyn stripped of medals in retaliation against Israel according to Rep. Duncan Hunter

      Posted by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on February 5, 2015

      Congressman Duncan Hunter, “flat earther” climate change denialist and extremist crank now claims the Obama administration is plotting against Jews in the military. Hunter, in response to the revocation of both a Silver Star and Distinguished Service Cross from Green Beret Captain Matthew Goldsteyn, accuses Obama of “retaliation” against Jews in the military as part of the president’s personal war on Israel.

      Goldsteyn, after a 3 year investigation by the Army, was stripped of his medals under veiled circumstances tied to the killing of what the Post called a “known enemy fighter.” Goldsteyn is not facing criminal charges though the army has not denied that a murder investigation is underway.

      Goldsteyn, a West Pointer,was awarded the medals for an episode in Afghanistan in 2010. Known conspiracy theorist Hunter’s response done in concerts with Jane Harmon’s “Daily Beast” website is quoted by the Post ...

      Let’s look again at how the Post has dressed this up:

      “Capt. Mathew L. Golsteyn was leading a Special Forces team in Afghanistan in 2010 when an 80-man mission he assembled to hunt insurgent snipers went awry. One of the unit’s five vehicles sank in mud, a gunshot incapacitated an Afghan soldier fighting alongside the Americans, and insurgents maneuvered on them to rake the soggy fields with machine-gun fire.”

      Did we get that right, “insurgents maneuvered on them to rake the soggy fields with machine-gun fire?” This is the kind of thing where “fragging” often takes place, or at least during Vietnam it did. What do they actually mean when they say the enemy “maneuvered” on them? Where were the other four vehicles? Who would have been stupid enough to take units across a swamp when the enemy has RPGs? ...

    2. Silver Star
      See more recipients of this award

      Awarded for actions during the Global War on Terror

      The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918 (amended by an act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain Matthew L. Golsteyn, United States Army, for gallantry in action on 20 February 2010 as Detachment Commander for Operational Detachment Alpha 3121 (ODA-3121, in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Captain Golsteyn repeatedly exposed himself to direct and accurate enemy fire during a four-hour engagement in which his calm demeanor, decisive actions and fearlessness in the face of the enemy ultimately led to the liberation of the citizens of Marjeh from an oppressive insurgent regime. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military heroism and reflect distinct credit upon himself, the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan, Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan, and the United States Army. ...

    3. (Engaged the enemy with his Carl Gustav ...)

      ... At least 30 high-explosive mortar rounds impacted the target as a direct result of Captain Golsteyn marking the target with the Carl Gustav and relaying adjustments over the radio to the hand held 60-millimeter mortar system crew. As Captain Golsteyn engaged the enemy with his Carl Gustav he was near simultaneously reaching for his push to talk switch on his radio to call in CAS. Predator Unmanned Aircraft System arrived on station, at which time Captain Golsteyn directed an AGM-114N Hellfire missile strike on the last enemy position to the northeast resulting in one enemy killed. Following this final airstrike all enemy fire ceased, and the patrol was able to bound back to FOB McQUEARY without further incident. Captain Golsteyn displayed heroic behavior and valor in front of his 80-man patrol during the four grueling hours of heavy combat with a determined enemy force. During this four-hour engagement, Captain Golsteyn's calm demeanor, decisive actions, and fearlessness in the face of enemy fire inspired disciplined action from the beleaguered ANA patrol. His razor sharp focus and emotionless decision-making under extreme duress kept the combined patrol a step ahead of a skilled and prepared enemy. His decisions prevented the loss of aircraft and vehicles, saved the life of an ANA soldier, and avoided significant additional casualties. Despite a barrage of enemy fire from multiple locations, casualties, continuous contingency planning, known IED and sniper threats, and the opposition of over 50 enemy fighters, Captain Golsteyn led a mission that handed the enemy in Marjeh a devastating loss of fighting positions and personnel. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military heroism and reflect distinct credit upon himself, the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan, Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan, and the United States Army.
      Action Date: February 20, 2010

      Service: Army

      Rank: Captain

      Company: Operational Detachment Alpha 3121 (ODA-3121)

      Regiment: 3d Special Forces Group (Airborne)

  6. "Gegenterror" - als "Counterterror" in militärische Terminologie unserer Tage übergegangen?

    Ideologie und Moral im Nationalsozialismus - Translate this page
    Wolfgang Bialas, ‎Lothar Fritze - 2013 - ‎History

    R. Friedrich Killing über „Weisungen des Reichsführers-SS über die Behandlung von Gegenterror in Belgien“ vom 2. August 1944 (BArch Berlin, NS 7/405: ...

  7. Dubious Hero

    70 years after Hiroshima, commander remembers grandfather, Enola Gay pilot
    Kansas City Star
    Rick Montgomery

    Air Force Brig. Gen. Paul Tibbets IV, commander of the 509th Bomb Wing, is photographed on Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015, in his office on Whiteman Air Force Base near Knob Noster, Mo. Tibbets grandfather, Paul Tibbets Jr., was the pilot of the Enola Gay, which dropped the first atomic bomb used in warfare on Hiroshima, Japan, on Aug. 6, 1945. ...

    WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. — In the hallway outside his new office, Brig. Gen. Paul W. Tibbets IV walks daily past a black-and-white glossy of his late grandfather, who piloted the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan 70 years ago Thursday. ...

    In June, Tibbets IV was put in command of the unit whose origins go back to that mission his grandfather led ...

    The devastation wrought by the two weapons — the first bomb dubbed "Little Boy," the second "Fat Man" — hastened Japan's surrender. The end of World War II marked the beginning of the age of nuclear arms, which have not been used in warfare since.

    "If he were here he'd tell you, 'I never lost one night's sleep after that mission,'" said Tibbets IV. "The reason is he knew the lives that were saved" on both sides of the fighting because the United States didn't carry out a planned invasion of the Japanese mainland. ...

    At the headquarters of the 509th Bomb Wing, which maintains the world's only fleet of B-2 Spirit stealth bombers, Tibbets IV spent an hour earlier this week recalling his grandfather and the Mission ...

    During 509th troop preparations in a remote airfield in Utah, "my grandfather was the only one who was briefed on the weapon itself," Tibbets IV said. ...

    As for the B-29 Superfortress that would drop Little Boy, the pilot chose to name the aircraft after his mother, Enola Gay Tibbets. ...

    Tibbets IV was only a toddler when his great-grandmother died, but he said according to family lore, her belly "started to jiggle from laughing" when told by her son after the bombing that the plane had "Enola Gay" emblazoned outside the cockpit. ...

    As a boy, Tibbets IV didn't have a lot of contact with his grandfather. The two lived several states from each other — Tibbets IV in Alabama and Tibbets Jr. in Ohio, where he helped launch an air taxi service that grew to be the world's largest. ...

    Granddad spoke more openly about his historic role in the war.

    He recalled how the atomic blast over Hiroshima "kicked us pretty good" and that fillings in the crew's teeth tingled from the jolt of radiation.

    Crews earlier had dropped leaflets warning of destruction and urging surrender. But it never was lost on Tibbets Jr. that surrender came only after the deaths of more than 100,000 Japanese civilians.

    "People asked him all the time ... 'Doesn't it bother you?'" said Tibbets IV. "And he'd say, 'I was given an order by the president of the United States (Missouri's own Harry Truman), to go and prepare to execute this mission when called on. I'm not a politician. I execute orders given to me by the president.'

    "And, yes, we're also human beings, right? But here's what he told me: 'Paul, we knew if this was successful it could bring this war to an end.'"

    Decades after the war, Tibbets Jr. gave public talks attended by his grandson, who would pilot combat runs over Kosovo and Afghanistan during Granddad's lifetime.

    The younger Tibbets was moved by the many times he saw World War II veterans stepping up to thank his grandfather for sparing them from what would have been a horrific ground invasion.

    "It's an honor to be a Paul Tibbets," said Tibbets IV. "No doubt, he's my biggest hero." ...

  8. "Coole Waffen"

    Dennis Stelloh - Sa 27. Jul 2002 13:05
    Titel: Coole Waffen für eigene Filme

    ... Wer braucht nicht auch mal coole Waffen für seinen Film ? ...

    Für alle über 18 dürften die Softair Waffen frei erhältlich sein. (leider gibts in Deutschland scheinbar Probleme von wegen Kriegswaffengesetz. Aber wen interessierts ?) ...

    Also ich finde die Dinger jedenfalls saugeil.

    Hier noch einige Bilder von Waffen, mit denen ich selbst schon mal geschossen hab (natürlich mit den ECHTEN Waffen).

    Die Pistole P8 von h&k. Die Dienstwaffe der deutschen Bundeswehr. Liegt gut in der Hand, schiesst gut und sieht vor allem auch viel geiler aus, als die alte P1.

    Dieses Teil wird beim Bund MP2A1 genannt, ist aber überall als "Uzi" bekannt. Diese Maschinenpistole macht nen Heidenspass, wenn man damit einfach aus der Hüfte raus rumballert.

    Das Gewehr G3. Meins hiess beim Bund "Destiny". Diese schöne Waffe wird immer mehr vom G36 abgelöst. Dabei ist das G3 ne echte "Männerwaffe". Ohne viel High Tech aber daür mit nem Kaliber 7,62 mm (Full Metal Jacket) und nem heftigen Rückstoß.

  9. “Kill every male you see”: Chris Kyle and the role of US snipers in Iraq
    Posted on 3 February 2013 by @henrykrinkie

    Our ROEs [Rules of Engagement] when the [Iraq War] kicked off were pretty simple: If you see anyone from about sixteen to sixty-five and they’re male, shoot ’em. Kill every male you see. That wasn’t the official language, but that was the idea.
    —Chris Kyle, in his memoir American Sniper

    About a half an hour after cease-fire had been called I was standing outside the hospital and I saw an Iraqi man of 28 years old who was an Iraqi nurse come from another city to try and help people in Fallujah, shot through the liver by a sniper as he was unloading an ambulance. ...

    “I saw two of my neighbors shot by US snipers when I went outside one time. I also saw some of the small cluster bombs on the ground that were dropped by the warplanes of the Americans. Most times, we were too afraid even to look out of our windows” (New Standard, 23 April 2004).

    Here is something for us to consider whenever we are told that insurgents referred to Kyle as the “Devil of Ramadi”:

    These days, Ramadi is nearly impossible to enter. Against the backdrop of the Haditha massacre, IPS has received reports of civilians killed by snipers, and homes occupied with American snipers on their roof, while families were detained downstairs. ...

    “On the side of the main street you will find destroyed buildings, and military tents on the buildings for snipers. Be careful, if you hear any sound of fighting, hide in the side roads, park your car there and get in any house and hide, because snipers will kill anyone who moves, even if the fighting is in another area.” ...

    “The American snipers don’t make any distinction between civilians or fighters, anything that moves, he shoots immediately. This is a very dirty thing, they are killing lots of civilians who are not fighters.” ...

    An Iraqi journalist in the city reported seeing burned U.S. vehicles and bodies in the street, with more buried under the wreckage. He said two men trying to move a corpse were shot down by a sniper. […] “People are afraid of even looking out the window because of snipers,” he said, asking that he not be named for his own safety. “The Americans are shooting anything that moves” (Associated Press, 12 November 2004)

    1. A Guardian editorial, in a story that collected 153,000 Facebook “likes,” called him a “hate-filled killer.” Journalist Rania Khalek described him as an “American psycho,” bound by “hatred, bigotry and enthusiasm for killing Iraqi ‘savages.'” Filmmaker and liberal activist Michael Moore called snipers “cowards.”

    2. ― Chris Kyle, American Sniper 33 likes Like “Savage, despicable evil. That's what we were fighting in Iraq.”

      “In my experience, Marines are gung ho no matter what. They will all fight to the death. Everyone of them just wants to get out there and kill. They are bad-ass, hard-charging mothers.”
      ― Chris Kyle, American Sniper

      “We went back for a few days to work with the Marines when they took down a hospital north of the city on the river. The insurgents were using the hospital as a gathering point. As the Marines came in, a teenager, I’d guess about fifteen, sixteen, appeared on the street and squared up with an AK-47 to fire at them. I dropped him. A minute or two later, an Iraqi woman came running up, saw him on the ground, and tore off her clothes. She was obviously his mother. I’d see the families of the insurgents display their grief, tear off clothes, even rub the blood on themselves. If you loved them, I thought, you should have kept them away from the war. You should have kept them from joining the insurgency. You let them try and kill us—what did you think would happen to them?”
      ― Chris Kyle, American Sniper: Memorial Edition

    3. My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren’t heroes. And invaders r worse
      — Michael Moore (@MMFlint) January 18, 2015

      Oh, and Iraqis are called “savages” throughout the film.
      — Michael Moore (@MMFlint) January 19, 2015

    4. That the film American Sniper is propaganda cannot be really be argued. Even Scientific American admits this. It’s rewriting of the Iraq war into a black and white, American right versus Iraqi wrong and portrayal of Chris Kyle as nothing less than a simple hero is obvious to anyone paying attention for more than five minutes.

      Then again, large swaths of the American population are taking this Hollywood production as fact.

    5. ... Chris Kyle built his reputation as a sniper during one of the most criminal operations of the entire occupation of Iraq, the 2nd siege of Fallujah. ... American Sniper ... doesn’t even hint that Chris Kyle ever did anything in Iraq except kill bad guys and defend America. ...

      The fact that a man who participated in the 2nd siege of Fallujah — an operation that killed between 4,000 to 6,000 civilians, displaced 200,000, and may have created an epidemic of birth defects and cancers — can come home, be embraced as a hero, be celebrated for the number of people he has killed, write a bestselling book based on that experience, and have it made into a Hollywood film is something that we need to reflect on as a society.

      It is not my intention to accuse Chris Kyle of committing war crimes as an individual, or to attack his character in any way. Some critics have pointed out the many racist and anti-Islamic comments that Chris made in his autobiography (these comments are significantly toned down in the film). Others have noted his jingoistic beliefs. However, I too participated in the 2nd siege of Fallujah as a US Marine. And like Chris, I said some racist and despicable things while I was in Iraq. I am in no position to judge this man, nor do I think it is important to do so. I am far more interested in our reaction as a society to Chris Kyle, than I am in the nuances of his personality. ...

      The lives that Chris ends are interpreted as “confirmed kills”, not murder. And the people he kills are interpreted as “terrorists”, not as people defending their country from a foreign, invading and occupying army. ...

      Author’s bio: Ross Caputi is a former Marine who participated in the 2nd Siege of Fallujah. Today he is on the Board of Directors of the Islah Reparations Project. He is also the Director of the documentary film Fear Not the Path of Truth: a veteran’s journey after Fallujah

    6. The most lethal killer, a true hero

      American Sniper: A Model American - The Future of Freedom ...‎Cached
      5 Feb 2015 ... Chris Kyle—the Navy SEAL portrayed in the blockbuster movie purported killer of
      some 200 ... Chris Kyle—the most lethal killer in U.S. military history, a true hero,
      a brave warrior—has been .... 'Look for Hospitals as Targets'

    7. An Ithaca police officer has apologized for wearing a ball cap with the phrase "violence does solve problems" while in uniform.

      Ithaca Police Chief John Barber said in an Ithaca Police Facebook post on Tuesday that the officer is "deeply embarrassed, apologetic, and has learned a valuable lesson from this error in judgment."

      Barber said he was sent a photo Monday that had been posted to Facebook that showed the officer wearing the cap with an Ithaca police polo shirt at a local supermarket.

      The phrase was visible on the back of the cap, and the Ithaca police logo was also visible on the back of the officer's shirt.

      The cap and phrase are from the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation. Kyle was the subject of the recent movie "American Sniper."

      "These words associated with the Ithaca Police Department are not indicative of the professionalism our department strives for each day, and I understand why some would find this alarming and offensive," Barber wrote in the Facebook post. ...

  10. Hearing Garett Reppenhagen describe how he felt the first time he shot someone is like listening to an addict talk about his first time injecting heroin. “I leveled my M-4, put him in my iron sights, and took three shots. One of them hit him center mass and he went down in the middle of the road. I had this instant sense of satisfaction, overwhelming excitement and pride. It was really kind of an ecstatic feeling that I had.”

    I had just seen the film “American Sniper,” the revisionist propaganda piece of myth-making and nationalistic war porn being sold to us by Bradley Cooper, Clint Eastwood and screenwriter Jason Hall as an apolitical character study. I wanted to talk with an actual American sniper, and Garett was generous enough to pick up the phone. ...

    In a macro sense, however, our invasion and occupation of Iraq was not a “kill them or they will kill us” scenario. History has borne that fact out, and that lack of context makes “American Sniper” a dangerous film.

    Dangerous because kids will sign up for the military because of this movie. Dangerous because our leaders have plans for those kids. Some will kill. Some will be killed. Or worse. There is no narrative existing outside the strict confines of “American Sniper’s” iron sights that allows for the war on terror to be over. It’s like a broken record looping over and over: attack, blowback and attack. Repeat. ...

    “He looked like he could have been my father. Who knows why he was out there fighting. A lot of people were fighting us because they did not want to be occupied or because they had family members who were hurt or killed and they wanted to get some sort of vengeance. By the end of my tour, it was really hard to justify killing them. We should not have been there in the first place.”

    While in Iraq, Garett was told by an army chaplain that a stronger belief in God would alleviate the guilt he was feeling. God was on America’s side, and Garett was fighting for God and country. Get over it, soldier.

    Once home, he sought treatment for his PTSD from a Veterans Administration hospital and heard the same message delivered in a different way. ...

    That someone like Garett Reppenhagen emerged from this experiment honestly facing down his own demons and the demons of his country makes him a hero, worthy of a major motion picture in his own right.
    Dennis Trainor Jr. directed the documentary "American Autumn," and is the host of Acronym TV. Twitter: @DennisTrainorJr

  11. Breitbart) – According to the BBC, Chris Kyle shot “victims” not evil barbaric terrorists determined to take the lives of American Marines and/or innocent Iraqi civilians. In an irresponsible piece of reporting that details no facts about the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) claim that “American Sniper” is “behind a rise in anti-Muslim threats,” the BBC writes:

    But [American Sniper] has caused controversy. Some have hailed its portrayal of Kyle as a war hero, but others have criticised it for glorifying violence and for Kyle’s attitude towards his victims.

    Kyle, a Navy Seal, served four tours of duty in Iraq and killed more than 160 people, making him the most deadly sniper in American history.

    SPECIAL: Join the Tea Party REVOLUTION! The Obama Regime must be dismantled!

    The film is based on his book, also titled American Sniper, in which he claimed to have no regrets and referred to those he killed as “savages”.

    The last paragraph is correct but incomplete. Kyle not only referred to the terrorists he shot as “savages,” he correctly referred to them as “evil savages.”

    Describing terrorists killed in war before they could murder as “victims” is like describing the BBC as unbiased morally literate news outlet.

    Kyle killed those savages in an act of self-defense, and served with honor and distinction in a barbaric war the barbarians chose to make barbaric.

    Donald Trump: ‘I Can Make America Great Again’« American Sniper: Biggest War Film of All Time» Top Stories
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  12. " ... I know plenty of veterans. I have veterans in my own family. And I don't know many veterans who boast about what they did and enjoyed killing people. Most of them regretted it and are deeply, deeply traumatized by what happened. We just need to look at the Winter Soldier hearings that were completely overlooked by mainstream U.S. media after Afghanistan and Iraq.

    And then there's Pat Tillman. Pat Tillman, the former Arizona Cardinals tight end who went to Iraq and Afghanistan, realized the war was bogus, realized that there were atrocities being committed, turned against the war, was killed in a fratricide, and had his death covered up by the Pentagon and by the same right-wing pundits who were promoting Chris Kyle is a hero.

    And Pat Tillman is a study in common courage. And his family are brave people who never lied about anything, who had to campaign against their own government for the truth. What does it say about this society that we're celebrating someone like Chris Kyle and ignoring Pat Tillman and his family in their courage? I think there's another story to be told about our veterans, and it's been completely ignored in this saga."

    (Max Blumenthal)

    1. ... Tillman joined the Army Rangers and served several tours in combat before he died in the mountains of Afghanistan. At first, the Army reported that Tillman had been killed by enemy fire. Controversy ensued when a month later, on May 28, 2004, the Pentagon notified the Tillman family that he had died as a result of a friendly fire incident; the family and other critics allege that the Department of Defense delayed the disclosure for weeks after Tillman's memorial service out of a desire to protect the image of the U.S. armed Forces ...

      Jones reported that members of Tillman's unit burned his body armor and uniform in an apparent attempt to hide the fact that he was killed by friendly fire. His notebook, in which – according to author Jon Krakauer – Tillman had recorded some of his thoughts on Afghanistan, was also burned; "a blatant violation of protocol". ...

      Tillman's brother Kevin Tillman testified before the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that:
      The deception surrounding this [Tillman] case was an insult to the family: but more importantly, its primary purpose was to deceive a whole nation. We say these things with disappointment and sadness for our country. Once again, we have been used as props in a Pentagon public relations exercise ...

      The September 25, 2005, edition of the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper reported that Tillman held views which were critical of the Iraq war. According to Tillman's mother, a friend of Tillman had arranged a meeting for Tillman with author Noam Chomsky, a prominent critic of American foreign and military policy, to take place after his return from Afghanistan. Chomsky has confirmed this. ...

  13. BloggerMagga
    #32.6 — 31.10.2015

    ".. Aber ich hätte auch keine Probleme damit, im Kampf bzw. Krieg einen anderen Menschen zu töten, wenn es heißt "Er oder ich". Habe ich selbstverteidigend auch schon. Aber das gehört nicht hierhin... "

    Wenn es nicht hierhin gehören würde, hätten Sie es auch nicht erwähnt. Natürlich spielt für die eigene Einschätzung eine Rolle, was man selbst erlebt hat.

    Sie schreiben: "Krieg ist Krieg. Im Krieg sterben Menschen. Auch unschuldige. Selbst bei sog. "sauberer" Kriegführung lässt sich solches letztlich wohl nicht zu 100% vermeiden. ..."

    Zu den Gräueln, die durch nichts zu rechtfertigen sind, zählen Sie auch: "Zivilisten als lebende Schutzschilde missbrauchen". Das ist natürlich durch nichts zu rechtfertigen, aber ist es deshalb zu rechtfertigen, als Schutzschilde missbrauchte Zivilisten zu töten?

    Da wir hier über Anwendungsbereiche und Grenzen militärischen und/ oder rechtsstaatlichen Vorgehens gegen Terroristen debattieren, würde mich Ihre Meinung dazu interessieren.

    Antwort auf #32.5 von mugu1

    1. Das Profil des Kommentarschreibers "Mugu1" und die ungewöhnlich hohe Zahl von Redaktionsempfehlungen der ZEIT Community Redaktion ist auch sehr interessant.

      Erinnerte mich an den Clinch von ZEIT-Chefredakteur Josef Joffe mit den Kabarettisten der ZDF-Sendung "Die Anstalt", bei der es um scheinbare Verflechtungen mit militärnahen Think Tanks geht.

  14. Es geschieht auch auf der Seite der Guten:
    "... irgendwann fingen sie an, das Toeten zu geniessen"

    Zweiter Weltkrieg

    ZDF-Doku: US-Soldaten vergewaltigten in Bayern tausende Frauen

    München - Eine Doku im ZDF über US-Kriegsverbrechen im Zweiten Weltkrieg zeigt: GIs erschossen deutsche Gefangene und vergewaltigten tausende Frauen. Übergriffe gab es auch in Bayern.

    Keine Frage: Für die meisten Deutschen im Westen und Süden des Reiches, die in irgendeiner Form unter den Gräueln des Nazi-Regimes litten, kamen die amerikanischen Soldaten bei ihrem Vormarsch ins Nazi-Reich als Befreier. Dieses Bild vom heldenhaften GI vermitteln in der Regel auch Hollywood-Filme über den Zweiten Weltkrieg. Freilich mit Ausnahmen. So werden etwa in "Der Soldat James Ryan" willkürliche Erschießungen von deutschen Soldaten durch US-Militärs gezeigt. Doch das Bild einer uneingeschränkt heldenhaften US-Armee bekommt schwere Kratzer. 70 Jahre nach Kriegsende thematisiert erstmals eine deutsche TV-Dokumentation die Kriegsverbrechen der amerikanischen Besatzer. "Die Verbrechen der Befreier: Amerikas dunkle Geheimnisse im Zweiten Weltkrieg" (lief am Dienstag ab 20.15 Uhr). Den Film von Annette Harlfinger und Michael Renz kann man auch im Webauftritt des ZDF sehen.

    Die Doku bringt erschreckende Fakten ans Tageslicht: Der Vormarsch der US-Armee gegen Hitlers Tyrannei war begleitet von Gräueltaten der GIs. Schätzungen der deutschen Opferzahlen gehen weit auseinander und sorgen für Streit unter den Experten, auch weil sie ein Tabubruch sind und in der Bundesrepublik jahrzehntelang als potenzielle Belastung für das Verhältnis zu den westlichen Bündnispartnern galten. Allein in Bayern, das im April 1945 von US-Truppen befreit wurde, gehen Historiker von mehreren tausend Sexualdelikten durch amerikanische Soldaten aus. An manchen Landungsstränden in der Normandie überlebte nur jeder zweite deutsche Kriegsgefangene.

    ◦Der renommierte bayerische Militärhistoriker Dr. Peter Lieb (lehrt in Großbritannien) betont, dass es Übergriffe auf deutsche Soldaten seit dem D-Day (Landung der US-Truppen in der Normandie) am 6. Juni 1944 gab: "Mit den ersten Kämpfen beginnen auch gleich die ersten Kriegsverbrechen." Lieb weiter: "Wir wissen von allen fünf amerikanischen Angriffsdivisionen des D-Days, dass es dort in einzelnen Einheiten Befehle gab, keine Gefangenen zu nehmen."

    ◦An manchen Landungsstränden in der Normandie überlebte nur jeder zweite deutsche Kriegsgefangene.
    ◦Wie viele deutsche Soldaten Opfer amerikanischer Übergriffe wurden, kann die Wissenschaft nur schätzen. Der deutsche Militärhistoriker Prof. Sönke Neitzel betont: "Es sind sicherlich hunderte Fälle. Aber wir können keine wirklich belastbare Zahl nennen. Das ist faktisch unmöglich. Aber wir können den Rahmen beschreiben. Und der geht eben von einer sehr guten Behandlung von Gefangenen bis hin zum kaltblütigen Mord an Gefangenen."
    ◦Der US-General George S. Patton (später Militärgouverneur von Bayern) ermunterte in einer Rede vor Offizieren zum Töten von Gefangenen. Die ZDF-Doku zitiert aus dieser Rede: "Wenn wir auf den Feind treffen, werden wir ihn töten. Wenn Ihr Eure Männer gegen den Feind führt und er sich dann ergeben will: Oh nein! Der Bastard soll sterben. Ihr werdet ihn töten. Stecht ihn zwischen die dritte und vierte Rippe. Sagt Euren Leuten das. Wir brauchen diesen Killerinstinkt. Wir werden uns den Ruf von Killern erarbeiten. Und Killer sind unsterblich."
    ◦Nur ein Bruchteil der Straftaten, die GIs in Deutschland begingen, wurde von US-Gerichten geahndet. Die ZDF-Doku zeigt erschütternde Zahlen: 3,5 Millionen US-Soldaten waren im Zweiten Weltkrieg in Europa im Einsatz. Allerdings gab es lediglich zwei Kriegsgerichtsverfahren der US-Militärjustiz gegen GIs. Verurteilt wurde kein einziger. ...


    2. "Man muss sich von dem Gedanken frei machen, eine demokratische Armee begeht keine Kriegsverbrechen" - Militärhistoriker Dr. Peter Lieb (zum Schluss der gleichen Sendung)

  15. Dec 8, 2015
    Taya Kyle Defeats NRA Champion in First Ever American Sniper Shootout
    'American Sniper' widow Taya Kyle uses TrackingPoint's precision-guided firearms while raising $500,000 for the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation.

    1. Amerikanische Dolchstoßlegende:

      "Vietnam, when the liberal establishment convinced Americans that we were losing the war"

      ... Americans went to see American Sniper in droves. In battalions and regiments. It was easily the most-talked-about movie of this past year. When I saw it in the theater, people remained in their seats after the movie had ended and the credits were rolling. They did not want to leave such an emotional and compelling event. ...

      However, what was clearly a filmmaking and box office triumph for Clint Eastwood, and a hero’s recognition for sniper Chris Kyle, became a new political football for many liberal critics to throw around. ... It goes all the way back to Vietnam, when the liberal establishment convinced Americans that we were losing the war. ...

      Speaking of Vietnam, many may remember we had an amazing Marine sniper in action out there, Carlos Hathcock, who was credited with 93 kills that were confirmed by an officer accompanying him. Hathcock himself estimated that he killed between 300 and 400 enemy personnel in his Vietnam duty. Hathcock wore a white feather in his bush hat, and the VC, who had a bounty said to be $30,000 on his life, called him “White Feather.” ...

      I am particularly impressed by the words of Fox News columnist Pete Hegseth, who, in a piece about American Sniper, wrote, “Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper has struck a cord with the American people, and did so by tapping into the deepest civic values we have as Americans—duty, honor, fidelity, courage, love for country…and a love for others.

      “However, no war movie can live on the big screen without a spew of liberal backlash…Thankfully, some things speak louder than cowardly tweets…The movie is on pace to become one of the top-grossing films of the year…Middle America is the beating heart of our nation and remains the first in line to selflessly strap on their boots to defend the very freedoms that people like Michael Moore use to criticize them.”

    2. Kriegskorrespondenten: Deutungsinstanzen in der Mediengesellschaft -
      Barbara Korte, ‎Horst Tonn - 2008
      Als Paradebeispiel für das Einflusspotenzial der Medien gilt die amerikanische Dolchstoßlegende, wonach erst die negative Berichterstattung der US-Medien ...

  16. How Clint Eastwood Ignores History in ‘American Sniper’
    Peter Maass
    Jan. 8 2015

    Just a few pages into “American Sniper,” Chris Kyle used an epithet to describe the Arabs on the wrong side of his gun scope. “A lot of people, myself included, called the enemy ‘savages,’” he wrote. “I only wish I had killed more. Not for bragging rights, but because I believe the world is a better place without savages out there taking American lives.” A decorated Navy SEAL, Kyle killed more than 150 “savages” in Iraq, becoming the deadliest sniper in the annals of American warfare.

    Kyle’s memoir has been turned into a film starring Bradley Cooper and it’s an Oscar contender even before its national release on January 16. The Los Angeles Times hails its action scenes as “impeccably crafted,” while The New Yorker salutes Clint Eastwood for making other directors “look like beginners.” Unfortunately, Hollywood’s producing class, taking a break from exchanging catty emails about A-list stars, has created another war film that ignores history, and reviewers who spend too much time in screening rooms are falling over themselves in praise of it.

    They should know better. In 2012, “Zero Dark Thirty,” about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, was lavishly praised by most reviewers, and it wasn’t until criticism emerged from political reporters like Jane Mayer and others (I wrote about it too) that the tide turned against the pro-torture fantasy at its core. The backlash, coming after the film made “best of the year” lists, was probably responsible for it (fortunately) being all but shut out of the Academy Awards. Hopefully the praise-and-reconsider scenario will recur with “American Sniper.” ...

    1. The problem is that the film makes no attempt to tell us anything beyond Kyle’s limited comprehension of what was happening. More than a decade after America invaded and occupied Iraq, and long after we realized the war’s false pretense and its horrific toll, we deserve better. There’s a dilemma at work: a war movie that is true of one American’s experience can be utterly false to the experience of millions of Iraqis and to the historical record. Further, it’s no act of patriotism to celebrate, without context or discussion, a grunt’s view that the people killed in Iraq were animals deserving their six-feet-under fate. When the movie’s villain, an enemy sniper named Mustafa, was killed by Kyle, the crowd at the theater where I was watching broke into applause. ...

      When a film venerates an American sniper but portrays as sub-human the Iraqis whose country we were occupying—the film has one Iraqi who seems sympathetic but turns out to be hiding a cache of insurgent weapons—it conveys a political message that is flat wrong. Among other things, it ignores and dishonors the scores of thousands of Iraqis who fought alongside American forces and the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians who were killed or injured in the crossfire.

  17. The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?
    Lindy West

    ... In his memoir, Kyle reportedly described killing as “fun”, something he “loved”; he was unwavering in his belief that everyone he shot was a “bad guy”. “I hate the damn savages,” he wrote. “I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the Iraqis.” He bragged about murdering looters during Hurricane Katrina, though that was never substantiated. ...

    As Laura Miller wrote in Salon: “In Kyle’s version of the Iraq war, the parties consisted of Americans, who are good by virtue of being American, and fanatic Muslims whose ‘savage, despicable evil’ led them to want to kill Americans simply because they are Christians.” ...

    Likewise, much of the US right wing appears to have seized upon American Sniper with similarly shallow comprehension – treating it with the same unconsidered, rah-rah reverence that they would the national anthem or the flag itself. Only a few weeks into its release, the film has been flattened into a symbol to serve the interests of an ideology that, arguably, runs counter to the ethos of the film itself. How much, if at all, should Eastwood concern himself with fans who misunderstand and misuse his work? If he, intentionally or not, makes a hero out of Kyle – who, bare minimum, was a racist who took pleasure in dehumanising and killing brown people – is he responsible for validating racism, murder, and dehumanisation? Is he a propagandist if people use his work as propaganda?

    That question came to the fore last week on Twitter when several liberal journalists drew attention to Kyle’s less Oscar-worthy statements. “Chris Kyle boasted of looting the apartments of Iraqi families in Fallujah,” wrote author and former Daily Beast writer Max Blumenthal. “Kill every male you see,” Rania Khalek quoted, calling Kyle an “American psycho”.

    Retaliation from the rightwing twittersphere was swift and violent, as Khalek documented in an exhaustive (and exhausting) post at Alternet. “Move your America hating ass to Iraq, let ISIS rape you then cut your cunt head off, fucking media whore muslim,” wrote a rather unassuming-looking mom named Donna. “Rania, maybe we to take you ass overthere and give it to ISIS … Dumb bitch,” offered a bearded man named Ronald, who enjoys either bass fishing or playing the bass (we may never know). “Waterboarding is far from torture,” explained an army pilot named Benjamin, all helpfulness. “I wouldn’t mind giving you two a demonstration.” ...

    They call for the rape or death of anyone ungrateful enough to criticise American hero Chris Kyle. Because Chris Kyle is good, and brown people are bad, and America is in danger, and Chris Kyle saved us ...

  18. Obsession over "confirmed kills" (and unconfirmed ones)

    ... According to the New Yorker and several military publications, Kyle and a few other SEALs drank late in San Diego late one night in early 2012. “The SEALs began telling stories, and Kyle offered a shocking one,” the New Yorker reported. “…He and another sniper traveled to New Orleans, set up on top of the Superdome, and proceed to shoot dozens of armed residents who were contributing to the chaos.” The magazine said one conversation participant said Kyle “claimed to have shot thirty men on his own,” while another said Kyle and the other killed 30 between them.

    When the New Yorker’s Schmidle called the U.S. Special Operations Command for confirmation, he didn’t get any. Then one of Kyle’s officers told the reporter, “I never heard that story.”

    Does that mean it didn’t happen? Who knows. It’s certainly possible that Kyle killed two Texan thieves and their bodies disappeared. And it’s also possible Kyle killed 30 armed assailants in New Orleans to protect its residents in Katrina’s aftermath. But it’s also possible Kyle couldn’t let go of his own legend, and, in a haze of post-traumatic stress, let his tales veer into untruth.

    ... more than a year after Kyle was killed by a fellow veteran at a Texas shooting range, the most important aspect of his myth remains unclear. His book says the Navy confirmed he killed 160 in Iraq.

    Kyle, for his part, claimed he killed 255.

  19. How We Talk About Chris Kyle

    It’s possible to be both a hero and a liar.
    June 2, 2016By H. Drew Blackburn

    ... Kyle and his platoon spray painted the trademark skull of comic book vigilante “the Punisher” onto their uniforms, and Kyle had adopted the insignia in various ways: you can see him proudly sporting it on Conan. The fictional Punisher, whose name is Frank Castle, is a former marine who clearly suffered from PTSD and took justice into his own hands. ...
    The Intercept reported that though Kyle had stated he received two Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars for valor, military records obtained by the blog say he only received one Silver Star and three Bronze Stars. A number of anonymous SEALs who spoke with the site did not contest Kyle’s heroism on the battlefield, but “saw the inflation of his medal count as significant because they consider battlefield embellishments to be dishonorable.”

    Stolen valor, or lying about military honors with the “intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently,” is a federal offense. In 2006, President George W. Bush signed the Stolen Valor Act of 2005, and after it was deemed unconstitutional and a violation of free speech by the Supreme Court, President Barack Obama signed a revised version of it in 2013.

    This probably isn’t surprising in the current climate, but the question of whether Kyle embellished or not has already taken on a political bent. According to former Texas Governor Rick Perry, the accusations against Kyle stem from a “leftwing media attack” by “little more than a click-hungry website.” Perry wrote an opinion piece for Fox News on the matter, in which he said the Intercept “took aim at the reputation of a bona fide American hero,” and he also miraculously claimed that the “arch-liberal” in the Oval Office could share some of the blame. But Perry’s view that any attack on Kyle would be to attack an emblem of American heroism (and one waged by Democrats) is undoubtedly shared by many. Because Kyle, in a way, has become a Rorschach test of political leanings. ...

  20. | by Mark Lee Greenblatt

    ... Chris is one of the nine heroes profiled in my book Valor: Unsung Heroes from Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front, which tells true stories of heroism by American troops. ...

  21. ‘American Sniper’ Causes ‘Drastic Increase’ in Hate Speech, Says American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee ...
    Greg Gilman | January 26, 2015



    If American Sniper doesn’t make you wanna go kill some towel headed goat lovers I don’t know what will. #RIPChrisKyle #TrueHero
    — Carter Hays (@Tateebah44) January 26, 2015


  22. ‘American Sniper’ Causes ‘Drastic Increase’ in Hate Speech, Says American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee ...
    Greg Gilman | January 26, 2015



    If American Sniper doesn’t make you wanna go kill some towel headed goat lovers I don’t know what will. #RIPChrisKyle #TrueHero
    — Carter Hays (@Tateebah44) January 26, 2015


  23. 33 tödliche Treffer - Stolz auf afro-amerikanischen Scharfschützen

    Z will produce an NBC drama about Nicholas Irving — the first African-American to serve as a special ops sniper in his battalion, and the US Army 3rd Ranger Battalion’s deadliest sniper.
    Hot off his Emmy win for “The People v O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story,” Sterling K. Brown — who currently appears in “This Is Us” — will star as Irving, who was nicknamed “the Reaper” and was such an effective sniper, he had an AR-15 rifle named after him.
    The six-hour miniseries is based on Irving’s 2015 memoir, “The Reaper: Autobiography of One of the Deadliest Special Ops Snipers.”
    A source tells us, “The series will take a look inside the life of the world of special ops. The plan is to start filming early next year.”
    During a four-month period in mid-2009, Irving tallied an astounding 33 kills as a master sniper.
    The rights to the book were picked up by the Weinstein Company, who just announced a first-look deal with Jay Z. ...

  24. U.S.
    Ex-U.S. Army Soldiers Worked as Hitmen for International Crime Boss, Say Prosecutors
    Newsweek Tom Porter,Newsweek 04/04/2018

    A former U.S. Army sniper and two former American soldiers agreed to become hitmen for a crime boss seeking to settle a score with a real estate agent in the Philippines, prosecutors say.

    Former Special Forces soldier Joseph Hunter is accused of recruiting ex-U.S. military personnel Adam Samia and Carl David Stillwell for the 2012 hit, Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Eagan said in opening statements on Tuesday as cited by the Associated Press.

    All three have pleaded not guilty to murder conspiracy ...

    1. A sharp-shooting former Army sergeant nicknamed Rambo has been charged with recruiting ex-soldiers as globe-trotting hitmen for drug traffickers in a scheme that prosecutors said could have been "ripped from the pages of a Tom Clancy novel."

      Three members of the gang were ready to assassinate a federal agent for an $800,000 payoff, and one of them boasted that murder-for-hire was "fun," according to court papers outlining an elaborate four-continent sting operation. ...

    2. "Murder-for-hire was'fun'"

      (Auftragsmord machte Spaß)
