Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Sonntag, 8. März 2015

ISIS: Das System der Rattenfänger

Immer mehr Meldungen ueber Jugendliche, die sich aufmachen, um sich ISIS anzuschliessen, und ihre verzweifelten Angehoerigen zeigen, wie treffend die Metapher vom "Rattenfaenger" das Phaenomen ISIS beschreibt.
Hamburger Morgenpost

Kämpfer für Syrien: Das System der Rattenfänger

Von Olaf Wunder
Vor knapp 800 Jahren entführte der Rattenfänger von Hameln 130 Kinder auf Nimmerwiedersehen. Eine Sage, nicht mehr. Was derzeit in Hamburg passiert, ist kein Märchen: Moderne Rattenfänger ködern junge Menschen und machen aus ihnen blutrünstige Gotteskrieger. Wer sind die Drahtzieher? Wer ist anfällig für ihre Islam-Propaganda? 
Ibo ist 22 Jahre alt, türkischer Herkunft, aber in Deutschland geboren. Seinen Vater kennt er nicht. Seine Mutter ist eine moderne Frau, die mit dem Islam überhaupt nichts im Sinn hat. Ibo führte das Leben eines ganz normalen jungen Erwachsenen in Deutschland – um dann plötzlich seine Ausbildung zum Einzelhandelskaufmann hinzuschmeißen. Heute ist er in Syrien. Und nur er weiß, wie viele Menschen er schon auf dem Gewissen hat.

Ibos Mutter erzählt, dass ihr Sohn von klein auf darunter gelitten habe, in Deutschland nur „der Ausländer“ zu sein. Er fühlte sich ausgegrenzt. Der Junge sei abgeglitten in eine Identitätskrise – und habe Halt gesucht in der Religion. Damit ist Ibo ein typischer Fall. Auffallend viele von denen, die „Gotteskrieger“ werden, haben ein „gestörtes Vaterverhältnis“, so ein Experte, der nicht genannt werden will. Es sei ganz ähnlich wie in der Neonazi-Szene: „Es sind die Verlierer, die auf die Rattenfänger hereinfallen. Die, die immer schon Außenseiter waren. Die, die bei Mädchen noch nie eine Chance hatten.“ [...]

Bei den Rattenfängern handelt es sich um Salafisten, Angehörige einer Gruppe, die den Islam besonders streng auslegen. Sie sprechen ihre Opfer meist nach dem Freitagsgebet in der Moschee an, nennen sie „Bruder“, laden sie zu einem Tee ein, holen sie mit dem Sportwagen zu Hause ab, spielen Fußball mit ihnen. Den jungen Männern wird geboten, was sie immer gesucht haben: Gemeinschaft.
Auf Initiative der Alevitischen Gemeinde gründete sich am Sonntag ein Elternrat in Eimsbüttel: [Bildunterschrift: Diese Väter und Mütter haben Angst, dass auch ihre Kinder Gotteskrieger warden.]
Einer der zentralen Anlaufpunkte der Salafisten in Hamburg ist die Taqwa-Moschee in Harburg. Sie hat unter radikalen Muslimen schon deshalb eine Art Kultstatus, weil hier die Attentäter des 11. September ein- und ausgingen. Hier spricht auch Hier spricht auch häufig Pierre Vogel, ein ehemaliger deutscher Boxer, der zum Islam übergetreten ist und nun als Prediger übers Land zieht. Vogel lebt seit Kurzem in Wilhelmsburg, was darauf hindeutet, dass Hamburg als Rekrutierungsstätte von besonderer Bedeutung ist. Nach Ansicht des Verfassungsschutzes öffnet Vogel mit seinen Predigten den jungen Menschen die Tür zum gewaltbereiten Salafismus.
Wer wie Ibo einmal in die Fänge der Salafisten geraten ist, bricht mit seinem vorherigen Leben. Ibo trennte sich von früheren Freunden, beschimpfte seine Mutter, keine wahre Muslimin zu sein. Vier Jahre ging das so, dann machte er sich auf den Weg nach Syrien. Im Sommer 2013 flog er in die Türkei, wo es etliche Ausbildungslager von „IS“ nahe der syrischen Grenze gibt. [...],5067140,28289614.html

Sohn eine Bostoner Polizisten lobt ISIS

Die Gehirne junger Menschen sind nicht ausgereift, auch wenn sie schon die Volljährigkeit erreicht haben.

38 Kommentare:

  1. Aus

    New York Post
    ‘Jihadi John’ apologizes to his family
    By Post Wire Services
    March 7, 2015

    Mohammed Emwazi has apologized to his family for the shame he has heaped on them after being unmasked as the ISIS butcher from Britain known as Jihadi John.

    The Sunday Times of London reports that Emwazi, 26, a British computer-science graduate, had conveyed his message of regret from Syria via a third party.

    He is said to be sorry for the “problems and trouble the revelation of his identity has caused” for his parents and siblings, according to an informed source.

    Emwazi has not expressed any remorse for his barbaric actions, however, which have included the on-camera beheading of a number of Western hostages.

    The Londoner’s family, originally from Kuwait, have been forced into hiding after Emwazi was identified as Jihadi John 10 days ago.

  2. The Independent Monday 09 March 2015
    Isis schoolgirls: Trio believed to be staying in the extremist stronghold of Raqqa

    Three missing British schoolgirls who fled the UK to join Isis are believed to have crossed into Syria and are staying in Raqqa.
    Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, and Amira Abase, 15, went missing after they boarded a flight from Gatwick to Istanbul last month.
    The schoolgirls, from Bethnal Green Academy in east London, are thought to have crossed the border into Syria not far from the Turkish town of Kilis, Sky News sources claim. [...]
    "They're now apparently in a house that is owned or controlled - or at least hosted by - a British girl who had been in contact with them through the internet, and had brought them through Turkey and into Syria.”

    It is thought that the unidentified 15-year-old British girl – friends with the latest three missing pupils – may be the Bethnal Green pupil who went missing in December, the Daily Mail reported.
    Before reaching the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa, the trio were captured on CCTV last week in Istanbul. [...]

    Yesterday Met Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe admitted that “with the benefit of hindsight” officers should have communicated directly the families.

    Approximately 60 young British women are estimated to have left the UK to become jihadi brides of extremist fighters, senior police officers warned recently.

  3. Elton Simpson's slow, isolated descent into ISIS, jihad
    Sean Holstege and Matthew Casey, The Republic |
    May 9, 2015

    Elton Simpson sought meaning from his life and the acceptance of others, and he found it in a north Phoenix mosque and in the social-media plaudits from violent extremists.

    Courtney Lonergan, who met Simpson at that mosque about 10 years ago, said the north Phoenix resident was willing to die to defend his faith. It fits a pattern seen in social-media posts by violent jihadists and in research by experts who track them.

    A string of Twitter posts before and after Simpson and fellow Phoenix resident Nadir Soofi were shot dead May 3 as they clutched automatic rifles in Garland, Texas, link Simpson to Islamic State militants halfway around the world. The messages encouraged him and praised him for attacking a group that lampooned the Prophet Mohammed in cartoons.

    "There are other Elton Simpsons out there," FBI Director James Comey told reporters in a press briefing Thursday.

    "Few will move to violent action. How many are ideological sympathizers? Many," said Clark McCauley, a Bryn Mawr College psychology professor, who has researched extremists and written a book called "Friction: How Radicalization Happens to Them and Us."

    But how many, and the scope of any connection such people may have with Islamic State, remains murky. Less murky, but open to interpretation, is how much stock to place in Islamic State's claims of responsibility for the attack and in reports of homegrown U.S. recruits.

    About 10 percent of U.S. Muslims told pollsters that suicide bombings can be justified in defense of Islam, said McCauley, whose research has been supported in part by the Department of Homeland Security. Half, he said, believe America's war on terror is an assault on their religion.

    What is clear is that Islamic State, also known as ISIS, runs an effective propaganda operation online, and its sophisticated use of social-media accounts connects in significant ways with supporters in the West, counterterrorism experts widely agree.

    The influence of social media in ISIS inspiring attacks marks a departure from the methods of al-Qaida and traditional terrorist groups. Historically, such groups would recruit, train and indoctrinate their supporters, then support their operations.

    In contrast, ISIS is less structured, and that, say experts, makes it harder to track and stop.

    1. "It's just beyond me"

      The mother of one of the Texas gunmen who were shot dead on Sunday after opening fire at an exhibition of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad says her son was not a violent person. Sharon Soofi says she is thankful her son Nadir Soofi did not kill anyone in the attack. Police say Soofi and Elton Simpson were shot dead at the heavily-guarded event in Garland, Texas.

    2. Mother of Texas Gunman Sought to Keep Son From Extremism

      Sharon Soofi, mother of Nadir Soofi, says she admonished son after hearing he bought AK-47: ‘You have a young child! What are you doing?’
      Dan Frosch and Ana Campoy
      May 6, 2015

      Sharon Soofi called her son Nadir in January, her Texas drawl weary with worry.

      She had heard from her younger son, Ali, that Nadir had bought an AK-47 on Craigslist and had taken to perusing radical Islamist websites with his roommate ...

    3. Schnellfeuergewehr AK-47 auf Craigslist:
      So einfach geht´s

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      Hey everyone thanks for checking out our ad! We are selling BRAND NEW Bulgarian AK-47 40 round 7.62x39 magazines for the great low price of $19.99 each! The ISD 40 round AK-47 slab side magazine may just be the most reliable polymer...

  4. Ehefrau eines getöteten IS Führers in Haft genommen

    U.S. says its troops killed senior Islamic State leader in Syria raid
    May 16, 2015

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - American special operations forces killed a senior Islamic State leader who helped direct the group's oil, gas and financial operations during a raid in eastern Syria, U.S. officials said on Saturday. ...
    "During the course of the operation, Abu Sayyaf was killed when he engaged U.S. forces," Meehan said.

    "The president authorized this operation upon the unanimous recommendation of his national security team and as soon as we had developed sufficient intelligence and were confident the mission could be carried out successfully and consistent with the requirements for undertaking such operations," Meehan said.

    Meehan said the operation was conducted "with the full consent of Iraqi authorities" and "consistent with domestic and international law." ....

    Defense Secretary Ash Carter said that U.S. special operations forces conducted the operation targeting Abu Sayyaf and his wife. Carter said Abu Sayyaf was involved in the militant organization's military operations and helped direct its "illicit oil, gas and financial operations as well."

    Carter said the wife "played an important role in ISIL's terrorist activities. Meehan said during the operation U.S. forces freed a young Yezidi woman "who appears to have been held as a slave by the couple." Meehan said the wife is now in U.S. military detention in Iraq. ...

    (Reporting by Will Dunham; editing by David Clarke and Dominic Evans)

  5. "Bomb them back to the seventh century."

    Former Sen. Rick Santorum's answer for handling Iran, one of four countries on the U.S. list of nations accused of repeatedly supporting global terrorism, was to "load up our bombers and bomb them back to the seventh century."

  6. Österreich
    14-Jähriger muss wegen Unterstützung des IS ins Gefängnis
    Aktualisiert 27. Mai 2015

  7. Das alte Erklaerungsmuster: Untermenschen und Neger

    31. August 2013
    Syriens Aufständische sägen Christen den Kopf ab

    Die Untermenschen, mit denen sich der Neger Obimbo verbündet, sägen Christen bei lebendigem Leibe den Kopf ab. Darauf macht der englische Abgeordnete George Galloway in dieser Rede aufmerksam und verweist auf Videos bei Youtube. ...

    1. "Analyse" mit Astronomie

      "... mein Name ist Holger Roehlig, ich bin der Vertreter des Redaktionsteams dieses Blogs ...
      Als ich dann endlich die Möglichkeit erhielt konkrete Erfahrungen mit der Astrologie Hamburger Schule (Uranian Astrology) zu machen war das wie für einen Surfer, der nur den Gardasee kennt und erstmals im Pazifik surft ..."

  8. BloggerMagga

    16. "Heilige Bücher" der Religionen haben schreckliche Textpassagen.

    Es wird furchtbar, wenn desorientierte junge Menschen von einer Gruppenpsychose selbsternannter Vollstrecker erfasst werden.

    Auch in der Bibel gibt es Passagen, die zum Töten auffordern. Die Geschichte ist voll von Beispielen, wie diese als Vorwand zu Massenmord gedient haben.

    Aus Wikipedia:

    Im Gleichnis von den anvertrauten Talenten in Lukas 19 fordert ein König zum Töten seiner Feinde auf.
    Zitat (Lutherbibel 1912):
    „Doch jene meine Feinde, die nicht wollten, daß ich über sie herrschen sollte, bringet her und erwürget sie vor mir.“
    Unterschiedliche Übersetzungen wählen für den Akt der Hinrichtung unterschiedliche Begriffe. Neuere Übertragungen nutzen z.T. weniger drastische Bezeichnungen. Die Einheitsübersetzung Lk 19,27 EU spricht beispielsweise von "macht sie vor meinen Augen nieder". Weitere Varianten sind "tötet sie vor meinen Augen" (Neues Leben); "Sie sollen vor meinen Augen hingerichtet werden!" (Hoffnung für alle) oder "erschlagt sie vor mir" (Revidierte Elberfelder).

    Ein Dialog der Religionen, der zu einer Überarbeitung und Kommentierung zumindest der schlimmsten Stellen in den "Heiligen Schriften" führt, ist dringend nötig. Aufrufe zum Religionskrieg werden nichts Positives bewirken; nicht einmal dann, wenn es aus dem "anderen Lager" heraus solche Aufrufe schon gibt. Es wäre ein fataler Fehler, einem ganzen Kollektiv einen Tötungswillen zuzuschreiben - und damit eigene Tötungsbereitschaft zu mobilisieren.

    Antwort auf "dem Koran entsprechend gehandelt"

    Antwort schreiben

    1. Fluchpsalmen

      ... Die Fluchpsalmen wurden in besonderer Weise zum Problem, als das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil das zu einem großen Teil aus Psalmen bestehende Stundengebet aus einer reinen Klerikerliturgie wieder zur Gemeindeliturgie machen wollte und sich recht bald für die Verwendung der Volkssprachen in der Liturgie aussprach. Obwohl eine große Mehrheit der Konzilsväter sich für die Beibehaltung des vollständigen Psalters aussprach, setzte Papst Paul VI., der schon vor seiner Wahl zum Papst die Fluchpsalmen abgelehnt hatte, die Tilgung mehrerer Psalmen und etlicher einzelner anstößiger Verse kraft päpstlicher Autorität durch.[10]

      Die im Jahre 1971 erlassene Allgemeine Einführung in das Stundengebet schreibt dementsprechend vor:
      „Die drei Psalmen 58 (57), 83 (82) und 109 (108), in denen der Fluchcharakter überwiegt, sind in das Psalterium des Stundengebetes nicht aufgenommen. Ebenso sind einzelne derartige Verse anderer Psalmen ausgelassen, was am Beginn jeweils vermerkt ist. Diese Textauslassungen erfolgten wegen gewisser psychologischer Schwierigkeiten, obwohl Fluchpsalmen sogar in der Frömmigkeitswelt des Neuen Testaments vorkommen (z. B. Offb 6,10) und in keiner Weise zum Verfluchen verleiten wollen.“ (AES § 131)
      Seitdem sind diese genannten drei Psalmen nicht mehr Teil des allgemeinen Stundengebets, weitere 19 Psalmen sind verkürzt worden. Einzelne Ordensgemeinschaften etwa der Benediktiner beten aber nach wie vor den gesamten Psalter ...

    2. Grausame Bibelzitate

      Moses ist zornig, weil nicht alle Frauen getötet wurden!

      "Und Mose wurde zornig über die Hauptleute des Heeres, die Hauptleute über tausend und über hundert, die aus dem Feldzug kamen, und sprach zu ihnen: Warum habt ihr alle Frauen leben lassen?"
      (4. Mose 31,14-15)

      "So tötet nun alles, was männlich ist unter den Kindern, und alle Frauen, die nicht mehr Jungfrauen sind; aber alle Mädchen, die unberührt sind, die lasst für euch leben."
      (4. Mose 31,17-18)

      Todesstrafe für widerspenstige und ungehorsame Söhne!

      "Wenn jemand einen widerspenstigen und ungehorsamen Sohn hat, der der Stimme seines Vaters und seiner Mutter nicht gehorcht und auch, wenn sie ihn züchtigen, ihnen nicht gehorchen will, so sollen ihn Vater und Mutter ergreifen und zu den Ältesten der Stadt führen und zu dem Tor des Ortes und zu den Ältesten der Stadt sagen: Dieser unser Sohn ist widerspenstig und ungehorsam und gehorcht unserer Stimme nicht und ist ein Prasser und Trunkenbold. So sollen ihn steinigen alle Leute seiner Stadt, dass er sterbe, ..."
      (5. Mose 21,18-21)

      Todesstrafe für vergewaltigte Mädchen, wenn sie nicht oder nicht laut genug geschrien haben!
      "Wenn eine Jungfrau verlobt ist und ein Mann trifft sie innerhalb der Stadt und wohnt ihr bei, so sollt ihr sie alle beide zum Stadttor hinausführen und sollt sie beide steinigen, dass sie sterben, die Jungfrau, weil sie nicht geschrien hat, obwohl sie doch in der Stadt war, den Mann, weil er seines Nächsten Braut geschändet hat; ..."
      (5. Mose 22,23-24)

      Todesstrafe für Homosexuelle!
      "Wenn jemand bei einem Manne liegt wie bei einer Frau, so haben sie getan, was ein Gräuel ist, und sollen beide des Todes sterben; ..."
      (3.Mose 20,13)

      Zauberinnen sollen sterben!
      "Die Zauberinnen sollst du nicht am Leben lassen."
      (2. Mose 22,17)

      Kinder sollen zerschmettert werden!
      "Wohl dem, der deine jungen Kinder nimmt und sie am Felsen zerschmettert!"
      (Psalm 137,9)

      Andersdenkende und Andersgläubige (sogenannte "Gottlose") sollen sterben!
      "Ach Gott, wolltest du doch die Gottlosen töten! ..."
      (Psalm 139,19)

      Noch mehr auch gegen Frauen und Kinder gerichtete Gewalt!
      "So zieh nun hin und schlag Amalek und vollstrecke den Bann an ihm und an allem, was es hat; verschone sie nicht, sondern töte Mann und Frau, Kinder und Säuglinge, Rinder und Schafe, Kamele und Esel."
      (1. Samuel 15,3)

      Noch mehr auch gegen Frauen und Kinder gerichtete Gewalt!

      "So zieh nun hin und schlag Amalek und vollstrecke den Bann an ihm und an allem, was es hat; verschone sie nicht, sondern töte Mann und Frau, Kinder und Säuglinge, Rinder und Schafe, Kamele und Esel."
      (1. Samuel 15,3)

      "Es sollen auch ihre Kinder vor ihren Augen zerschmettert, ihre Häuser geplündert und ihre Frauen geschändet werden."
      (Jesaja 13,16)

      "Da nahmen wir zu der Zeit alle seine Städte ein und vollstreckten den Bann an allen Städten, an Männern, Frauen und Kindern, und ließen niemand übrig bleiben. Nur das Vieh raubten wir für uns und die Beute aus den Städten, die wir eingenommen hatten."
      (5. Mose 2, 34-35)

      "Und die ganze Beute dieser Städte und das Vieh teilten die Israeliten unter sich; aber alle Menschen erschlugen sie mit der Schärfe des Schwerts, bis sie vertilgt waren, und ließen nichts übrig, was Odem hatte."
      (Josua 11,14)

      "Aber in den Städten dieser Völker hier, die dir der HERR, dein Gott, zum Erbe geben wird, sollst du nichts leben lassen, was Odem hat, sondern sollst an ihnen den Bann vollstrecken, nämlich an den Hetitern, Amoritern, Kanaanitern, Perisitern, Hiwitern und Jebusitern, wie dir der HERR, dein Gott, geboten hat, …"
      (5. Mose 20,16-17)

    3. Völker sollen "vertilgt" werden!

      "Du wirst alle Völker vertilgen, die der HERR, dein Gott, dir geben wird. ..."
      (5. Mose 7,16)

      Die Bibel lehrt einen "großen und schrecklichen Gott"!

      "Dazu wird der HERR, dein Gott, Angst und Schrecken unter sie senden, bis umgebracht sein wird, was übrig ist und sich verbirgt vor dir. Lass dir nicht grauen vor ihnen; denn der HERR, dein Gott, ist in deiner Mitte, der große und schreckliche Gott."
      (5. Mose 7,20-21)

      Laut Bibel soll Gott "ausrotten"!

      "Er, der HERR, dein Gott, wird diese Leute ausrotten vor dir, einzeln nacheinander. …"
      (5. Mose 7,22)

  9. Jihadi John On The Run, From ISIS
    International Business Times

    Mohammed Emwazi, who is believed to be the killer Jihadi John in several beheading videos released online by the Islamic State group, may have worn out his welcome with the terrorist organization. Emwazi reportedly fled the militant group in Syria several weeks ago, bound for North Africa.

    Emwazi, once a London resident, apparently fears the militant group formerly known as either ISIL or ISIS will drop him “like a stone or worse if they feel he is no longer of any use to them,” a source told the Daily Express newspaper in the U.K. The source added, “So it is possible he will end up suffering the same fate as his victims.”

    The 26-year-old gained notoriety when identified as Jihadi John, who had brutally beheaded journalists and humanitarian-aid workers from the U.S. and Britain in propaganda messages released by the Islamic State group over the past year. The Express reported the loss of anonymity has terrified Emwazi. ...

  10. Sehenswert

    14:00 Uhr Tele-Akademie: Jörg Armbruster
    Brennpunkt Nahost: Die Zerstörung Syriens und das Versagen des Westens - Mitdenken - Weiterdenken - Mehr Erfahren! | ARD-alpha

    In seinem Vortrag wird der ehemalige ARD-Korrespondent Jörg Armbruster analysieren, welche politischen Kräfte auf die Konflikte einwirken und warum die Region seit Jahrzehnten nicht zur Ruhe kommt. Jörg Armbruster war Moderator des ARD-Weltspiegels und bis 2013 ARD-Auslandskorrespondent für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten.

  11. French jihadist Drugeon killed in Syria: US official
    By Laurent Barthelemy and Thomas Watkins

    Washington (AFP) - French jihadist David Drugeon, an alleged bomb maker for an Al-Qaeda affiliate, has been killed in a coalition strike in Syria, a US official said Friday.

    Drugeon has been described as a key figure in the Al-Qaeda offshoot Khorasan group, which operates in Syria and which American officials say is a dangerous militant outfit planning to attack the United States and other Western countries. ..

    When contacted at his home in France, father Patrice Drugeon said he had received no official confirmation of his son's death.

    "It's incomprehensible what he became," the father told AFP in a phone interview. "He was very smart as a little kid, very loved, very affectionate, loved by everyone and always smiling."

    A football fan in his early years, Drugeon later drew close to ultraconservative Salafist Muslims, converted to Islam, started learning Arabic and studying the Koran.

    He had converted to Islam when he was just 13, at a time when his parents were divorcing.

    "That's what hurts me the most. What he became. What he was made to become, the indoctrination," Patrice Drugeon said, noting that young people were "easy prey" to recruitment messages for Islamist causes. ...

    1. ... His is the unlikely story of a Catholic boy from Brittany who grew up to become an important member of Al-Qa’ida, achieving the youthful success in the jihadist underworld that eluded him in normal life. ...

      He was part of a French-speaking jihadist cadre, many of them from the Maghreb, becoming close to their leader, Moez Garsallaoui, a noted Al-Qa’ida fighter and fellow French speaker. In late September 2011, they were joined by a fanatic young Frenchman, Mohamed Merah, who after undergoing weapons training with this group, went back to Toulouse and engaged in a terrible killing spree.

      It may not be a coincidence that Merah made his way to the back hills of Miranshah, a place few Europeans can find. Drugeon is possibly the connection between Merah and Al-Qa’ida, as it is difficult to see how the petty criminal from Toulouse could find his way to Pakistan’s wild tribal areas without a friendly sponsor; the two may have met when they were both in Egypt in 2010.

      Moez Garsallaoui was killed by an American drone strike in October 2012, while Drugeon survived the attack. Not long after, he abandoned Pakistan and made his way to Syria, like much of Al-Qa’ida’s best cadres, to continue the jihad against the Assad regime. By now he was a leader of the mujahidin himself, despite only being in his early twenties. ...

  12. London (AFP) - A growing number of "disillusioned" Islamic State fighters are defecting from the jihadist group and could be used by governments to deter potential recruits, a report published Monday said.

    At least 58 people have left the group and publicly spoken about their defection since January 2014, according to the report by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ISCR) at King's College London.

    The study said that 17 fighters were reported to have defected in June, July and August alone, adding that they represent only a "small fraction" of former fighters, with many too scared to come forward.

    The ISCR called on governments to make it easier for defectors to speak out, without the threat of prosecution, as a deterrent to others. ...

  13. Die Anstalt - Tatsachenanalyse zu ISIS und RUSSLAND - auf den Punkt gebracht - September 2014

  14. Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS
    September 29, 2015
    by Joby Warrick (Author)

    In a thrilling dramatic narrative, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Joby Warrick traces how the strain of militant Islam behind ISIS first arose in a remote Jordanian prison and spread with the unwitting aid of two American presidents.

    When the government of Jordan granted amnesty to a group of political prisoners in 1999, it little realized that among them was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a terrorist mastermind and soon the architect of an Islamist movement bent on dominating the Middle East. In Black Flags, an unprecedented character-driven account of the rise of ISIS, Joby Warrick shows how the zeal of this one man and the strategic mistakes of Presidents Bush and Obama led to the banner of ISIS being raised over huge swaths of Syria and Iraq.

    Zarqawi began by directing terror attacks from a base in northern Iraq, but it was the American invasion in 2003 that catapulted him to the head of a vast insurgency. By falsely identifying him as the link between Saddam and bin Laden, U.S. officials inadvertently spurred like-minded radicals to rally to his cause. Their wave of brutal beheadings and suicide bombings persisted until American and Jordanian intelligence discovered clues that led to a lethal airstrike on Zarqawi’s hideout in 2006.

    His movement, however, endured. First calling themselves al-Qaeda in Iraq, then Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, his followers sought refuge in unstable, ungoverned pockets on the Iraq-Syria border. When the Syrian civil war broke out in 2011, and as the U.S. largely stood by, ISIS seized its chance to pursue Zarqawi’s dream of an ultra-conservative Islamic caliphate. ...

  15. Feds offer little guidance to Islamic State recruits too young to prosecute
    Liz Goodwin
    Senior National Affairs Reporter
    ‎October‎ ‎08‎, ‎2015

    Aasha, 17, looked up from her hands and saw the faces of six of her closest friends staring back at her. They awkwardly sat in a circle in a small counselor’s office in their high school.

    “Why would you do something so stupid?” one of Aasha’s friends, Badra, finally asked.

    “We just wanted to go over there to study,” Aasha replied.

    “There’s a library right here,” Badra said. “You can study all you want.”

    The girls grew up together in a dusty suburb of Denver called Aurora, attending the same mosque with their families on Parker Road. They were like sisters, sharing secrets, complaining about their strict immigrant parents and talking about boys since they were in elementary school.

    Intense high school friendships end for all kinds of reasons — boys, social ambition, different schedules. But what this circle faced was far more dramatic — and more hurtful. They were torn apart by the Islamic State, whose recruiters quietly seduced three girls in their group online without any of the others even noticing. Now, the six girls faced down their former friend and weren’t sure they had ever really known her. ...

  16. They were freed from Boko Haram’s rape camps. But their nightmare isn’t over.
    By Kevin Sieff
    Washington Post, April 3, 2016

    At the heart of Boko Haram’s self-proclaimed caliphate in northeastern Nigeria was a savage campaign of rape and sexual slavery that has only recently been uncovered. Thousands of girls and women were held against their will, subject to forced marriages and relentless indoctrination. Those who resisted were often shot.

    Now, many of the women are suddenly free — rescued in a series of Nigerian military operations over the past year that dislodged the extremist Islamist group from most of the territory it controlled. ...

    Most of the surviving women no longer have homes. Their cities were burned to the ground. The military has quietly deposited them in displacement camps or abandoned buildings, where they are monitored by armed men suspicious of their loyalties. They are still labeled “Boko Haram wives.”

    Few could have imagined such an outcome two years ago, when 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram and the world responded with the Bring Back Our Girls campaign. While most of those schoolgirls from Chibok are still missing, many people assumed the other kidnapped women would be warmly welcomed back.

    Instead, they are shunned.

    When Halima leaves the tent to get food for the two of them, the other people living in the camp scowl at her or cautiously move away. ...

    Authorities say there are good reasons for their wariness. Last year, 39 of 89 Boko Haram suicide bombings were carried out by women, according to UNICEF. Twenty-one of those female attackers were under the age of 18, many of them girls apparently abducted from villages and cities and converted into assassins. Since January, female attackers have killed hundreds of people across northeastern Nigeria, in mosques, markets and even displacement camps.

  17. May 15 2016

    The Americans: 15 Who Left the United States to Join ISIS
    by Richard Engel, Ben Plesser, Tracy Connor and Jon Schuppe

    The world knows ISIS fighters from their horrific acts of terrorism and brutal propaganda videos, in which masked men appear on a foreign landscape and execute their victims. But there is another side to the ISIS menace, hidden in the most familiar of places: American cities and suburbs, where recruits live among unsuspecting relatives and neighbors, communicating with the terror group through social media.

    American law enforcement officials estimate that roughly 250 Americans have tried to join IS. Most of them never left the United States, raising fears of more homegrown attacks like the one in December in San Bernardino, California. Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, the Justice Department's top national security officer, told NBC News that his agency has open investigations in all 50 states.

    But a few dozen of those American recruits have made the trip to ISIS's heartland in Syria and Iraq.

    In March, NBC News was given a thumb drive by a man claiming to be an ISIS defector. The drive contained the names and snippets of biographical information of more than 4,000 ISIS foreign fighters who entered Syria in 2013 and 2014. The documents, effectively ISIS personnel files, have been verified by West Point's Combating Terrorism Center and other counterterrorism specialists.

    Related: An American ISIS Cell: The Story of 3 U.S. Recruits

    Through the documents, NBC News has identified at least 15 American citizens or residents who have joined ISIS overseas. They fit no particular pattern. Some are from poor Muslim immigrant families. Others had what can be described as privileged backgrounds. Three have Somali backgrounds. One was a Latino convert to Islam. They lived in small towns and cities in New York, Texas, California and places in between. ...

  18. 'Too Many Terror Arrests'
    Duration: 03:00 10/12/2015

    A former Home Office terrorism adviser has claimed UK authorities are tackling the terror threat in the wrong way, which is contributing to the radicalisation of young British Muslims.

  19. MI5 stopped Scotland Yard taking Choudary down, sources claim

    The security services repeatedly prevented Scotland Yard from pursuing criminal investigations against hate preacher Anjem Choudary, it has been claimed.
    Met counter-terror officers often felt they enough evidence to build a case against the radicalising cleric, only to be told to hang fire by MI5, because he was crucial to one of their on-going investigations, a source has claimed.
    The situation led to tension between the two sides with police feeling “frustrated” that Choudary was not being brought to justice, the source added.
    After almost 20-years at the forefront of radical Islam in Britain, Choudary was finally convicted of a terrorism offence last month and faces up to ten years in prison when he is sentenced on September 6.
    But following his conviction it was revealed that the 49-year-old former lawyer had been linked to at least 15 terror plots dating back as far as 2001.
    Police also believe he has connections to as many as 500 of the 850 young British Muslims, who have travelled to Syria to join the ranks of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
    Choudary was eventually prosecuted after swearing an oath of allegiance to Isil and posting YouTube videos in which he praised the murderous group.
    But there have been questions about why it took the authorities so long to prosecute Choudary, with some suggesting the law was not adequate.
    However one counter-terrorism source, who investigated Choudary on numerous occasions, insisted the decision not to prosecute him had come from the security service, MI5.
    He said: “I am gobsmacked that we allowed him to carry on as long as long as he did. He was up to his neck in it but the police can't do full investigations on people if the security service say they are working on a really big job, because they have the priority. ...

  20. Harrowing images show police 'removing suicide vest from distressed young boy'

    These harrowing images show the moment a distressed young boy has what is suspected to be a suicide belt removed from his body by police officers.
    Security workers can be seen grappling with the young boy, who is visibly emotional.
    The images were taken of the boy in Kirkuk, Iraq, this evening as four men apprehended him.
    After a brief tussle, the suspected vest was removed and the boy was detained.
    The incident comes just 24 hours after 51 wedding guests killed while dancing at a wedding in Turkey.
    The boy's arrest comes after two other suicide bomb attacks in Kirkuk today.

  21. Confessions of a captured ISIS fighter
    By Hollie McKay
    Published July 18, 2016

    KIRKUK, Iraq – EXCLUSIVE: He had a ringside seat for the entire, bloody rise of ISIS, and by his own count killed dozens of innocent men, women and children. Now facing likely execution, Thahir Sahab Jamel disavows the black-clad Islamist army, but his Kurdish jailers say they’ve heard it all before.

    In a jailhouse interview with in the Kurdish-held city of Kirkuk, Jamel, 27, detailed how he joined Islamic State in 2013, served as a foot soldier in the takeover of Mosul a year later and, he claims, eventually became disillusioned with the dark vision of his fellow fighters.

    “At the beginning, ISIS told us we would all go to heaven,” Jamel said, speaking under the watchful eyes of Kirkuk police guards. “But now that I am in prison it means I am going to the fire. I am going to hell.”

    Handcuffed and partially masked, Jamel, who has been in solitary confinement since his arrest two and a half months ago, said he joined the terror group like many other young Sunni Muslim men opposed to the Shia-led government in Baghdad. ...

    In the early days, Jamel said, most of the recruits were young men in their early 20s. But soon their ranks were swollen by experienced soldiers as old as 50 from Saddam Hussein’s old army. The battle-hardened men, also Sunni Muslims alienated by the Shia government, were experienced with small arms and heavy equipment.

    The mission was to take over the nation, and kill infidels and fellow Muslims who stood in their way, he said.

    “Everything was about setting the role of Shariah [Islamic law],” he said. “We have to have a world based on Shariah.

    “We were told that yes, people here are Muslims, but they are not the right Muslims,” he said. “And to build the Caliphate we must control the economy, take over every oil field.” ...

  22. Teen Accused of Beheading Classmate
    Gina Mei
    Dec 7, 2016

    A 15-year-old in Lawrence, Massachusetts has been arrested and charged for the murder of his high school classmate, whose decapitated body was found by the Merrimack River north of Boston last week.

    On Saturday, Mathew Borges was charged with murdering and decapitating 16-year-old Lee Manuel Viloria-Paulino, who first went missing on Nov. 18 after he left his grandmother's house but never returned home. ...

    1. Classmates voiced shock, saying the two were close friends, who hung out and smoked pot together — as police said Borges admitted doing with Viloria-Paulino down at the riverbank the day the teen disappeared. ...

      The teen added that Borges had a short fuse, saying he was given to fighting. “He had a lot of anger problems.”

      Another 15-year-old classmate said, “I got away from him. He was just doing bad things that I didn’t want to be a part of.”

      But some classmates saw another side to Borges.

      “In physics, I need help a lot,” a female friend said. “He was a smart kid so he used to help me. He’s a gentleman. He’s quiet. He’s talkative too, but he’s always quiet in class.”

      Classmates said the teen appeared to have a troubled family life and was shy with most people.

  23. Tacheles | Beitrag vom 13.08.2016

    Psychologe Ahmad Mansour
    "Unterdrückte Sexualität spielt Schlüsselrolle bei Radikalisierung"
    Ahmad Mansour im Gespräch mit Christian Rabhansl

    (Ahmad Mansour, Psychologe und Programmdirektor der European Foundation for Democracy)

    Im Kampf gegen die Radikalisierung von Jugendlichen fordert Ahmad Mansour die muslimische Community in Deutschland auf, mehr Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Er vermisse die innerislamische Debatte, sagte der arabisch-israelische Psychologe.

    Ahmad Mansours Thesen im Überblick:
    − Sexuelle Vorurteile nehmen unter muslimischen Jugendlichen zu.
    − Die Politik macht sich Moscheen vorschnell zu Partnern.
    − Die Ausbildung von Lehrern muss reformiert werden.

    Ahmad Mansour warnte vor einem "Islam-Verständnis, das Geschlechter-Apartheid schafft und Homosexualität ablehnt": Bei der Radikalisierung von Jugendlichen spiele die Tabuisierung von Sexualität eine Schlüsselrolle. "Ich vermisse die innerislamische Debatte", sagte der arabisch-israelische Psychologe im Deutschlandradio Kultur.

    Der Politik warf Mansour vor, Moscheen zu Partnern zu machen, ohne zu fragen: "Vermitteln sie eine sexuelle Selbstbestimmung? Oder verteufeln sie die Sexualität und lehnen sie einen normalen, gesunden Umgang zwischen den Geschlechtern ab? Wenn sie das tun, dann sind sie Teil des Problems." ...

  24. FEATURE-Von Schuljungen zu "Märtyrern" für den Islamischen Staat
    01.03.17, 11:53 Reuters
    - von Stephen Kalin

    Mossul (Reuters) - "Meine geliebte Familie, bitte vergebt mir", steht auf dem handgeschriebenen Brief, der auf einem ehemaligen Trainingsgelände des Islamischen Staates (IS) im Ostteil von Mossul zurückgelassen wurde.

    Es ist der Abschiedsbrief des Schülers Alaa Abd al-Akidi an seine Eltern, bevor er sich vergangenes Jahr in einem Selbstmordattentat gegen irakische Sicherheitskräfte in die Luft sprengte. "Seid nicht traurig und tragt nicht die schwarzen Trauergewänder", schreibt Akidi weiter. "Ich habe euch gebeten heiraten zu dürfen, und ihr habt mich nicht verheiratet. Nun werde ich, so Gott will, die 72 Jungfrauen im Paradies heiraten." Der Brief, der nie abgeschickt wurde, ist auf einem IS-Formular mit dem Aufdruck "Kampfeinheit, Märtyrerbrigade" geschrieben und steckt in einem an die Eltern in Mossul adressierten Umschlag. Das Schreiben gehört zu IS-Dokumenten, die Reuters nach der Rückeroberung des östlichen Teils von Mossul dort gefunden hat. ...

  25. Elizabeth Smart's father cites similarities with Elizabeth Thomas' disappearance: 'Manipulation is what controls them'
    By David Caplan
    Mar 30, 2017

    Edward Smart has an appreciation for what the family of Elizabeth Thomas -- the Tennessee teen allegedly kidnapped by former teacher Tad Cummins -- is going through.

    After all, his daughter Elizabeth Smart was abducted in 2002 at the age of 15 at knifepoint from her Salt Lake City home by street preacher Brian David Mitchell. Elizabeth testified in court that Mitchell terrorized her with almost daily rapes and the constant threat of killing her if she tried to escape. After nine months, though, Elizabeth was rescued after she was spotted in public with Mitchell.

    "You just can't even imagine what's going through a young girl's head at this point at time," Smart told ABC affiliate WKRN in Nashville. ...

    Smart says a common denominator is the manipulation of these teens by these older men.

    "In our Elizabeth's case they got her to this mindset where she believed that if she did anything they didn't want her to do that they would come and kill her family," Smart said. "Manipulation is what controls them." ...

    1. Essentials of Understanding Abnormal Behavior
      David Sue, Derald Wing Sue, Diane M. Sue
      Cengage Learning, 01.01.2016

      Updated to reflect DSM-5 and the newest scientific, psychological, multicultural, and psychiatric research, the text introduces and integrates the Multipath Model of Mental Disorders to explain how biological, psychological, social, and sociocultural factors interact to cause mental disorders. A focus on resilience highlights prevention and recovery from the symptoms of various disorders, and the book also continues its emphasis on the multicultural, sociocultural, and diversity aspects of abnormal psychology.


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