Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014

USAA - Wir wissen was es heisst zu dienen

USAA - We know what it means to serve.

Der Werbespot laeuft taeglich mehrmals in US Fernsehsendern.
Er endet damit, dass ein ca. vierjaehriger Junge begeistert ein Spiel-Kampfflugzeug hoch haelt.

Ich musste erst im Internet nachsehen, um zu verstehen, was USAA ueberhaupt ist und anbietet.
USAA steht fuer "United Services Automobile Association". Es geht um Autoversicherung und andere Finanzdienstleistungen, wobei Soldaten und Veteranen einen Rabatt bekommen.                                            

USAA began in 1922, when 25 Army officers agreed to insure each other's vehicles when no one else would. Today we follow the same military values our founders prized: service, loyalty, honesty and integrity.

Interessant: Die Verbindungen zwischen Automobilverbaenden und Militaer. Diese gab es ja auch in Deutschland; Beipiel Geschichte des ADAC.

The organization was originally called the United States Army Automobile Association. In 1924, the name was changed to United Services Automobile Association, when members of other military services became eligible for membership. The company opened offices in Frankfurt, Germany, and London, England early in its history.

(Ergaenzungen folgen)

6 Kommentare:

  1. US Militaersystem - Staat im Staate?

    Ein Kind, das bei Vater und Stiefmutter auf einer Militaerbasis in Honolulu, Hawai, aufwuchs, wurde von diesen zu Tode misshandelt. Es gab Anzeichen, dass das kleine Maedchen schrecklich misshandelt wurde, aber niemand griff ein.
    US Militaerbasen sind eine Welt fuer sich. Kinder- und Jugendschutzbehoerden haben dort keinen Zugang; wer in der Militaer-internen Welt fuer Kinder- und Jugendschutz zustaendig ist, scheint unklar.

    Federal Judge Rules Mother Can Sue U.S. Army in Child's Beating Death
    April 14, 2010

    Federal Judge Rules Mother Can Sue U.S. Army in Childs Beating Death

    Tarshia Williams' 5-year-old daughter Talia was beaten to death on a Hawaii Army base after what she charged were repeated failures on the part of military personnel to protect her daughter from obvious signs of abuse, allegedly at the hands of her father and stepmother.
    A South Carolina mother has been granted permission to sue the U.S. Army in the beating death of her little girl in a case that could force the Pentagon to take a hard look at its duties to families stationed on base.
    Tarshia Williams' 5-year-old daughter Talia was beaten to death on a Hawaii Army base after what she charged were repeated failures on the part of military personnel to protect her daughter from obvious signs of abuse, allegedly at the hands of her father and stepmother.
    In his ruling, federal Judge Alan Kay cast aside the Army's defense that the government does not have a duty to report or act on claims of child abuse, saying there was enough evidence to go to trial over accusations that the military police and other Army employees were negligent.
    "There was instance after instance after instance in which the appropriate investigation would have revealed how at-risk this child was," said Mark Davis, Williams' Honolulu-based attorney, told "The system just repeatedly failed."
    While all states have some type of child protection services where complaints and allegations are logged, the Army typically handles such matters on its own through military police and the Army Family Advocacy Program. ..."

  2. Approximately 20 veterans take their lives each day.

    1. Twenty U.S. veterans take their lives each day--a suicide rate more than 20 percent higher than among the civilian population. Two in three of those suicides are carried out with firearms.

    2. After adjusting for differences in age and gender, risk for suicide was 21% higher among Veterans when compared to U.S.civilian adults. (2014)
      After adjusting for differences in age, risk for suicide was 18% higher among male Veterans when compared to U.S. civilian adult males. (2014)
      After adjusting for differences in age, risk for suicide was 2.4 times higher among female Veterans when compared to U.S. civilian adult females.(2014)

    3. "We have an epidemic on our hands right now."

  3. Baby poses in her late father's military uniform in touching photos
