Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Friedensforschung mit der Maus

Sonntag, 13. Juli 2014

Uri Avnery: Die Gräueltat


Texte von Uri Avnery

Jul 12, 2014

Die Gräueltat


Zwei Palästinenser, die anscheinend allein handelten, kidnappten drei israelische Teenager, die versuchten  nachts per Anhalter, von einer Jeshivaschule nahe Hebron nach Hause in eine Siedlung zu kommen. Das Ziel war wahrscheinlich, sie als Geiseln  zur Befreiung von palästinensischen Gefangenen zu verwenden.

Die Aktion ging schief, als  es einem der drei gelang, mit seinem Handy das israelische Polizei-Nottelefon anzurufen. Die  Entführer, die nun vermuteten, dass die Polizei bald hinter ihnen her sei, gerieten in Panik und schossen die drei gleich tot. Sie verscharrten die Leichen in einem Feld und flohen. Tatsächlich  vermasselte die Polizei den Anruf  - nahm ihn nicht ernst -  und begann ihre Jagd erst am nächsten Morgen).

Ganz Israel war in Aufruhr. Viele tausende Soldaten wurden drei Wochen damit beschäftigt, auf der Suche nach den drei Jugendlichen Tausende von Wohnungen, Höhlen und Felder zu durchsuchen.

Der öffentliche Aufruhr war sicherlich gerechtfertigt. Aber bald  verwandelte sich dieser in eine Orgie rassistischer Aufwiegelung, die von Tag zu Tag schlimmer wurde. Zeitungen, Radiostationen und TV-Netzwerke wetteiferten miteinander mit dreisten rassistischen Schmähreden, wiederholten die offizielle Linie bis zur Übelkeit und fügten ihren eigenen widerlichen Kommentar hinzu – jeden Tag, rund um die Uhr.

Die Sicherheitsdienste der Palästinensischen Behörde, die  mit dem israelischen Sicherheitsdienst überall zusammenarbeitete, spielte eine große Rolle beim frühen Entdecken der Identität der beiden Entführer (ohne sie  zu fangen). Mahmood Abbas, der PA-Präsident, stand bei einem Treffen der arabischen Länder auf und verurteilte das Kidnapping  unmissverständlich und wurde von vielen seiner eigenen Leute als arabischer Quisling  bezeichnet. Israelische Verantwortliche  nannten ihn andrerseits  einen Heuchler.

Israels führende Politiker ließen einen Hetzsturm los, der woanders als regelrechter Faschismus angesehen worden wäre.  Hier eine kurze Auswahl:

Danny Danon, vertretender Verteidigungsminister: „Falls ein russischer Junge   entführt worden wäre, hätte Putin ein Dorf nach dem anderen platt gemacht.“

Der „jüdisches Heim“ –Fraktionsführer Ayala Shaked: „Mit einem Volk, dessen Helden Kindermörder sind, müssen wir entsprechend umgehen. (Jüdische Heim-Partei ist ein Teil der Regierungskoalition)

Noam Perl, Weltchef von Bnei Akiva, die Jugendbewegung der Siedler: „Eine ganze Nation und Tausende von Jahren Geschichte verlangen: Rache!“

Uri Bank, früherer Sekretär von Uri Ariel, Wohnungsbauminister, Erbauer der Siedlungen: „Dies ist der richtige Moment. Wenn unsere Kinder verletzt werden, fangen wir an zu toben, grenzenlos, demontieren die Palästinensische Behörde, annektieren Judäa und Samaria, exekutieren alle Gefangenen, die wegen Mord verurteilt wurden, vertreiben Familienmitglieder von Terroristen!“

Und Benjamin Netanjahu selbst spricht über das ganze palästinensische Volk: „Sie sind nicht wie wir. Wir heiligen das Leben, sie heiligen den Tod!“

Als die Leichen der drei  von Touristenführern gefunden wurden, erreichte die Explosion einen neuen Höhepunkt. Soldaten setzten zehntausende von Botschaften ins Internet und riefen zur Rache auf, Politiker stachelten sie an, die Medien fügten dem noch Öl ins Feuer, Lynchmob versammelte sich an vielen Plätzen in Jerusalem, um arabische Arbeiter zu jagen und zusammenzuschlagen.

Außer ein paar einsamen Stimmen, schien es, dass das ganze Israel sich in einen Fußballmob verwandelt habe und „Tod den Arabern!“ schrie.

(Kann sich heute irgendjemand eine  europäische oder amerikanische Menge   vorstellen, die „Tod den Juden!“ schreit?)

DIE SECHS, die bis jetzt wegen des bestialischen Mordes  des arabischen Jungen verhaftet  wurden, waren direkt von einer dieser „Tod den Arabern!“-Demonstrationen gekommen.

Zuerst  hatten sie versucht, einen 9Jährigen Jungen aus demselben arabischen Viertel, Shuafat zu kidnappen. Einer von ihnen fing den Jungen auf der Straße und zog ihn zu ihrem PKW, während der ihn gleichzeitig würgte. Glücklicherweise gelang es dem Kind, nach seiner Mutter zu rufen. Die Mutter  begann,  den Kidnapper mit dem Handy  zu schlagen. Er geriet in Panik und floh. Die  Würgemale am Hals des Jungen konnten noch mehrere Tage gesehen werden.

Am nächsten Tag kehrte die Gruppe zurück, fing  Muhammad Abu-Kheir, ein 16Jähriger fröhlicher Junge mit einem gewinnenden Lächeln, goss Benzin in seinen Mund und verbrannten ihn zu Tode.

(Als ob dies noch nicht genug wäre, fingen  Grenzpolizisten während einer Protestdemonstration seinen Cousin, legte ihm Handschellen um, warf ihn auf den Boden und begann ihn auf den Kopf und ins Gesicht zu treten. Seine Wunden sehen schrecklich aus. Der entstellte Junge wurde verhaftet, die Polizisten nicht.)

DIE GRAUSAME Weise, mit der Muhammad ermordet wurde, wurde zuerst nicht erwähnt. Die Tatsache wurde von einem arabischen Pathologe enthüllt, der bei der offiziellen Autopsie anwesend war. Die meisten israelischen Zeitungen erwähnten die Tatsache mit ein paar Worten auf einer inneren Seite. Die meisten TV-Sendungen  erwähnten die Tatsache überhaupt nicht.

Im eigentlichen Israel erhoben sich die arabischen Bürger, wie sie es seit vielen Jahren nicht getan haben. Gewalttätige Demonstrationen  dauerten mehrere Tage im ganzen Land. Gleichzeitig explodierte im Gazastreifen die Grenzlinie mit einer neuen Raketenorgie und Luftangriffen in einem Minikrieg, der bereits einen Namen hat: „Solid Rock“ („Solider Kliff“ – für das Ausland wurde ein anderer Propagandaname erfunden). Der neue ägyptische Diktator kollaboriert mit der israelischen Armee beim Ersticken des Gazastreifens.

DIE NAMEN der sechs  Verdächtigen des Brandmordes – einige von ihnen haben sich zu der entsetzlichen Tat bekannt – werden noch zurückgehalten. Aber inoffizielle Berichte sagen, dass sie zur Orthodoxen Gemeinde gehören. Anscheinend  hat diese  Gemeinde, die traditionell anti-zionistisch und moderat ist, jetzt Neo-Nazis hervorgebracht, die sogar ihre religiös-zionistischen  Konkurrenten  übertreffen.

Doch so schrecklich die Tat selbst ist, so ist meiner Meinung nach, die öffentliche Reaktion sogar noch schlimmer. Weil es gar keine gibt.

Stimmt, ein paar sporadische Stimmen sind gehört worden. Viele  normale Leute  äußerten ihre Abscheu  im privaten Gespräch. Aber der ohrenbetäubende, moralische Skandal, den man erwarten konnte, kam nicht zustande.

Es wurde alles getan, um den Vorfall klein zu halten, verhinderte seine Publikation im Ausland und selbst innerhalb Israel. Das Leben ging wie gewöhnlich weiter. Ein paar Minister und andere Politiker verurteilten die Tat mit Routinephrasen, damit sie im Ausland zitiert werden.

Die Fußballweltmeisterschaft in Brasilien gewinnt weit mehr Interesse. Selbst auf der Linken wurde die Grausamkeit als eine von vielen Untaten der Besatzung behandelt.

Wo ist der große Aufschrei,  die moralische Empörung der Nation, die einstimmige Entscheidung, den Rassismus auszurotten, der solche Grausamkeiten möglich macht?

DAS NEUE Aufflackern in und rund  um den Gazastreifen hat diese Gräueltat ausgelöscht.

Sirenen tönen in Jerusalem und in Städten nördlich von Tel Aviv. Die Raketen, die auf die israelische Bevölkerungszentren zielen, wurden (bis jetzt) erfolgreich  von Gegenraketen  abgefangen. Aber hundert Tausende von Männern, Frauen und Kindern rennen in die Luftschutzbunker. Auf der andern Seite machen Hunderte von täglichen  Einsätzen der israelischen Luftwaffe den Gazastreifen zur Hölle.

Wenn die Kanone  brüllt, werden die Musen still.

Auch das Mitleid für einen Jungen, der zu Tode verbrannte.

(dt. Ellen Rohlfs, vom Verfasser autorisiert)


"Dunum um Dunum" - Institutionalisierte Diskriminierung / Land Lords

Jüdische und palästinensische Bürger sind in Israel gleichgestellt – aber nicht beim Landerwerb / Government decision strips Palestinians of their East Jerusalem property

Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir einen Artikel von Uri Avnery sowie einen kürzeren Artikel und einen längeren Hintergrundbericht (letzterer in englisch) von Meron Rappaport über ein Thema,das hier zu Lande weitgehend unbekannt ist. Es geht um die Rechtssituation für jüdische und arabische Bürger beim Landerwerb in Israel.

Dunum um Dunum
Von Uri Avnery

Was würde man wohl sagen, wenn eine US-amerikanische Institution, die ein Siebtel des ganzen Landes verwaltet, Richtlinien akzeptieren würde, die ihr vorschreiben, Land nur an weiße, angelsächsisch-stämmige Protestanten zu verkaufen oder zu verpachten? Wir würden dies sicher nicht glauben. Und eigentlich sollte so etwas auch nicht möglich sein. Doch eine derartige Situation besteht in Israel. Sie verursacht gerade eine stürmische öffentliche Debatte.

Alternatives Land

Dies sind die Fakten: Der Jüdische Nationalfonds (auf hebräisch: Keren Kayemet le-Israel, oder kurz: KKL) verwaltet 13 Prozent allen Landes in Israel. Seine Statuten verbieten ausdrücklich, Land an Nicht-Juden zu verkaufen oder zu verpachten. Das heißt, jeder Jude der Welt könne, selbst wenn er in Timbuktu oder Kamtschatka lebt, vom KKL Land kaufen, ohne nach Israel kommen zu müssen, während ein arabischer Bürger aus Israel, dessen Vorfahren seit Jahrhunderten oder gar Jahrtausenden hier gelebt haben, kein Haus, keine Wohnung in einem Teil seines Landes käuflich erwerben oder pachten kann.

Die Debatte wurde akut, weil das israelische Oberste Gericht vor kurzem in einer Entscheidung jede Diskriminierung von Bürgern bei der Landverteilung verurteilt hat. Auf Grund derselben wurde der KKL verklagt. Jetzt hat der Staatsanwalt entschieden, daß die Regierung die arabischen Bürger nicht benachteiligen darf, selbst wenn sie Land vergibt, das dem jüdischen Nationalfonds gehört.

Das sieht an sich sehr gut aus, wenn die Sache nicht einen Haken hätte. Die besten juristischen Köpfe suchen nach einem Ausweg: Wie kann die Diskriminierung trotz dieser Gerichtsentscheidung beibehalten werden? Kein Problem. Der Staatsanwalt schlägt einfach vor, die Regierung werde den KKL für jeden Dunum*, den er – Gott bewahre! – an Araber vergibt, mit einem Dunum irgendwo anders entschädigen. Das alternative Land wird in »peripheren« Lagen wie im Negev oder in Galiläa sein, wo es viel rentabler ist. Und obendrein wird die Regierung garantieren, daß die jährlichen Staatseinkünfte des KKL eine halbe Milliarde Schekel erreichen werden. So wird der Kuchen geteilt und bleibt doch ganz.

Der KKL ernennt übrigens fast die Hälfte der Direktoren der »israelischen Landbehörde«, die Regierungskörperschaft, die alles in staatlichem Besitz befindliche Land in Israel verwaltet. Durch diese Situation wird 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung Israels das Recht verweigert, in großen Teilen des Landes ein Haus zu kaufen, während Juden in Brooklyn oder Odessa sich dieses Rechts erfreuen können.

Blaue Sammelbüchse

Wie ist es dazu gekommen? Wie viele schlimme Dinge hier fing es ganz unschuldig an. Als vor mehr als 100 Jahren die zionistische Bewegung geschaffen wurde, bestand die Notwendigkeit für die jüdischen Einwanderer, in Palästina Land zu kaufen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde der KKL gegründet. Überall in der Welt wurde in jedem zionistischen Haus eine blaue Sammelbüchse aufgehängt. In jedem Klassenzimmer jüdischer Schulen wurden Kinder gedrängt, ihre Münzen in diese Büchse zu werfen. Die blaue Büchse wurde zu einem Symbol der zionistischen Bewegung, vielleicht das bekannteste. Mit dem auf diese Weise gesammelten Geld wurde ein Menge Land erworben, auf dem Kibbuzim und Moschawim aufgebaut wurden. Das war der Höhepunkt des zionistischen Idealismus. Die »Erlösung des Landes« und »hebräische Arbeit« wurden die Eckpfeiler des zionistischen Traumes.

Doch diese wunderbare Geschichte hat eine dunkle Seite, die im zionistischen Bewußtsein nicht registriert wurde. Das Land war tatsächlich gekauft worden – manchmal zu unverschämten Preisen – doch von reichen abwesenden Besitzern, die weder darauf lebten noch es kultivierten. Als das späte ottomanische Reich bankrott und in großer Geldnot war, verkaufte es große Landflächen an reiche arabische Kaufleute in Jaffa, Beirut und anderen Städten, die diese als Geldanlage kauften. Die arabischen Fellachen (Bauern), die das Land seit Generationen bearbeiteten, waren nur Pächter. Als der KKL das Land kaufte, wurden die Fellachen oft mit Hilfe der türkischen und später der britischen Polizei vertrieben.

Als im November 1947 die Vereinten Nationen sich zu einer Teilung des Landes in einen jüdischen und arabischen Staat entschlossen, waren trotz all der Bemühungen nur sieben Prozent des Landes in jüdischem Besitz. Und nur ein Teil dieses Gebietes gehörte dem KKL, der Rest war von privaten jüdischen Besitzern in Städten und landwirtschaftlichen »Kolonien« gekauft worden. Es wäre nun logisch gewesen, hätte der KKL mit der Gründung des Staates Israel sein Land dem Staat übereignet; denn genau für diese Idee war das Geld ja gesammelt worden.

Aber dies geschah nicht – es geschah genau das Gegenteil: Der neue Staat transferierte Millionen von Dunum enteigneten Landes der Araber an den KKL. Es war Land von Flüchtlingen, denen es nicht erlaubt wurde, zurückzukehren – in juristischer Sprache wurden sie zu »Abwesenden«. Oder es war das Land von denen, die im Lande geblieben waren, aber an einem bestimmten Tag nicht in ihrem Dorf waren. Sie wurden zu »anwesend Abwesenden«. Oder es war das Land von Arabern, die zu Bürgern Israels wurden.

Man sollte dies gut im Gedächtnis behalten, da es die große Lüge aufdeckt, die über der ganzen Debatte schwebt: daß das KKL-Land mit dem Geld des jüdischen Volkes gekauft wurde. Der größere Teil des KKL-Landes war keineswegs gekauft, vielmehr im Krieg erobert und dem KKL transferiert worden.

Warum transferiert? Warum transferiert ein souveräner Staat sein Land gratis an eine nichtstaatliche Körperschaft? Mir fällt nur ein Grund ein: Damit man mit der Diskriminierung der arabischen Bürger fortfahren kann.

Der KKL ist ein Instrument der israelisch-jüdischen Gemeinschaft gegen die israelisch-arabische Gemeinschaft. Er ist ein Instrument für institutionalisierte Diskriminierung. Der Trick des Staatsanwalts bestand nun darin, der Forderung des israelischen Obersten Gerichtes für Gleichheit aller Bürger nachzukommen, während eine Körperschaft, die auf Diskriminierung beruht, weiterhin 13 Prozent des Staatslandes verwalten darf. Im Prinzip ändert sich also nichts.

* 4 Dunum entsprechen 1.000 qm; Dunum ist ursprünglich ein türkisches Flächenmaß, das von Israel übernommen wurde.

Übersetzung aus dem Englischen: Ellen Rohlfs
Der Beitrag erschien in der "jungen Welt" vom 5. Februar 2005

61 Kommentare:

  1. "Saber al-Aloul, director of the Palestinian forensic institute, attended the postmortem carried out by Israeli doctors in Tel Aviv. A'wewy said Aloul had reported that fire-dust material had been found in Khdeir's respiratory canal, which meant "the boy had inhaled this material while he was burned alive". Burns covered 90% of his body.

    The discovery of the youth's body in a forest on the outskirts of Jerusalem has prompted the worst riots in the holy city in recent memory. The violence spread to northern Arab towns on Saturday morning, an Israeli police spokeswoman, Luba Samri, said. Protesters there threw stones at passing cars, burned tyres and hurled fire bombs at police, who responded with teargas and stun grenades. More than 20 people were arrested."

  2. "In his testimony, Ben-David, from the Jerusalem-area settlement of Adam, describes how on June 30, the day that the bodies of missing teenagers Gil-Ad Shaer, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach were found in the West Bank, he finished work at his optical store in Jerusalem, went home, had dinner with his wife and then drove to collect one of the youths who would later allegedly take part in the murder.
    During the journey, in the car belonging to Ben-David's father, the two began to talk about the three boys who had been kidnapped and murdered by terrorists.
    "We decided we had to take revenge for what they did. Both of us were saying, 'Let's avenge,' I said my blood was boiling and he said his blood was boiling and the whole country was silent and we were wondering why they did this to them, and what had they been guilty of?" Ben-David said in his interrogation.
    After this, according to Ben-David's testimony, the decision was made to head the Arab neighborhoods of Shuafat and Beit Hanina in East Jerusalem, to "abuse someone or damage Arab property or hit someone, there was nothing definite …" ",7340,L-4557714,00.html

    1. "Before setting fire to Abu Khdeir, who, according to the pathological report was burnt alive, Ben-David kicked him. According to his testimony: "I gave the boy three kicks to the legs, and saying as I did 'This is for Eyal, and this is for Naftali, and this is for Gil-Ad'." Ben-David continued: "I took a lighter, I set the boy alight."
      In reply to the question of whether they were planning to commit murder before they set out, Ben-David contradicted himself, claiming in parts of his testimony that he had only sought to beat someone and release him, and only after kidnapping Abu Khdeir did he decide to "finish him, kill him."
      In another testimony, however, he admitted: "We planned to hurt him, that means kill ... torture him and kill him." When asked what he meant by "torture", he replied: "So the victim would know that he was going to die as a sacrifice for the murdered Jews". [..]
      The three got into the vehicle, fearing that it had been burned as it was parked next to Abu Khdeir. Ben-David added that: "The motive was not, God forbid, to burn ... we heard a noise and we were afraid he would get up - so we decided to kill, get rid of him ... When I say we cannot bear to see blood, it means we are not cruel like the sons of Ishmael." ",7340,L-4557714,00.html

  3. Published 6 August 2014

    "Today the trial began for the brutal revenge murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir, a Palestinian teenager, by three Israeli settlers.
    The trial began today in a Jerusalem district court, of one of the three main suspects in the murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir, a Palestinian teenager. According to the Israeli police, the defendant, Yosef Haim Ben-David, age 29, and his two accomplices have admitted that they kidnapped and beat Abu Kheidr, poured gasoline on him and burnt him alive in a revenge killing for three Israeli youths who had been abducted in the West Bank on June 12.
    A security camera near Abu Kheidr's home showed Jewish settlers forcing him into a car and speeding away. Abu Kheidr's burnt body was found on July 2nd, in a forest near Jerusalem.
    Even though Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, immediately and publicly blamed Hamas for the kidnapping of the three Israeli teenagers, Hamas has strongly denied having been involved in their abductions and murders.
    Netanyahu initiated a two and a half week campaign in the West Bank, “Operation Brother´s Keeper,” allegedly, in search of the three missing Israeli teenagers. The Israelis launched harsh raids throughout the West Bank, targeting Hamas members and arresting them.
    Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza launched home-made rockets in resistance to Israel's attacks on the West Bank and arresting of Hamas members.
    In response to finding the dead bodies of the missing boys and to Palestinian rockets into Israel, Israel initiated, “Operation Protective Edge,” a full-out assault on the Gazan people which has killed nearly 1,900 Palestinians over the past month.
    Evidence has now come to light that Netanyahu knew within the first days after the boys were kidnapped that most likely they had been murdered the same day."

  4. Watch: Young Israeli Jew at Western Wall calls for ‘another war and another war
    and another war and another war’
    Dan Cohen on August 12, 2014

    In the summer of 1998, I became a Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall in occupied
    east Jerusalem. Sixteen years later, during Israel’s latest assault on the Gaza
    Strip, I attended an event billed as a prayer vigil for the well-being of
    Israeli soldiers in Gaza.

    The Western Wall is a favorite for tourists and setting for countless photo-ops
    for politicians seeking the political blessing of Israel’s right-wing
    leadership. Part of a highly secured plaza, the Wall sits where the old city’s
    Moroccan Quarter once existed before Israeli forces demolished it shortly after
    its capture in 1967.

    At the prayer vigil, I expected a somber mood. However, I found a tense
    atmosphere in which every Israeli I spoke to spouted some amount of racist and
    hyper-violent rhetoric.

    The content I gathered portrays something of the besieged mentality and
    anti-Arab racism that is foundational in Israeli society. Though there is no
    shortage of horrifying moments, perhaps most mind-boggling is the claim to
    desire peace while being openly racist and inciting violence against Arabs on

    There were a handful of scenes I did not capture on film. At the time of the
    vigil, US officials had briefly banned American airplanes from landing at
    Ben-Gurion airport because of a rocket that had struck nearby. However, US
    Secretary of State John Kerry had flown in to once again futilely attempt to
    resuscitate negotiations. After a middle-aged woman described the vigil as
    peaceful and non-political, her husband shouted that he wished a rocket would
    have hit John Kerry’s plane.

    After I spoke to the group of high school students, a middle-aged woman
    approached me. In fluent English, she seemed suspicious and began to question
    me. “Are you left wing or right-wing,” she asked. Careful not to expose myself,
    I told her, “I want peace. I know the army has to do what it has to do.” Still
    skeptical, she encouraged me to “join us,” and told me that if I were to “become
    right-wing,” I could live among them and marry. I asked for her contact
    information, but she refused to even identify herself. She told me that she
    couldn’t divulge her identity because she is an artist and that she was in the
    Air Force.

    Throughout the evening, I wondered if I might be attacked for being perceived as
    smolinim — the Hebrew word for “leftist” — a dangerous label in Israel today.
    Never in my life had I felt so threatened for being a politically-minded Jew as
    I was that evening."

  5. 29.7.2014

    In response to HaMoked's objections to the intended demolitions of three homes in Hebron: the military retains its position. One of the apartments will be sealed rather than destroyed. HaMoked prepares to petition the HCJ

    Yesterday, July 28, 2014, HaMoked received the military's responses to its objections against the intended punitive demolitions of three homes in Hebron – the family homes of the two fugitives who have been missing from their homes since the abduction and murder of the three Israelis, and a third man, a suspected accomplice.

    The military announced it now intends to seal the apartment in which lives one of the fugitives' nuclear family, rather than to demolish the entire house, as initially planned. The decision was revised following information presented in the objection, that the apartment in which the fugitive lived is on the ground floor of a three-storey building, and in order "not to jeopardize the other parts of the structure".

    It was further stated, that given HaMoked's claims in the objection filed on behalf of the second fugitive's family and the engineer's opinion supplemented to it, the military decided to retract its decision to demolish the current apartment in which the fugitive's nuclear family lives – located on the ground floor of a two storey building; instead, the military plans to demolish the family's previous apartment on the top floor of the building. This apartment was already detonated by the military on the night of June 30, 2014, during what the military calls in its response "a search inside the structure" – however, the military now claims that in view of "the difference between the purpose of the search operation and the purpose of the demolition […] the search that was conducted does not nullify the military commander's authority to act pursuant to Regulation 119" of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations of the British Mandate, and to order the additional demolition of this apartment "to prevent the possible habitation in any part of the structure in which the terrorist and his nuclear family live".

    Regarding the third home, that of the nuclear family of the suspected accomplice, the military has announced it did not revise its position, and intends to demolish the entire house "as it is required for urgent military needs".

    The military announced in its responses, that the sealing and demolitions would take place at 9:00 a.m. on July 31, 2014. HaMoked intends to petition the High Court of Justice.

  6. Suspect in revenge killing of Palestinian teen hunted victim, prosecutors say
    By Anne-Marie O'Connor
    August 18, 2014

    JERUSALEM — The Israeli eyeglass-shop owner accused of burning an Arab teenager alive last month led a “hunting expedition” to kill a Palestinian to avenge the murder of three Israeli yeshiva students, prosecutors say.

    Many Israelis say they were appalled to see one of their own charged with murdering an Arab child. The revenge killing undercut Israel’s sense of moral superiority and exposed Israel to charges that Jewish extremists follow the same rules as Palestinian terror cells.

    The criminal indictment against Yosef Haim Ben-David, 30, portrays him as a remorseless night stalker who prowled Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, armed with bottles of gasoline and plastic handcuffs, looking for a weak, vulnerable victim. [...]

    The crime has roiled the deeply conservative, ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Har Nof, where the defendant’s father, a prominent rabbi named Saadiah Ben-David, raised 13 children and teaches classes in Jewish law at a yeshiva.

    “This is against our Holy Torah and against the law,” the father was quoted as telling the Israeli Ynet news agency.

    Yosef Haim Ben-David’s eyewear shop is in Geula, a dense, bustling commercial district in a religious neighborhood of Jerusalem. The store’s stock was recently cleared out and the business shuttered.

    “He was a really good man. He was friends with everyone here,” said Yehuda Afgani, who works at a neighboring shop.

    “I don’t care about the other guy,” Afgani said, referring to Ben-David’s teenage victim. “That’s what the stress of living here does to us.”

    Ben-David rented a house in the Adam community, one of the Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank that are considered by much of the world to be a violation of international law, though Israel disputes this. [...]

    1. After Abu Khieder’s body was discovered, his family was incensed when Israeli investigators asked if the violence had been part of a family feud, or if Abu Khieder had been gay and was slain in an honor killing.

      When the arrests of the suspects were announced July 6, authorities said that “nationalistic” motives were behind the murder.

      Ben-David was initially provided representation by Honenu, a legal aid group whose clients have included Jewish settlers accused of shooting Arabs, vandals who have spray-painted anti-Arab slogans and defaced mosques and churches, and soldiers charged with human rights abuses. His first lawyer told the news media that Ben-David would plead temporary insanity.

      Families of the Arab victims were outraged.

      “This was premeditated. It shows they’re not crazy,” said Rami Zalloum, the husband of the woman who, with her child, was attacked in East Jerusalem. “Always, when they commit a crime against an Arab, they’re crazy.”

    2. "Wird immer offener diskutiert"

      04. Juli 2014 16:55 Uhr
      12. " einigermaßen wahrscheinlich "

      Ich könnte nun ebenso behaupten, der Jugendliche ist einigermaßen wahrscheinlich innerfamiliären Streitigkeiten zum Opfer gefallen. Auch dieser Ansatz wird nämlich immer offener diskutiert, wie Sie unter lesen können. Ich werde es aber nicht behaupten. Nun stellt sich die Frage, warum Sie einigermaßen wahrscheinlich davon ausgehen, dass es nur ein "Racheakt" sogenannter Siedler sein kann? Weil die Araber das behaupten, oder weil es Ihrem Weltbild vom bösen "Siedler" entspricht?

    3. Thunderbolt
      #1.6 — 4. Juli 2014, 18:11 Uhr

      " dass im Westjordanland "

      Einige nennen diese Region so. Andere bevorzugen Ezor Yehuda VeShomron und meinen damit den District Judea und Samaria. Und bauen dort natürlich Häuser und Wohnungen, um dort zu leben. Die normalste Sache der Welt. Das muss Ihnen nicht gefallen, aber es ist so!

      (Link wie oben)

    4. Charlottetiger
      #1.11 — 5. Juli 2014, 4:08 Uhr

      wenn das die normalste Sache der Welt ist,
      warum dürfen dann Palästinenser dort weder Land kaufen, noch bauen?

      (Link wie oben)

    5. BloggerMagga
      #1.14 — 16. Juli 2014, 0:04 Uhr

      Aufschlussreicher Link

      "Ich könnte nun ebenso behaupten, der Jugendliche ist einigermaßen wahrscheinlich innerfamiliären Streitigkeiten zum Opfer gefallen. Auch dieser Ansatz wird nämlich immer offener diskutiert, wie Sie unter http://www.israelnational... lesen können. ..."

      In dem verlinkten Artikel wird der Mord an dem arabischen Teenager als „likely inside job“, wahrscheinliches Resultat eines Streits unter Arabern, dargestellt. Im Übrigen kein Wort davon, auf welche besonders grausame Weise er ermordet wurde. Ein Ex-Polizist wird zitiert (und als offizielle Quelle bezeichnet - „the official noted“) mit der Behauptung, dass die Familie des Jugendlichen wegen ihrer Streitsucht polizeibekannt sei. Dass es sich um einen Racheakt jüdischer Extremisten handeln könnte, sei nichts als „wild rumors and speculation“, wilde Gerüchte und Spekulation.

      Das scheint ja wirklich ein übles Blättchen zu sein. Oder ist es etwa eine Mainstream-Gazette? Die Formulierung "immer offener diskutiert“ lässt es fast befürchten. Jedenfalls erinnert diese Art von Reaktion fatal an den Umgang mit den NSU-Morden; Stichwort: „Döner-Morde“.

      Auf beklemmende Weise findet Uri Avnerys Feststellung vom Ausbleiben des großen Aufschreis hier eine ganz unmittelbare Bestätigung.

      (Link wie oben)

    6. BloggerMagga
      #1.15 — 16. Juli 2014, 15:08 Uhr

      Public Relations für Rechtsextremismus?

      Mit Rechtsextremismus - egal aus welcher Ecke, mit oder ohne Feindbildverschiebung (von Antisemitismus auf Islamophobie) - haben manche Foristen tatsächlich ein Problem. Ich auch.

      Von dem Link auf, den Thunderbolt an anderer Stelle empfohlen hatten, kam ich mit wenigen Klicks auf einen Artikel, in dem Wikipedia als ein Schlachtfeld für zionistischen Internet-Kampf bezeichnet wird („Zionist Internet Struggle to Hit Wikipedia").

      Quelle ist Arutz Sheva (laut „ein rechtsgerichteter, der national-religiösen Siedlerbewegung nahestehender Radiosender“).

      Einen Ausschnitt aus besagtem Artikel (Original Englisch; nachzulesen auf haben Google translate und ich mal übersetzt:

      „Die Bewegung Yisrael Sheli und der Siedlerrat, der die jüdischen Gemeinden in Judäa und Samaria vertritt, haben sich für eine neue PR-Initiative zusammengetan. Gemeinsam werden sie bald einen speziellen Kurs [..] anbieten, um [..] Einträge auf [..] Wikipedia zu schreiben und zu bearbeiten.
      Ayelet Shaked, die das Projekt leitet, [..] zitierte einige Beispiele des zionistischen Kampfes bei der Verwendung von Begriffen wie "Besatzung" [..]“

      Angeblich pro-israelische Hass-Blogs wie PI und weiland Fjordman stehen so wenig für Israel wie die deutsche Pro-Bewegung für Deutschland. Aber PR-Initiaven von Siedler-Radikalinskis dürften Futter für den internationalen Rechtsextremismus sein.

      (Link wie oben)

  7. His attorneys reportedly intend to plead temporary insanity.

  8. (Found with search for the settlement "Adam" in Jerusalem)

    by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed

    Monthly Archives: July 2012
    Shabbat and Tisha B'Av
    27/07/2012 צוות אתר הר ברכה

    Building the Land of Israel Brings Redemption

    It is well known that in the words of the Prophets and our holy Sages, settling the Land of Israel is the foundation and key to the Redemption, as cited in the book ‘Kol HaTor’, chapter 5: “And who is as great in all previous generations as Rabbeinu HaGra (Gaon of Vilna), Kadosh Yisrael, who, in his passionate oratory fire, urged his students to go to Eretz Yisrael and engage in the Ingathering of the Exiles, relentlessly encouraging his students to hasten the ‘Revealed End of Times’, to bring the Final Redemption by settling the Land of Israel. Almost every day, Rabbeinu spoke to us emotionally and excitedly, that ‘In Zion and Jerusalem will there be refuge’, and not to delay the point in time. Who can put into words the magnitude of Rabbeinu’s apprehension as he spoke of these matters to us, in his holy spirit and with tears in his eyes.”

    Furthermore, we have learned that the ‘Sin of the Spies’ – those who despised the cherished Land – occurred on Tisha B’Av, and it was decreed that if they did not correct their sin, the First and Second Temples would be destroyed on Tisha B’Av, and the galut would begin.

    Therefore, during these days we must awaken to the importance of the mitzvah of settling the Land, and every single Jew who is able, has the sacred duty to go up and settle in holy center of Eretz Yisrael – in Judea and Samaria.

    Torah Study on Shabbat Expresses Our Right to the Land

    “The Torah said before God: Master of the Universe! When Israel enters the Land, one person will run to [toil in] his vineyard, while another will run to [toil in] his field. What will be with me? God said to the Torah: I have a partner for you, and Shabbat is its name – for on that day, Israel will cease to work, and can engage in you” (Midrash, cited in Tur, Orach Chaim 290). And as we have learned in the Gemara (Pesachim 68b) and Rishonim (Or Ze’rua, S’mag, and others), half the time of Shabbat should be dedicated to Torah, that is to say, at least six hours.

    The more we strengthen our Torah study on Shabbat, the stronger our right to the Land will be, for the main objective of Eretz Yisrael is for holiness to reveal itself in everyday life as well, and in all various occupations; but this, provided one learns a lot on Shabbat, for by doing so, holiness and blessing spreads to all our accomplishments during the six workdays.

    The Mitzvah ‘Be Fruitful and Multiply’ Leads to Redemption

    Additionally, during these days we must awaken to what our Sages have said (Eliyahu Zuta 14): “And just as Israel was redeemed from Egypt in the merit of proliferating, so too will they be redeemed in the future. How do you know? Know for sure that this is the case, for Israel will be redeemed only if they proliferate and fill the entire the world, as it is said: “For you shall break forth on the right hand and on the left; and your seed shall possess nations, and make desolate cities to be inhabited” (Isaiah 54:3).

    1. ("false impression of 'full equality' ")

      The Incorrect Path: ‘Civil Service for All’

      The incorrect path, which unfortunately most politicians are adopting, is to pass a law calling for military or civilian service for all citizens. Its main goal is to create a false impression of “full equality” by expanding the “Sherut Leumi” (National Service), and by means of changing its name to “Civil Service”, so that even the Arabs, kindheartedly, would agree to participate in ‘sharing the national burden’.

      If the goal is to contribute in the arduous, national effort to defend the nation and the land against Israel’s enemies, ‘civil service’ makes no security contribution, whatsoever. The false impression of ‘full equality’ will not strengthen and unify the population in the face of difficult challenges, because in opposition to all the various ‘civil servants’, the soldiers will appear as even bigger ‘friars’ (suckers).

      What will happen is that the State of Israel will begin to subsidize tens of thousands of “volunteers”. To do this, of course, they will have to create a huge apparatus of directors, deputies, clerks and secretaries, to assist all the volunteers and direct them to their various locations. Bear in mind that even for the girls presently serving in ‘National Service’, there are not enough positions and organizations interested in their service!

      At the same time, an entire system to monitor and guide the “volunteers” will have to be set up, seeing as they lack training in treating hospital patients, or teaching students. As a result, this will cause only economic and social damage. Incidentally, many Haredi politicians will be ecstatic to accept such an offer, which in effect, “whitewashes” army evasion of all those yeshiva students not fit for diligent Torah study, granting official approval for them to serve in all the Haredi ‘gemachim’ (charity organizations) and various organizations, instead of serving in the I.D.F.

      The height of folly of this law is, of course, the sending of thousands of Arab youth to serve in charitable organizations under the auspices of the mosques and the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’, to deepen their influence on Arab society. As a result of this increase in “Islamic inspiration”, the State of Israel will subsequently have to boost the number of new recruits in the army, police, and fire departments, and raise the budget of compensation for victims of terror!

      Such a law will perpetuate the discrimination between those taking on the task of security, and those engaging in the ‘pastime’ called “civil service”. It would weaken the State of Israel in terms of security, and quickly turn the I.D.F. into an army of employees, because after “civil service” becomes just as legitimate as serving in the army, there won’t be too many ‘friars’ left, willing to volunteer to serve in the army and risking their lives to protect the nation and the land.

    2. It’s no secret that more than twenty percent of youth from the religious-Zionist community leave the way of Torah and mitzvoth. A significant number do so during, or as a result of, their army service. Even among those who remain religious, many are significantly weakened in the army. Did their parents, who invested fortunes of money sending their children to pre-military academies in hopes that they remain religious – if even minimally, invest those fortunes in vain?

      Periodically, we hear cries of grief from various elements within the army, complaining there are too many religious officers. If they complained about not enough secular people enlisting in the army, their complaint would be appropriate. But when the argument is that there are too many religious officers – not because the soldiers are inferior or less-professional, but because they are liable to change the secular atmosphere of the I.D.F. – the only way to interpret this is that they believe the army should be secular in nature.

      Therefore, the religious community should take the lead in calling for a change in the social and moral atmosphere in the army. Apart from benefitting the religious sector, today, it is also a pressing national and security necessity, because at this point in time, everyone realizes that Israeli society needs the Haredi community to share in the security burden.

    3. [...] Such an approach would have greatly helped unite the various factions amongst the settler community, and could have brought to an end, once and for all, the rift created between the “mamlachtim” (state-religious), and those who aren’t.

    4. Prime Minister Netanyahu

      [...] The Prime Minister was elected because of his pledge to support settlement in Judea and Samaria, and apparently, the position of the State Prosecutor’s Office calling for the destruction of the houses, stems from a hostile attitude towards the settlers, against the will of the people, as expressed in the general elections. In such a case, the Government bears the responsibility of correcting the injustice, using all the tools at its disposal, and must declare explicitly that the courts will not determine settlement policy in Judea and Samaria. If the Government does not act in this manner, the injustice and humiliation is even more scathing.

      However, it must be noted that after the important announcement of the Prime Minister in the Knesset, and his promise to build ten houses in exchange for every house destroyed, there is no justification for physical resistance to the evacuation and demolition of the houses. Indeed, it is worthwhile to protest against the legal system, but the place of this outcry is in another location.

      Moreover, in the agreement to evacuate Ulpana Hill, additional gains were achieved – the establishment of a Ministerial Committee for settlement, whose decisions obligate the Minister of Defense, and a commitment for a review and modification of the State Prosecutor’s position.

    5. [Settlement "Adam"}

      Also concerning Migron, from the outset I supported any proposal of an orderly, alternative settlement in a nearby place. True, I opposed the proposal of moving to the ‘yishuv’ Adam because it is far from Migron, to the point where re-locating there would have indicated the position that the area surrounding Migron should be empty of Jews, so that it could be handed over to foreigners.

    6. Delay in Article’s Publication

      I must also state that the article I published two weeks ago had actually been written a long time ago, and I spoke about it in a number of classes I gave. About six months ago, in one those classes, I mentioned my intention to publish it. As a result, a few dedicated activists from a nearby outpost approached me and requested that I delay its publication, because they felt it might harm their cause. Although I thought they were wrong, and I even said it to them, I respected their request, and suspended its publication.

      May it be His will that we merit building the Land of Israel, in its length and width, to build and to be built in it, and from within all the obstacles and restraints, to spread out to the west, east, north, and south.

    7. About Revivim

      Rabbi Eliezer Melamed

      Revivim is the online source for weekly article by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, published in hebrew weekly in the newspaper “Basheva”

      Rabbi Melamed is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Bracha, as a well as the Rabbi of the Har Bracha settlement.

      His weekly articles give a clear and concise Toarh-based viewpoint on matters of Am Yisrael, the state, modern halacha and many other topical subjects.

    8. ... In the month of Elul 5752 (September, 1992) Rabbi Melamed established the Yeshiva Har Bracha, of which he remains the head. In the Yeshiva, Rabbi Melamed teaches a daily class in Halachah, gives classes in emunah, Jewish thought, and guidance in public and private matters.

      In his vision, Rabbi Melamed seeks to establish Halachah amongst the Jewish nation as a bridge between the morals of God and daily life, as a way of ‘tikun olam’ in the kingdom of God. Towards this purpose, Rabbi Melamed works to familiarize the religious community, in all its diversity, with the halacha, and to make it pleasurable for those who study it, through his short halacha broadcasts on Arutz 7 and his writing of the series “Peninei Halachah”, which in a clear and in-depth fashion comprehensively covers various subjects in halacha, interwoven with thoughts of emunah, in a language suitable for all.

      The various undertakings of Rabbi Melamed, especially his tenure as the Rabbi of the community and the Dean of the Yeshiva, create a unique unification between the learning hall and daily life. This combination allows the development and improvement of the path of Torah and avodah, and places Har Bracha as an example of a Torah-based, idealistic community which is precise in its Torah study and fulfillment of mitzvoth, together with leading involvement in the national, social, economic, security and educational fields.

      The inspiration generated between the community of Har Bracha and the Yeshiva produces a unique and rare mixture of devotion to the Torah and mitzvot combined with practical, daily life. The Yeshiva serves as a focal point for the deepening of the vision, development of ideas, and setting of the path, while producing Torah scholars who fuse with the challenges presented. The community of Har Bracha, the graduates of the Yeshiva, and the wider circle of disciples of Rabbi Melamed implement these ideals on a practical basis through questions and thriving connection with Rabbi Melamed and the Beit Midrash.

    9. › Public Activities

      Although the majority of Rabbi Melamed’s time is dedicated to teaching and writing, he also is active in the public arena. Amongst his many activities can be listed:
      •The establishment of the youth organization “Ariel” and its first chapter in Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem.
      •The establishment of the Rabbinical Council of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Rabbi Melamed was the first secretary of the Council. He published 35 editions of the Council’s newsletters, which dealt with the clarification of crucial and relevant issues, and the clarification of fundamental public and national issues.
      •Rabbi Melamed was a partner in the establishment of the radio station Arutz 7. His daily halacha broadcast gained high listener ratings, and brought the word of God to thousands of houses throughout Israel and to wide and diverse listening audience. These broadcasts served as the cornerstone for the first books in the series “Peninei Halachah”.
      •Rabbi Melamed also took part in the establishment of the newspaper Basheva. From the beginning Rabbi Melamed has served as the newspapers’ spiritual driving force, and he writes a weekly column, “Revivim”, which has merited wide exposure and impact. The articles have been compiled into two books: the first deals with issues concerning marriage, society, family, and careers, while the second deals with the nation, land, and the army. Presently, the Yeshiva Har Bracha Institute of Publications is working on publishing the next volume of articles dealing with the lives and activities of great Rabbis.


  9. Why Islamic law is Official in Israel

    By Anshel Pfeffer, February 15, 2008

    Dr Aviad Hacohen, a constitutional law expert from Hebrew University and the head of the Mosiaca centre on state and religion, believes Israel’s system “has two main shortcomings.

    “The first is that it creates a twin-track system of religious and civil law that are not always compatible.”

    “The second shortcoming is that the system isn’t good for everyone. It can’t deal with mixed marriages, or those who are not recognised as belonging to a religion.”

    1. Jewish Year Abroad
      By Ben Harris, Wall Street Journal February 29, 2008
      Flipping Out? Myth or Fact: The Impact of the “Year in Israel”
      By Shalom Z. Berger, Daniel Jacobson and Chaim I. Waxman

      "I suspect on some level [the Israel year] moves the community to a more separatist position," said Rabbi Yosef Blau, the director of religious guidance at Yeshiva University, who supports Israel study but considers it a double-edged sword.

      "In Israel, the line between the Orthodox and the non-Orthodox is quite sharp, and that gets reflected back."

      Samuel Heilman, a sociologist of American Jewry and the author of "Sliding to the Right" fingers the Israel year as a chief reason for Modern Orthodoxy's supposed shift toward traditionalism.

      Rabbi Shalom Berger, one of the book's three authors, found that prior to landing in Israel, less than 20% of students rank high on a scale of ritual practice.

      After the year of study, the number surges to nearly 70%. Rabbi Berger also found that students are more committed to lifelong Torah study and show stronger ties to Israel after they return.

      'Religious Zionism sucked into abyss of haredi lifestyle'
      By Kobi Nahshoni, February 27, 2008

      In a recently published book, Rabbi Yigal Ariel, chief rabbi of Moshav Nov in the Golan Heights, condemned harshly the Religious Zionist movement for its recent tendency to become excessively haredi in character.

      “Sadly, we (religious Zionists) are gleefully making rapid strides towards the haredi world,” said the rabbi. “Today we hear Religious Zionists speaking out against science, against the academic world, and even against basic rule of law.”

  10. In his free time these days, Hussein Abu Khdeir visits injured patients from Gaza who are being treated at the Al-Makassed Islamic Charitable Society Hospital in Jerusalem.
    In a strange way, it puts his personal grief in perspective. “I saw one child, 3 months old, who lost a leg and has a head injury,” Abu Khdeir said. “I forgot my own son and cried.”
    Abu Khdeir, whose 16-year-old son Mohammed Abu Khdeir was burned alive in an apparent revenge killing after three Israeli Jewish teens were murdered in the occupied West Bank, garnered the sympathy of many Israelis in his grief. He and his wife accepted condolence visits from numerous Israeli Jews, including several government officials, personally, in a tent outside his home in the Shuafat neighborhood of East Jerusalem.
    "I want them here,” the boy’s mother, Suha Abu Khdeir, told a reporter from NPR, referring to a group of Israeli Jewish women that had come to visit her. “I want these women to support me.”
    But no one should confuse that with acceptance of Israel’s policies — particularly as the government has gone from a clampdown against Hamas to a ground war in Gaza that has left hundreds of Palestinian civilians dead and thousands wounded. “The Israeli government is always looking for the next war,” Hussein Abu Khdeir, 48, told the Forward in a July 29 interview.
    The Abu Khdeir family lives in Shuafat, a well-to-do neighborhood lined with villas and bisected by the track of the Jerusalem light rail. There the murdered boy’s father runs a hardware store popular with Arab and Jewish customers. A 15-minute drive to the west leads to Har Hotzvim, the technological park of Jerusalem, where Yishai Fraenkel, 44, is general manager of the design and development center at Intel’s headquarters in Israel. His nephew was 16-year-old Naftali Fraenkel, one of the three murdered Israeli teens.
    Like Abu Khdeir, Yishai Fraenkel bridges between Jews and Palestinians. He has spearheaded Intel’s effort to outsource work to startups in the Palestinian city of Ramallah on the West Bank, and said he plans to continue to do so. But Fraenkel stands behind Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, despite the large number of civilian casualties. The violence, he said, “started with the murder of three innocent boys. It continued with continuous attempts at mass murder of Israelis.”

  11. The occupation isn’t sexy.
    The Gaza war, just recently ended, wasn’t sexy.
    And so seeing these women’s limbs draped in ammunition belts, their faces smeared in war paint and their bodies surrounded with guns and knives — it doesn’t feel sexy.

    Israeli Soldiers Create Least Sexy Pin-Up Ever
    By Sigal Samuel

    ... What we’re being sold is an ideology that equates sexiness with militarism, and Israel with both.

    There are at least 4 deeply unfortunate things about this:

    1) It shows that Israel’s macho culture — a culture that says military violence is a beautiful and even arousing thing — is alive and well.

    2) Women are supposed to be grateful to be allowed into this macho culture. The fact that they’re included is a sign of the culture’s progressiveness, of how evolved and “egalitarian” it is (to quote MTKL’s campaign).

    3) Plenty of women actually buy into this logic. That includes the international buyers of MTKL’s products (sadly, I have no doubt that their products will sell) and the Israeli models themselves.

    4) By buying into this logic, they are — wittingly or unwittingly — working to put a sexy face on the occupation.

    But the occupation isn’t sexy.

    The Gaza war, just recently ended, wasn’t sexy.

    And so seeing these women’s limbs draped in ammunition belts, their faces smeared in war paint and their bodies surrounded with guns and knives — it doesn’t feel sexy.

    The MTKL designers may think their calendar will help “to show the world the beauty of Israel and its people” — but I suspect that for an increasing number of people, this insistence on associating Israel with militarism actually does the exact opposite.

    1. Gaza fighting prompts spike in demand for soldier sperm donations

      Haifa hospital sees surge in requests for donors who served in combat roles in wake of IDF Operation Protective Edge.

      Operation Protective Edge has sparked a new wave of patriotism in Israel, and it seems that this sentiment has manifested in a slew of other fields, including sperm donations.

      Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center has reported a rise in the number of women requesting special donations, and specifically asking for donors with a background as combat soldiers. [..]

    2. Captions say …. A good Arab is a dead Arab … kahane lives!

  12. Aus

    Soccer Thugs Burned a Palestinian Boy Alive in Jerusalem

    A close-knit gang of Beitar Jerusalem fans known as ‘La Familia’ ignites the Middle East

    By Liel Leibovitz|July 7, 2014 10:00 AM|

    "... If you want to understand the gruesome murder of 16-year-old Muhammed Abu-Khudair in the hands of six young Israelis last week, don’t turn to Bibi or the Bible or Hamas or Abbas: turn to Beitar Jerusalem, the favorite soccer team of Israel’s undivided capital.

    All six suspects are fanatical Beitar fans. According to an Israeli police officer familiar with the investigation, who spoke to Buzzfeed on condition of anonymity, members of the murderous cabal are all affiliated with La Familia, a small group of several thousand Beitar fans known for their anti-Arab opinions and a more general penchant for thuggery. The six met at a soccer-related rally, the cop said, and decided to expand the scope of their hooliganism as far as they could, resulting in the murder of Abu-Khudair a short while later. ..."

    The death of Muhammed Abu-Khudair is a terrible tragedy, but it’s not one unique to Israel. Anyone who watches soccer more frequently than a few matches every four years understands that intuitively.

  13. Aus

    Monday, July 07, 2014
    Re: Arab teen murdered by Jews. Comments by Robin Ticker Fwd: Anarchy by Shalom Pollack of Honenu

    ... It still is really hard to believe that 6 Jewish boys committed such a crime for no good reason. I am for now accepting the fact that this crime was indeed committed by Jewish teens as news reports have indicated.

    Israeli society must be introspective and analyse what led to this.senseless, cruel and inhumane murder. The education, occupation and recreation of these Jewish boys need to be examined. There is nothing in Torah that would justify something like this. I don't get the impression that these boys are typical settler youth. Perhaps they are influenced by extreme Arab culture that justifies burning of humans and this deviant and criminal mindset permeated their psyches. ...

    One can agree that this gruesome criminal act of burning an Arab teen is perhaps in response to the government's failure to protect its citizens from evil. Evil can assert itself in various fashions.

    One example of Evil is rewarding terrorists for terror and releasing them to society.

    I believe in this case evil is manifested as a mindset and culture that is evil and societies' ignoring or perhaps looking the other way and refusal to seriously acknowledge a problem exists or rationalizing it's not serious when it is, or passing the buck and collectively failing to address evil in an effective manner.

    Let me explain. I am basing my assumptions on the conclusions of Soccer Thugs Burned a Palestinian Boy Alive in Jerusalem By Liel Leibovitz ...

    My gut feeling is that these kids were troubled teens with emotional deficiencies from before this incident, and were under observation as per news reports but their issues were not adequately addressed and things got out of hand and tragedy struck. Were they under the influence of alcohol or drugs for example?

    I've noticed that this is not a unique scenario. Often society chooses to look the other way hoping kids especially teens, will miraculously straighten themselves out. They don't limit their access to alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. Society tends to marginalize them and ostracize them rather than to help them address their issues with healthy dose of discipline and education when necessary. ...

    These same issues often continue to the next generation and if not addressed are played out even worse with the next generation. As a result family members suffer terribly and have to live with unhealthy dysfunctional spouses, parents, children and siblings unable to address the matter on their own. It can play out with incidences of domestic violence. The recent murder of 2 children by their father ages 14 and 10 demonstrates how things can escalate years down the road.

    Another example is the murderer of Leiby Kletzky. Was there no indicators that he was unstable and dangerous before the tragedy occurred? Howard Greenberg, the defense attorney who clutched Aron's hand during the brief court proceeding noted that his client had untreated mental illness and came from a family with a history of schizophrenia. Maybe they were descendants of Holocaust survivors affected by the Holocaust generations later. ...

    It is the responsibility of the community and their government to be more proactive to protect society.

    Condemning the kids alone is not fair. In fairness, society is to share in shouldering responsibility for not educating, mentoring and addressing evil before tragedy struck..

    We are all collectively to blame and no one including myself is exempt or guilt free.

    It's something all those who were so quick to condemn these kids who perpetrated the crime should be thinking about.

    1. Sincerely,
      Robin Ticker
      Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.
      Most of these emails are posted on

  14. Sharon hits at critics as anti-Semitic

    November 13, 2003: (Reuters) Jerusalem - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said foreign criticism of Israel's use of force against Palestinians in a three-year-old uprising is motivated by a new form of anti-Semitism.

    "Around the world, time and again, Israel is criticised for exercising its right of self-defence by using excessive force," Sharon, speaking in English, told visiting Canadian Jewish activists late yesterday.

    Those who reject Israel's "right to use force to defend itself" also effectively deny its "birthright to exist" in its ancestral homeland, he added.

    "Regrettably, we see this phenomenon among many nations in the world community and I would say that this is a new form of anti-Semitism," Sharon said.

  15. The Scariest Politician in Israel: Ayelet Shaked
    by Shira Rubin
    The Daily Beast 05.19.15

    The right-wing firebrand has often provoked outrage, but now she’s in a position to do real damage to the Israel’s independent judiciary.

    JERUSALEM — Ayelet Shaked is a vocal opponent of the Palestinian state. During last summer’s war in Gaza she even shared an infamous piece by another author on Facebook that called Palestinian children “little snakes.” She later tried to walk that back, but her reputation for extremism lives on, and not without cause.

    Now she’s Israel’s newly appointed Justice Minister and she plans to put limits on the Supreme Court, believed by many Israelis to be the country’s strongest bastion of democracy. ...

    Shaked has, along with Jewish Home leader Naftali Bennett, helped to make Jewish extremism palatable to mainstream, especially young, Israelis. ...

    Shaked’s appointment was among the most controversial of multiple last-ditch concessions made by Prime Minister Netanyahu to the Jewish Home party. In the last stretch before the May 6 midnight deadline to form a government, Netanyahu managed to cobble together one of the most conservative, pro-religious, and pro-settler coalitions in the country’s history. ...

    Shaked will contribute to the appointment of incoming justices and the next attorney general, who heads the public prosecution system.

    If she recommends candidates based on her personal agenda, she may nullify the very purpose of those positions, which is to defend the courts from political attack and prevent the arbitrary use of power, says Moshe Negbi, the legal analyst at Israel Radio. ...

    While the Supreme Court’s justices do not engage with the Knesset or the public over political issues, its president, Miriam Naor, broke form last month in response to a right-wing campaign to curb the institution’s power.

    At a conference for human dignity in Jerusalem, she championed the Supreme Court as “the last barrier preventing harm to human dignity and other basic rights,” and added that, “it is one of the reasons Israel is seen as a member of the family of democratic nations.” ...

    1. The left hates her and Netanyahu won’t shake her hand: Meet Ayelet Shaked, Israel’s new justice minister
      Joe O'Connor | May 15, 2015
      National Post

      ... “The Shaked appointment is a reflection of the public mood in Israel, whether we like it or we don’t,” says Yakov Rabkin, a historian at the Université de Montreal, who was in Israel during the campaign. “She is very anti-Palestinian. She has violent discourse and all that, but in that, she reflects the public mood.” ...

      Shaked’s critics greeted news of her appointment as a national outrage best summarized by Nachman Shai, of the centre-left Zionist Union party, who said that giving her the justice portfolio was like “appointing a pyromaniac to head the fire department.” ...

      Shaked’s true political awakening came while serving as an infantry instructor in the Golani Brigade, where she connected with the “religious-Zionist public,” even while some of her friends then, and now, were connecting with more left-wing politics. (She is married to a fighter pilot). ...

      A graduate of Tel Aviv University, with an electrical engineering and computer science degree, she worked for Texas Instruments before landing in Netanyahu’s office in 2006 as his bureau chief. Two years later she quit — along with the future leader of Jewish Home, Naftali Bennett ...

      “So Shaked’s appointment reinforces Netanyahu’s view that no matter what he says, he is subliminally or psychologically or implicitly opposed to a two state solution [with the Palestinians].

      “But for political reasons, he can’t be quite so overt.”

      But Shaked can be overt ....

    2. Why I'm on the brink of burning my Israeli passport
      Mira Bar Hillel
      The Independent
      11 July 2014

      I can no longer stand by while Israeli politicians like Ayelet Shaked condone the deaths of innocent Palestinian women and children. ...

      Ayelet Shaked represents the far-right Jewish Home party in the Knesset. This means she is well to the right of Benyamin Netanyahu, just in case you thought such a thing was not possible.

      On Monday she quoted this on her Facebook page: “Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

      A week earlier, just before 17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khudair was snatched and burned alive, Shaked wrote: “This is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. The reality is that this is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people. Why? Ask them, they started it.”

      So even before the boy died horribly she declared him to be the enemy, and afterwards, without any apparent hint of guilt or remorse, she was calling for the deaths of innocent women and their unborn babies.

      She made me think about my mother’s sister Klara and her three small children who were living in Krakow in 1939 when the Germans invaded. They decided that the Jews – all Jews – were the enemy and had to be eliminated, not least the women and the little snakes they were raising. “Why? Ask them – they started it”, as the Nazis would say if asked. ...

      And, as the bombs rain on Gaza, Israeli teens have taken to tweeting scantily-clad selfies alongside their political sentiments. In two now deleted tweets, one wrote “Death to all of you Arabs you transfag”, while another proclaimed “Arabs may you be paralyzed & die with great suffering!” Another teen simply tweeted “Death to these f****** Arabs”, and attached a photo of themselves pouting alongside it. ...

    3. Netanyahu appoints Ayelet Shaked ...
      Ben Norton on May 6, 2015

      ... Her post consisted of an excerpt from an article by Uri Elitzur, the late right-wing journalist and leader of the Israeli settler movement, which seeks to colonize Palestinian land in contravention of international law. Elitzur also served as a speechwriter and advisor to Netanyahu.

      Shaked later deleted the status, which garnered 1,000s of likes and shares, yet not before it was archived. The following is a translation of her post (courtesy of Dena Shunra):

      "The Palestinian people has declared war on us, and we must respond with war. Not an operation, not a slow-moving one, not low-intensity, not controlled escalation, no destruction of terror infrastructure, no targeted killings. Enough with the oblique references. This is a war. Words have meanings. This is a war. It is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. These too are forms of avoiding reality. This is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people. Why? Ask them, they started.

      I don’t know why it’s so hard for us to define reality with the simple words that language puts at our disposal. Why do we have to make up a new name for the war every other week, just to avoid calling it by its name. What’s so horrifying about understanding that the entire Palestinian people is the enemy? Every war is between two peoples, and in every war the people who started the war, that whole people, is the enemy. A declaration of war is not a war crime. Responding with war certainly is not. Nor is the use of the word “war”, nor a clear definition who the enemy is. Au contraire: the morality of war (yes, there is such a thing) is founded on the assumption that there are wars in this world, and that war is not the normal state of things, and that in wars the enemy is usually an entire people, including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.

      And the morality of war knows that it is not possible to refrain from hurting enemy civilians. It does not condemn the British air force, which bombed and totally destroyed the German city of Dresden, or the US planes that destroyed the cities of Poland and wrecked half of Budapest, places whose wretched residents had never done a thing to America, but which had to be destroyed in order to win the war against evil. The morals of war do not require that Russia be brought to trial, though it bombs and destroys towns and neighborhoods in Chechnya. It does not denounce the UN Peacekeeping Forces for killing hundreds of civilians in Angola, nor the NATO forces who bombed Milosevic’s Belgrade, a city with a million civilians, elderly, babies, women, and children. The morals of war accept as correct in principle, not only politically, what America has done in Afghanistan, including the massive bombing of populated places, including the creation of a refugee stream of hundreds of thousands of people who escaped the horrors of war, for thousands of whom there is no home to return to.

      And in our war this is sevenfold more correct, because the enemy soldiers hide out among the population, and it is only through its support that they can fight. Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. Actors in the war are those who incite in mosques, who write the murderous curricula for schools, who give shelter, who provide vehicles, and all those who honor and give them their moral support. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there." ...

    4. Israel’s new justice minister considers all Palestinians to be ‘the enemy’
      By Ishaan Tharoor
      The Washington Post May 7, 2015

      ... Shaked is known for her strident (some would say extremist) views regarding Palestinians and the enfeebled Israeli left. In July, in a controversial post on Facebook, the then-member of the Knesset posted the text of an article by the late Israeli writer Uri Elitzur that referred to Palestinian children as "little snakes" and appeared to justify the mass punishment of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. The post has since been deleted, but an archived version remains.

      It was put up shortly after the discovery of the bodies of three Israeli teens kidnapped last year while hiking in the West Bank. Their killing eventually escalated into a 50-day war in which Israel pummeled the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian enclave dominated by the militant Islamist group Hamas, which launched barrages of rocket fire at Israel. The Gaza war killed more than 1,400 Palestinian civilians and reduced whole swaths of the impoverished territory to rubble. ...

  16. „Sie haben drei von uns genommen, wir nehmen einen von ihnen“, so resümiert Ben-David die Entscheidung zum Mord.

    taz 12.8.2014!5035641/

    1. Um sicherzugehen, dass ihr Opfer kein Jude sei, habe einer der Tatverdächtigen Abu Khdeir auf Hebräisch nach dem Weg gefragt. Als der Junge darauf nicht antworten konnte, schlug ihm, laut Zeugenaussage, N. ins Gesicht, während M. ihm den Mund zuhielt, damit er nicht um Hilfe schreien könne. Er habe sich zur Wehr gesetzt, als die Männer ihn in den Wagen zerrten.

      „Ich schrie: Mach ihn fertig!“, so Ben-David. „Irgendwann hörte er auf, sich zu wehren.“ Er habe den Bewusstlosen wiederholt geschlagen und getreten. Bei jedem Schlag habe Ben-David die Namen jüdischer Terroropfer gerufen. „Dies ist für Eyal, dies für Naftali und dies für Gilad“ – die drei ermordeten Israelis. Anschließend hätten die Verdächtigen Beweise vernichtet. Ben-David bedauert die Tat. „Wir sind Juden, wir haben ein Herz.“

  17. In Jerusalem, justice is rarely served equally
    Joseph Dana
    July 5, 2015

    ... Suha Abu Khdeir, Mohammed’s mother, said last week that she didn’t believe her son’s murderers would receive the punishment they deserve because the system is stacked against Palestinians. Even if they are convicted, she said, they are unlikely to be given the minimum sentence of life imprisonment. “I don’t trust the Israeli court,” she said. “I don’t believe that they are going to give us our right.”

    If you survey the legal system in place in Jerusalem, Suha Abu Khdeir’s lack of hope for justice is well founded. To start with, the Abu Khdeir family doesn’t enjoy the same privileges that Israeli citizens do, even though they are Jerusalem residents. As Palestinians, they are not allowed to vote in municipal or national elections. While they do receive national health insurance and have the right to freely travel around Israel, unlike West Bank Palestinians, they live with the constant fear that their Jerusalem residency will be revoked by authorities and they interact with the state from a position of perpetual insecurity.

    One way of highlighting the inequality that Suha Abu Khdeir describes is to think about the situation in reverse. If the roles had been reversed and Mohammad Abu Khdeir had killed an Israeli Jew on that fateful night, the aftermath would have been dramatically different. For one, the Abu Khdeir family home would have likely been demolished as part of a long-standing Israeli deterrence policy of destroying the homes of Palestinians who carry out nationalist attacks on Israeli civilians.

    A number of Abu Khdeir’s family members would have been taken into Israeli custody without charges, merely based on association to the attacker. There would be no easy defence, as in the case of Ben David, who claimed that he was insane at the time of the murder. To be sure, Mohammed would bear the full weight of the Israeli judicial system and his family would face a lifetime of harassment. ...

    While the legal systems are different – Israelis in the West Bank are tried in civilian courts and Palestinians in military tribunals – the denial of justice for Palestinians is as old as the state of Israel itself.

    Just last week, one Palestinian, 17-year-old Muhammad Al Kasbah, allegedly throwing stones near the Qalandiya checkpoint that separates Jerusalem from Ramallah, was shot at near point-blank range by a senior Israeli military commander. After his vehicle was hit with a stone, the commander got out and shot the boy in the head and chest as if the entire scene had been played out in the Wild West. This episode reflects a common facet of life in the West Bank and even in Jerusalem. When it comes to their interaction with Palestinians, the Israeli army and even Israeli civilians can act with impunity. Palestinians, on the other hand, are subjected to a Kafkaesque legal system that, at least in the West Bank, boasts a 99.7 per cent conviction rate when it comes to “security-related” offences. ...

    1. One year on, class of Palestinian teen burnt alive graduates without him
      Kate Shuttleworth
      July 1, 2015

      ... The two teenagers told the court on June 3 that Ben David had pressured them into carrying out a hate crime in retaliation for the murder of three Israeli teenagers Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frenkel and Gilad Shaer who were kidnapped and murdered in the West Bank weeks earlier.

      The day before murdering Mohammed, Ben David attended the funeral of the three Israeli youth, as well as a rally of Jewish Israeli protesters in central Jerusalem calling for “death to Arabs”.

      But Hussein said he blames the Israeli government for his son’s death. “Their incitement at the time encouraged these people.”

      Following the killings of the three Israeli teenagers – and before Mohammed’s murder – prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu had blamed Hamas for the deaths, saying that the group “must pay”.

      Last year, Ben David, a resident of the West Bank settlement Adam, admitted to setting Mohammed alight in a police interview.

      This year, however, he refused to testify in court and his legal team has argued that he is insane and unfit for trial. ...

    2. ... a Rabi named Moshe Levinger who murdered a Palestinian shopkeeper in 1988 in downtown Hebron was sentenced to 6 months in jail. According to Israeli sources, the rabbi, who died last month, served only a few days in jail before he was set free.

    3. Settler leader Rabbi Moshe Levinger dies at 80

      Rabbi led Jewish community in Hebron and spearheaded West Bank settlements in the 70s.
      By Chaim Levinson | May 16, 2015

      Settlement leader Rabbi Moshe Levinger, one of the founders of the Gush Emunim movement and the spiritual leader of the Jewish community in Hebron, passed away Saturday at the age of 80.

      Levinger was admitted in late April to Jerusalem's Shaare Zedek Medical Center in critical condition after an epileptic seizure. His son Shlomo Levinger told Arutz Sheva at the time that his father also had pneumonia. ...

      Levinger first became known to the general public when he led a group of Jews that held a Passover seder at the Park Hotel in Hebron in 1968.

      The group refused to leave the city after the holiday, living for three years in the military administration building in Hebron until Kiryat Arba was established adjacent to the ancient city.

      After the 1973 Yom Kippur War, he represented the Jews who moved into Israel's first West Bank settlement — Sebastia in Samaria — in opposition to the government of then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. A photograph of Levinger and settler leader Hanan Porat dancing as they were carried on the shoulders of rejoicing settlers became a symbol of the struggle in Sebastia. ...

      Levinger was born in Jerusalem in 1935 and studied at the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva. He became the rabbi of Moshav Nehalim. After the 1967 Six-Day War he was one of the first Jews who sought to settle in the occupied territories. In 1968 he organized a group of yeshiva graduates, who rented the Park Hotel for the seder and remained. In the end they were allowed to settle in Kiryat Arba. ...

      During the first intifada, Levinger opened fire from a military position at Palestinians who were throwing rocks, killing one of them. He was convicted of negligent homicide and imprisoned for three months. ...

      In a statement, the Jewish community in Hebron said it was stunned by the death of Levinger, "who will be remembered together with the leaders of Israeli settlement since the beginning of the Zionist movement and the revival of the nation." ...

    4. Rabbi Moshe Levinger - obituary
      20 May 2015

      ... West Bank settler and spiritual leader driven by a messianic zeal to reclaim the Jewish holy place of Hebron

      The military commander in charge of this area, General Uzi Narkiss, allowed Levinger to enter Hebron with his followers on condition that they left town promptly the following day. With his wife Miriam at his side, Levinger led 40 Jews, pretending to be Swiss tourists, into the small Park Hotel, which was run by the Palestinian Qawasmi family. Miriam recalled how “everyone was deliriously happy, as if the Messiah was just around the corner… as if they were personally touched by God”.

      They cleaned and koshered the kitchen allotted to them and celebrated the Passover Seder, but, on the next day, instead of leaving Hebron as promised, they hoisted an Israeli flag over the hotel and announced that they would settle in the town for good. When Levinger set up a makeshift seminary on the second floor, Fahd Qawasmi, the hotel owner, demanded that they leave, but Levinger refused.

      Rather than removing the settlers, the Israeli government embarked on long negotiations with Levinger and, in 1979, agreed to let him and his people settle just east of Hebron’s centre. Subsequently, Kiryat Arba was set up on 25 hectares of private land expropriated from its Palestinian owner on the order of the military governor for “security reasons”. ...

      Levinger was involved in numerous confrontations with Palestinians. In 1988, during their uprising which came to be known as the intifada, Palestinians stoned Levinger’s car as he drove in Hebron. In response, he took out his gun (West Bank settlers are allowed to carry guns) and started shooting at random, killing a Palestinian and injuring another. He was convicted of negligent homicide and imprisoned for three months. When released from prison in August 1990, Levinger remained defiant: “If I’m in a situation of danger again, I’ll again open fire.”

      In 1992, Levinger tried to run for a Knesset seat as the head of a party, Torah VeHaaretz, but it failed to pass the threshold.

      Levinger’s dream of full Israeli annexation of the West Bank never materialised as, following the signing of the Oslo Agreements between Israel and the Palestinians in 1993-1994, all West Bank Palestinian cities were transferred to Palestinian hands. Hebron, however, remains to date the sole West Bank city with a Jewish community and divided Israeli-Palestinian sovereignty.

      Levinger was admired by many of the West Bank Jewish settler community, but for many others he came to stand for the negative stereotype of West Bank settlers. ...

    5. Israel Offers Burial Deal For Slain Plo Official
      January 02, 1985|By United Press International.

      JERUSALEM — Israel on Tuesday offered to allow the body of assassinated former Hebron Mayor Fahd Qawasmi to be buried in his native West Bank city if Palestinian guerrillas return four missing Israeli soldiers. ...

      Qawasmi was banished from Hebron in May, 1980, after the massacre of six Jewish seminary students at Beit Haddasah center in Hebron.

      LAST MONTH, he was elected to the PLO executive committee in charge of the occupied territories. ...

      The former mayor was assassinated Saturday in Amman, Jordan. ...

    6. Elections In Palestine

      Hebron's Independent Women, Part I

      This Saturday, the West Bank city of Hebron will hold its first municipal elections in over three and a half decades. While this is critical for Hebron’s people, what makes these elections remarkable is the first all-women list to ever run in Palestinian politics.

      The independent bloc, named “In Participation, We Can,” is made up of 11 middle-class women, spanning backgrounds in journalism, engineering, business, and more. Maysoun Qawasmi, the leader and woman behind the list, hopes to lay a foundation that will strengthen women’s voices in government and in Palestinian society as a whole

      When asked about the issues that women in Palestinian society face, Qawasmi said that they are the same issues women face all around the world: lack of education, domestic violence, health care, pressure from male guardians, and additional effects of patriarchy. Qawasmi advocates for more women in government because female leaders understand women’s needs better than men. Girls in Hebron are not allowed to play in the local sports stadium for more than a few hours a week; most of the time it is dedicated to men. Qawasmi wants her daughter to be able to “live like a normal girl.”

      She nonetheless said the biggest issue faced by Palestinian women is the occupation. In Hebron, Israeli settlers occupy the main thoroughfare and commonly attack Palestinians. Fearing such attacks, combined with limits on movement due to checkpoints and curfews, pregnant women have faced difficulty getting to hospitals to deliver their babies. ...

      Qawasmi’s family history may be an asset, as her father, Fahd Al-Qawasmi, was elected mayor of Hebron in 1976. He was exiled by the Israeli military in 1980. ...

      Once elected, Qawasmi wants to expand her service to include working for the handicapped, dealing with water shortages, opening more schools, making the local sports stadium accessible to girls and women, and most importantly, sharing the public in decision-making. Once these races are over, she hopes to run for Mayor.

      Will the women’s bloc succeed in what it hopes to accomplish? Will it win seats in the elections, provide a real voice for women, and make a large impact on gender equality in Hebron? Only time will tell. But Qawasmi believes she has already achieved victory: she has made a presence and changed how many people in Hebron view women in politics. She has already given women in Hebron something they have never had—political legitimacy.

  18. Police and Thieves: Excusing the inexcusable?
    The Jerusalem Post 06/25/2015

    ... The tendency to claim mental illness in these cases is problematic because it serves as a distraction, to keep us from talking about the wider societal flaws that influence these actions.

    It’s a common refrain any time there’s a mass shooting in the US, which are almost always carried out by white men. The killer – if it’s a white man - must be mentally deranged, possibly even under the influence of harmful medication, something, anything that could explain cold-blooded cruelty on that level.

    This refrain has been repeated this week, ever since Dylann Roof walked into an African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina, and shot dead nine congregants a week ago. He was initially described by pundits and politicians as possibly mentally disturbed, with Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry surmising that he may have been under the effect of dangerous prescription medication.

    The narrative lasted even though a witness who Roof let live “to tell the world what happened here” said he told her he was carrying out the massacre because black people “are taking over the US.” The narrative was only retired after more photos emerged showing him holding a pistol and a Confederate flag, as well as racist and anti-Semitic writings online that he reportedly authored.

    As after previous mass murders, people on Twitter and elsewhere drew comparisons, asking why is it that white killers are called “mentally disturbed” and Muslim killers are called “terrorists.”

    Locally, that debate made me think of a brutal crime committed closer to home. Though it wasn’t a mass killing, the lynching of 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir last summer, kidnapped and burned alive in a Jerusalem forest, showed a rare level of human depravity.

    In late-July 2014, the three main suspects in the killing were brought for an arraignment, with main suspect Yosef Ben-David saying “I am the messiah” as he entered the courtroom. It was an opening shot in his ploy to plead insanity, which was not accepted pre-trial.

    I thought of Ben-David again this week after Charleston. As with Dylann Roof, there were also voices in Israel saying the cause must be mental illness.

    Initially after the kidnapping and murder, there was disbelief that a Jew could be capable of such a crime, and the claim that Abu Khdeir was murdered by his family in some sort of “honor killing” began to circulate. Finally, after the gag order was lifted and the arrests announced, the argument that Ben-David was mentally disturbed first began to surface.

    This is despite the fact that the crime was, according to the indictment, planned out well ahead of time. This is also despite the fact that Ben-David testified to investigators that with every blow of the tire iron, he called out the name of a terrorist victim, very clearly saying on record that his motivation was revenge, and the crime nationalist. ...

    When people describe Ben-David and his ilk (like those who torch churches and mosques) as mentally deranged, then a societal problem becomes a personal one. It allows us to avoid closely examining the rising nationalist currents in Israeli society in recent years and see the murder as a one-off event, a strange and unexplainable act of homicidal violence by a Jew, an exception that proves the rule that such acts of violence are the provenance of Arabs, not of our boys.

    It allows us to avoid talking about whether national policies have played a role, even if indirectly. It means there’s no reason to ask whether or not legislation like the “Jewish nation-state” bill afford a sort of inferior status to non- Jews, because Ben-David is insane, and there’s nothing to be done. ...

  19. Analysis: Avera Mengistu, a flawed focus on racism
    By BEN HARTMAN \ 07/11/2015
    The Jerusalem Post

    ... For the past ten months the family of Avera Mengistu has lived with trauma and uncertainty. Their son has been missing in Gaza, his whereabouts and health unknown, with no sign of life. The fact that he crossed into the coastal territory willingly, and has a history of mental distress is probably of no consolation.

    They have also, it turns out, not been treated with the level of urgency and sympathy one would expect for the family of an Israeli citizen held in captivity by Hamas, and only on Friday did they meet in person with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who didn’t respond to their letters asking about their son for ten months.

    On Thursday, hours after the story was cleared for publication, a recording was released of Colonel (res.) Lior Lotan, the prime minister’s representative dealing with hostage issues, scolding and threatening Mengistu’s family, telling them that if they go public and point fingers at the Israeli government they will be personally responsible for keeping him in Gaza for a year longer. ...

  20. "Price Tag" Killing

    The Independent
    Friday 31 July 2015
    Palestinian toddler burnt alive after masked 'Jewish extremists' target home in arson attack
    Rose Troup Buchanan

    An eighteen-month-old Palestinian child has been burnt alive in a horrific arson attack by suspected Jewish extremists on a home in a West Bank village in Israel.

    Ali Saad Dawabsha was asleep with the rest of his family when masked individuals targeted the house with graffiti and then threw two firebombs into the home at 4am on Friday morning in the village of Kafr Duma.

    The attackers allegedly daubed the walls of the two homes with the “Price tag” slogan, been used by Israeli extremists in the past, and which was quickly shared on social media.

    They also reportedly sprayed “revenge” and “long live the Messiah” on the walls in Hebrew, according to Haaretz.

    Although the child’s father Sa’ad managed to get his wife Reham and four-year-old son Ahmed out of the building, witnesses told reporters he was unable to find the youngest as there was no electricity. The house next door, which was also targeted, was empty.

  21. Israel president threatened over 'Jewish terrorism' comment

    Jerusalem (AFP) - Police have opened an investigation into online threats against Israel's president following his condemnation of "Jewish terrorism" after a firebombing killed a Palestinian child, a presidential spokesman said on Monday.
    President Reuven Rivlin had written a Facebook post following Friday's arson attack by suspected Jewish extremists on a Palestinian family's home in the West Bank village of Duma.

    The attack killed 18-month-old Ali Saad Dawabsha and critically injured left his parents and four-year-old brother.

    More than shame, I feel pain," Rivlin wrote in Arabic and Hebrew. "The pain over the murder of a little baby. The pain over my people choosing the path of terrorism and losing their humanity.

    "Their path is not the path of the State of Israel and is not the path of the Jewish people. Unfortunately, it seems that so far we've dealt with the phenomenon of Jewish terrorism limply," he wrote, calling for concrete measures against such extremists.

    Rivlin's post evoked a wave of more than 2,000 comments, some positive but others attacking him and recalling Israelis killed by Palestinians.

    "Dirty traitor. Your end will be worse than (Ariel) Sharon's," said one comment quoted by the Maariv newspaper, referring to the late Israeli former premier who spent eight years in a coma.

    Another said: "In Russia you would have been found by this point cut up inside a shoe box." ...

  22. The New Settlement in E2 (Nahla) –
    A Significant Threat to the Two States Solution
    Update on E2 – September 2014

    Prepared by “Peace Now”, “Kerem Navot”, and “Combatants for Peace”
    The establishment of a new settlement south of Bethlehem
    At the present time, the establishment of a new settlement is proceeding beside the Palestinian village of Nahla, south of Bethlehem and east of the settlement Efrat. The establishment of this new settlement has ruinous implications concerning the chance for a solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of two states. Establishment of the settlement would bisect the West Bank and seriously damage the chance for peace (as would also the plan for E1, east of Jerusalem), and we therefore call this new plan E2; (the settlers call this area “Givat Eitam”). The planning in this area is to build 2,500 housing units on about 1,700 dunams (i.e. 170 hectares or 425 acres).

    Seizing Control of the Land: Registration in the name of Himanouta – In 1979 and 1990, in an accelerated procedure which provoked suspicions, about 309 dunams of E2 were registered in the name of the Himanouta company, which belongs to the Jewish National Fund.

    Seizing Control of the Land – “Declaration” of State Lands – An additional 1,341 dunams (approximately) of E2 were declared, in 2004, as “State Lands” and were incorporated into the municipal jurisdiction of the Efrat settlement. The Palestinian landowners appealed against this declaration, and the High Court of Justice (HCJ 2676/09) is expected to reject the appeal soon. From the moment that the Court approves the status of the land, the Government of Israel will be able to promote the building plan in the planning institutions, and with the plan’s approval, to begin building on the ground.

    “An Agricultural Farm”: At the end of 2011, Minister of Defense Ehud Barak gave permission for the establishment of an agricultural farm on the lands registered in the name of Himanouta. In October 2013 settlers in the area set up a new settlement spot which is maintained by several young people and guarded by the army. ...

    1. More Israeli settlements planned
      March 12, 1997
      By Adam Hanieh

      On February 26, the Israeli government announced the future construction of 2600 housing units between East Jerusalem and Bethlehem on Mount Abu Ghneim.

      These units will be built for Jewish settlers as part of the continuing expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. Currently 4000 settlement units are in advanced stages of construction across the occupied territories.

      The two square kilometres in question, predominantly owned by Palestinian residents, were annexed by the Israelis in 1967, along with two-thirds of the Bethlehem district. At the time, it was declared "green land", which made any construction unlawful.

      In 1991, two Israeli companies, Makor and Himanouta, suggested that the Israeli government confiscate the annexed territory in order to construct private housing. The government went ahead with the confiscation but earmarked the area for public housing. This led to a dispute between the companies and the government that was eventually resolved in the government's favour in 1995.

      Construction of the settlement would be a devastating blow to the Palestinians. Bethlehem residents have been informed that additional land will be confiscated to build two bypass roads between the new settlement and existing settlements. These roads would be off limits to the Palestinian population, creating a ring of Israeli settlements cutting the West Bank off from Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem. ...

    2. Israeli gov’t has allocated 38% of West Bank state land to settlers, 1% to Palestinians Israel/Palestine

      Kate on March 30, 2013

      Just 0.7 % of state land in the West Bank has been allocated to Palestinians, Israel admits Haaretz 28 Mar by Chaim Levinson —

      Over the past 33 years the Civil Administration has allocated less than one percent of state land in the West Bank to Palestinians, compared to 38 percent to settlers, according to the agency’s own documents submitted to the High Court of Justice. The West Bank includes 1.3 million dunams ‏(approximately 325,000 acres‏) of “state land,” most of which is allocated to Jewish settlements.

      The declared policy of the previous Netanyahu government was to remove Jewish construction from private Palestinian land in the West Bank and to approve all construction on state lands. According to the classification of the Civil Administration, a small amount of “state land” was registered with the Jordanian authorities until 1967. But most declared “state land” was declared as such after 1979.

      The need for such a declaration emerged in October 1979, when the High Court struck down as unconstitutional the state’s practice of seizing Palestinian land, ostensibly for “military needs” but in practice in order to establish Jewish settlements. It was after 1979 that the process of the wholesale declaration of territory as state land began.

      According to the law in the West Bank, any land with continuous agricultural cultivation for at least 10 years becomes the property of the farmer; land under cultivation cannot be seized by the state. Although the Civil Administration team charged with determining which lands are cultivated is supposed to base their conclusions on testimony and aerial photos, a senior official in the Civil Administration conceded recently in the Ofer Military Court that the decisions are political.

      The hearing at which the official was speaking was over the state lands declared with regard to the Hayovel outpost. The latter has been at the heart of a High Court case for over seven years. The state had decided to retroactively authorize Hayovel, but aerial photos clearly show a number of houses and cultivated land, and the road to Hayovel goes through private Palestinian land. The state therefore devised a method of declaring the area between cultivated spots, for example, between trees, as “uncultivated” and thus it could deem it state land.

    3. Frühe Kontroverse:
      Sorge über die Gefährdung der Ideale durch die Verführungen der Bodenspekulation

      Dokumente zur Geschichte des deutschen Zionismus 1882-1933
      Jehuda Reinharz - 1981 - ‎History

      Die Ideale des JJWB 14. SEPTEMBER 1925 JÜDISCHE NATIONAL- UND UNIVERSITÄTSBIBLIOTHEK Rundschreiben der Bundesleitung Berlin, den 14. 9. 1925 an alle Chawerim und Chaweroth Gotha 25. Elul 85 des JJWB ...

      Heute müssen wir sehen, wie der Aufbau des jüdischen Landes mehr und mehr als geschäftliches Unternehmen angesehen wird, wie Bodenspekulation und Verdienstsucht eindringen und sich breit machen, und die zionistische Organisation ist nicht mehr imstande, durch eine geschlossene, machtvolle Kundgebung alle zu ächten, die den Aufbau des jüdischen Landes zu einem geschäftlichen Unternehmen erniedrigen und eine öffentliche Meinung zu schaffen, die am stärksten allen Mißständen entgegenwirken könnte.

  23. "Vergiss deinen Alibijuden Avnery und die antizionistische Ellen Rohlfs!" Die anderen Stimmen Israels - Horst Miegel´s Forum

  24. 06.10.2015

    Palästina Nach Anschlägen in den vergangenen zwei Wochen droht die Situation im Westjordanland zu eskalieren

    Ein Blog-Beitrag von Freitag-Community-Mitglied jkaron

    ... Am Donnerstag, 1. Oktober wurde das israelische Ehepaar Eitam und Naama Henkin bei einer Autofahrt zwischen der Siedlung Itamar und Elon Moreh vor den Augen ihrer vier Kinder erschossen. ... Der israelische Präsident Reuven Rivlin kündigte an, den Terror ohne Angst, Gnade und Feigheit zu bekämpfen.

    Zwei Tage später ermordete der Palästinenser Mohannad Halabi, ein 19-jähriger Jurastudent der al-Quds Universität in Ost-Jerusalem, zwei Siedler mit Messerattacken. Die Tat kündigte er zuvor auf Facebook an. Auf dem sozialen Netzwerk postete er: „Wie lang wird diese Demütigung und Schande anhalten? Nach dem, was ich zurzeit beobachte, hat die dritte Intifada begonnen. Der Widerstand ist innerhalb der aktuellen Rahmenbedingungen rechtmäßig“. Damit nahm er Bezug zu der Ermordung des 21-jährigen Diaa Talameh aus der Nähe von Hebron vor zwei Wochen, der bei Gefechten von israelischen Streitkräften getötet wurde. Bei der Beerdigung Talamehs war Halabi vor Ort.

    In Folge des Anschlags von Mohannad Halabi kam es zu gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen in der Altstadt Jerusalems sowie in Städten wie Hebron, Betlehem und Nablos. Besonders betroffen war die Hauptstadt der Autonomiegebiete Ramallah. Israelische Siedler drangen in die Provinz Al-Birah im Norden der Stadt ein, wo sich das Haus der Familie Halabi befand.

    Zeitgleich kam es zu Solidarisierungsmärschen in Jerusalem, bei der nationalistische Juden „Tod den Arabern“-Chöre anstimmten. Der Mob attackierte palästinensische Autofahrer und Zivilisten. Kurz nach 2:00 Uhr der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag kam es in der Nähe des Damaskustores zu der Ermordung von Fadi Aloon durch israelische Streitkräfte. In westlichen Medienberichten wird darauf verwiesen, dass dieser einen israelischen Jugendlichen mit einem Messer angegriffen haben soll. Ein inzwischen aufgetauchtes Video stellt diese Darstellung zumindest in Frage.

    Gegen vier Uhr derselben Nacht fuhren Jeeps der IOF-Streitkräfte in Al-Birah ein. Der Zusammenschluss israelischen Siedler und Militärs belagerte das Haus von Halabis Familie. Palästinenser setzten sich mit Hilfe von Wegblockaden, brennenden Reifen und Steinen zur Wehr. Auf israelischer Seite kamen Gummigeschosse zum Einsatz.

    In der Folgenacht, keine 24 Stunden später, gelang es der israelischen Seite, das Haus des Attentäters von Jerusalem einzunehmen – und aufs übelste zu demolieren. Häuserzerstörungen sind dabei eine bekannte Vergeltungspraxis, die die Familienangehörigen von Attentätern bestrafen soll. Die Praxis ist jedoch als Form kollektiver Bestrafung höchst umstritten und nach internationalem Recht illegal.

    Endlosschleifen und Vergeltungsaktionen ...

  25. Lassen palästinensische Familien ihre Kinder für Propagandazwecke posieren und umkommen? - Einem Artikel in Jüdische Allgemeine zufolge erscheint das als der eigentliche Grund für vermeintliches und tatsächliches Leiden palästinensischer Kinder.

    Inszenierte Opfer

    Wie im Nahen Osten mit Fotos Politik gemacht wird – der Fall Muhammed Tamimi

    25.09.2015 – von Georg M. Hafner

    .. Nun ist Muhammed Tamimi ein kleiner Kinderstar. Weltberühmt wie seine beißfreudige Schwester übrigens, die vor drei Jahren bereits einen türkischen Tapferkeitspokal erhielt, weil sie die Verhaftung eines anderen Bruders verhindert hatte. Oder der gemeinsame Vater, Bassem Tamimi, der mehrfach in israelischen Gefängnissen saß, weil er seine Kinder nicht schützte, sondern sie immer wieder an die Front gegen die verhasste Besatzungsmacht geschickt hat.

    Zwei Mitglieder des Clans haben bei solchen Aktionen schon den Tod gefunden, der eine angeblich durch ein Gummigeschoss, der andere durch einen Tränengasbehälter, der von einem Armeejeep gefallen war. Der Vater des kleinen Muhammed wusste also, was auf dem Spiel stand, als er seinen Sohn als politischen Kindersoldaten losschickte. Die ehemalige EU-Außenbeauftragte Catherine Ashton nannte den skrupellosen Vater und ehemaligen Lehrer dennoch einen »Verteidiger der Menschenrechte«. Die gelten für Kinder aber offenbar weniger.

    Der Autor ist Journalist in Frankfurt. Von ihm erschien zuletzt: »Israel ist an allem schuld« (zusammen mit Esther Schapira).

  26. 2014-08-04

    If every Palestinian man, woman, and child took up whatever arms they could and marched on Tel Aviv, they probably still couldn't wipe Israel off the map in the face of the IDF. So I think it is fair to say that Hamas cannot seriously threaten the existence of the Israeli state.

    Which is not to say they can be ignored, either.

    But the longer this goes on, the harder it is to for me to think Israel's response is the right one. And I honestly don't think I had much bias one way or the other prior to this latest round of violence.

    It's just very hard to see the civilian body count and think that the cost for whatever strategic goals this offensive has are worth it. Yes, I realize Hamas is trying to keep those people in harm's way as much as possible, but as despicable as people erecting human shields are, it's difficult to be sympathetic to someone who knows there is a human shield and decides to shoot through it anyway.

    von Forumopolis (2014)

  27. (ARD/Beckmann 2010) Altkanzler Helmut Schmidt und der juedische Historiker Fritz Stern kritisieren die Menschenrechts verletzende Israelische Besatzungspolitik und den Umstand, dass Kritiker zu unrecht als antisemitisch diffamiert werden.

    Fritz Stern macht fuer diesen Umstand u.a. eine rechtsorientierte juedische Lobby in den USA verantwortlich.
